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CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No.

Experiment 1
Density of Liquid

1. Objective: To determine the density of common liquids.

2. Equipment/Apparatus and Materials

a. Graduated cylinder
b. Plastic beaker
c. Digital balance
d. Thermometer
e. Hydrometer
f. Liquids (Oil, water, glycerin)

3. Theory

The density (ρ) of a liquid is defined as the ratio of its mass to its volume, that is,   . Mass
has unit of kilogram in System International (S.I.) and it is independent of temperature and
pressure. Volume has dimension cubic length and its typical unit in the SI system is cubic meters.
It is dependent to both temperature and pressure so it follows that density of liquids is affected by
temperature and pressure.

4. Method of performing the experiment

A video will be presented in performing the experiment. It will be a step by step video presentation
for the procedure in conducting the experiment. Since students are not allowed to perform
personally in the laboratory room, a set of data will be given and they will analyze the data. From
their analysis of data, students can create conclusions and recommendations.

Some of the pictures done by the previous students in this experiment are illustrated below.

Figure 1: Getting the temperature of liquid by the use of thermometer

CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No. 1

Figure 2: Weighing the graduated cylinder filled with liquid.

Figure 3: Filling the graduated cylinder with water of higher temperature.

Figure 4: Student is about to float the hydrometer on the liquid’s surface.

CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No. 1

Figure 5: Pose by a group of students performing the experiment.

For a supplement video presentation of using hydrometer use this link:

Below is the procedure of doing the experiment.

In this laboratory exercise three kinds of liquid will be used: water, oil, and glycerin. The density
of these liquids will be determined using two methods: volumetric method and hydrometer

4.A Volumetric method

In the volumetric method the parameters to be measured are mass, M, and volume, V, of the
liquid. These parameters can be obtained by following the procedure.

1) Weigh a clean graduated cylinder using the digital balance and record the mass.
2) Pour reasonable amount of liquid into the graduated cylinder.
3) Record the volume of the liquid in the graduated cylinder and measure the
temperature of the liquid using the thermometer.
4) Weigh the graduated cylinder with the liquid in it and record the combined mass of
the cylinder and liquid.
5) Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the other liquids.

CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No. 1

Note: For oil and glycerin mass and volume will be measured at room temperature only
while for water five temperature readings will be considered. The temperature of water can
be increased by using water heater.

4.B Hydrometer method

In the hydrometer method the density of the liquid can readily be obtained by placing the
hydrometer in the body of that liquid. The required information can be obtained by
following the steps. In this method the temperature of the liquids to be used is the room

1) Pour a reasonable amount of liquid into a container

that is big enough so that the hydrometer can be placed in it.
2) Place the hydrometer into the liquid and let it float
3) Take note of the marking on the hydrometer that is
coincident with the liquid surface.

Note: A hydrometer is a graduated float that uses the principle of

buoyancy. It is calibrated such that the reading obtained when the
Sketch of a hydrometer
hydrometer attains equilibrium when floated in a body of liquid is
already the density of that liquid. See sketch.

5. Results: The tables below can be used as guide in organizing the data.

Results of Volumetric Method

Liquid Mass of Mass of Temperature Volume Mass of Density of
Trials graduated graduated (0C) of liquid liquid liquid
cylinder (kg) cylinder and (ml) (kg) (kg/m3)
liquid (kg)
Water T1

CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No. 1

Results of Hydrometer Method

Liquid Hydrometer Reading Density of liquid (kg/m3)


6. Discussion of Results:

Compare the values of densities obtained in the laboratory to published values for the liquids
used. Try to explain possible causes of the differences in the values. The discussion will also
include the possible sources of error in performing the experiment.

7. Conclusions and recommendations:

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