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Et There are four kinds of nouns: 1. The Common Noun 2. The Proper Noun 3. The Abstract Noun. 4. The Collective Noun Let us learn more about them. 1. Common Nouns Read the following sentences: a. You have new shoes. b. That boy wants to play with Sabby. c. Love looking at old bridges d. We visited the farms in the outskirts of the city. e. The bus’s green paint was beginning to rust. f, The children’s playroom floor was covered with toys. g- This child is ill. h. That batsman made 100 runs. Shoes, boy, bridges, farms, city, bus, paint, children, floor, toys, child, batsman are general things. They do not belong to any one particular kind. They are common to different categories. They are, therefore, called Common Nouns. A Common Noun is the name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind; such as, man, woman, boy, girl, town, country, book, desk. 2 Primary School English Grammar & Composition 2, Proper Nouns Read these sentences: > a. Hari made twenty runs. b. He is yet a boy. 9 When I say ‘Hari made twenty runs,’ I am speaking about one particular boy of that name. Hari is the name of one particular boy. Hari is his own special name, and is, therefore, called a Proper Noun. Proper means one’s own. A Proper Noun is the special name of a particular person or place; such as, Abdul, Rama, Sita, Shirin, Mumbai, India. Note: A Proper Noun always begins with a capital letter. Note again: Shirin is a Proper Noun, while gir! is a Common Noun. Rama is a Proper Noun, while boy is a Common Noun. Mumbai is a Proper Noun, while town is a Common Noun. India is a Proper Noun, while country is a Common Noun. EXERCISE 1 Underline the Common Nouns and circle the Proper Nouns in the sentences given below. Shilpi is her cousin. I bought some papers from People’s unit Annie played with her brother. Mrs Bhatia brought her baby to the park. New Delhi is the capital of India. 6. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Nouns Q ene ae 7. Our new classmate came from Tamil Nadu, 8 We went to the zoo in New Delhi. 9. Araadhya likes her new dress. 10. Saurabh has a bag of lollies. 11. The twins went to a football match in Shimla. 12. Did you know that President Obama was elected for two terms? 13. The strawberries in the ice cream came from Vinayak Farms. 14, Surabhi got a great score on her research report about Mohenjo-daro, EXERCISE 2 Identify the underlined word in each sentence as a Proper or Common Noun. Write (P) for proper and (©) for common. 1. The Atlético de Kolkata is a good football team. __ The Pune City shall play their first match tonight. _ The family will eat together at the table. The bear climbed up the tree. Ilive in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. ___ 6. We travelled down the Brahmaputra River. aPen x . The Chennaiyin EC is a good football team. _ - 8. We will play basketball at the park. __ 9. Twill walk home after school. 10. We saw a lion at the zoo. 11. We went to Lansdowne for vacation. 12. The Spelling Bee is an amazing championship. 13. We need to prepare for going back to school 3. Abstract Nouns Read the sentence given below: The boy showed great courage. 2 Primary School English Grammar &Compeion We can see the sun; we can touch a book; but can we see or touch courage? No. It is the name of something that we can only think of. Such a name is called an Abstract Noun. An Abstract Noun is the name of something that we can only think of; such as, sweetness, kindness, darkness, weakness, pity, pain, hope, i Zé doubt, greed, childhood, misery, honesty, sleep, sickness, death: Abstract Nouns are nouns which cannot be identified by using our five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell). Read some more sentences for abstract nouns. 1. Don’t you have any decency? Don’t bring your hate in here. Dad always reminds us of the importance of self-respect Love makes the world go around. Sleep is important for good health. He is a man of strength ‘The people in this part of the country live in poverty. Cruelty to animals is a punishable offence. en eNane 4. Collective Nouns When a noun is the name of a number (or collection) of people or things considered as one, such as army, crowd, flock, fleet, itis called a Collective Noun. The word army is a Colle collection of soldiers. ive Noun, because it is the name given to a The word crowd is a Collective Noun, because it is the name given to a collection of people. The word flock is a Collective Noun, because it is the name given to a collection of sheep or goats ‘The word fleet is a Collective Noun, because it is the name given toa collection of ships A Collective Noun is the name of a number of people or things considered as one. Here are more examples of Collective Nouns: a swarm of ants/flies/bees a pack of wolves a bunch of keys/flowers/grapes/bananas a flight of stairs a clump of trees an anthology of stories /poems a cluster of stars/grapes aherd of cows/deer/elephants a shoal of fish a row of books/hot aband of musicians of actors a gang of thieves a crew of sailors a team of players a crowd of people a choir of singers a sheaf of grains a volley of bullets a quiver of arrows ajury of judges Primary Schoo! English Grammar fe Composition EXERCISE 3 Underline each Collective Noun in the following sentences. 1. The choir practised in the new auditorium. 2. Ising tenor in a quartet. 3. Everyone in the group received a door prize. The team arrived early and went to the locker room. As I watched, a flock of gee 4 5 flew overhead. 6. The jury listened to the judge’s instructions. 7 8 During lunch today the committee will meet to plan fund-raising events. Can you find your way through this thick grove of trees? 9. The cat and her litter found a home in my dog’s abandoned doghouse. 10. When Jared hit the beehive with a stick, a swarm of angry bees flew out 11. For this short flight, the plane needs a crew of only three. EXERCISE 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Nouns. 1. He is aman of «12.0... (strong) India got ....... «sss from British rule in 1947. (free) Every year on 15th of August, awards are given to the people by the prime minister. (brave) He is ona . to Mecca. (pilgrim) .. to welcome you. (please) is the best period of one's life. (child) a .. of any kind should always be avoided. (waste) Asa parent my children’s ............. is of utmost importance to me. (safe) As the sun went below the horizon enveloped the planet. (dark) There is no end to his... (wicked) en Thave great yenage EXERCISE 5 Pick out the Nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are ‘Common, Proper, Abstract, or Collective. 1. Mary had a little lamb, i 2. My cousin has a dog, called Fido. ‘ 3. Acold wind blew last night. 4. The girl has a sweet voice. 5. The people who live in Holland are called the Dutch. 6. There was a large crowd in the street. 7. The child has caught a cold. 8. The elephant has great strength. 9. Are you speaking the truth? 10. Columbus discovered America 11. Mumbai is a big city. 12. Solomon was famous for his wisdom. 13. He treats his children with great kindness. 14. Agra has many fine buildings. 15. Ashoka was a great king, 16. The wind and the sun had a quarrel. 17. Kolkata is on the banks of River Hooghly. 18. The girl showed great courage. 19. Ali gave his sister a great fright. 20. Our class consists of twenty pupils. 21. Without health, there is no happines 22. Our team is better than theirs. EXERCISE 6 Identify the Nouns in the following sentences. 1. Mrs D’Souza was planning a field trip to the Great Himalayan Valley in Uttarakhand. Parts of the Great Himalayan Valley are still unexplored The giant formations produce feelings of awe in many visitors. She captured our interest by describing cave-dwelling animals and fish .. Blindfish live in dark areas such as caves and underground streams. They have nerves on their bodies that have a special sensitivity. When tiny animals such as amphipods move, the blindfish sense the movement. 8, In this way, the fish can find and eat smaller animals without using sight, their movement. 10. These young fish stop moving when they feel something swimming nearby 11, Mammoth Cave is part of the longest known cave system in the world 12. Can you find your way through this thick grove of trees? 9. Ablindfish may eat its own offspring if it sens Nouns Q

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