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Juan Luna St. Brgy. Minane Concepcion, Tarlac


First Semester 2023 – 2024



Section : BSED ENGLISH 3-A

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

a. identify the parts of an informal letter during the discussion;

b. appreciate the importance of writing a letter; and
c. apply the different parts of informal letters in writing their own letters.

II. Contents
 Topic: Parts of Informal Letter
 References: Informal Letter | Informal Letter Format, Topics, Examples
 Materials: Laptop, Projector, and PowerPoint Presentation.

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Pre-Writing
Learning “Good Day Everyone!”
Activities “Good Day Ms. Paras!”

“Let us pray. May I ask Mr. Laus

to lead the prayer.”
Laus: “Yes, Lord Father God,
we praise and exalt your
name. We glorify you. Thank
you for giving us the strength,
blessings, and waking up this
morning. We ask for your
forgiveness for everything we
have done. We ask for
wisdom and knowledge so
that we could understand and
apply the lesson for today.
This all we pray in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ our
savior. Amen!”

“Now let’s check the attendance.

Is everybody’s present today?” Valdoz: “No, ma’am.”

“Okay, Row 1?” Avelino: “Pascual is absent


“How about in Row 2?”

Martinez: “No one is absent

“Row 3?” Chua: “None ma’am”

“Lastly, from Row 4?” Cundangan: “Mr. Canlas and

Fajardo ma’am.”

Now, are you ready to discuss our

new lesson for today?’ Everyone: “Yes Ma’am!”

Well, let’s begin this with a group


Are you ready? Everyone: “Yes Ma’am!”

Motivation Activity:

The student will ask to come up

with the person they want to give
a letter, any type of content they
want. They are given 15 minutes
to brainstorm, plan, organize, and
select their ideas.

B. Writing Proper
Presentation “Now, I will be calling three
students to share their activity
they have.”

“Let’s start with Ms. Avelino.”

Avelino: “Ma’am, I have

decided to write a letter for
my childhood friend Nina who
I never have seen for 10
years since high school

“Alright. So, your letter will be

about asking your friend if she’s
doing well since you have never
seen him for 10 years. That’s a
good idea, Ms. Avelino.”

“How about Mr. Alcantara?”

Alcantara: “I will be writing an

invitation for my Aunt to come
on my graduation day.”

“Very good. That’s another idea

or content to write on.”

“Well, let’s have Ms. Tobias?”

Tobias: “Ma’am, I am writing
a letter to congratulate my
sister on states who will be
having a twin.”

“Wow! Congratulations.”

“Alright. Each of you came up

with the topic/content to write for
your letter. You have selected
people whom you will write to. But
before further writing the letter
let’s have a discussion first.”

Discussion “Now let’s discuss our topic for

today which is about Informal

“Kindly read Ms. Chua.”

(Ms. Chua reading the text on

“When we say informal letter also

known as a personal letter, this
writing is to express your feelings
and emotions to someone either
to your parents, friends, family,
and even your boy/girlfriend. Just
like what you have presented a
while back it is intended for
congratulating, inviting, asking
your friends if how well they are
doing, and more.”

“But in writing it there must be a

format to follow with. Now please
read it again for me, Mr. Martinez”
(Mr. Martinez reading the text
on ppt)

“In here, you need to put your

address as a writer including the Chua: “Why do we need to
street number, barangay, put that ma’am?”
municipality, and province, the
exact address to be specific.”

“So that your receiver will know

where to send his/her response to
the letter you gave.”

“Now, let’s have another part of

the letter.”

(The whole class reading it in

the chorus)

“You need to put the date when

you wrote the letter and
remember to put a comma after
the month.”

(Mr. Cundangan reading the

“Next, we have the salutation.
Please read Mr. Cundangan.”
“A salutation is greetings to the
person whom you're writing. It
depends on what is your relations
to that person and usually, it
starts with Dear/My Dear. At the
end of the greetings, there would
be a comma and placed it on the
left side of the paper after the
address and date.” Everyone: “Yes, Ms. Paras.”

“Are you still listening to class?”

“Alright. Let’s proceed with the

next part of the letter.”

(The whole class reading it in

the chorus)

“It is where you will start your

body. Usually, it is a response to
the letter you received. Saying
thank you or hoping for

“Now, the main part of the letter.

Ms. Chua read the ppt.”

(Ms. Chua reading the ppt)

“This is where you write all the

things you have or need to say to
the person you are writing to. It
can be two or three paragraphs
and it has space for each

(Laus reading the ppt)

“The end of the body where you
have to state your wish and
hopes to the person.”

(Valdez reading the text)

“This is the second to the last

part. There is comma also at the
end of it.”

“Lastly, the name of the sender”

“Of course, the writer will write

his/her name so that the receiver
will know who gave the letter.”

“Now those mentioned and

discussed today are parts of an
informal letter or simply its Everyone: “Yes, ma’am.”

“Did you learn today class?”

Nice. I am happy with your

participation. Now let’s have a
short activity.
Analysis “Since we have discussed already
the format of an informal letter. I
will give you the activity where
you need to write your letter by
following the format.
This activity is good for 30

Everyone: “Yes, ma’am”

Generalization “Now class, let’s remember that

an informal letter is a letter to
express your feelings and
emotions to someone either by
inviting, congratulating, asking,
etc. Now, can you tell me the
format or parts of the informal

Munoz: “First we have the

address and date.”

Pineda: “We also have the

salutation which is the

Galang: “Another is the

opening sentence and closing

Avelino: “The main part of the

letter is the body that includes
the content of the letter.”

Cundangan: “Lastly the

subscription and the name of
the sender.”

Well said! So, I guess all of you

understand the informal letter and
its parts.

B. Post-Writing
Application Group Activity:

I will group you into three and

each group will have an assigned
topic to write on. Use the given
format and this activity is good for
1 hour.

Group 1: Inviting someone

Group 2: Congratulating your
Group 3: Informing your parents
about pregnancy
IV. Evaluation

Directions: Identity what part of the letter is given for each question.

1. The first part of the letter. _________________

2. The main part of the letter. ________________
3. Greetings from the writer. _________________
4. Usually the response from the letter received. ______________
5. The purpose is to know who wrote the letter. ________________

V. Assignment

Directions: Write an essay regarding what you have learned from today’s discussion at
least 3-5 paragraphs.

Approved by:



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