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Kenisha Fraser

Brooklyn, NY 11233 | Phone: 631-520-3748 | E-mail:

September 29th,2023

Dear Ember Charter School:

I have had the pleasure of learning about and understanding your school’s core mission. I am
interested in working as a Lead Special Education teacher in your school. Your mission aligns
with my core values and my experience as a General Education teacher will support the role. I
have accumulated my Masters in Special Education and will love to work at your school. With
my experience, I look forward to growing and learning with your school to become a more
developed educator.

I have worked as a General Educator in an ICT classroom for the last 4 years. During this time I
have learned what it means to be a special educator. I have learned to let go of biases and
personal narratives that may impede on my students. I have worked with students in low
socioeconomic neighborhoods and students who are a part of the minority group. As an African
American, I have been able to connect with my students on a deeper level. My personal
relationship with students and their families have shown great success! This position has been
useful in teaching me how to learn and understand neurodiverse students, how to assess them,
how to develop plans that will aid in their growth and lastly how to create effective strategies that
will support their development.

I attended Brooklyn College as an Undergraduate. Due to this, I was able to gather a substantial
amount of resources that will help me throughout my career. Resources include but are not
limited to, how to progress monitor, how to develop IEPs, how to integrate and support diverse
students, how to differentiate and how the signs and signals to developing multi tiered education
that will support all students within a classroom. I have learned how to analyze and develop
plans suitable for any class/age range.

My strongest Executive functioning skills are, Organization and Planning and Prioritization. This
has helped me in developing plans and structure in and out of the classroom. Students need a
role model who will guide them with love and kindness and I am very passionate about
supporting them in that way. I have effectively learned how to integrate a multitude of
frameworks or assessments whenever or wherever I go.

I would love the opportunity to integrate my knowledge with your school’s core mission! Your
mission to serve and support minority students who look like me has inspired me to collaborate
and work with you. I would love to connect with and work with you. I look forward to hearing
from you soon!

Sincerely, Kenisha Fraser

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