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Jesus Delgado

Writing Evaluation
Topic: Types of Freedom

Freedom of Identity:

Identity is what makes us different from others, being oneself is equivalent to being someone
different from others. One cannot be established without the others. Identity and alterity (we
will return to the curious etymology of this word) are inseparable in the human being, a
philosopher would tell us.

Identity is the synthesis that each person makes of the values and behavioral indicators
transmitted by the different media to which they belong. He integrates those values and those
prescriptions according to his individual characteristics and his own life path.

the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR) and the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights (ICCPR), like the Convention on the Rights of the Child, recognize that
the right to identity is constituted by different aspects.

The right to personal identity and its protection are one of the axes on which the other rights
that, together, define the human person revolve; It has a close link with the rights: to not be
discriminated against, to health, to privacy, to a dignified life.

It is the fundamental right that each person has to know who they are, to know their origin,
their biological parents. It is a dynamic construction that develops throughout life, determined
by childhood experiences and related to family ties, place of birth and upbringing.

Identity includes first name, last name, date of birth, gender and nationality. It is proof of the
existence of a person as part of a society, as an individual who is part of a whole; It is what
characterizes it and differentiates it from the others.

Both individual (genetic and psychological) and environmental factors influence the
development of identity, where the adolescent questions all the social, moral and political
beliefs of their culture seeking a personalized definition of what it means to be human.

We can see that the formation of identity occurs in the interrelation with the different levels:
With the equipment of the body, which from before birth, marks temperamental
predispositions and after birth participates in the determination of interaction patterns.

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