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W elcome to the vibrant world of Terra Academy, a distinguished

Public Charter School that welcomed its first students in the crisp autumn of
2015, catering to grades K–12. Crafted with a clear mission, Terra stands as an
educational haven designed to empower students on their journey towards
independence and lifelong learning. Rooted in values that transcend the
classroom, Terra cultivates individuals who embody respect for diverse
cultures, productivity, and a genuine stewardship for the environment that
surrounds them.

Designed By: Malachi Aycock

Picture By: Kristy Aycock

Picture By: Kristy Aycock

Picture By: Kristy Aycock

Guided by the principles of respect, responsibility, and kindness, Terra sets high
expectations for every student, creating an environment where these virtues flourish. Our
mantra, encapsulated in the simple yet profound words — learn, grow, be — is the compass
that directs the transformative path each student takes within the Terra community.
“We decided to simplify our mission and
vision to something easier to remember. Adding a touch of
spirited charm to Terra’s
‘P.A.W.S’ Personalized, Active, Whole identity is the Terra Tiger, A
Person, and Student Centered.” beloved mascot. A symbol of
courage, unpredictability, and
-Kristy Aycock
strength, the Terra Tiger
mirrors the resilient spirit that defines the school. Together, as a community, stride forward,
embodying the essence of Terra Academy — where learning is not just a process but a journey
of growth and self-discovery.
At Terra, they foster a welcoming Picture by: Terra
environment where every student is
encouraged to unleash their creativity,
showcase their intelligence, embrace
courage, and, above all, be authentically
themselves. Terra’s curriculum covers
essential subjects such as English/
Language Arts, History, Math, and
Science, ensuring a well-rounded
education for each student. But that's not
all – at Terra, they empower students to
choose from a diverse range of classes,
including Robotics, Band/Choir, Art,
Marketing, Seminary, Agriculture (edible
schoolyard) and more. This allows them to
tailor their education to their unique
interests and aspirations.

What sets Terra apart is not just the

subjects they teach but the passion and
dedication of the staff. Each member of
their team is carefully selected for their
expertise, commitment to teaching, and
unwavering determination to witness
students grow into positive influences for
the future. This commitment is reflected in
Picture by: Terra
their personalized approach to education,
fostering an atmosphere where students not only excel academically but also develop
crucial life skills. To delve deeper into what makes Terra an exceptional choice for parents, I
personally reached out to some of the faculty at Terra Academy and asked each of them
questions to see what Terra is like in their point of view:
Picture by: Terra

John Hunt—Art Teacher

Q: What’s your main goal when you’re teaching a class at

A: My main goal is for my students to leave my classes with
a feeling of self worth and the desire and drive to do their
very best at whatever they chose to pursue in their life.
I try to give them a solid Art vocabulary and
understanding so that they will be able to enjoy
art as a creator, consumer or just a fan of art.

Picture by: Terra

Kristy Aycock—Assistant Elementary Director

Q: What made you decide to open Terra?

A: We opened Terra to give students an alternative
option to the public school system. We can offer
project-based learning, individualized education maps,
student goal sheets, student portfolios, blended
learning model, mentors, service learning and
environmental stewardship.
Picture by: Terra

Will Booth—Math/Physics

Q: Why do you think Terra is a good choice

for parents looking to enroll their kids?
A: It’s a smaller school with smaller classes
where we can make sure every student is
Picture by: Terra seen.

Taylor Pearson— Language Arts Teacher

Q:What purpose do you think Terra has for it’s

A: I think Terra Academy's primary purpose is to
provide an excellent education for the students that
attend here. To achieve that, I believe it should (and
does) provide a safe, inclusive environment where
students are able to focus on learning in a
welcoming and positive environment.

Terra offers fantastic opportunities for all students, both current and new. The
caring faculty is committed to seeing every student succeed. The school's design and
operation prioritize the quality of each student's learning over quantity. In this
supportive environment, students find the encouragement and resources they need to
thrive, making Terra an outstanding choice for a well-rounded education.

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