3.4.5 Practice - Biotechnology (Practice)

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5 Practice: Biotechnology Practice

The Living Earth Sem 1 Name: Bushra Shurrab

3.4.5 Practice: Biotechnology 1/3

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In this practice you will apply what you have learned in this unit. Please
answer the questions below. Submit this to your teacher when you are

1. Name two differences between viruses and bacteria. (4 points)

Viruses are nonliving, bacteria are living. Also, bacteria causes infection by infecting tissues and
releasing toxins, viruses cause infection by infecting and killing host cells.

2. Describe one difference between PCR and recombinant DNA technology. (1 point)

In PCR, DNA polymerase is the enzyme used, but in recombinant DNA, restriction endonuclease is the

3. Why is cloning a form of asexual reproduction? (3 points)

It is a form of asexual reproduction because the offspring will have the exact same DNA as the parent.

4. How does a cloned sheep compare genetically to a sheep that is made using
sexual reproduction? (2 points)

The sheep that was cloned will have the characteristics of only one sheep, which is the one the DNA was taken
from. In sexual reproduction, the sheep has characteristics of both parents.

3.4.5 Practice: Biotechnology 2/3

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copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.
3.4.5 Practice: Biotechnology 3/3
Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.

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