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Map Skills Activities

Activity 1: Look carefully at the physical atlas map of the world

a) Write a list of the types of natural features a physical atlas map shows

b) Record the latitude and longitude of the natural features listed below:
Natural Feature Latitude and Longitude
Mount Everest
45°N 58°E
Galapagos Islands
55°S 67°W
17°N 142°E
0° 50°W
Bay of Bengal
43°N 34°E
Mount Kilimanjaro
60°N 59°E

Activity 2: Look at the map of Swanage

a) What are the 4-figure grid references for the following:
Studland Village
Durlston Head
Worth Matravers
Studland Heath

b) What are the 6-figure grid references for the following:

Railway station at Swanage
Church with a tower at Worth
Public house at Corfe Castle
Youth hostel at Swanage
Visitor centre at Studland Bay
c) What are located at the following 6-figure grid references:

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