Retreat Thinking Faith Podcast

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Thinking Faith: Archdiocese of Regina Podcast

Thinking Miracles

The Archdiocese of Regina is a wonderful place to connect deeper with your faith. There is, of
course, Mass on Sunday, but the Archdiocese has many opportunities that may be just perfect for
you. Michelle Braden is the Youth Coordinator and it is her vocation to further your faith
development. If you are interested in knowing more about what she does or activities that are
available please visit the Archdiocese website at:
Here is an example of some great work the Archdiocese does. Please listen to the Podcast:
The image of the statue of Mary amongst the rubble captivates something in the human heart-
it is defined as: “Hope amongst the rubble”
Reflection Questions:
 Have you ever felt like you saw a sign of God’s presence in your life? Please select a
medium that you have felt a presence/energy/God through nature, a significant
relationship, music, art.
 Do you see messages of Hope in your life? What situations/experiences/people/faith
bring you hope?
Theologian was defined as someone who is searching for meaning in their life.
Reflection question:
 How are you a “theologian”? Do you find that you are searching for meaning and faith in
your life? If yes, how so? If not, why do you think that is?

Prayer is described as “attuning yourself to what God is doing”. Prayer gives us a lens to see
what God is doing. Expecting God to act, and then recognizing it happens.
Reflection Question:
 Can you recall a time that you began to become aware of something that appears in your
life just by noticing?
 How does Michelle’s story about the baptism of the young baby share a message of hope
into the world?
Legacy is defined as “lengthened shadow”- When thinking back on your high school
 How does knowing that you can (and probably have) impacted people with what you say,
how you acted empower you? How does it intimidate you?
 How have you grown/evolved in the last 4 years as a person?
 Have you grown/evolved in your faith?
 Where do you see yourself in 4 more years?

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