Allianz Risk Barometer 2019 APPENDIX

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Based on the insight of 2,415 risk management experts from 86 countries

02 The most important business risks: Global

03 The most important business risks: Europe,
Americas, Asia Pacific, Africa and Middle East
25 The most important business risks: Industry sector
33 The most important business risks: Company size
Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix


Ranking changes are determined by positions year-on-year, ahead of percentages

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 37% 1 (42%) =
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 37% 2 (40%) =
breaches, fines and penalties)1

3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 28% 3 (30%) =

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

4 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 27% 5 (21%) 
Euro-zone disintegration)

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

5 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 23% 4 (22%) ‚
market fluctuations)

6 Fire, explosion 19% 6 (20%) =

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing 2

7 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 19% 7 (15%) =
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) 2 37%
8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 13% 10 (10%) 

9 Loss of reputation or brand value3 13% 8 (13%) ‚

10 Shortage of skilled workforce4 9% 15 (6%) 

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

11 9% 9 (11%) ‚
commotion) 4

12 Product recall, quality management, serial defects4 9% 13 (8%) 

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

13 8% 11 (9%) ‚
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)
1 Business interruption and cyber incidents are tied at the
14 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) 7% 14 (6%) = top of the ranking at 37%. However, business interruption
received more responses by number
2 Fire, explosion ranks higher than new technologies by
15 Theft, fraud and corruption5 7% 12 (9%) ‚
number of responses
3 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather ranks
16 Health issues (e.g. pandemic outbreak) 3% 17 (2%)  higher than loss of reputation or brand value by number of
4 Shortage of skilled workforce, political risks and violence
17 Power blackouts 2% 16 (3%) ‚ and product recall, quality management and serial
defects are ranked by number of responses
Other 3% - - 5 Environmental risks ranks higher than theft, fraud and
corruption by number of responses

KEY Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

 Risk higher than in 2018 The eighth annual Allianz Risk Barometer survey was conducted among Allianz customers (global businesses),
brokers and industry trade organizations. It also surveyed risk consultants, underwriters, senior managers and
‚ Risk lower than in 2018 claims experts in the corporate insurance segment of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty and other Allianz entities.
= No change from 2018 Figures represent the number of risks selected as a percentage of all survey responses (2,882) from 2,415
respondents. Applicable respondents could provide answers for up to two industries. All respondents could select up
(1) 2018 risk ranking to three risks per industry. Figures don’t add up to 100% because three risks could be selected.

↘ View the Allianz Risk Barometer 2019 report and full methodology

Top risks by region



1 2 3 4 5

38% 38% 36% 26% 22%

= 2018: 1 (46%) = 2018: 2 (45%) = 2018: 3 (27%) ‚ 2018: 3 (27%) = 2018: 5 (22%)

Business Cyber incidents 1

Changes in Natural Market
interruption (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/ legislation and catastrophes developments
(incl. supply chain outage, data breaches, (e.g. storm, flood, (e.g. volatility, intensified
fines and penalties)
disruption) (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, earthquake) competition/
economic sanctions, new entrants, M&A,
protectionism, Brexit, market stagnation,
Euro-zone disintegration) market fluctuation)

6 7 8 9 10

20 % 18% 12% 12% 11%

= 2018: 6 (19%) = 2018: 7 (15%) = 2018: 8 (15%)  2018: 10 (10%)  NEW

Fire, explosion New technologies Loss of reputation or Macroeconomic Climate change/
(e.g. impact of increasing brand value developments2 increasing volatility
interconnectivity, (e.g. austerity programs,
nanotechnology, artificial
of weather
commodity price increase,
intelligence, 3D printing, deflation, inflation)
autonomous vehicles,

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.

Figures represent how often a risk was selected as a percentage of all responses for that region.
Respondents: 905
Responses: 1,163
More than one risk and industry could be selected. Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three risks could be selected.

1 Business interruption ranks higher than cyber incidents based on number of responses
2 Loss of reputation ranks higher than macroeconomic developments based on number of responses

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties)
51% 1 (70%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Specialty. 2 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 43% - 
Figures represent how often a risk Euro-zone disintegration) NEW
was selected as a percentage of all
responses for that country. 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 36% 3 (30%) =
Respondents: 42
Responses: 61 4 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 30% 2 (45%) ‚

More than one risk and industry

could be selected. Figures don't add New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
up to 100% as up to three risks could
5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 25% 5 (20%) =
be selected. 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

6 Fire, explosion NEW 21% - 

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

7 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 20% 7 (15%) =
market fluctuation)

8 Loss of reputation or brand value 15% 4 (25%) ‚

9 Shortage of skilled workforce 13% 7 (15%) ‚

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

10 12% - 
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation) NEW

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties)
58% 1 (43%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 36% 2 (40%) =

Figures represent how often a risk

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
was selected as a percentage of all 2 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 36% 4 (30%) 
responses for that country.
market fluctuation)
Respondents: 25
Responses: 31 Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
4 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 26% 2 (40%) ‚
More than one risk and industry Euro-zone disintegration)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could 5 Fire, explosion 23% 10 (7%) 
be selected.
5 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 23% 9 (13%) 

7 Loss of reputation or brand value 16% 6 (17%) ‚

8 Shortage of skilled workforce 13% 6 (17%) ‚

9 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather NEW 10% - 

9 Theft, fraud, corruption NEW 10% - 

Top risks by region

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade
wars and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, 47% 1 (48%) =
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures represent how often a risk 2 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 30% 2 (36%) =
was selected as a percentage of all market fluctuation)
responses for that country.
Respondents: 45 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 23% 3 (32%) =
Responses: 66
More than one risk and industry
4 Fire, explosion 21% 7 (16%) 

could be selected. Figures don't add

up to 100% as up to three risks could Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
5 18% 6 (20%) 
be selected. breaches, fines and penalties)

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 18% - 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) NEW

7 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 17% 5 (22%) ‚

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

7 17% 4 (26%) ‚
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)

9 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 15% 7 (16%) ‚

10 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 12% - 

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties)
41% 2 (46%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 40% 1 (47%) ‚

Figures represent how often a risk

was selected as a percentage of all
3 Fire, explosion 29% 3 (21%) =
responses for that country.
Respondents: 86
4 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 28% 4 (21%) =

Responses: 106
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
More than one risk and industry 5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 26% 4 (21%) ‚
could be selected. Figures don't add Euro-zone disintegration)
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
6 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 18% 6 (18%) =
market fluctuation)

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

6 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 18% 8 (14%) 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

8 Loss of reputation or brand value 12% 9 (13%) 

8 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 12% 7 (16%) ‚

10 Theft, fraud, corruption 10% 9 (13%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN GERMANY 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 48% 1 (55%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 44% 2 (51%) =
Specialty. breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
was selected as a percentage of all 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 35% 4 (24%) 
responses for that country.
Euro-zone disintegration)
Respondents: 172
Responses: 238 4 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 28% 3 (27%) ‚

More than one risk and industry

could be selected. Figures don't add New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
up to 100% as up to three risks could
5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 20% 7 (17%) 

be selected. 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

1 Product recall, quality 6 Fire, explosion 19% 5 (22%) ‚
management and serial defects
rank higher than market
developments by number of 7 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 17% 7 (17%) =
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
8 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 17% 6 (18%) ‚
market fluctuation)1

9 Loss of reputation or brand value 13% 9 (12%) =

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

10 9% 10 (10%) =
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade
wars and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, 41% 1 (48%) =
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures represent how often a risk 2 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 36% 4 (30%) 
was selected as a percentage of all market fluctuation)
responses for that country.
Respondents: 15 3 Fire, explosion 27% 2 (44%) ‚

Responses: 22
Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,
More than one risk and industry 3 27% 4 (30%) 
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 27% 3 (39%) =
be selected.
6 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 18% 6 (22%) =

6 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather NEW 18% - 

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

6 18% - 
commotion) NEW

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data

9 9% - 
breaches, fines and penalties) NEW

9 Theft, fraud, corruption 9% 7 (9%) ‚

Top risks by region

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN ITALY 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 47% 1 (51%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 38% 2 (38%) =
Specialty. breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all
2 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 38% 3 (30%) 

responses for that country.

Respondents: 47
4 Product recall, quality management, serial defects NEW 22% - 

Responses: 55
5 Loss of reputation or brand value 20% 4 (23%) ‚
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
up to 100% as up to three risks could 6 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 18% 7 (14%) 
be selected.
Euro-zone disintegration)

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

6 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 18% 8 (13%) 
market fluctuation)

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 16% 9 (11%) 

9 Fire, explosion 13% 5 (17%) ‚

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

9 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 13% 6 (16%) ‚
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN THE 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 56% 1 (54%) =

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
32% 1 (54%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Figures represent how often a risk
3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 28% 5 (15%) 

was selected as a percentage of all Euro-zone disintegration)

responses for that country.
3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 28% 4 (22%) 
Respondents: 20
Responses: 25 New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
More than one risk and industry 5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 24% 8 (12%) 

could be selected. Figures don't add 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. 6 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 20% 8 (12%) 

6 Fire, explosion NEW 20% - 

8 Loss of reputation or brand value 16% 5 (15%) ‚

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

8 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 16% 3 (32%) ‚
market fluctuation)

10 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 12% - 

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 46%

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
2 35%
Figures represent how often a risk penalties)
was selected as a percentage of all
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,
responses for that country. 2 35%
M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)
Respondents: 18
Responses: 26 5 Fire, explosion 31%
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add 6 Shortage of skilled workforce 23%
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing interconnectivity,
7 nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, 19%

8 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 15%

9 Loss of reputation or brand value 12%

10 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 8%

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 39%

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 33%
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,
responses for that country.
4 31%
M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)
Respondents: 29
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
Responses: 39 5 18%
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs, commodity price
5 18%
up to 100% as up to three risks could increase, deflation, inflation)
be selected.
New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing interconnectivity,
5 nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, 18%

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 15%

8 Fire, explosion 15%

8 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 15%

Top risks by region

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 50%

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. 2 Fire, explosion 34%
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all 4 Loss of reputation or brand value 22%
responses for that country.
Respondents: 27 Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
5 19%
Responses: 32 penalties)
More than one risk and industry Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs, commodity price
could be selected. Figures don't add
5 19%
increase, deflation, inflation)
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,
7 16%
M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)

7 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 16%

9 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 13%

9 Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil commotion) 13%

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Climate change/increasing volatility in weather 48%

SLOVAKIA 2 Health issues (e.g. pandemic outbreak) 35%

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
3 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 31%
Figures represent how often a risk
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
was selected as a percentage of all 4 24%
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
responses for that country.
Respondents: 23 5 Fire, explosion 21%
Responses: 29
More than one risk and industry 5 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 21%
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could 5 Shortage of skilled workforce 21%
be selected.
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
8 17%

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,

9 14%
M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)

9 Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil commotion) 14%

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN SPAIN 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 51% 1 (45%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 34% 4 (32%) 
Specialty. breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
was selected as a percentage of all 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 27% 4 (32%) 
responses for that country.
Euro-zone disintegration)
Respondents: 31
Responses: 41 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 27% 2 (40%) ‚

More than one risk and industry

could be selected. Figures don't add 5 Fire, explosion 24% 3 (38%) ‚

up to 100% as up to three risks could

be selected. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
6 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% - 
market fluctuation) NEW

6 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 22% 6 (21%) =

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

8 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 15% - 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) NEW

9 Loss of reputation or brand value 12% 7 (13%) ‚

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

9 12% - 
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation) NEW

TOP 10 Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

RISKS IN 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 58% 1 (70%) =

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
48% 3 (43%) 
breaches, fines and penalties)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Figures represent how often a risk
3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 29% 6 (13%) 

was selected as a percentage of all Euro-zone disintegration)

responses for that country.
3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 29% 4 (33%) 
Respondents: 40
Responses: 48 Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
More than one risk and industry 5 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 25% 2 (45%) ‚

could be selected. Figures don't add market fluctuation)

up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. 6 Fire, explosion 19% 9 (10%) 

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

6 19% 6 (13%) =
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

8 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 17% 5 (18%) ‚
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

9 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 15% - 

10 Loss of reputation or brand value NEW 10% - 

Top risks by region

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 52%

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs, commodity price
increase, deflation, inflation)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
3 40%
Figures represent how often a risk sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
was selected as a percentage of all
responses for that country.
4 Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil commotion) 27%
Respondents: 38
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,
Responses: 48
5 23%
M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add 6 Fire, explosion 19%
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. 7 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 15%

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
7 15%

9 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 10%

10 Shortage of skilled workforce 4%

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 48% 2 (38%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Euro-zone disintegration)

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
Figures represent how often a risk
1 48% 1 (60%) =
data breaches, fines and penalties)
was selected as a percentage of all
responses for that country. 3 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 32% 3 (35%) =
Respondents: 187
Responses: 216 Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 26% 5 (22%) 
More than one risk and industry
market fluctuation)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
be selected. 5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 25% 6 (22%) 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

6 Loss of reputation or brand value 14% 4 (23%) ‚

7 Fire, explosion 13% 9 (10%) 

7 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 13% 7 (21%) =

7 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 13% - 

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

10 11% 10 (8%) =
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix



1 2 3 4 5

40 % 36% 31% 25% 19%

 2018: 2 (41%) ‚ 2018: 1 (42%) = 2018: 3 (37%) = 2018: 4 (23%) = 2018: 5 (20%)

Business Cyber incidents Natural Market Fire, explosion

interruption (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/ catastrophes developments
(incl. supply chain outage, data breaches, (e.g. storm, flood, (e.g. volatility, intensified
disruption) fines and penalties) earthquake) competition/
new entrants, M&A,
market stagnation,
market fluctuation)

6 7 8 9 10

19% 17% 15% 11% 11%

= 2018: 6 (17%)  2018: 8 (14%)  2018: 9 (13%) ‚ 2018: 7 (15%) = 2018: 10 (9%)

Changes in New technologies Climate change/ Loss of reputation or Shortage of skilled

legislation and (e.g. impact of increasing increasing volatility brand value workforce2
regulation1 nanotechnology, artificial
of weather
(e.g. trade wars and tariffs,
intelligence, 3D printing,
economic sanctions,
autonomous vehicles,
protectionism, Brexit,
Euro-zone disintegration)

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.

Figures represent how often a risk was selected as a percentage of all responses for that region.
Respondents: 577
Responses: 659
More than one risk and industry could be selected. Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three risks could be selected.

1 Fire, explosion ranks higher than changes in legislation and regulation by number of responses
2 Loss of reputation or brand value ranks higher than shortage of skilled workforce by number of responses

Top risks by region

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 47%

ARGENTINA 2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 35%

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

2 Fire, explosion 35%

Figures represent how often a risk

was selected as a percentage of all
4 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 29%
responses for that country.
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
Respondents: 17 4 29%
Responses: 17
More than one risk and industry Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs, commodity price
6 18%
could be selected. Figures don't add increase, deflation, inflation)
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected.
6 Theft, fraud, corruption 18%

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
8 12%
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)

8 Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil commotion) 12%

10 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) 6%

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties)
43% 1 (38%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 33% 2 (36%) =

Figures represent how often a risk

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
was selected as a percentage of all 3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 29% 3 (26%) =
responses for that country.
market fluctuation)
Respondents: 93
Responses: 98 New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
4 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 27% 9 (16%) 
More than one risk and industry
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could 5 Theft, fraud, corruption 21% 7 (18%) 
be selected.
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
6 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 18% 4 (23%) ‚
Euro-zone disintegration)

7 Fire, explosion 17% 9 (16%) 

7 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 17% 5 (22%) ‚

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

9 16% - 
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation) NEW

10 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 14% 8 (17%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN CANADA 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 46% 1 (60%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 37% 2 (34%) =
Specialty. breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all
3 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 33% 5 (19%) 

responses for that country.

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Respondents: 68 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 24% 5 (19%) 
Responses: 76 market fluctuation)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
up to 100% as up to three risks could
5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 20% - 

be selected. Euro-zone disintegration) NEW

6 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 18% 2 (34%) ‚

7 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) NEW 17% - 

7 Fire, explosion 17% 4 (25%) ‚

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

7 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 17% 7 (15%) =
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

10 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 16% - 

NEW TOP 10 Rank Percent

RISKS IN CHILE 1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 69%

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & 2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 63%
Figures represent how often a risk 3 Fire, explosion 38%
was selected as a percentage of all
responses for that country. Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
4 25%
Respondents: 15 penalties)
Responses: 16
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
More than one risk and industry
5 6%
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could 5 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 6%
be selected.
New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing interconnectivity,
5 nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, 6%

5 Power blackouts 6%

5 Theft, fraud, corruption 6%

5 Professional indemnity 6%

Top risks by region

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN THE USA 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 40% 2 (39%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 36% 1 (45%) ‚
Specialty. breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all
3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 33% 3 (38%) =
responses for that country.
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Respondents: 340 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 27% 4 (23%) =
Responses: 405 market fluctuation)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
up to 100% as up to three risks could
5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 20% 6 (17%) 

be selected. Euro-zone disintegration)

6 Fire, explosion 18% 5 (19%) ‚

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

7 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 17% 8 (13%) 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

8 Shortage of skilled workforce 14% 10 (11%) 

9 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 12% 9 (11%) =

9 Loss of reputation or brand value 12% 7 (14%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix



1 2 3 4 5

38% 37% 32% 23% 22%

= 2018: 1 (42%) = 2018: 2 (38%) = 2018: 3 (30%)  2018: 6 (18%) = 2018: 5 (19%)

Business Cyber incidents Natural Changes in New technologies

interruption (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/ catastrophes legislation and (e.g. impact of increasing
(incl. supply chain outage, data breaches, (e.g. storm, flood, interconnectivity,
fines and penalties)
regulation nanotechnology, artificial
disruption) earthquake) (e.g. trade wars and tariffs,
intelligence, 3D printing,
economic sanctions,
autonomous vehicles,
protectionism, Brexit,
Euro-zone disintegration)

6 7 8 9 10

22% 17% 15% 13% 10 %

‚ 2018: 4 (19%) = 2018: 7 (16%) = 2018: 8 (12%)  2018: 10 (10%)  NEW

Market Fire, explosion Climate change/ Loss of reputation or Product recall,
developments1 increasing volatility brand value quality
(e.g. volatility, intensified of weather management, serial
new entrants, M&A,
market stagnation,
market fluctuation)

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.

Figures represent how often a risk was selected as a percentage of all responses for that region.
Respondents: 721
Responses: 833
More than one risk and industry could be selected. Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three risks could be selected.

1 New technologies ranks higher than market developments by number of responses

Top risks by region

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 36% 3 (28%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Euro-zone disintegration)

2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 32% 2 (46%) =
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
responses for that country. 3 30% 1 (49%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
Respondents: 121
Responses: 151 Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 30% 7 (21%) 
More than one risk and industry
market fluctuation)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
be selected. 5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 27% 3 (28%) ‚
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

6 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 23% 5 (26%) ‚

7 Loss of reputation or brand value 22% 5 (26%) ‚

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 18% 9 (10%) 

9 Shortage of skilled workforce 11% 9 (10%) =

10 Fire, explosion NEW 9% - 

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN CHINA 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 45% 1 (40%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & 2 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 36% 4 (22%) 
Figures represent how often a risk 3 Fire, explosion 29% 6 (18%) 
was selected as a percentage of all
responses for that country. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Respondents: 65 4 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 27% 7 (15%) 

Responses: 84 Euro-zone disintegration)

More than one risk and industry New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
could be selected. Figures don't add 5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 26% 3 (24%) ‚
up to 100% as up to three risks could 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
be selected.
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
6 23% 2 (31%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)

Product recall, quality management, serial defects

7 18% - 

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

8 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 17% 5 (21%) ‚
market fluctuation)

9 Loss of reputation or brand value NEW 13% - 

10 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) NEW 12% - 

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties)
32% 2 (32%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

Specialty. 2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 29% 1 (43%) ‚

Figures represent how often a risk

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
was selected as a percentage of all 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 27% 7 (13%) 
responses for that country.
Euro-zone disintegration)
Respondents: 53
Responses: 62 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 27% 3 (30%) =
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
up to 100% as up to three risks could 5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 26% 6 (15%) 

be selected. 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

6 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 23% 4 (25%) ‚
market fluctuation)

7 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 16% 7 (13%) =

8 Fire, explosion 15% 5 (23%) ‚

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

9 11% - 
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation) NEW

9 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 11% - 

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties)
51% 1 (41%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate &

2 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 41% 4 (27%) 

Figures represent how often a risk

was selected as a percentage of all
3 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 37% 2 (34%) ‚

responses for that country.

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Respondents: 100 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 33% 3 (30%) ‚
Responses: 107 market fluctuation)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
up to 100% as up to three risks could
5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 21% 4 (27%) ‚

be selected. Euro-zone disintegration)

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

6 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 16% - 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) NEW

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

7 13% 10 (9%) 

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 12% 7 (16%) ‚

8 Fire, explosion 12% 7 (16%) ‚

8 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 12% - 

Top risks by region

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN INDONESIA 1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 56% 3 (28%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & 2 Fire, explosion 39% 4 (20%) 

Figures represent how often a risk New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
was selected as a percentage of all 3 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 28% 8 (12%) 
responses for that country. 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
Respondents: 18
4 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 22% 1 (40%) ‚
Responses: 18
More than one risk and industry Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
could be selected. Figures don't add
4 22% 1 (40%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% 8 (12%) 
market fluctuation)

7 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 17% 6 (16%) ‚

8 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) 11% 8 (12%) =

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

8 11% - 
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation) NEW

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

8 11% 6 (16%) ‚

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN JAPAN 1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 49% 4 (25%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & 2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 46% 1 (50%) ‚
Figures represent how often a risk Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
3 42% 2 (42%) ‚
was selected as a percentage of all breaches, fines and penalties)
responses for that country.
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Respondents: 50 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 28% 6 (13%) 
Responses: 57 market fluctuation)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add 5 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 19% 9 (8%) 

up to 100% as up to three risks could

be selected. 6 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 18% 9 (8%) 

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

7 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 16% 5 (17%) ‚
Euro-zone disintegration)

8 Loss of reputation or brand value 14% 6 (13%) ‚

9 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 11% - 

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

10 9% 6 (13%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

NEW TOP 10 Rank Percent

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines
and penalties)

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
2 30%
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing interconnectivity,
Figures represent how often a risk 3 nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, 26%
was selected as a percentage of all blockchain)
responses for that country.
Respondents: 26 4 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 22%
Responses: 27
More than one risk and industry
5 Loss of reputation or brand value 19%
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,
5 19%
be selected. M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)

7 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 15%

8 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 11%

8 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) 11%

8 Fire, explosion 11%

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN SINGAPORE 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 43% 2 (41%) 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
2 42% 1 (42%) ‚
Specialty. breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all
3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 29% 3 (27%) =
responses for that country.
New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
Respondents: 200 4 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 21% 6 (16%) 
Responses: 231 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add 5 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather NEW 20% - 
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
6 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 19% 4 (22%) ‚
Euro-zone disintegration)

6 Fire, explosion 19% 8 (11%) 

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

8 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 13% 5 (21%) ‚
market fluctuation)

9 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) NEW 12% - 

10 Loss of reputation or brand value 11% 9 (10%) ‚

Top risks by region

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN SOUTH 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 44% 1 (45%) =

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
33% 2 (39%) =
breaches, fines and penalties)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
Figures represent how often a risk
3 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 28% 5 (19%) 

was selected as a percentage of all 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

responses for that country.
4 Fire, explosion 26% 3 (29%) ‚
Respondents: 48
Responses: 54 4 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 26% 3 (29%) ‚
More than one risk and industry
could be selected. Figures don't add Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
up to 100% as up to three risks could 6 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 20% 9 (13%) 
be selected. Euro-zone disintegration)

7 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) NEW 17% - 

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

8 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 15% 5 (19%) ‚
market fluctuation)

9 Loss of reputation or brand value NEW 11% - 

9 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 11% 7 (16%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix



1 2 3 4 5

30 % 30 % 27% 26% 23%

 2018: 4 (27%)  2018: 3 (28%)  2018: 5 (23%)  2018: 7 (21%) ‚ 2018:1 (31%)
Market Political risks and Cyber incidents Changes in Business
developments violence1 (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/ legislation and interruption
(e.g. volatility, intensified (e.g. war, terrorism, civil outage, data breaches, (incl. supply chain
fines and penalties)
competition/ commotion) (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, disruption)
new entrants, M&A, economic sanctions,
market stagnation, protectionism, Brexit,
market fluctuation) Euro-zone disintegration)

6 7 8 8 10

19% 17% 14% 14% 13%

 2018: 7 (21%) ‚ 2018: 2 (31%) ‚ 2018: 6 (22%)  NEW = 2018: 10 (11%)

Theft, fraud and Fire, explosion Natural New technologies Loss of reputation or
corruption catastrophes (e.g. impact of increasing brand value
(e.g. storm, flood, interconnectivity,
earthquake) nanotechnology, artificial
intelligence, 3D printing,
autonomous vehicles,

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.

Figures represent how often a risk was selected as a percentage of all responses for that region.
Respondents: 212
Responses: 227
More than one risk and industry could be selected. Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three risks could be selected.

1 Market developments ranks higher than political risks and violence by number of responses

Top risks by region

NEW TOP Rank Percent

10 RISKS IN 1 Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil commotion) 42%

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new entrants,
M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. 3 Fire, explosion 33%
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all 4 Theft, fraud, corruption 25%
responses for that country.
Respondents: 19 Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
5 21%
Responses: 24 sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)

More than one risk and industry Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs, commodity price
could be selected. Figures don't add
5 21%
increase, deflation, inflation)
up to 100% as up to three risks could
be selected. 5 Health issues (e.g. pandemic outbreak) 21%

8 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 8%

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
8 8%

8 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 8%

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 41% 3 (33%) 
Euro-zone disintegration)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures represent how often a risk 2 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 34% 2 (36%) =
was selected as a percentage of all market fluctuation)
responses for that country.
Respondents: 44 3 Theft, fraud, corruption 30% 1 (38%) ‚

Responses: 44
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
More than one risk and industry 4 27% 5 (29%) 
breaches, fines and penalties)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil
be selected.
5 25% 6 (24%) 

6 Loss of reputation or brand value NEW 23% - 

7 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 18% 9 (16%) 

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

8 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 16% 10 (11%) 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

Macroeconomic developments (e.g. austerity programs,

9 9% 4 (31%) ‚
commodity price increase, deflation, inflation)

10 Power blackouts 7% 7 (22%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

IN SOUTH 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 41% 2 (34%) 

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
35% 1 (38%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Figures represent how often a risk
3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 28% 3 (27%) =
was selected as a percentage of all Euro-zone disintegration)
responses for that country.
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Respondents: 63 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% 4 (23%) =
Responses: 68 market fluctuation)
More than one risk and industry New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
could be selected. Figures don't add 5 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 19% 6 (19%) 
up to 100% as up to three risks could 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
be selected.
6 Fire, explosion 18% 6 (19%) =

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

6 18% - 
commotion) NEW

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 15% 8 (16%) =

9 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 13% 4 (23%) ‚

9 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 13% - 

NEW TOP Rank Percent

Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified competition/new
entrants, M&A, market stagnation, market fluctuation)

EMIRATES Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil commotion) 33%

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data breaches, fines and
3 29%
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 29%
Figures represent how often a risk
was selected as a percentage of all Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars and tariffs, economic
responses for that country. 5 19%
sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, Euro-zone disintegration)
Respondents: 20
Responses: 21 New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing interconnectivity,
5 nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, 19%
More than one risk and industry blockchain)
could be selected. Figures don't add
up to 100% as up to three risks could 7 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 14%
be selected.
7 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 14%

9 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) 10%

9 Theft, fraud, corruption 10%

Top risks by industry


Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 46% 1 (60%) =

AGRICULTURE Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 44% 2 (46%)
2 =

3 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 36% 3 (29%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Figures represent how often a risk was selected Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
as a percentage of all responses for that industry 4 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 28% 5 (21%) 
sector. Euro-zone disintegration)
Responses: 61
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
5 Fire, explosion 21% 4 (27%) ‚

risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,

1 43% 2 (44%) 
data breaches, fines and penalties)
AEROSPACE, DEFENSE 2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 37% 1 (45%) ‚

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 36% 4 (26%) 
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
Euro-zone disintegration)
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Responses: 86 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 33% 3 (33%) ‚

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three market fluctuation)

risks could be selected.
Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake)
5 19% - 

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 59% 1 (64%) =

TOP 5 RISKS Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data

breaches, fines and penalties)
37% 2 (40%) =

PHARMACEUTICALS, Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

BIOPHARMA 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 27% - 
Euro-zone disintegration) NEW
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures represent how often a risk was selected 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 24% 4 (24%) =
as a percentage of all responses for that industry market fluctuation)
Responses: 81 Product recall, quality management, serial defects
4 21% - 
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 48% 1 (41%) =

CONSUMER GOODS Product recall, quality management, serial defects 35% 4 (23%)
2 

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 28% - 

Figures represent how often a risk was selected Euro-zone disintegration) NEW
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. 4 Fire, explosion NEW 24% - 

Responses: 54
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three 5 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% 3 (28%) ‚
risks could be selected.
market fluctuation)

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 40% 1 (45%) =

ENGINEERING, Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 33% 2 (40%)
2 =

CONSTRUCTION, Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

REAL ESTATE 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit,
Euro-zone disintegration) NEW
26% - 

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures represent how often a risk was selected 3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 26% 5 (21%) 

as a percentage of all responses for that industry market fluctuation)

5 Fire, explosion 23% 3 (29%) ‚
Responses: 211
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,

1 40% 1 (33%) =
data breaches, fines and penalties)
ENTERTAINMENT & 2 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 31% 4 (28%) 

MEDIA Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 26% - 
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. market fluctuation) NEW
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry 4 Loss of reputation or brand value NEW 22% - 
Responses: 55 Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 18% - 
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
Euro-zone disintegration) NEW
risks could be selected.

Top risks by industry

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,

1 46% 1 (51%) =
data breaches, fines and penalties)
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 31% 2 (28%) =
Euro-zone disintegration)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Figures represent how often a risk was selected Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
as a percentage of all responses for that industry 3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 28% 2 (28%) ‚

sector. market fluctuation)

Responses: 853
Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake)
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
4 26% - 
risks could be selected.
5 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 24% 4 (27%) ‚

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 49% 1(53%) =

FOOD & BEVERAGES Product recall, quality management, serial defects 42% 4 (24%)
2 

(MANUFACTURING & 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 25% 3 (27%) =
SUPPLY) Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
4 22% - 
breaches, fines and penalties) NEW
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Figures represent how often a risk was selected 4 Loss of reputation or brand value 22% 2 (31%) ‚
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
Responses: 65
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 41%
TOP 5 RISKS IN 4 (20%)
1 
Euro-zone disintegration)
GOVERNMENT, PUBLIC Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
data breaches, fines and penalties) NEW
41% - 

HEALTHCARE) Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 27% - 
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. market fluctuation) NEW
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry 4 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) NEW 25% - 
Responses: 44 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake)
5 18% - 
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 69% 1 (56%) =


INDUSTRY (E.G. STEEL Fire, explosion 38% 1 (56%)
2 ‚

PLANTS) 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 25% 3 (44%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. 4 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) NEW 22% - 
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
sector. 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% 5 (21%) 

Responses: 32 market fluctuation)

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 47% 2 (31%) 

TOP 5 RISKS IN Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data

breaches, fines and penalties)
40% 4 (28%) 

TOURISM 3 Fire, explosion 38% 3 (29%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.

4 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 31% 1 (37%) ‚
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil
sector. 5 24% 5 (24%) =
Responses: 45
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 63% 1 (74%) =

MANUFACTURING Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 32% 3 (32%)
2 

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
29% 2 (40%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
4 Fire, explosion 26% 4 (29%) =
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. 5 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 24% 5 (20%) =

Responses: 221
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Top risks by industry

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 34% 1 (34%) =

TOP 5 RISKS IN Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data

breaches, fines and penalties)
32% 2 (31%) =

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 28% - 
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
market fluctuation) NEW
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. 4 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 26% 2 (31%) ‚
Responses: 100
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
risks could be selected. 5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 24% - 
Euro-zone disintegration) NEW

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 68% 1 (50%) =

TOP 5 RISKS IN MINING Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

2 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 42% 4 (19%) 
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. market fluctuation)
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
sector. 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 32% 4 (19%) 

Responses: 19 Euro-zone disintegration)

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three 4 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) NEW 21% - 
risks could be selected.
Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil
4 21% 3 (31%) ‚

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 53% 3 (46%) 

OIL & GAS Fire, explosion 44% 2 (49%)
2 =

3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 36% 1 (53%) ‚

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Figures represent how often a risk was selected Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
4 31% 4 (31%) =
breaches, fines and penalties)
Responses: 64 5 Environmental risks (e.g. pollution) 30% 5 (22%) =
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected.

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 52% 1 (58%) =

POWER & UTILITIES Fire, explosion 34% 4 (29%)
2 

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
3 33% 2 (47%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
as a percentage of all responses for that industry 4 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 27% 3 (46%) ‚

Responses: 89 5 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather NEW 25% - 

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three

risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,

1 40% 1 (49%) =
data breaches, fines and penalties)
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 36% 2 (30%) =
(E.G. LAWYERS) Euro-zone disintegration)

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
3 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 24% 4 (25%) 
Figures represent how often a risk was selected
market fluctuation)
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
Responses: 132 4 interconnectivity, nanotechnology,artificial intelligence, 21% - 

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) NEW
risks could be selected.
5 Loss of reputation or brand value1 21% 5 (23%) =
1 New technologies ranks higher than loss of
reputation or brand value by number of

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 45% 2 (46%) 

RENEWABLE ENERGY Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 41% 1 (51%)
2 ‚

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 33% 3 (42%) =
Figures represent how often a risk was selected Euro-zone disintegration)
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
4 31% 4 (29%) =
breaches, fines and penalties)
Responses: 51
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
risks could be selected. 4 interconnectivity, nanotechnology,artificial intelligence, 31% - 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) NEW

Top risks by industry

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 47% 1 (43%) =

TOP 5 RISKS IN Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified

RETAILING, WHOLESALE 2 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 31% 3 (28%) 
market fluctuation)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
Figures represent how often a risk was selected 3 30% 2 (40%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. 4 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 29% 5 (22%) 
Responses: 127
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three 5 Fire, explosion 21% 4 (25%) ‚
risks could be selected.

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,

1 53% 1 (59%) =
data breaches, fines and penalties)
New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 42% 3 (35%) 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Figures represent how often a risk was selected 3 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 40% 2 (42%) ‚
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Responses: 76 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 24% 5 (19%) 

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three market fluctuation)

risks could be selected.
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
5 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 18% 4 (25%) ‚
Euro-zone disintegration)

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,

1 58% 1 (77%) =
data breaches, fines and penalties)
Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 40% 4 (28%) 
Euro-zone disintegration)
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty.
Figures represent how often a risk was selected 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 38% 3 (33%) =
as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
Responses: 48 3 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 38% - 

Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three 3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain) NEW
risks could be selected.
5 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 31% 2 (44%) ‚

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

1 Theft, fraud, corruption 29% 2 (32%) 

TRANSPORTATION Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 28% 1 (37%)
2 ‚

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. 3 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 26% 5 (24%) 

Figures represent how often a risk was selected Euro-zone disintegration)

as a percentage of all responses for that industry
sector. Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% - 
Responses: 90
market fluctuation) NEW
Figures don't add up to 100% as up to three
risks could be selected. 4 Fire, explosion NEW 22% - 

Top corporate risks


TOP 10 Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

RISKS FOR 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 44% 1 (48%) =

LARGE-SIZE Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data

41% 2 (45%)
2 =
breaches, fines and penalties)

3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 28% 3 (31%) =

*>€500mn annual revenues
Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Specialty. 4 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 28% 4 (22%) =
Figures represent how often a risk Euro-zone disintegration)1
was selected as a percentage of all
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
responses for that company size. 5 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 22% 5 (21%) =
Responses: 1,445 market fluctuation)
Figures don't add up to 100% as up
to three risks could be selected. New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
6 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 19% 7 (16%) 
1 Natural catastrophes ranks higher
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)
than changes in legislation and
regulation based on number of 7 Fire, explosion 17% 6 (19%) ‚
8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather NEW 13% - 

8 Loss of reputation or brand value 13% 8 (15%) =

10 Product recall, quality management, serial defects 10% 10 (10%) =

Allianz Risk Barometer 2019: Appendix

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

FOR MID-SIZE 1 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 38% 2 (37%) 

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage, data
32% 1 (39%) ‚
breaches, fines and penalties)
*€250mn to €500mn annual
revenues 3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 29% 3 (32%) =
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Specialty. Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
Figures represent how often a risk
4 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 24% 6 (18%) 

was selected as a percentage of all Euro-zone disintegration)

responses for that company size.
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Responses: 619 5 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 23% 5 (21%) =
Figures don't add up to 100% as up market fluctuation)
to three risks could be selected.
6 Fire, explosion 19% 4 (23%) ‚

New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing

7 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 17% 7 (14%) =
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 14% 8 (12%) =

9 Loss of reputation or brand value 12% 8 (12%) ‚

Political risks and violence (e.g. war, terrorism, civil

10 11% 10 (11%) =

TOP 10 RISKS Rank Percent 2018 rank Trend

Cyber incidents (e.g. cyber crime, IT failure/outage,
32% 2 (30%) 

data breaches, fines and penalties)

Changes in legislation and regulation (e.g. trade wars
2 and tariffs, economic sanctions, protectionism, Brexit, 30% 5 (22%) 
Euro-zone disintegration)
*<€250mn annual revenues
3 Natural catastrophes (e.g. storm, flood, earthquake) 27% 3 (28%) =
Source: Allianz Global Corporate &
Market developments (e.g. volatility, intensified
Figures represent how often a risk 4 competition/new entrants, M&A, market stagnation, 27% 4 (27%) =
was selected as a percentage of all market fluctuation)1
responses for that company size.
Responses: 818 5 Business interruption (incl. supply chain disruption) 26% 1 (33%) ‚

Figures don't add up to 100% as up

to three risks could be selected. 6 Fire, explosion 21% 6 (21%) =
1 Natural catastrophes ranks higher
than market developments by New technologies (e.g. impact of increasing
number of responses 7 interconnectivity, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, 19% 10 (12%) 
3D printing, autonomous vehicles, blockchain)

8 Climate change/increasing volatility of weather 13% 7 (13%) ‚

8 Shortage of skilled workforce NEW 13% - 

10 Loss of reputation or brand value NEW 12% - 

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January 2019

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