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In recent years, online education is becoming more and more

popular. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this

phenomenon? Use specific details and examples to explain
your opinion.

In the comtemporary epoch, it is the case that teaching students through online
platforms is more and more all the rage. This essay is going to outline some of online
education’s benefits as well as difficulty of E-learning. Eventually, this discussion will
support my opinion that real-life education outweighs virtual education.
On the one hand, online education provides students with the privilege of having more
spare time and the opportunity to undertake courses in international institutions
without moving away from home. For example, students are mostly more likely to
search for a plenty of international courses on the internet and have more chances to
comprehend the functions of these types of courses through their detailed descriptions.
Therefore, registering these online learning system is not needed the students for going
directly to the institutions. Furthermore, this way can help them save valuable time by
avoiding the commute to in-person classes.
On the other hand, a virtual environment might deprive people of leaning social skills
and offer more distractions. Within an online class, people can communicate without
seeing and listening to each other which leads to poorer judgements of others’ feelings.
In addition, they are able to leave their computers for a long period of time and check
their phones for personal messages. If the students lack self-discipline, they are unlikely
to concentrate on the class and not pass the subject effectively like they are in face-to-
face lessons in class.
In conclusion, eventhough remote education will give students extra time and a wide
range of courses choice, it will prevent their development of crucial soft skills and also
allow focus loss. Eventually, studying online can be a nagative experience for some
student life and should be superseded by real-life lessons in direct class.

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