Lab-1 نظم

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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

Ministry of Higher Education
‫ جامعة أم القرى‬- ‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬ Umm Al-Qura University
‫كلية الهندسة و العمارة اإلسالمية‬ College of Engineering and
‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ Islamic Architecture
Electrical Engineering Department

Moath Alsharif 441001127


Analog Communication

Experiment date:
Tuesday, 2023/03/15
Submission date:
Tuesday, 2023/03/22

Experiment #1
Function Generator and Audio Amplifier

Experiment 1.


a) To get familiarized with Dual Function Generator.

b) To get familiarized with Dual Audio Amplifier and measure its frequency response.


Q1. What is a periodic signal? What is the frequency and time period? Find the frequency and period of the
following periodic signal.


1: periodic signal is one that repeats

2: F= T

1 1
3: F= T = 1.5× 10
=666.7 HZ ∧the period=1.5 mS

Q2. What is "frequency response" of an amplifier? What is cut-off frequencies and bandwidth? Find the
cut-off frequencies and bandwidth of the following frequency response.


1: the Change in gain

2: the bandwidth is often defined by the frequency that is half-

attenuated, or at the midpoint between the most output and no output.
This is called the 3 dB bandwidth, also known as the cutoff frequency.

Experiment 1a: To get familiarized with Dual Function Generator.

Equipment: Power supply + Dual audio amplifier, Dual Function Generator, Frequency Counter,


1. I Checked the minimum and maximum frequency for each frequency range of the Dual Function

Frequency Range Minimum Frequency Maximum Frequency

100 Hz 8.1 HZ 120HZ
1 kHz 77HZ 1.226KHZ
10 kHz 761HZ 11.98KHZ
100 kHz 7.2KHZ 111.021KHZ

2. I did Display the different waveforms (generated by Dual Function Generator) on the oscilloscope.
Confirm the frequency from oscilloscope.

Name of the Frequency from Frequency from the Frequency from the
waveform generator Frequency Counter oscilloscope
Sine wave 1000 Hz 985HZ 1K
Triangular wave 1500 Hz 1.240KHZ 1.250KHZ
Square wave 720HZ 760HZ
Saw toothed wave 810HZ 820HZ

Experiment 1b: To get familiarized with Dual Audio Amplifier and plot its frequency response.

Equipment: Power Supply + Dual Audio Amplifier, Dual Function Generator, Oscilloscope.


1. I did Connect the output of function generator to the amplifier. I Vary the frequency of the
generated signal and observe the range of audible frequency for myself.

Minimum frequency that I can hear = 45Hz

Maximum frequency that I can hear =15KHz

2. I did Connect the output of the function generator to the oscilloscope. Vary the frequency of the
generated signal (keeping the amplitude constant) and observe the amplitude of output voltage.
Plot the voltage gain against frequency (this plot is called frequency response curve). Use semi-log
graph paper for the plot; use dB gain for y-axis.

Input voltage Output voltage Voltage gain = Voltage gain (dB)

V ¿ (Volt)
Peak to peak
V out (Volt)
Peak to peak
V out
= 20 log
( VV )

10 1v 1v 1v 0db
20 1v 4v 4v 12.db
50 1v 6v 6v 16db
100 1v 15v 15v 24db
200 1v 15v 15v 24db
500 1v 15v 15v 24db
1,000 1v 15v 15v 24db
2,000 1v 15v 15v 24db
5,000 1v 15v 15v 24db
nn 1v 15v 15v 24db
20,000 1v 15v 15v 24db
50,000 1v 10v 10v 20db
100,000 1v 5v 5v 14db

3. What is the lower cut-off frequency, upper cut-off frequency and bandwidth of the amplifier?

1-Maximum voltage gain = 24.86 db
2-Cut-off voltage gain = 24.86-3=21.86db
3-the lower cut off frequency =70HZ
4- the upper cut off frequency =28KHZ
5- the bandwidth = 28K -70=27.930KHZ


First of all I learned about the devices that we will use in the experiment and how to use them And we
experimented with the frequency that we can hear and the number differed between us


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