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Application Form

Filter Questions

A Project Title

Investigating the Prevalence of Work-related Stress in Frontline Pre-hospital Paramedics compared with Specialist Prehospital Paramedics - A Prospective
Cross-sectional Study

If you have an alternative study title for your participant documents, please provide it here.

Investigating the Prevalence of Work-related Stress in Frontline Pre-hospital Paramedics compared with Specialist Prehospital

A1 Are you a member of staff or a student at Queen Mary University of London?


A2 Some investigative activities, such as service evaluation and audits, do NOT typically require Queen Mary ethical approval.
My project meets the definition of 'research', or I have sought confirmation that ethical approval is required for my project from
the Research Ethics team.


A3 Does your project require review by an NHS Research Ethics Committee, the Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee
(MoDREC) or HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS)



Please be advised that if you answered 'Yes', then your project does not require additional review by the Queen Mary Ethics of
Research Committee. Please review the guidance note for information.

22 November 2023

Reference #: Page 1 of 2
Filter questions - International Research
A7.1 Please provide details on the overseas location(s) of the research/ data collection
A7.1.1 Please select ALL that apply to your research data collection:

in the United States

in a red listed country according to the Foreign Office (FCDO)
in an amber listed country according to the Foreign Office (FCDO)

Supporting documents

Advertising materials, including, but not limited to, participant recruitment posters, social media post and email text, letters etc

Type Document Name File Name Date Version Size

Application form for Trauma_Ortho_EM_PEM_ Application form for Trauma_Ortho_EM_PEM_

Advertising 329.4
DSREC Committee - reduced application form DSREC Committee - reduced application form
materials KB
template v1.0 04.07.23 template v1.0 04.07.23.pdf

Advertising V 0.1 DSREC-Participant-Information-Sheet - Copy V 0.1 DSREC-Participant-Information-Sheet - Copy - 227.6

materials - Copy Copy.pdf KB

Completed F-QMERC-Consent-Form-template-
Advertising Completed F-QMERC-Consent-Form-template-(DDS- 247.9
(DDS-approved)-v1.0---01-October-2020-(1) -
materials approved)-v1.0---01-October-2020-(1) - Copy.pdf KB

Is this an initial submission or a resubmission following changes requested by QMEthics team

Initial submission

22 November 2023

Reference #: Page 2 of 2

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