STUDY CASE Alienation

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In a bustling high school, there was a student named Lily who possessed a remarkable talent
for storytelling. Her vivid imagination and eloquent words painted captivating narratives, yet
the school's curriculum rarely acknowledged or encouraged creative writing. The emphasis
was solely on standardized tests and academic performance. Feeling unappreciated and
isolated, Lily struggled to connect with her classmates and teachers. While her peers
immersed themselves in textbooks, she longed for an outlet to express her creativity. During
class discussions, her ideas were often dismissed, leaving her feeling alienated. Despite her
passion for storytelling, Lily found herself disconnected from the school environment, where
her unique talent remained unrecognized and uncelebrated. This sense of isolation led to a
growing disinterest in school activities, highlighting the profound impact of alienation on a
student's engagement and enthusiasm for learning.

1. Character Understanding:
o How does the main character, Lily, feel about her talent for storytelling?
o In what ways does the school environment make Lily feel alienated?
o Can you identify specific instances where Lily's creativity is dismissed or
overlooked by her peers or teachers?
2. Impact on Emotions:
o How do you think Lily feels when her ideas are dismissed during class
o What emotions might Lily experience due to her sense of isolation and
lack of recognition for her talent?
o How do you think Lily's feelings of alienation affect her overall emotional
3. School Environment:
o How does the school's focus on standardized testing and academics
contribute to Lily's sense of alienation?
o Are there any changes the school could make to help students like Lily
feel more valued and included?
o Can you think of ways the school could promote and nurture creative
talents alongside academic achievements?
4. Personal Connections:
o Have you ever felt alienated or disconnected in a similar way, either in
school or another social context?
o How did it feel, and what impact did it have on your self-esteem and
o What strategies or changes do you think could have made you feel more
included and valued in that situation?
5. Societal Reflection:
o How do you think society, in general, views and values creative talents
compared to academic achievements?
o Why do you think certain talents, like creative abilities, are sometimes
undervalued in formal educational settings?
o What can society do to better recognize and support diverse talents in


In a bustling city, there was a teenager named Alex who had a passion for coding and
computer programming. Alex excelled in creating innovative software and digital
applications, often spending hours coding intricate algorithms. However, at school, the
emphasis was primarily on traditional subjects like mathematics and literature, with limited
recognition for computer science. Alex felt alienated in this environment, where peers and
teachers failed to understand the depth of interest in technology. Despite winning coding
competitions outside of school, Alex's achievements went unnoticed within the classroom.
The lack of acknowledgment left Alex feeling disconnected and undervalued, questioning
the importance of their passion for programming.
1. Character Understanding:
o How does Alex feel about their passion for coding and computer
o In what ways does the school environment make Alex feel alienated due
to their interest in technology?
o Can you identify specific instances where Alex's achievements in coding
are overlooked by peers or teachers?
2. Impact on Emotions:
o How do you think Alex feels when their achievements in coding go
unnoticed in school?
o What emotions might Alex experience due to the lack of recognition for
their passion?
o How might Alex's feelings of alienation affect their self-confidence and
enthusiasm for programming?
3. School Environment:
o How does the school's focus on traditional subjects contribute to Alex's
sense of alienation as a computer programming enthusiast?
o Are there any changes the school could make to help students like Alex
feel more valued and included in the classroom?
o Can you think of ways the school could incorporate technology and
computer science into the curriculum to support students' interests?
4. Personal Connections:
o Have you ever felt alienated or disconnected due to your interests not
aligning with the school curriculum or classroom discussions?
o How did it feel, and how did it impact your motivation to pursue your
o What strategies or changes do you think could have made you feel more
included and valued in that situation?
5. Societal Reflection:
o How do you think society, in general, values technical skills and computer
programming compared to traditional subjects?
o Why do you think certain interests, like technology, are sometimes
overlooked or undervalued in formal educational settings?
o What can society and educational institutions do to recognize and
support diverse interests, including those related to technology and

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