Pop Cycle Lesson Plan

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Name: Joseph Daly

Class: Y63
Date: 11/7/23

Subject Essentials for Living

Title of Lesson Sorting Groceries
Matching: The tendency to match items-to-items,
photographs-to-items, and text-to-items
Learner: Student will be able to match item-to-
Objectives photograph
Four components: Learner, Behavior, Condition, Behavior: Student will display pro-social behavior
Criterion Condition: Student will be in apartment setting with
speaking device and token board
Criterion: Student will be able to match at least 8/10
Student matched picture-to-picture prior to
Prior Instruction
Academic Language Demands and prior
Groceries, “pick-up,” stack, “place next to”
List academic vocabulary required

Formative assessment: Teacher observation, indicate
how many verbal prompts needed for student to
Indicate ongoing assessments throughout the lesson
complete task. Indicate the type of prompts for the
as well as the final check for understanding
student to complete the task: no prompting (verbal
cues), partial physical prompting, and full physical
Attach rubric if applicable

Materials Canned goods, boxes of cereal and pasta,

Gain Student Attention Student will be brought to schools “apartment”
Student will be able to pick up grocery items without
Review Critical Prerequisite Skills
All students should show ability to perform skill
Student will be able to match picture-to-picture
State the daily lesson objective that will be
Today we are going to sort our groceries and match
communicated to the students
the items to the photos on the shelves.
This needs to be written in student friendly language.
“I do” Teacher will organize groceries by separating the
Explicit Modeling cans, bags, and boxes. Teacher will pick up one item
Time required is based on objective requirements. at a time and place onto the appropriate shelf with the
Think aloud of the skill. Including clear, consistent matching photo.
and concise language.
Provide several models. Student will be asked to point to specific items.
Involve students in the later models (ask questions in “Point to the can of soup,” “Pick up the box of
which the answers rely on knowledge from the first cereal.”
model or previous knowledge)
State the daily lesson objective that will be
Today we are going to sort our groceries and match
communicated to the students
the items to the photos on the shelves.
This needs to be written in student friendly language.
“I do” Teacher will organize groceries by separating the
Explicit Modeling cans, bags, and boxes. Teacher will pick up one item
Time required is based on objective requirements. at a time and place onto the appropriate shelf with the
Think aloud of the skill. Including clear, consistent matching photo.
and concise language.
Provide several models. Student will be asked to point to specific items.
Involve students in the later models (ask questions in “Point to the can of soup,” “Pick up the box of
which the answers rely on knowledge from the first cereal.”
model or previous knowledge)
“We do”
Prompted or Guided Practice
(taking them through guided practice). More than one Student and teacher will match picture-to-picture.
practice opportunity. Student and teacher will pick up the same grocery
Indicate faded prompts. (TAR: Tell the students how item and place it on the appropriate shelf.
to do it, Ask them how to do it, Remind them out to
do it) Student will be partially prompted if needed.

Physical prompts to verbal prompts when applicable.

“You do”
Unprompted Practice
Demonstration of the skill while being monitored.
Some lessons will not have an opportunity for The grocery items will be separated by category. The
independent mastery. Small groups do not count as student will pick up each grocery item individually
independent performance. and place it onto the appropriate shelf.
(small groups may be to keep students at a level of
higher prompting)
1) Brief review of what was learned. Student will point to each shelf with the groceries
2) Preview the next lesson neatly placed onto the appropriate shelf. Next
3) Assign Independent Work progression of the lesson is to mix up the groceries
Tip: This should bring lesson to full circle and and have the student sort out the groceries into their
address the daily objective and the language appropriate category.
function (s)
Targeted Students Modifications/ Student will have token board to earn preferred item.
Accommodations (IEP) Student will have their device to help label grocery
(e.g., extended time) items and request wants/needs.
Small Group Modifications/ Accommodations if
applicable One-on-one lesson
(e.g., simplified vocabulary read aloud).
Technology Applications Used
Blooms Taxonomy Label grocery items by pointing, match groceries
Please indicate the levels of questioning addressed in photograph-to-photograph and match groceries item-
this lesson. to-photograph

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