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Self-reflection and Individual development plan


Institutional affiliation




Table of Contents

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................3
Self-reflection of Indigo Report.......................................................................................................4
My small business idea....................................................................................................................8
Relevance to Academics and Qualifications...................................................................................9
My Development and Action Plans as a small business owner.....................................................10
Personal Individual Plan and Action Plan Framework..................................................................15

Executive Summary

This report will discuss the findings and insights from my Indigo Assessment Test.

This assessment will highlight my key personal skills and strengths that have helped me operate

a small business effectively in both my current position and my objectives for the future. The

assessment results will also highlight areas that require improvement and guide me toward

strengthening my managerial capabilities.

The assessment highlights particular growth areas that will be handled through an

individualized development plan described in this report. This strategy will include short- and

long-term objectives to develop my competence as a small business manager. It will also outline

roles and information on growth initiatives to speed goal achievement. A clear timeline will be

developed to keep the development process on track and respect standards.



Our behaviors, emotions, and thoughts are shaped by our personalities, which are

complex combinations of traits that make us distinct individuals (Dahl et al., 2020).

Understanding our unique personalities is essential to utilizing our strengths and handling our

flaws effectively. This reflection essay examines my perceptions, experiences, and insights

related to the Indigo Assessment/Survey findings and the ensuing creation of a business

enterprise. It emphasizes the importance of exploring one's personality in greater depth,

especially using tools like Indigo, to thoroughly understand oneself and find the ideal workplace

that complements our unique features.

Every aspiring manager is like a coin; they possess a distinctive combination of strengths

on one side and weaknesses on the other. The precise balance they achieve between these

elements determines their effectiveness as managers. As a business owner, managing others can

become arduous without a clear grasp of one's strengths and weaknesses (Franco et al., 2020).

This will, in turn, make us easily attribute issues to external factors when, in fact, the root of the

problem might lie within oneself. Understanding my skills and drivers is important, and a multi-

dimensional comprehensive tool like Indigo helps me gain insights through self-awareness of my

behaviours, motivators and skill sets. Trimetrix assessment helps analyze the various dimensions

of a person, making it easier to identify obstacles to performance that could hinder the person

from reaching their full potential (Faulkner, 2022).


Personal Individual Plan and Action Plan Framework

Self-reflection of Indigo Report


My primary behaviour is steadiness, which implies that I tend to be patient, dependable

and consistent in my approach. I value stability and harmony regarding my work and interaction

with people. My indigo report has given me a more profound and varied awareness of this trait.

Interestingly, I agree that I am a detailed and reliable person. I have always been this kind of

person from time to time. Regarding being detailed, for example, as a new mum, a business

owner, an MBA student and a wife, I ensure I make a to-do list every day, adhere strictly to the

itineraries on the list, and diligently ensure that my business does not affect my study. My study

does not affect my family. With this, I have been achieving excellent grades in my program,

increasing my business revenue while fulfilling my role as a mother and a wife. Sometimes,

despite my tight work schedule, I give my customers the best, keep to our agreement, and never

default. This has, in turn, helped my revenue. In terms of compliance, I have always obeyed the

law and have integrity in the structure. As an MBA student, for example, when team assignments

constitute a great percentage of each course's overall percentage, I always ensure that my team

members adhere strictly to the university policy on academic integrity.

In addition to this, I am surprised by my DISC guide result. I discovered that I was rated

high in terms of Steadiness and Compliance. Even though I agree with this result, I was

expecting to get a high rating in I's since, as I perceive myself as a chatty person, which is a main

trait for people with high I's, I might be timid at first when I meet a new person, but it takes less

than 30 minutes for me to blend and feel free with the person. One would not even be able to tell

that I just met such a person, and I tend to ensure I always look out for the people around me.

Moreover, as for the low D's result I received, I am sure that I have never been the am, not the

bold and forceful type. Gaining insights into my dominant behaviour gives me a clear

understanding of how I function best in a setting where I can anticipate challenges within the

process to help people succeed.


My critical drivers are objective, altruistic, resourceful, and collaborative. Upon

completion of my test, I discovered that even in cases of chaos, I have this remarkable way of

sorting out problems and ensuring that things keep in the right direction; while doing this, I

realize that even in situations where everyone does not get along perfectly, I tend to focus more

on prioritize on getting the team to collaborate and ensure that the work gets done well

regardless. Without being worried about getting any recognition, I do not mind taking directions

from others. Because I empathize with everyone, I often try to solve people-related problems, as

I can easily realize and respond to people in need. For example, when a project flops or there is

an issue, my report suggests that I try to eliminate conflict in the workplace. Instead of hurting

someone's emotions, I tend to avoid confrontation if it will cause harm in a relationship. Instead,

I would prefer to identify the fault in getting a job done instead of blaming the individuals

involved. Another discovery from my result is what I will call my ability to turn the lemons life

throws at me into lemonade. The thought here is that even in situations where my resources are

limited, it will not affect the quality of work I will deliver, and this makes me open to seeking

new ways to accomplish routine tasks. I also appreciated that the report states that when I am

truly interested in a subject matter, I do not hesitate to pursue knowledge to understand the

matter at hand.

The report mentioned something very important: my ability to integrate my past

knowledge to solve current problems and not be restricted by traditions or boundaries.

Additionally, I can boldly say that having a clear understanding of the things that drive and

motivate me has given me some kind of self-confidence that will help me in my future

endeavours. Particularly in the aspect where I discovered from the result that I am a realistic

person, which shows that when I give out something, be it in the form of my ideas or skills, I will

expect a return on my investment, which is pretty reasonable for me.


My indigo assessment report states that my top five skills are conflict management,

planning and organizing, negotiation, resiliency and appreciating others. Having an insight into

my skills is not only important for the success and sustainability of my business, but it also

serves as a form of personal fulfillment for me because it would empower me to tackle

challenges that come my way, serve as a means that would help me outshine my competitors

while building a positive relationship. Regarding conflict management, I believe this ability will

assist in ensuring I find a constructive way to address issues and reach solutions without

resorting to any confrontational behaviour. I have always appreciated my ability to set clear

expectations and execute my tasks efficiently. My negotiation ability will empower me to

navigate secure advantageous collaborations and deals, as well as the complexities of the market.

In all honesty, I am very surprised about my resilient ability; it is not like I cannot bounce back

from failure or learn from it, but in most cases where I have faced challenges in my past

endeavours, I have this act of panicking and being paranoid and in most cases, I have not always

been 100 percent able to persevere. For instance, while managing my fish farm in Nigeria, I

encountered a significant flooding incident, resulting in the unfortunate loss of over 15,000

juvenile fish. Although I promptly implemented measures to prevent future flooding, I must

admit that the initial three hours following the news were emotionally challenging for me. I was

devastated and destabilized. Moving forward, I will always find a way to overcome any obstacle

I face and keep moving. I have always been the type that appreciates people, and I am keen to

build positive relationships. Now that I know my top skills, I will focus on improving them and

use my strengths to compensate for my weaknesses.

My small business idea

While building my little business, I opened a home bakery in Vancouver that specialized

in creating celebratory cakes and sweets with real Nigerian flavours. These amazing offerings

include small chops, meat pies, scotch eggs, chicken pies, fish pies, sausage rolls and cinnamon

rolls, which are cherished traditions in Nigerian culture.

My motivation behind this endeavour stemmed from a strong demand within Vancouver's

Nigerian community. During their special celebrations, many Nigerians who lived in the

neighbourhood craved the flavours of their native country. My business was founded to fill this

gap by providing high-quality, authentic Nigerian treats that make customers feel nostalgic and

connected to their origin.

Beyond serving the Nigerian community, I saw a broader market interested in exploring

these unique culinary experiences. Vancouverites are known for their desire for lavish gatherings

and global cuisines, which gave me an exciting opportunity. My business aims to cater to this

demand by providing a taste of Nigeria that delights and leaves a lasting impression.

Relevance to Academics and Qualifications

The Indigo test, in particular, is very helpful towards my academic courses and career

certification. Knowing myself through my personality traits enables important self-awareness

(Haddad et al., 2021) for me as a student pursuing an MBA degree to be able to effectively

engage in teamwork on various components such as group projects, presentations, and case

analyses, among others. Planning the ability to appreciate other people's feelings and resolve

conflicts are my competencies that will enhance team playing and bonding as a team. My

recognition hereof will enable me to cope with the rigours and pressures of post-graduate studies.

Furthermore, it is essential for me as a small business owner/manager because these insights are

directly applied to the attainment of my set goals. Quality and operations require maintaining

quality standards, and I am steady and reliable in this aspect. As an entrepreneur, motivators such

as resourcefulness will assist in solving problems and creativity. This will ensure that my

interaction and reputation are optimized when dealing with conflicts or customers. Through the

assessment, I have gained insight into my strengths and weaknesses (Towler, 2020) about my

academic, career and business dreams. This knowledge about myself enhances my ability to

study business schools to lead a company based on my values.

My Development and Action Plans as a small business owner.

Development plan Action plan

Enhancing Quality assurance and Enrol In a quality management Program

consistency: I will enrol in a quality management course as
As a meticulous and organised small business the first step towards maintaining the
owner, I will strongly emphasise maintaining consistent quality of my products. This course
the highest quality standards in my bakery will equip me to look into the four aspects of
products. To achieve this, I will enhance my quality: planning, control, assurance and
recipe standardisation and quality control improvement. I will use it to ensure I maintain
skills for all my products, meticulously the best quality in every product I make.
documenting each ingredient, measurement,
and preparation step. This will ensure that Course Title: Introduction to Quality and
every product leaving my bakery meets my Productivity Methodology L
high standards. ● Learning outcome: Provide me with a
comprehensive understanding of
To implement this, I will create a quality processes, productivity models
comprehensive recipe book, ensuring that and management principles.
every aspect of my products aligns with my ● Price: $310
commitment to delivering consistent quality. ● Duration: 42 hours
Recognising the value of teamwork, I will
train and collaborate with my staff to ensure Course Title: Fundamentals of Quality
precise adherence to these recipes. Assurance
● Learning outcome: Help me
systematically monitor and improve
product quality, reduce defects and
make data-driven decisions.
● Price: $387.
● Duration: 39 hours

Course Title: Principles of Quality Assurance

● Learning outcome: Empower with the
knowledge to manage product quality
efficiently, build strong supplier and
customer relationships and implement

corrective measures when needed.

● Price: $368
● Duration: 36 hours

Course Title: Total Quality Management

● Learning outcome: Provide me with
principles to improve my product
quality and processes continually and
ultimately exceed my customer’s
● Price: $368
● Duration: 36 hours

Employ the use of Customer-Focused Set up a feedback loop to improve

Approach: customer satisfaction:
My customer-focused approach involves I will focus more on engaging my customers
building genuine connections with customers, by actively seeking and collecting their
understanding their preferences, and feedback through surveys, comment cards and
acknowledging their feedback and loyalty. direct conversations during their visit. Their
Recognizing the importance of open feedback will serve as a valuable resource for
communication and feedback, I will establish continuous improvement. I will rely on a tool
various channels for customers to contact me, called SurveyMonkey that assists companies
including social media, email, and in-person in making up, conducting and evaluating
contact. questionnaires or surveys using online
systems. The survey results will be very
useful in informing my understanding of my
customers and how to enhance my business
and customer experience.

Staff Training and development: Invest time and resources in training:

My commitment to lifelong learning and My staff shall undergo structured training,
collaborative work environments will drive including baking practices, new recipe
me to establish best practices within my management, handling customers, and
bakery. This involves conducting regular working together as a team. There is a need to
training sessions for my staff, covering new organise a weekly practical session when
recipes, customer service standards, and there are few people to ensure minimal
fostering an open line of communication. disruption (Chaita & Kalfoglou, 2020).

I will encourage staff to share ideas and The techniques of baking, including the
provide feedback for continuous preparation of a fresh recipe, training in role-
improvement. This approach ensures that the playing will help develop a client
manager and the team are equipped with the management approach, and team exercises
knowledge and skills to provide exceptional will foster collaboration.
service, fostering a thriving and harmonious
work environment (Fakhriddinovich & On-the-job mentoring of skills is also planned.
Khalimovich, 2022). Staff will fill in evaluation forms at each

session to keep track of progress. Quarterly

reviews are done to identify the continuing
training needs to sustain skills improvement.

Menu Diversification and Innovation: Be creative and innovative in exploring new

Because I am patient and consistent with my items on the menu:
approach, I will methodically expand my I will cultivate an innovative bakery menu by
menu while upholding my business's core actively exploring new Nigerian ingredients
values and objectives. Every step in and techniques of baking. This will involve
introducing new flavours and products will be researching traditional recipes and emerging
thoughtfully executed to meet my customer trends in Nigerian cuisine.
expectations consistently.
I will source authentic imported ingredients to
Leveraging my resourcefulness and the ability test new recipes. These offerings shall be
to think outside the box, I confidently source tested by customers, who shall provide their
authentic Nigerian ingredients, seamlessly feedback. Existing successful new menu items
integrating them into my menu. This process will be integrated into the offerings on a
will be facilitated by my negotiation and quarterly basis as we believe in innovating
planning skills while contributing to the continuously but maintaining our core
ongoing success of my bakery. offerings.

Efficient Time management and work life Implement time management strategies:
balance: As an entrepreneur with many tasks, I will use
As a small business owner, I know the a time management plan to balance work and
importance of efficient time management and life. It consists of creating a routine where one
a good work-life balance. My results show works within determined working hours or
that one of my top skills is planning and delegates specific duties and uses tools such
organising. As an MBA student, full-time as a calendar to-do list.
baker and a family woman, I have
implemented structured work schedules that Similarly, I will create a boundary over work
drive business productivity and allow me to and avoid work-related calls or emails at out-
maintain balance between my academic and of-office hours. The Eisenhower Matrix
personal life. approach - a simple decision-making tool that
helps you distinguish between important,
This balance closely aligns with my inherent unimportant, and urgent (Mfondoum et al.,
trait of steadiness, emphasising the 2019) - will be used to separate critical and
significance of harmony in my life. To essential tasks.
preserve this balance, I have learned to set
clear-cut boundaries between business, my
academics and my personal life.

Prioritise Corporate Social Responsibility: Fostering Community Connections:

Community engagement is an important I will actively engage with my community by
factor for my bakery business, and it aligns sponsoring local events, forging partnerships,
with my ability to build genuine connections and giving back. I will also support the
and my proposed customer-focused approach. neighbourhood festival by supplying baked

goodies and dedicating time for the festival.

I can strengthen the business reputation and
customer loyalty by actively participating in Additionally, the remaining day-old pastries
local events, collaborating with community will be donated to charity that feeds the
organisations, and supporting charitable homeless, thus minimising waste while
causes. Engaging with the community will providing food for the needy. This would
drive brand awareness and foster a sense of enhance recognition and public esteem (Lubis
belonging and support, leading to increased et al., 2019).
sales and positive word-of-mouth
recommendations from people while also
making my business an integral part of the

Improve online presence and E-Commerce: Optimization of my online platforms:

Currently, my business only has an Instagram I will optimise my website and leverage social
page, which is not even on Google yet. In a media marketing to grow my digital footprint.
world where there is digital transformation These include upgrades such as SEO
and changing consumer preferences, it is optimization, user-friendly website designs,
important that I adapt to this digital era by and incorporated payment methods while
enhancing my bakery’s online presence and placing an order online.
including e-commerce capabilities. I will
employ my innovative thinking to create a I will generate distinct social media content
user-friendly website with online ordering which involves new products, special offers,
options. and a sneak peek of bakery life. Targeting
local customers through paid Facebook and
Additionally, I will employ the influence of Instagram advertising. Active solicitation and
social media marketing to engage with a monitoring of positive reviews. Email
broader audience. It ensures accessibility 24/7 marketing will keep existing customers while
(Westerlund, 2020), opening up new growth offering incentives.
opportunities for the bakery while securing its
long-term resilience in an ever-evolving
business environment.

Incorporating employee recognition and Implementing Employee Rewards and

incentive programs: Recognition:
I will concentrate on employee rewards and To boost employee morale and productivity, I
incentives as part of my development and that will implement a formal rewards and
of my staff to promote a positive work recognition program. This will include
environment. This programme aligns with my financial as well as non-financial rewards
commitment to staff development and drive to such as bonuses or additional vacation
foster appreciation. days/public recognition.

Implementing this strategy will also bolster Shout-outs will also be used for peer-to-peer
my resilience by reducing stress and recognition. I will issue reward cards that
promoting my mental well-being. For my employees can accumulate and redeem prizes
staff, these incentives will boost their morale as a way of promoting certain behaviours,

and job satisfaction and make them more such as exceptional customer service. The
adaptable to the changes and challenges we bakery will sponsor monthly team luncheons
might face, enhancing their resilience (Ali & that will promote the uniting of staff.
Anwar, 2021).
Celebrating staff achievements of any
magnitude is important for building a healthy
work environment.

Taking food safety class and being a Earning Food Safety Certification:
certified food handler: To ensure best practices in food handling, I
I believe that as a bakery owner, ensuring will enrol in the FoodSafe Level 1
food safety is a top priority and a legal certification course and exam. Completing
obligation. This is good for customer service this approved 8-hour online training will
and upholding of regulations, and actually, the provide comprehensive knowledge on safely
assessment test results show that compliance receiving, preparing, storing, and serving
is one of my top behaviours. food.

To uphold the highest standards, I will enrol Furthermore, I will require all staff to undergo
in a food safety course and obtain formal basic food handler training. With this, we will
certification as a food handler. Completing a always have updated knowledge on what to
food safety course will provide me with best do. Proper protocols will continuously
practices regarding safe food handling, monitor adherence.
storage, preparation, and sanitation.
Maintaining rigid quality via training shows
that I am dedicated to managing a safe,
legitimate, and credible baking operation.


The insights from the Indigo assessment have proven invaluable in my self-reflection and

growth as an entrepreneur. My dominant behavioural traits of steadiness, patience and reliability

provide me with a stable foundation to build my business. I am driven by motivators like

collaboration, empathy and resourcefulness, allowing me to connect with customers and

overcome obstacles. Skills in planning, conflict management and appreciating others empower

me to organize operations, resolve problems and nurture relationships.

The reflection revealed my strengths and areas I needed to work on, such as resilience.

My business idea aims to bring many more people sweet Nigerian tastes and traditions. The

development plan targeted some of my abilities, such as quality control, customer services, staff

training, menu innovation, managing time, community engagements, online presence, and

incentivizing employees. To attain them, I plan to pursue them systematically.

I gained more self-awareness and a strategic blueprint through this assessment and

planning. I become empowered through this clarity in understanding myself, including what I am

about, what my strengths are, and what makes me tick. This means I shall enhance my strength

as a business leader and also develop any weak areas that have been identified. In conclusion,

this self-reflection has re-inspired my desire to be an entrepreneur and has confirmed that I can

fulfil my vision. With hope and anticipation, I venture on my new undertaking that brings

happiness by showcasing Nigerian delicacies, customs and friendship to the rest of the world.


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