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‫السال م عليكم و رحمةهللا وبركاتة‬

My happily brothers and sisters

In this occation i would like to tell you the story about prophet Musa and Qorun
Here's the story..
Qorun, live in the time of prophet Musa. He was a servant who diligently worship. But, he was very
poor. He was often hungry because he had no food. His clothes, any less. That poverty it what makes
Qorun feel bored and wanna be rich.
And one day Qorun came to the prophet Musa, he pleads his fate that wouldn't go well..
"Oh, Musa! Supplicate me to Alloh that i be free from this poverty. I wanna be rich! I promise, if i be
rich i'll more diligent in worship and help others. Please, i can't like this anymore!!", said Qorun
"Hmm.. Okey, i'll pray to Alloh and supplicate you", said prophet Musa.
And when night, prophet Musa pray to Alloh.
Not long after, prophet Musa's pray was granted by Alloh, and Qorun can get the wealthy with the
simple way. He transform into a wealthy man. His treasures abound. He saves his treasures in the
locked warehouse. So many treasures stored. The keys of the warehouse, must be taken by the big
strong man. Waw, it's amazing isn't it?
However, Qorun's promise not kept. He was no longer a obidiently worship. He become arrogant. Not
only that, Qorun leave prophet Musa and choose to follow Fir'aun. Astaghfirulloh.
And one day, prophet Musa wanna meet Qorun in order to pay zakat.
"Assalamu'alaikum, Qorun! Now is time to pay zakat. Can you offering the little from your wealth to
pay zakat?", ask prophet Musa.
"Hah? Zakat? I won't to pay zakat! It's not important to me!!", said Qorun.
"Eh Qorun!! Don't be arrogant with your wealth!! Remember! Everything you have that belongs only to
Alloh!! Don't do damage in Alloh's earth, Qorun!!", said prophet Musa.
"Heey, what do you mean hah? I get this wealth, with my hard work!! Without Alloh's help! Remember,
without Alloh's help!!!", said Qorun very angry.
Qorun become very arrogant. He doesn't remember Alloh anymore. He came out with the fancy
clothes, acompained by the big strong man that carry the keys of his treasure.
"Hahahahah!! Hey you you!! Look at me! I'm rich, i'm a wealthy man!! I have everything you don't
have!! Haahaha!!"
Because of it, Alloh torment him. And when night, the earth shoke heavily. The ground that Qorun step
on it, was devided. Qorun and his treasures swallowed and buried deep in the womb of the earth.
"Aaaaaaa help me!! Help mee!! Aaaa"
And Qorun was dissappear until now and forever.
So my happily brothers and sisters, from this story we can find the moral value. There's 3 point:
1. Don't be arrogant
2. Keep your promise
3. Don't make wealthy everything in our life.
So that's all from me. Thx for your attention and please forgive me, if me make many mistakes and
the last i say

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