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San Sebastian, Ramon, Isabela



I. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions and be able to write the letter of the correct
answer in the provided answer sheet.

1. It is where electrons are probably found.

a. aufbau b. atomos c. hund d. orbital
2. He is the proponent of the Quantum Mechanical Model.
a. Ernest Rutherford c. JJ Thomson
b. Erwin Schrodinger d. John Dalton
3. A rule saying a single electron must occupy each orbital in a sublevel before they pair up with an
a. aufbau b. atomos c. hund d. orbital
4. A principle stating that electrons have no exact location.
a. aufbau b. hund c. pauli d. uncertainty
5. The full name of s orbital subshell.
a. shape b. share c. sharp d. shell
6. Niels Bohr refined Rutherford's idea about atomic structure and introduces the planetary model. What
statement best describes the planetary model?
a. Electrons were in orbit surrounding the nucleus.
b. Atom is composed of heavy nucleus surrounded by clouds of negative charges.
c. Everything consisted of 4 elements, fire, water, earth, and air.
d. All matter was made up of tiny spheres that were able to bounce around with perfect
7. Electrons occupy first the lowest position. In case of electrons, they usually occupy the lowest sublevel
which is p. What makes this statement FALSE?
a. It should be “Electrons occupy the lowest sublevel which is s”.
b. It should be “Electrons occupy the lowest sublevel which is a”.
c. It should be “Electrons occupy the lowest sublevel which is d”.
d. It should be “Electrons occupy the lowest sublevel which is f”.
8. __________ are formed when an element gives away its electron(s) to another element.
a. covalent compounds c. non-polar
b. ionic compound d. polar
9. These are compounds formed when elements share electrons.
a. covalent compounds c. metal
b. ionic compound d. non-metal
10. The measure of the tendency of an atom to attract electrons.
a. Conductivity c. Ionization
b. Electronegativity d. Solubility
11. They have low electronegativity and ionization energy; thus, they tend to transfer or LOOSE electrons.
a. covalent compounds c. metal
b. ionic compound d. non-metal
12. They have high electronegativity and ionization energy; thus, they have greater tendency to attract
electrons towards themselves.
a. covalent compounds c. metal
b. ionic compound d. non-metal
13. When two atoms that belong to the same group bonded, what will be the type of compound formed?
a. metal b. non-metal c. non-polar d. polar
14. If the difference in electronegativity is above 2.0, what compound will be formed?
a. covalent compounds c. metal
b. ionic compound d. non-metal

15. A rule that says that the outer shell of an atom must have eight electrons to become stable.
a. hepto rule c. hexa rule b. penta rule d. octet rule
16. A _____ forms when an atom loses an electron on the outer shell which makes the atom positively
a. anion b. bastion c. cation d. onion
17. A _____ forms when an atom gains an electron on the outer shell which makes the atom negatively
a. anion b. bastion c. cation d. onion
18. An atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons, thus giving the atom a positive or negative
a. eon b. ion c. nio d. oni
19. The electrons in the outer energy level of an atom which are involved in chemical bonds.
a. electra c. elektrons
b. electronegativity d. valence electrons
20. Chlorine has seven valence electrons which means that the atom only needs one more electron to
become stable. Chlorine atom is more likely to become ___________ when it gains an atom.
a. anion b. bastion c. cation d. onion
21. Hydrocarbons in which the carbon atoms are connected by triple bond.
a. alkane b. alkene c. alkyne d. alkone
22. A diagram that uses dash (-) as to represent each pair of shared electrons.
a. chemical formula c. electron dot
b. electron configuration d. structural formula
23. Hydrocarbons in which the carbon atoms are connected by double or triple bonds.
a. alkene b. alkyne c. saturated d. unsaturated
24. An organic chemical compound composed exclusively of hydrogen and carbon atoms.
a. carbohydrates c. hydrocarbon
b. carbohydrogen d. hydrogen-carbon
25. The general formula for alkenes is ____________
a. CnH2n b. CnH2n+2 c. CnH2n-2 d. CnH2n×2
26. The only element that can form so many different compounds.
a. Carbon b. Hydrogen c. Nitrogen d. Oxygen
27. The most common ketone which is an excellent solvent for a number of plastics and synthetic fibers.
a. Acetone b. Cetone c. Hytone d. Kleptone
28. Used in the production of polymers, biopolymers, coatings, adhesives, and pharmaceutical drugs.
a. Carbohydrates b. Carbonhydro c. Carboxylic Acid d. Hydrocarbon
29. Used as antiseptic or disinfectant, some are used as cleaning agents, others are used as components
liquors and a few are used as fuel for portable stoves or other types of burners.
a. Alcohol b. Carbohydrates c. Carboxylic Acid d. Hydrocarbon
30. Used in tanning, preserving, and embalming and as a germicide, fungicide, and insecticide for plants
a. Carbohydrates b. Carbonhydro c. Formaldehyde d. Hydrocarbon
31. ______denotes a collection of large fixed number of particles (atoms, ions, or molecules).
a. Mass b. Molar c. Mole d. Parts
32. A mole of any substance contains exactly _______________.
a. 0.6022 x 1023 particles c. 60.220 x 1023 particles
b. 6.0220 x 1023 particles d. 602.20 x 1023 particles
33. The unit commonly used to describe atomic and molar masses
a. liter/mole (L/mol) c. kilogram/mole (kg/mol)
b. pounds/mole (lbs/mol) d. gram/mole (g/mol)
34. How many atoms are in 3 moles of sodium, Na?
a. 0.186 x 1024 atoms c. 18.06 x 1024 atoms
b. 1.806 x 1024 atoms d. 180.6 x 1024 atoms
35. How many moles are in 174 g of NaCl?
a. 3 mol of NaCl c. 5 mol of NaCl
b. 4 mol of NaCl d. 6 mol of NaCl
36. What percent of hydrogen is present in water (H2O)?
a.10% b.11% c.12% d.13%
37. The table salt (NaCl) that we use at home has how many percent of chlorine (Cl)?
a.39% b.60.34% c.50.05% d.79%

38. What percent of nitrogen (N) is present in nitric acid (HNO3) which is used in making fertilizers and
a.1.58% b.76.19% c.22.22% d.32.12%
39. How do we get the percentage composition of a compound?
a. total mass x 100% divided mass of each element
b. mass of each element x entire mass divided by 100%
c. mass of each element divided by the entire mass x 100%
d. none of these
40. How can you apply the knowledge of percentage composition?
a. in maintaining the quality of food product
b. in checking the amount of sugar percent in soft drinks
c. in identifying the correct amount of substance present in a sample
d. all of these

II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s false, change the
word/words with the underlined with the correct term to make the statement correct. Write your
answer in the provided answer sheet.

41. According to Quantum Mechanical Model, atom is composed of heavy nucleus surrounded by clouds of
negative charges.
42. The Quantum Mechanical Model states that electrons can probably be found in a in space around the
nucleus called the atomic orbital or simply orbital.
43. Only those with electronegativity difference of more than 2.0 will result to ionic compound because both
of the participating atom do not have enough energy.
44. The type of bond formed between atoms that belong to the same group is ionic compound.
45. For the outer shell to be full, it must have nine electrons in its outer shell.
46. A cation forms when the atom loses an electron on the outer shell (valence electron) which makes the
atom negatively charged.
47. If sodium gives away its one electron on its outer shell, then sodium will now how more protons than
electrons and will become positively charged.
48. Acetone (made predominantly by the oxidation of methanol) is a gas but is generally handled as a
37% solution in water, called formalin.
49. Some aldehydes are used as antiseptic or disinfectant, some are used as cleaning agents, others are
used as components of liquors.
50. Alcohols can be used as solvents, food additives, antimicrobials, and flavorings.
51. Aldehydes and ketones incorporate a hydroxyl functional group, C=O
52. Many organic compounds are formed because of the special characteristics of the element oxygen.
53. To name an alkane use the organic prefix that indicates the number of carbon atoms the hydrocarbon
has followed by the suffix “ene”.
54. Hexane with six carbon atom and one triple bond, has the molecular formula of C6H10.
55. Ethanol can be used as disinfectant and used as main ingredient in liquors.

III. CLASSIFICATION: Classify the compounds inside the box if alkane, alkene or alkyne. Write
your answer in the provided answer sheet.

C5H10 C8H14 C4H10 C7H12 C2H8


IV. PROBLEM SOLVING: Solve the following problems. Write your answer in the provided answer
People usually use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 Molar Mass = 34.02 g/mole) to clean their wounds. If Cheska
used 1.0 g of H2O2 to clean her wound, how many moles of H2O2 did she use?

The label of the dark chocolate indicates that its mass is 150g and it is 70% cacao, if you consume the
whole chocolate bar, how much cacao did you eat?

V. ESSAY: Answer briefly but substantially. Write your answer in the provided answer sheet.

Why do you think organic compounds are very important?
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Main idea is clear and Main idea is clear and Main idea is clear but Main idea is not clear.
well-supported with 3-4 supported with 1-2 not supported with
detailed information. detailed information. detailed information.

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