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UNIT WEIGHT, WATER CONTENT, AND VOID RATIO DETERMINATION Undisturbed samples received in the laboratory ere first removed from their protective covering or coating and then cut into smaller pieces which are suitable for strength, consolidation and other tests requiring undisturbed soils. The pieces should be coated with paraffin if they are not to be tested immediately Before making these tests, it is useful to determine the water content, unit weight, void ratio, and degree of saturation of the soil and to examine it for cracks, seams and other structural features, The unit weight is determined from representative undisturbed pieces. The water content usually varies from point to point in-any soil: mass, » Several small (1 teaspoon) portions are cut from different point in the sample and each tested to determine the typical range in water contents. A large number of small soil portions from different parts of the sample are mixed together and then tested to determine the average water content, The void ratio and degree of saturation are computed from the unit weight, water content, and the results of a specific gravity of solids test. Tests on the soil’s mineral constituents, such as specific gravity of solids, liquid and plastic limits, and grain size are made with disturbed “samples. These are obtained from the shavings and wastes from trimming. ‘Equipment/Apparatus Needed Large knife, wire saw, spatula for trimming sample ‘Small metal can for water content determination (3-2. Size) Balance, 500 gm capacity, 0, 1gm sensitivity Graduated cylinder, 1000 ml Paraffin . ‘Oven set to controlled temperature of 100°C Testing Procedure WATER CONTENT 01 Weigh a sample can 02 Place the sample in the can, cover and weigh. 03 as cover and place it under the can, Place the can in the oven at 105 °C to 110% = 3) 04 Remove from the oven after 4 to 6 hours or until constant weight is obtained (depending on the size of sample and type of soil) 05 Weigh immediately after cooing to room temperature, Tf weighing is delayed, replace the cover on the can and allow to cool in a dessicator (for precise work with clays, always cool sample in a dessicator before weighing) 06 Compute water content, w. (wt. Can + Wet Soil) - (wt. Can + Dry Soil) we i. (wt. Can + Dry Soil) - (wt. of the Can) UNIT WEIGHT 01 Trim sample of soil to about 1% inch diameter and 2 - 3 inches long. Surface should be smooth and rounded : 02 Weigh to 0.1 gm. 03 Cover with a thin coating of paraffin and weigh again. Compute the volume of paraffin from the weight of the paraffin, The specific gravity of paraffin is about 0.9. 04 Immerse the coated sample in water in the 1000-ml graduated cylinder and determine its displacement, Volume of the sample is the volume of water displaced minus the volume of the paraffin. 05 Asanalternate method for finding the volume, trim a sample into a cube, cylinder or other easily measured form. Compute the volume from its dimensions, 06 Compute the unit weight in grams per cubic centimeter but the report will be in pef (pounds per cubic foot). VOD RATIO AND DEGREE OF SATURATION 1 Compute from the unit weight, water content and specific gravity of the soil solids, (14) Ig the specific gravity of solids test is not made, an estimates valye will b€ reasonably saticfacrury for WATER CONTENT-VOID RATIO-UNIT WEIGHT DATA SHEET Description of Sample WATER CONTENT DETERMINATION Determination Number Sample Can Number ‘Weight Wet Soil + Can, gm Weigit Dry Soil + Can, gm Weight Can, gm Weight of Water, gm Weight of Dry Soil, gm Water Content, w Sample Location UNIT WEIGHT Volume by Measurement Length of Sample, em Width of Sample, em or Diameter, em Area, sqm. Height of Sample, em Volume of Sample, cu em Weight of Sample, gm Unit Weight, gm/ce Unit Weight, pef Volume by Immersion Weight of Sample, gm ‘Wt. Sample + Paraffin, gm Weight Paraffin, gm Volume of Paraffin, cu em Volume of Sample + Paraffin, cu cm Volume of Sample, cu em Unit Weight, gm/ce Unit Weight, pef VOID RATIO, PORORSITY, DEGREE OF SATURATION Average Water Content, w Specific Gravity of Solids, G, Void Ratio, Porosity, n Degree of Saturation, S Hel HT TABLE OF CONTENTS General Laboratory Instructions Soil Testing (Application and inition of Terms) Symbols and Notations 01 v 02 03 v 04 v06. vor 08 Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sampling at Shallow Depths Specific Gravity =~ Density, Water Content, Void Ratio, Porosity and Degree of Saturation Determination — © Consistency Limits . Grain Size Analysis Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis Compaction Test Field Density Test Permeability Test 01 02 03 04 05 06 o7 GENERAL LABORATORY INSTRUCTIONS The laboratory exercise will consist of engineering tests on soils and demonstrations of soil characteristics. Each laboratory period will consist of two parts: a.a short lecture b. test performed by groups, or a demonstration performed by the instructor Each group will secure its own data and perform all necessary computations. Each student will retain a copy of all the data and computations. The data, computations, results and graphs are due from each student and must be signed by the instructor the following laboratory period Each group will be responsible for cleaning its own equipment. One clean- up group will be assigned each week. The clean-up group will be responsible for seeing to it that each group has done its share of the work and that the entire laboratory is clean and the equipment is in its place. ‘A group may leave the laboratory after their work is completed but only after the clean-up group is satisfied that the group members have done their required task in their area of responsibility. Some exercises require that readings or weighing be made on days following the laboratory period. Each group may delegate one man to do this as it sees fit Students are.required to abide by the following inside the laboratory: ‘Wear the prescribed laboratory gown Refrain from smoking Place books, bags, etc., only in the places provided Always cover the balance when not in use Do not disturb any test in progress Bring one old newspaper to each laboratory session Refrain from making any mark or label on the moisture cans, write your label on a piece of paper and place it inside the can with your sample for drying. onesena SOIL TESTING (Application and Definition of Terms) Laboratory testing of samples of soil are usually conducted for the purpose of determining physical properties of soil, The two main categories of laboratory tests are: Classification tests — which helps in the identification of the general type of soil and on the category to which it belongs 02 Tests for engineering properties — include shear strength, compressibility and permeability Applicatios: 01 Classification tests data are applied to the identification of soil strata especially wren the subsurface conditions of a site are under investigation. This process is known as site investigation 02 ‘Test data can be quantified in numerical terms as basis for analysis . 03 Test data can be a tool for the confirmation of assumptions based or previous practical experience and engineering judgment 04 Test data can be used as criteria for acceptance of soll as a construction material 05 Test data can be used in preparing control measures during construction especially on earthworks. 06 Test data can serve as supplement to the findings from site investigation Definitions (taken from the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary/Concise Oxford Dictionary) “Test — from Latin word testum which means tile or earthen pot (cupel) used for treating or ty ing matals in especially gold or silver alloys. ‘Chitical examination or trial by which the quality of anything maybe determined the action or process of examining a substance under known conditions in order to determine its identity or one of its constituents the action by which the physical properties or materials are tested on order to determine their ability to satisfy particular requirements. Laboratory - from Latin word faborare, labour Sol room of building set apart for experiments in natural science (originally in chemistry) i - from Latin solum, ground the earth or ground; the face or surface of the earth - any naturally occuring deposit forming the outer part of the earth’s crust consisting of an essemblage of discrete particles (usually minerals, sometimes with organic matter) that can be separated by gentle mechanical means, together with variable amount of water and gas (usually air) Sample ~ from Micle English essample, example ~ a small separated part which illustrates the properties of the mass from which it is taken + a relatively small quantity of materiel from which the quality of the mass which it represents is determines ‘Specimen ~ from Latin spscere, to look at ~ an example of something from which the character of the whole may be inferred + apart of something taken as representative of the whole - _ @ part or portion of some substance serving as an example of the thing in question for Purposes of investigation or Scientific study = a portion of the original sample which is actually used for testing purposes is referred to 28 a “specimen” when the materials remains virtually undisturbed. However, the words sample" and “specimen” are often used synonymously. Drying of soil sample As a general rule, the standard procedure specifies soil samples to be oven dried at temperature 105 ~ 110 °C. However, this temperature may be too high for some types of soi, Peats and soils containing organic matter can be dried at a temperature of 60 °C to prevent oxidation of organic content, Water of * crystallization of gypsum can be lost at temperature over 100 °C so that a recommended drying temperature for gypsum is 80 °C. These lower drying temperatures may require longer drying period. Water : In carrying out e test, tap-water must not be used for mixing the soil paste. Always use distilled or deionised water. lon exchange between the soil end impurities in the water is possible to take place when you use ordinary water diract ‘rom the faucet. This ion exchange could affect the result especially on the plasticity of the soil SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS Specific gravity of solids Oven dry weight of soil Volume of solids Density of water Density of soil solids Bulk density or total density or wet density of scil Dry density of soil Saturated density of soil Buoyant density of soil Mass of pycnometer + water Mass of pycnomter + water + soil ‘Specific gravity of water Degrees celsius or centigrade Volume of air Volume of voids Voturee of water Total vouurne of soil Hass of air Porosity Void ratio Degree of saturation Water content or moisture content Air content or air voids Liquic limit (wi) Plastic limit (We) Shrinakge limit (Ws) Plasticity index Liquidity index Natural water content of soil Number of blows Terrninal velocity of sphere, cm per sec Density of sphere, g per cm’ Density of fluid, g per cnt? Diameter of sphere, mm Viscosity of fluid, g-sec per em? Joules Hydraulic gradient Head loss Length Cosfficient of permeability or Darcy's coefficient of permeability California Bearing Ratio of water discharged DISTURBED AND UNDISTURBED SOIL SAMPLING AT SHALLOW DEPTHS ‘An appropriate program of soil investigation for a given project depends on the type of project, the importance of the project, and the nature of the subsoil involved. A large dam project would certainly require a more thorough invesligetion than would a highway project Likewise, soft clays would require ‘more investigation than do gravels. Sampling either from pits or from borings followed by laboratory testing is widely used in soil investigation especially for important structures and relatively uniform subsoils. The investigator can obtain high quality undisturbed samples from apen pits, but obviously pits can be advanced only to relatively shallow depth. Pits or trenches can be dug by hand or by power equipment such as back hoe or dozer, Borings can be made by auger with or without a casing, There are difficulties in obtaining high-quality undisturbed sampies especially from considerable depths. The sampling operation, sample transportation, and specimen preparation require that the soil be subjected to stresses which are quite different from those that existed in the ground. The inherent change of stresses aiters the behavior of the soll. Further, the sampling, transportation and Preparation operation usually subjects the specimen to strains that alter the soil Structure. For these reasons the determination of in-situ properties by laboratory tests can be most difficult Under the most favorable circumstances, a laboratory determination of the enginesting properties of small specimen of undisturbed soil gives but an epproximat guide to the behavior of an extensive, non-homogeneous geological formation under the complex system of stresses induced by the construction of an empankment or other structures; under worst circumstances such a determination may neve novmeaning, Also, the strength, compressibilly, and permeability vo a soil in place may vary several fold within a few inches. No other aspect of laboratory soils testing is as important as the selection of test specimens to best represent those features of 2 foundation soil which influence the design of the project Laboratory tests to determine a soil's structure and its behavior under load must be on soil samples which retain physical properties possessed by the soll while stil in the ground. Such soil sample is the undisturbed sample. Actually, there is no such thing as a truly undisturbed sample because the removal of the soil from its place in the ground changes the pressure due to the overlying soll and subjects the sample to the stresses and strains in handling. The most nearly Undisturbed sample is one in which the moisture content and structure are preserved and which is protected from undue strain while being made and transported to the laboratory. Undisturbed sampling is a critical process requiring utmost care. If the sample required is more than 8 feet or 10 feet below the ground surface, special boring and sampling device are usually necessary. Such work should be done only by specialists who are thoroughly familiar with the procedures necessary. Undisturbed samples can be made at shallow depths by excavating a shallow pit to the level at which the sample is to be secured. A portion of soil is carefully trimmed and removed trom the ground and then protected for transfer to the laboratory. ‘There are several commonly used laboratory tests which are conducted on disturbed samples. The results of these tests are very important in classifying soils and determining if the soil is suitable for a given job. It is essential that such Samples be secured in such a manner that there will be no mixing of soll from Various depths in the bore holes or pit. In addition, it is generally desirable to obtain sample having the sane maisture content as the natural soil. é The simplest and the most economical method of obtaining disturbed samples ‘of good quality in most soils is the post hole auger. The auger works well it mediutn stiff cohesive soil and in most cohesionless soil above the water table lor depths up to about 15 feet. Although the natural structure of the soil is highly disturbed, the average moisture content is not altered where sampling is done above the water table or where the permeability of the soil is such that the flow of water into the boring is negligible. As ong as water does not collect in the boring in cohesive soil, itis generally possible to obtain small chunks from the auger from which the ‘consistency can be estimated. Where boring is done with water in the bore hole, it becomes very difficult to make any quantitative description of the soil UNDISTURBED (For Block Samples) EquipmentApparatus Needed ‘Shovel and picks for digging pit Hand trowel, large knife or wire saw for trimming sample Paraffin and stove for sealing sample Measuring tape Masking tapelmarking pen Testing Procedure a Excavate a pit to a level just above the desired sample, (Or when sampling equipment is available, post auger sampling can be done wherein you make a hole using an auger and when the desired depth is reached, insert a tube sampler and obtain sample at that depth.) 04 95 08 o7 08 09 10 Dig around the sample being careful not to strain or jar it. Trim sample to fit snugly inside the sample container, then slide the container over the sample. (When using a wood sample box or when the soil is very brite or delicate, trim sample about 1 inch smaller than the container). Place container around and fill spaces between soil and container with metted paraffin Undercut the sample with 2 knife or wire saw and cut free. Lift out with a flat shovel. Trim and undercut the open ends of the sample about 1 inch. Seal sample with a ‘paraffin and protect with a 2%" thick wood plug or %" thick layer plaster of paris, Carefully label the sample showing date, location, elevation or depth. Itthe sample is t9 be taken or shipped by express or truck, place inside a wooden crate and surround by at least 2 inches of sawdust or a similar cushioning material I the sample is to be transported only a short distance to the laboratory and if the sarnple of soll is relatively strong, it may be wrapped in plastic film or ordinary household aluminum foil and place in a heavy flat pan for support. ‘The soi! profile at the point should be examined by an auger boring to determine it the soil is homogeneous or stratified. The boring record should include the following: clevation of the tog of the hole depth in each change in soil soil description water table Prepare a sketch showing the location of the test pit for undisturbed sample and the auger boring. Include the significant topographic features such as the rivers, lakes, roads, hills, rocks and rock outcrops. Make @ rough soil description indicating its ‘color, grain size, whether the fine particles is clayey or silty or if it contains fibrous materials ike organic soils or decayed vegetation. DISTURBED Equipment/Apparatus Needed Hand Auger with extension Measuring tape Jars or other air tight containers Masking tapefmarking pen Testing Procedure a 02 03 05 05 o7 Locate the point where boring is to be made. Clear a small area of weeds and leaves. ‘Advance hole with auger to a depth sample is desired. Generally, first sample will be taxen just below the top soll. Addiional samples are then taken at specified intervais or at changes in soil strata whichever is less. ‘A complete data or boring fog should be kept for each boring. The log should inciude project name or number date and weather condition boring number or indication . : | description of each soil encountered and depth (Make a rough description of the soil indicating its color, grain size, whether the fine particles is clayey or silty or ifit contains fibrous materials like organic soils or decayed vegetation.) fe. depth of ground water table encountered {description of any special feature encountered aoe When sampling, remove sample as quickly as possible from the atiger being Careful not to get any foreign matter mixed in. The sample jar should be completely filled ancl sealed. Label container giving job of project name, number, date, boring number and depth ‘of sample. Place jar is box for shipment to the laboratory, Upon completion of the field work, the boring should be completely refiled or left in such 2 manner that livestack or people cannot be injured by stepping into the boring DISTURBED/UNDISTURBED SOIL SAMPLING DATA SHEET Project Name - _. Location a Date ee Sample Number nple Botton ee Elev. of Ground Surface Type of Sample lalain Soil Description SPECIFIC GRAVITY (To be conducted prior to permeability, consolidation, CBR, and Triaxial Tests) ‘The specific gravity of solids, G,, of a soil is the ratio of the weights in air of a given volume of soi! particles at a stated temperatura to the weight of an equal Volume of distiled water at a stated temperature Particular care should be taken to obtain representative samples for the determination of specific gravity of solids. The sample of soll maybe at its natural ‘moisture content or oven dried. However, some solids, particularly those with high ‘organic content, are sometimes difficult to re-wet afier having been oven dried, ‘These soil maybe tested without first being oven dried, in which case, the oven dry weignt of sample is determined at the end of the test. When the sample contains particles both larger and smaller than the No. 4 sieve, the sample shall be Separated on the No. 4 sieve and a determination shall be made on the specific ‘gravity of fine fraction and the apparent specific gravity of the coarse fraction. “The specific gravity of the individual particies is required in the determination of the soils void ratio, degree of saturation, and in the wet grain size test. In ‘addition, the specific gravity maybe useful in ideniilying the minerals that'make up the soil, Ntrnaybe necessary to use other liquids (like kerosene) in lieu of distiled water {or testing soils containing soluble salts. ‘The spocific gravity of solid particles (G,) is given by, Ms Ps Vs Pw Pw Ge where p, is the particle density or density of solids. Particle density (p,) is used in preference to specific gravity (G.) in the British ‘Standard but it is advantageous to use G, (which is dimensionless) in density relationships from the phase diagram. uipment/Apparatus Needed 4 Volumettic flask, 500m! capacity or Pycnometer Oven for drying sample cf soil Balance, sensitive to 0.01 gm “Thermorneter, 0.1°C division Evaporating dish Water bath No. 4 sieve Meclicine dropper or pipette ‘Wash bottle Testing Proosdure A o1 02 03 06 07 PYCNOMETER CALIBRATION In the specific gravity determination, the weight of pycnometer filed with a definite quantity of distilled water at stated temperature is needed. This weight is a function of temperature due to the changes in weight of the water and the Volume of pycnometer. It is obtained from a calibration curve which is a plot of concurrent temperature and weight of pycnometer filed with water measurements, At least 3 sets of concurrent measurements are made within the temperature range of 28°C to 40°C Clean and dry the pycnemeter. Fill the pycnemeter with cistiled water. If @ volumetric flask is used, the bottom of + the meniscus should be at the calibration mark. j Dry the ‘outside surtace of the pycnometer and inside the neck above the“ calibration mark (if volumetric flask), i ‘Weigh the pycnometer with water to 0.01 gm and record es My Reed and record the water temperature to 0.1°C with the thermometer inserted to a fixed depth. Before reading, check that the temperature is uniform by holding the termoineter at different elevations, Heat the pycnometer with water in a water bath and repeat the procedure to get a sufficient number of points for the plotting of the calibration curve, Before the concurrent measurements are made, the excess water due to heating should be carefully removed and the pycnometer should be dried as in Step 03. In order to determine whether the pycnometer and its contents are of uniform temperature, ‘se2 to it that the temperature of water bath and pycnometer contents are the same, ‘Draw the calibration curve by plotting temperature against weight in an arithmetic scale. |G, DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY are 01 Record all identifying information for the sample such a3 project, boring number, Sample number, and other pertinent data on the date sheet. vo 02 if using sample at its natural water content, place a representative sample of the soil equivalent to approximately 50 to 80. grams in a dish and by means of spatula, mix with sufficient distilled water to form a slurry. Place the slurry in the volumetric fask and fil the flask approximately half full with distilled water. If @ soil is cohesive, it shall be soaked in distiled water for at least 12 hours. Avoid loss of sol during transfer 03. Remove entrapped air by boiling gently for at least 10 minutes. Roll the pycnometer cccasionally to assist in the removal of air. ; the pyenometer with distlled water, cool to room temperature or to a temperature within the range of the calibration curve of pycnometer used and then cheek the meniscus bottom if it coincides with the calibration mark on the neck of the pycnemeter. 05 Dry the outside and inside of the neck of the pycnometer . 06 Weigh the pycnometer with water and soil to 0.1 gm and record as My. 07. Read and record the temperature of the contents to 0.1°C. 08 Make at Jeast 3 trials each time placing the pycnometer in a water bath to ensure = that the temperature is uniform afl throughout. 09 Calculate the specific gravity of the soil solids. Calculation of distilled water at temp. when M, was obtained Densily of distiled water at 20°C Where: G, = specific gravity of soil solids G,_® specific gravity cf distilled water at the temperature when My Was obtained (see Table SPGR-1) Ml, # mass of ovendtried soil MM. = mass of pycnometer plus water from the calibration curve when Me, was obtained M, = mass of pycnometer plugwater plus soll Table SPGR-+ TemperatureC Specie Graviy Temperature." Specific Gravity Temperature,*C_Speeific Gravity 00.0 o.gs99 01.0 0.9999 02.0 1.0000 03.0 41,0000 04.0 7.0000 05.0 1.0000 06.0 1.0000 07.0 0.9999 08.0 0.9999 09.0 0.9998 10.0 0.9997 11.0 0.9998 12.0 0.9995 13.0 0.9994 14.0 0.9993 15.0 o.gga1 16.0 0.9980 17.0 o.s9a8 18.0 o.sse62 19.0 0.99843 20.0 0.99823 181 o-g9860 19.4 0.99841 20.1 0.99821 18.2 0.99858 19.2 0.99839 = 202 o.s9819 183 0.99856 13.3 o.g9837 = 20.3 0.99817 184 o.g9854 19.4 0.99835, 204 - 0.99815 18.5 o.ggas2 195 ° —0,90833 20.5 0.99813, 186 0.99850 196 0.99831 206 0.99810. 187 0.99849 19.7 0.99829 207 0.99808 13.8 o.gg847 198 0.99827 208 0.99806 199 o.99845 19.9 0.99825 = 20.9 0.99804 21.0 o.s9802 22.0 oss780 = 23.0 0.99756 204 0.99800 22.1 098778 23.1 0.99754 212 o.99768 222 0.99775 23.2 9.99761 213 0.99796 22.3 o.gs773 23.3 0.99749 214 0.99793 22.4 099770 © 23.4 o.9s746 21.5 oss 22.6 0.99768 23.5 o.ss74a 216 a.g97e9 28 0.99765, 23.6 0.99742 217 998787 22.7 0.99763, 237 0.99739 21.8 0.99785 22.8 0.99761 238 o.g9737 21.9 0.99783 229 0.99758 23.9 0.99734 24.0 o.g9732 25.0 0.99707 26.0 0.99681 244 0.99723 25.1 oggs7o4 = 26.1 0.99678 24.2 0.99727 252 0.99702 © 26.2 0.93676 24.3 o.g9724 25.3 0.99699, 26.3 0.99673, 244 0.99722 254 0.99697 26.4 0.99670 24.5 0.99720 255 Ogs694 26.5 0.99868 246 0.99717 266 0.99691 26.8 o.99665 24.7 oge714 257 0.99689 26.7 0.99663 24.8 0.99712 258 O.99687 26.8 0.99660 249 0.99709 259 ogsees = 26.9 0.99657 27.0 o.ng6ss 28.0 0.99626 29.0 0.99597 274 0.99651 28.1 o.g9623 29.1 0.99594 272 0.99648 282 0.98620 © 29.2 0.99591 Temperature °C Spaciie Gravity Temperatue.*C Specific Gravy TamperatureC Specific Graviy 273 0.99846 0.99617 293 0.99588 274 0.99643 0.99614 29.4 0.99585 25 0.99640 205 0.99614 29.8 0.99582 276 0.99637 286 0.99608 296 0.99579 28.7 0.99634 28.7 0.99606 29.7 0.99576 27.8 0.99632 288 0.99603 29.8 0.99573 27.9 0.99629 289 0.99600 29.9 0.99570 30.0 0.99567 31.0 0.99537, 32.0 0.99505 30.4 0.99564 a4 0.99533, 321 0.99502 30.2 0.99561 312 0.99539 322 o.s9499 30.3 0.99858 343 0.99527 323 0.99496 30.4 0.98555 314 0.99524 324 0.99493 30.5 -9,98582 318 0.99521 32.5 - 0.99490 306 9.99548 316 0.93518 32.6 0.98486 30.7 0.99546 34.7 0.99515 327 0.98483 30.8 9.99543 348 0.99512 32.8 0.99480 30.9 0.99540 31.9 0.98509 32.9 0.99477 33.0 0.9947 340 0.9944 35.0 0.9341 36.0 0.9937 37.0 0.9934 38.0 0.9930 39.0 0.9926 40.0 0.9922 410 0.9919 42.0- 0.9915 43.0 0.9911 44.0 0.9907 45.0 0.9902 46.0 0.9898 47.0 0.9894 48.0 0.9890 43.0 0.9885 51.0 0.9881 51.0 0.9876 52.0 0.9072 53.0 0.9867 54.0 0.9862 55.0 0.9857 55.0 0.9864 87.0 0.9848 58.0 0.9862 59.0 0.9838 60.0 9.9832 61.0 0.9827 62.0 0.9822 63.0 0.9817 64.0 0.9811 65.0 0.9806 66.0 0.9600 67.0 0.9795 68.0 0.9789 69.0 o.g784 70.0 0.978 10 0.9772 Temperate’ Spectic Gravity Yemporature,°C Specie Gravity Temperature." Specific Gravity 72.0 0.9767 73.0 og76t 74.0 0.9765 75.0 0.9749 76.0 0.9743 77.0 0.9737 74.0 0.9731 79.0 0.9724 80.0 0.9718 81.0 oe712 82.0 0.9705 83.0 0.9699 84.0 0.9693 85.0 0.9686 86.0 o.9680 37.0 0.9673 68.0 o.s667 89.0 0.9660 90.0 0.9853 91.0 90.9647 92.0 0.9840 93.0 0.9633, 94.0 0.9626 95.0 0.9619 96.0 0.9612 97.0 0.9600 98.0 0.9598 99.0 0.9891 - NOTE: The specif gravity of water is also equivalent to its density or unit weight in grams per niliter. (From Intemational Critical Tables. Vol Ill. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1928) 5 * 17 (°F) ~ 92] 9 9 = TOF) +32 5 Kk T (°C) + 273.18° SPECIFIC GRAVITY DATA SHEET Project 7 ————E—SS Boring Number Location = ————— Soil No/Description Wi crneter + Water, am so wore boxe ONE _SPECIF! ze ass of pyen [Temperature of pyenometer + water, oC i ‘Temperature, °C CALIBRATION CURVE RAVITY DETERMINATION —T Getermination Number ‘Mass pycnometer + water + soil, gm. “Temperature (1) of pycnometer + water + soll, C Wess pycnometer + water @ T. gm Mass of oven-dried soil, gin [Specific gravity of distiled water @T : ity of disilhed water @) 20°C ‘Specific gravi ity of solids, G, ‘Spesifie arav

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