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(for new girls in old troop)

MATERIALS NEEDED : table, trefoil stand, can be improvised, candles (4 large, 10 small) GS pins,
Philippine Flag, flag stand
SETTING : Troop meeting place, a lawn, at a church, around a camp fire, a hall
The girls assemble outside the place where the ceremony will be held. The Investing
Officer , Troop Committee and the parents take previously assigned seats. The Troop Leader
and Co- Leader stand beside the table.
At a given signal, all the girls of the troop enter two by two, candidates for
membership each walking with a girl who is already a member. They take their places in horseshoe
formation facing the Leader and Co-Leader. While entering they sing the “Girl Scout Hymn”
3. OPENING : Upon order of the Troop Leader, the Color Party enters. The Pledge of Allegiance is
recited. Colors are grounds.
a.) LEADER: “We are gathered together to welcome to out Girl Scout Sisterhood the new
members of Troop ______. If we would show these girls the true path of scouting we must
remind ourselves that honor is sacred and that it is upon this that our Promise is built. As
Scouts, let us prepare ourselves to receive these girls.
Girl Scouts together Girl Scouts together
That is our song Happy are we
Winding the old trails, Friendly to neighbors
Rocky and long Far o’er the sea
Learning our Motto Faithful to country
Living our creed Loyal to home,
Girl Scouts together Known as true Girl Scouts
In every good deed. Wherever we roam.
c.) The Troop Leader then lights the biggest candle and say:
“This candle which I now light represents the spirit of Scouting which we hope will
guide you all throughout your life. She continues : “The three candles which Iam now about
to light represent the three parts of Girl Scout Promise. “As she says this, the Co-Leader
lights each of the candles.
“This candle shall shine as a symbol that a Scout’s greatest desire is to be of service.”
“This candle shall shine as a symbol that Girl Scouts are true to God and their
“Lastly, may the light of the third candle shine as a symbol that Girl Scouts are true to
their ideals as represented by the Girl Scout Law.”
d.) The Troop Leader calls on the investing officer to take her place beside her.
e.) The Troop Leader requests that candidates for membership be brought forward. As each
candidate is called she takes one step forward. “Before taking your Promise, I ask you to
listen once again to the Promise and Law, appreciating as you do so, what these words are to
mean to you from today on.”

f.) The girl assigned to the first GS Law walksto the table, lights once candle from the
biggest candle, faces the horseshoe formation, executes the GS sign, and recites the GS Law
assigned to her. After which she stands infront and waits for the other 9 girls to lights the
other candles. The same procedure is followed until the rest of the girls assigned to recite the
other GS Law have done their part

g.) Co-Leader: “Each candle flame sheds the brilliance of the 10 points of the Scout Law.
May their glow so light your way that at no turn of the path will you stumble.”

h.) LEADER: ( To new girls) : As we prepared ourselves to receive you, so you must prepare
yourself to become one of us. Remember that to make the Girl Scout Promise links you with
many others and thereafter you walk not alone. As you conduct yourselves, so will other Girl
Scouts be judge by you. Knowing this, do you promise on your honor, to do your duty to
God and your country, to help other people at all times, to obey the Girl Svout Law? ( Girls
answer “YES”).

i.) The Investing Officer goes to each candidate and invests them individually as follows:
STEP 1: With her right hand at GS Sign, the girl makes her Promise before the
Investing Officer.
STEP 2. The Investing Officer returns the GS Sign. Then, she pins the Investiture Pin
on top of the knot of the scarf. While pinning she Says “I Trust you, on your
honor, to try to keep that Promise.”
STEP 3. The Investing Officer then gives her hand in the GS handshake and while
holding the new scout’s hand, she says”And I welcome You into the
Sisterhood of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides.”

j.) LEADER : “May you always be proud to be a member of this troop , and may Troop ____
always be proud to have you as a member.”

k.) CO-LEADER : Leads the Troop in singing “WHEN’ ER YOU MAKE A PROMISE.”

When’er you make a promise

Consider well its importance
And when made, engrave it upon your heart.
( as this is being sung, girls holding the lighted candles place them on the
trefoil stand or rack.)

l.) LEADER: “You have now taken your first step along the Girl Scout Trail, a trail Which
never ends. There are many interesting adventures awaiting you. Of your trefoil and your
honor are kept shining as brightly as the fl;ame of these candles, they will guide you over all
even ground and be an over glowing beacon to you through the many years ahead.”

m.) Girls now go back to their original positions in the horseshoe.

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