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Luke Shamoun-Speaker

Ismael Ansar-Research
Landon Walker- Scribe and Analysis
Emily Lopez- Brainstorm


Ad for beer, shows woman crying over “burning dinner” and husband is saying don’t worry you didn’t
burn the beer.

- Initially showing that you cant mess up beer no matter how hard you try
- Lowkey sexist
- You can always rely on beer because you can’t burn it


In this advertisement we see a woman crying over the dinner that she burned, but the husband says to
her “Don’t worry darling, you didn’t burn the beer.” This advertisement shows that the beer cannot be
messed up, as it is the only thing that she didn't ruin. This ad can also be viewed as sexist as there are
clear gender roles in play. This era of the 1900’s was notoriously stubborn about the roles that gender
have and is seen in many ads. This makes another case for the beer, because you can always rely on
beer, because it is very hard to ruin, and very difficult to burn.


This advertisement shows an example of a rhetorical situation. A rhetorical situation defined by

Bitzer as “a complex of persons, events, objects, and relations presenting an actual or potential exigence
which can be completely or partially removed if discourse, introduced into the situation, can so
constrain human decision or action as to bring about the significant modification of the exigence” (Davie
3). The advertisement relates to Bitzer’s definition of rhetorical situation because in the ad, it shows that
even though the food was burnt, the beer remained and that you can always rely on it.


The beer that is difficult to mess up shows the rhetorical situation that Bitzer mentions. The beer plays
the role of the beverage that you can always rely on, as the wife overcooked the rest of the meal. The
gender roles that take place are very similar to others that we see during that time, often relating
images like this to others that occur in the 50’s. This picture surely made many people angry, especially
those who were trying to get rid of these roles at the time. The beer is the perfect beverage that the
wife cannot ruin, which prompts the ad itself.

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