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Creativity is considered an essential factor to spur development in all

aspects of life. In about 250 words, write a passage to suggest ways to promote
creativity at school.

Creativity, undeniably, serves as a crucial incentive for accummulative advancement in every

aspect of life. This essay will accummulate this beneficial factors and give some suggestions to
strengthen the sense of creativity at school.

To commence with, education providers could give students the right to raise their perspectives
and make assesments of the lessons themselves. This is because when learners are able to make
their viewpoint, they may find it more intriguing to engage in lessons, boosting their motivation
to study and abbreviate the gap between teachers and students. Hence, these improvements
would significantly enhance student’s creativity as a consequence of less pressure and more
freedom in the way they think and how they say. To demonstrate, Finland, one of the best
countries in the field of education, has already made it free for all students to outspoken their
perspective during lessons, recently bringing up the best students in the world with strong
cognitive ability.

Secondly, rewarding students when they come up with a new idea could play a pivotal part in
boosting their cognitive ability. This is because when students find that there are prizes such as
cakes, books, money or anything that can satisfy their effort in making creative thoughts, this
will spontaneously reinforce their desire of being creative for the next time. As many studies
from the Oxford University and Havard University, every smart creature on earth will have a
tendency to do a thing that they’ve been rewarded former, and so do humans.

Not only students but also teachers should be the ones to inprove their sense of creativity to
make school become an environment that spurs cognitive ability. Teachers should modify the
lessons into more enticing ones, giving their learners time and space for thinking. Furthermore,
teachers shall fulfill themselves with knowledge about the merits of creativity so that they could
spread it to their students

In conclusion, the creative mind is incrementally regarded as a pivotal thing that a person should
have, and school should take more ways to enhance creativity into consideration.

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