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| SS Rese eanan nee s ae Oo EVERYTHING YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ‘TIME-HARMONIC FIELDS, BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK (A Solution Manual to TiME-HARMONIC ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS, by R. F. Harvington, McGraw-Hill Book Co.) by Davia T. Auckland Tapan K. Sarkar TECHNICAL REPORT TR-76-3 ~ February 1976 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ‘Syracuse University Syracuse, New York 13210 PREFACE Most of the problems in "Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields" by R. F, Harrington are solved in this manual. The problems not done are 5-43, 5-44, 7-28, 8-11, 8-12, and 8-23. A few problems are refer- enced to other books or journal articles where the authors feel they are done more extensively than they would have been if presented here. During the course of this work various mistakes in the problems were found and corrections should appear in these solutions. Finally the authors vould like to express their grateful acknowledgement to Dr. Joseph Mautz for his invaluable help when con- sulted and to Dr. Roger Harrington for encouraging the project. _ det SToRES’ TH: fa Conti) fA = fond at Ta at ¢ 3 Seeiyt So Oy senfaer bomnoll by 6 Jd- wbus © lo a cloatel torteun, sae DIVERGENCE THmt: Gag “SL vd dv s So a hostel eifew contains v % [fort -- 22) -as * Peat =. [p28 ‘s ) Jeo = 38 eT) .d€ Ss Fis ff Pik « fete MC a Bae ot Hild angles, Ba Ot = B43 wah oe 4 fered cet [In stmewt bef l=2 Logewra Foece: Fe f+ 30x8 FROm DEFN, OF HALL COEFFICIENT; wensh = ht 3é eghe' x& t= F/4 TRTAL ConDucTION CoseewT d: C~ = = a ge, 4+ 6b, o.(Ena) +B S84 Hembso © BNO + GR) =o aD, baw a et a ee q~ te Cont I>? Cont.) 2 oda, oA 2 RCA) ae (et, [RAs = fa ob =4[ fade] 2 0 F aS VF =e Condicaaiy gy, at é ) fora: [Fd =z da s at Ct AN mm ze “42 dU) gay ES a) rs to +15 (phar) k= JE & (ret) = IEE [C004 j8) (cout +7 eset) ] AZ (10 cowl - ose, wt 1) = Re(eei) = Tee [2, (43s) oa, Gaipe™] >, bas = (BL-5,)-F ute Aa te tute GB peel face Srey the abopion ts Sones four , d, =d, nel thurs GPs -& roc a. s =dz fa, (Stagust 3 Scnuit) + (2 cout ser] aaa & (Heit) : RG, 42) Leo dntg) coast! ~ Sh drt) saat) f A= atzb B= cege xe (4) +@CB) = are = CAB) (wa) = xa ru (A) te Fe Re lee] 7 =1E@ Cel] T2xa = 2G [Ee] eefaeft] 1-7 belo a ES EGE A=W, +48, alee apne] ~ (E, aout -B sant il, coout-F seat) = OB ee wt - U6 st eet HE tS wl owt Bm ste Te mea peers Ss BaAY = (Em +6, 4) +i (GH-G4) Tar 1-13 sCitj) Je feade eorwt) — srewt (Ew + EH) +E, (ie oo wt, were | as (stented) s ime ae Bs Hear wee (Ena et) [2 Eze" “a = ime "SB, +h +m cov tl feet Am) Bye wat len omy jo ale soon) He eth ewe tl (EH, rE, Scat] = (swok oj ame ER o Fs OLE seam eft] Genotejranct Tans to They By tots Desplat welled eee innit eu 1,f eweE a Rae f [Cee exmy)(e%, “ 2. {hs De mall Tn imn'a = go et% \z Ne soot = s(s -it) = Cc 2 Gz zoopt Pe, = Usd C= SA. fran Cea =300K0™ we 4 243 (Wee we) = 2 Ye Gtjwe + —L ' (s00-3) x0” Get, = we"h s 200 wo. +o edowio' =z 4 1-14 Cort) Ms xL0"K 300 ote 162 1-16 Cont.) The tontinulin from pe ot Be je cord [t eles ater, Hos bs gint 2Gju) To topete / At azRel? 4 [eeu = [ioee’s, “gels <<, Foetiy ot ~ G52) (300) we" equig! ints Ponts Ato inure CE. BH mw HO wo = intl) Soer nce) zo ates, BOS Re Eto og, For We wet 3 te nZun, [3 2a aye fey «| toe = [ei “eeia) 44 a7 [2e) - 2G) way 269) an Big) ot bate mal tena gay pus, Prasat Load in coag wy a 46> see, engan is resol, Sz $68 107 Jeon Foy Ut) eS ebaee CrP wan fay eb Gotpranci |g show, Clo) = alee “4 - i fee Leahy of £4) an) ™ Ue ges) cfElbey CECH, yee =— ot oh a ll ll © ety Comte) Wea Perey fe oo MO Sf oles a4 te sly) Sted / tle) = a 4 2 yey) BL 1 ay whieh is thy frist ty. te be prnen, EMC) Com be Lanaael to the form PRM = (A-H) wee Tae c AxAah- 20, nx @-%) = Waanitie Cum » tr? Gok.) fez =~ faa CE-E, ).0d = 5 ne AXE) em 0 (B,-Ex) nA = my 2-1 ’ Ey cee bout dese veh Setfy v-Ero PoE, HEE, = Ee hop i =o = agke Ea es =-jkEET vo VE alot net satis UXOXE KE so =V0-F)-eCE-vE xo Gre 0 xo) UKE = FH 4 Stoned =~ we = GE an Mode € Take ort RO (Foxe) = exe = -FE on (Fox) gE = Takary ot 2 @, Ix (G4 ont) 2 ore s -3a * ox(§toxt) efi =o Thee Ate, ony arahl for w Metiggd maalea Ege, 2-5 alo not Aelel for ke Tee = JE Mm pies OS +k Bee =3 RF D" BFP = inesp bt S20, f ny, fe= tet Bleren) 1 - (0.54 47.58) 205 408% +2 luermny OsF 2 a5 r00™. +2 (wetetn,) 25 +2 larers Hm) 20 oO ot By eesatokp) sinfut-ey) 2 ( vo) £46 S Btrolully suits tk - = Sohe & Thee O & Caps fe Egu 2-18, Ege 221: T4ue VS = -zk Bue 2kz Sheol cS) > fleets) ze wrzB Mey . (outs. wt) 420 2E ete Se, st cout i i i J { I \ | | [ 2-4 G2) + @ breve: hE ne rly Staal 0 EE, aout al "1 : e 4 £6, “too 2k (oo wits, wit) + W LE onto wt OLED low key St cool . z = RE ao ug sc eat + WEE too 2ley doo rt so tee kk cue 7 Ege. 2-27! vSso a if (Herr) 20 2 Ble) Egue. 2-24; senha. %S =o Flomtudes ot O) & satacpcd. Wet, Wet Why Oe = ARES ck cooutt Te ents Soil t Bh thy sh rwt gn 2-5 Comte) 7 Sn 2kgen zit fay oo a As cate oly | [tr wt] +E Lc + ewrtg | (ee wort] vez 7 Mew -— SUURZSHwTt & (1+ ero 2g conn) o So ky awit! \~ eo vley co est yo ba Leo (eg ust) Vm boo ey trust} ~co0 (ley -uit) StI-£ Eye alt g pike = Acok? 7A See + Coke +p eke SQrc) tole +7 (cA) scnke a = CarcJiadle (ca) tty) “eT 8 ‘ = [larch raceortta sua rad) Hal wef ae = (atectanac ceorka)“aie"e ex Cera)sinke - _ (a-c) Caac) coax a) Hoke 249 Fe (Amy ae Let Ac B® etalet7t E = Liaty aleed) +, aC9)) 7 pee a [aya ity aye? * jG Artyase? AD teks tat AS Fer phoce wlecity Ip: we dfargdees] so a Cae) jee w- A-De sctee vp (ase) . c+ (AS) aM: ~° Thiet aspresnct Tur earoutonhy (3) ss pularipD wincts nef toy Bb ‘Ups Ate tee 4 ALi , yo pel tare os 22 B= (G14) EB sHke = (aA #8y 8) a ii a we asjh a= @ HE cole “e ais hy Exc Eosinkt cata | FEL Cacill searida jen jet = [Gd, +68) +] (bay samy je? = (E +3B,yeu where Ee RelA)iy +@e (aay Bit TaCal y+ Tm 8) Hy Ha inte 2 aS & = EEK Ake 5 mn Ea ele) +4 TCE) by = Aceoe geist e428 exceed” Let B= (Aa, +8ay yerdke stale ae vaiet® Plat welt ke +4) fe Piel ncetan) The wreus io erentanrt, pelarsadd Ott dt = Cates) cones) Qe beg = Cet aal?) 84,2ea) Ba tal = (BL ants boy a bx + on et ~o aa, + 7 cea) bem “* bre ane) “Gee . : ‘te . Tr othn woe, Labidh shows Thy sllaptic prapaitey Ig ac, b= j te wee tweatel ee erenllarb, planed, ac ei 78 awe Jha Bor ax-gB ks [Bes “t El pone) eget TD Paine se ae bE kee wee Celeyen) 21 2-12 Ceonty) 7 atxe Abe = Ms Ae VAT =? ps ay ke Sea) = 2.85 xr0t ft x99 Cokatate?) 2 RY R79 i 1 1 Bt x2 84%, => 82 KE, J T= 8/7 =D S24 1} *& wD Gays i = 6.24 Ke” "4 Noma) | | 1 { { =| Ae = Biot fo( 5 je") ened? [Nad f00er iss agian Lisy as BBB G33] 1644-9.209) «297-9149 +4 Bax E 4) Copper, S= $8107 kis “s =k’ veo trio® 26 ols ho27 bated 1900 Kennet | 4-r9- jaa] sit jesse | 428—j4re Sher 447 [2,28 4jR29]00.7 91-7 Ax 10% +7494 j.004| 804 +}.003 86S sjeoo2 ©) Fanence As; ke w Jee Gaia) Ratt Comets) t t= /4 (SS Qr we Lee ag Froese" 10 Faom Emirs, ZF =qk7 a wt pe it > (+ a] ! 2 ike jk be I “SR gs [Ela Gy © BENE) (= h ele] * a (aX - é.) ven -ZJ | of Eg 2s Bolt Egit-7y qs we! C+ wer k =] py (ee jus) =p tata (erger) ola [! -a( see)" r res! kafaqwaletiwey ge I TTA Sued afiwacs wae l = Joe (-i 1 +a] . | iene (14 a" | = Rjape [r+ is + EE) Gi4)* +tG-dG- Dei] ¥ } Pefacigl( ie] = 64jaejet) put” apt! 2215 Coonts) kn ord " : ‘t+ a), ct = Fallts)ila-a)}] 7% me ' R= te aaguot SE k's [FRE (1+ 4) ier e Vatuse fo metal mare: (compa) = 518107 6 (vite) 2 O28 H107 cl getet) = 07 K007 CC Abeneintny) = 78007 eC breve) = 87 007 kts = ( (-4) “EF hela 2 [PF (iis) 2Je(- i eft. ) R=(E (14 8) “jae 2 Pel R 2 Ra 2CrK0 deo es , = 2.02 KO 1s) ae (<6) ° seine b) t= why fz — = Pye 2.82 nom Wipe Sane pan ©) f= 10% r= fe (dt -4) Re tasnwF > JB Ley) eR (i+4) kee Fjepa’s [WAS (1-4) eat Pod R> aln)s Ele i} “ee 1 GtRERS Beaute e's) ths ie es (ot-Wte-$) == eee eRe ee ee ER ee eee eo Ma sscenty 219 Cents) se ge te biel? 4 Cental pebaristel wane oa es mactin thy dnypbitile _Aacongs buporatiatl, with & onaf 2-21 Ceo.) a Pa 240m 4 5 ' 4e07T = Strmme.* Sea (i= tot) = 38, Sug. > IPl?S oe bse al. We = ES 5 PSY & He poy by Ramet Amel 25% ie arftecleal, 2-22 Bots ong 2 0 E/E 5 a Gt Gg ' ewe] om a= coe 28.7% 26h % % ee a qs we! . Be Gr we" we mus tepeney is hgh porgh ww wie A te caja ~Taaroered = Cjot oe)” “Tu, He Xia é] = ene (s tat th ay R 4 Eft 24K Ue bok, for tuo berse laces : = 2 . TA 6s tk a So r= 2h rol "Unt. dis? P tteteee ne tT 14 2-26 Cont) tite Cor’) b) ' ” era 6d “Qe urbes é R=R +R, = TES (a+b) ams *etab = R (are) 3° +f ural Dacron te 3" “e <) = Jr jen Coa ge) —vw === a & tke - Rroretaes Bove plot is Kz 1 Hz 2 axe = 4 axk wr PHYA 7 = a = HKG, PE, ote 2 Lite =o We LUE axe age 8g* a atin, J E uret y oxt = -i4p BH, UHH = (os jue oe? DE. PE a (euarere Pe + Et (eter) ’ Bibl io ako mfr te ke cleislean , Ee rtterdeo a * tkteze kits cer { oy Bro, S Bye Asks y tBurokyy S Eyco aty to al ys & a a ' 5 5 i =) i 5 4 |e 5 ' h 3 a 5 a 2-29 Cent) ky = air = wy Bee Bt Asem * Aw 6 TE merle, Fon the Tw cose, Hy=o anef the equates sctisfecel bg Hy od ; rte +r zo 7 bps kee Hy = [A Sin ky 4 + Bsor ky g] Ee ~ te 2 jae ky 4 Eyso of yro urbe “Ad anol ky ur/y Hy > 8 eo wore” 7 cae ao wes be aq My rik * )= K na w, fo2 —te ¢ “ zbyue For TE, moelec, Exe & (ee) aoe Hy = YEO Bey e” = “ 2-24 2-27 Cnr) pte “ele t'] ome [BY Ps & Bs Bes it [i - “typ mre. wortes, Hye Hy coo key ef Eye Bly = 2 He H, wokye™ we ae {wt Pa “f% We by = sts zr eee 2-30 For Tr woot: (HEE, te) Bae Pia R agi (ots wf 2 = UHR wee Pe 2k se eT GA Fey TE betes CE, Hy tyre) 2 78 Pas Zyl” R hee ; ste = (8) Keel = &. A) _kyt & 2° @ la Eta” * 2R (Nj TO 1 e BrS) Fer Tikg meets: 2-32 Cet) 5 cit wert By ey grtte wet we bln chewae Q oes a Me. arent tec S07 et he 7 Ea® oe * joe quis wily Exo, I q = aL (ay L fds 20 Ey at dom ze a Hh, eile } owe bea a TE nureh anol £50 | ae Pl 2 eintt og J 3 “ah (¢, Ej itl — b% The 5 mont saonk, tum fora pr STamoleng wren, 2-33 Nee a Fann Eau. 2-24: Sa> ex": Rese, “Me it 69 we @ . RHEL ut 2% zB tpw (ung Eg 2-24) = RK aw a (e say cite, ‘a, 2 = 26S “Ta ton (ut #2) A “a 2-32 Ss Fey mole - TFat See BS Psat Be Ge Sry eciet > A & z - Ss . = Bebe B We heey ei veg 8 Mar Tg, coo ny iF vezeteste lp iy Rupa & leita AE a We = i a ‘er he = rig , 1" Speers [sy , ' = £ie*at = £08 Jel* = elite) " | 2 yt Wit WE ab (re 4 I a} bose = shies tt = Zabies* ° x 4 4 i 4 x x Ve feel leet 2 age "5 ° fpsat +2 +j2w (a, -We) =0 Tf ts 2 no campalnrs i, ty 2-34 Coots) ‘ 7 t Te fa =f fess, ~72 \ { 1h. [2 2 4 ase 2b Se wom €7*] we rz 6b ® = rbbe re y~ Th, P= el*ab yr. 2ablel® BBS Ths one mafbertial wee when Bo, = Bo. Ro = 2 "Me mea ee f= ne toe et ee ae if, fas abt, 4, & Aub 4,7 Aree 2 “ft eel =m [-tty) J 2] eT ele ae Ne] ADS (te) [oes] fife f Prebe PlAgrrs) 2-38 Cost) Qz We) (322) 52.54 wot (Bas we) Q) b) Pobyotprm, f= 25% be 3xeoe (10) hiwmy LRT z 2 toe cb tis ts At .0bLm, ae, eG ot Aa ra Ah &e (yan) cusene! (2s x10) (2) Ja, atoll -eb-F2] a -fe (8) (F a se 4 og a Aa pbs (4) (s3 -£, ln q, a cae J“ = 76 Fe tog 14 fate mo brect fe, hay + aFe teeny’ Te fiat = =f i) oy ofits + [oad fide ey Ae 9) nares) bet Xe zhu Yo te ReGpe Rt bha) fee Aacries wrote ane mraste peop, | = 4 fit srry Re Wei Uo SF = Hrs x10} fom 6 : b 4) a tee) = ish be (H-e| ae 6 : ® b + Bx = UD sky \ CIR go ae stoe nat = a8 Eo ™, *, a ° | 2-34 Curt.) 2-41 Cemt) og “ BSH let) Rea Ceo.) ME Paz Rlel* (be (oreed ate) sree) Ferwwlae for Gand R any $ Noxyate) eee = Cer) e Cqa4') *4@)* = [Crs oemg A }2 rtscnw | 7 & 4% Aras (Asp = = o Al 2 (passe a, oe) 7 [26 Ig “ etl-Aysc -r2 8 1 me tI -Aasne fib 55, Aes] rer, at's ated dg! -j 1 Ags EA tT ik] Pea ara tec! Hg - Ra grg snot de vs or 7 ar eee ; eile. ager Olt +a a2 Se cage > “come ike ree cit re tie et oe . . -jke = ike Snes fr booger wt). = oe Hye Gk soe Chor gut) a] a Balika Tet fersienm skae? ane ec anit Ee = hg = ju SnoAg eae, tad xo) =r qa We zie eat =e afar’ Compt eee Sarieg me git 2-41 (mt) 25 lee) 2-42 (wt) ae” (jer) (zemnocmd') | Reo Byrn / re eee v 3 = _—- 20 ue : aM (as +) Sin6 to" a sae’ (+, = Pas ee i) Sater Roa ker @ % Gate ' Age 2a’ ei (Erk) oe or z ' wet ite pnt 5 - tio ; . = Ime’! (# 1 \sne}2-43 Fam, Be 2-nde r Eo: Tee om ( it + 3.) 5 r 2-42 ike 7 ar rh pou?, ers e! ( t )ss Aare (H+ i) se ‘ “lex.8) Hg Et cil (ik +A) ene ee ch |B (rene ay) eee ' = {ws Apt sano aAy pie Fron proton 2-42, Fae ers gikt . kes Eg> RES ¢ (#2 -17)sn6 = ES eth Gk woe ar r 2 or re jhe Het kESeM Lk +5) 4 or rove ert, Th Geet tes to, B Ee Fy one Hy, Hg . . a 4t = 5S eik* jk ze Sno 4 “4 me TR :f Geetha) wg] a +i 4 Faiz r spay] - [fe see) secs a | SS an "enemy is} of =! \ cf 2-44 (oA) 2-44 Cod) zx Coo OH 2a Re coon * = ey Hera By + ines = 20 KEE et tf =a sda (eeeoter) ~\p " 24 teat - [ve ar sen kl fap 4 ‘ wo top ™ LY sewot lel _ 2, top el cog heh we A we +p famy's Bebe - weft en] ~ as “ 4a = ef te ced kha ti tcokl ire me $ (e+ topll - cc ee L chs he, 4 “fine “! tld nl € God eek (E5ue- tt) - it (At (ey ee ear) +4 Gok (ev tg lt ale Vel -20kL - bff Ee eobe ten loty geno) y 2-45 ~ r(®= Toy kz +42) -L Ket yp 1 1 She jk uf ~ Aes Hef Tyee kere! ale wl Ae ® ad eb - Loo. 2f a= Or By = jepsnoAy fr longer -jkr ht ee : i +af memmkl telnet) sw 7 enee ar —— ° qnrr fe ‘ jkaleoe | 1 f relate) tae My . "two et Cw) ifs a faba az ity Ae ) skal, ' = af sa, kle'+tle) & 2 = 2 Were lh C0 Typ ai fi 0 “a ef Ue ch(a'ntit) sh{z'sth) 1 = 1 a sez wo =f € -< e! a me = peeled, ele Zk . taf = mbt teem v took tur pohly oa kL © kts: “af Wahl wer srrklinr yy 7; oece ~ whey xo hho SP BRR RRB RRBRERERERERE EE f TU phe Come) jl dz! 4 3245 (emt) safe efte lire) Fe a (eens C Fee , wg ht es well of ZOrnd le tog& eikhtrres ). pee fF {ea seme) 1-0 jefe “2 ( HE, S[k Cerenoe)] t+408 aye Restietol] - Tmo iH - tn phe sag fel fel (idee) -“ (rane ze Liteoo 7 et sn [F109 6) + eek son(/ woo) _ei? fay ue func) z eit DL) Solel sole Z{ of 0( i Kd ame )3 Zte pee - ‘coe sate _ wmage(teeh | | shee. ae ed weet, 2-48 Cem) + tea ket of (Kh eee) f Bove jth jh. the mel Goo set Let ene Seo te tt _ieth ene = [ed fajenus ke =F z oe wo Lf -2 400 uf + cooled 8% (Kf cova) 2 Hokt a 4 » y 5 x» Pema hee wee ee eee = ise eiMy g , ge Say 2 ine a(n) pal ane Sno 4 i ajke = 72. 6! Sn (98) ape I ur se BAG eye nig aw Ree Re LPs f[* He e*snododd sath +e) Ss Pz 2 Ta» co8®( BT 08) 2 5» gf) 0 GT) ste re o =f md wo (Fee) ig 1 bein Ur Sn =f Pe TOY yg, nal | > & og o UF Le st. For a=o,nsty = Ef Ce toonrt) -t tear wr = 4 [fog rue - Cent | R= Pim A et 2 (lag ra began ~- Gen] Tit Tis k(24 U2) 24 zh At Ex= (- 7170 eik® 220 a 2 J ni oe avo =z , be shaw hat thew ened a tusmnt eel shut Fa RT Hye Ee w ' Oo. - : i EO = a) ame i oo ' a = -Teb (pe = Ty e! ,2eo § eo. Be sy € * plend) ' Bq HED HED (no dadconttnaily a ot z=0) a Ext o ot ax of Ex = -7% By ale) it wo | Bet TB se ary ite = Ue! ‘ + To 527 sjnen) W EL ty te npiguaten § prthn 2-28 Wy Siler ary writin ao; “(EEX = Bech ey oe KE IQe, my y= a otoe er confupenation arp Hy = My Sc, arg 7 @ 1Azye,, SPeR RRR EN EERE MEUG os The unontet Le a fale fer he To, conde whens the frslal Lamngtt (2 mnagunmcuing at tb/, ay *Comelustone ae placed oF 4g =#b/, Be Cent) a Hye KS ot ( - it) ss0 40] The frelele ole To a dunt Apes Be moment Fl one gen lng Fon. zu; Hg = (tk 4 \sne te gee (2 ot) The Tare y!S tay ery be peel Y KS £9 - ze EBC eot) Re & sory 6 i Eee gy enetad B te lapel ty siche, 202, aoe, Selinn 2-9 it wae asasorntef } that prants uot an ived from the sourer, hot maranaf . i The absus sebatione do not dtitsh Aor aneltharfor i tomnat as Saltire tn how fae wield. On F full B Hofer, Hy - . 4 Bee m= 4 £(p2) 220 i ay = See Some £62) , R Bee abs -i sized aked ‘ as 2 tet * Get J Sinzkd © 2Starkd +2 teal 2 Coed) j = anykyrs)'{ L + eo2ked ELT Gat = Sinzked (eka)? trcase 8) Tt ytd = ens) (Si (eka)? “| 2¢ (ro Egu 3-19. Eye -pwty SHOR from dual 8 Egu, 2-123, Bem ale Ey = Civer)jmerse. sm8 5 amr + too (eal Sim f5e0t) ‘ = wy seit = WHENTSE Se calidengsne) MB arr R= RnB ngs plu & B \ ponctat tonal hisnaleny tory|T?| ane 3-14 Corts) 3-15 zu _ a by prob, IAL, a 24) B= Bef Pugny of xl) o Aus _ Aweno Ha from dual DEG, 2-uF ; tes Kl e*7jute yt \® ° qn 70 june? Wo a ppliasl arellogs ot B= TM Prof . boo ( o pine te enags) 3 tunes tot p Pe [ge my ly , te menapele alone, Fiske us = ots) eitee/ ie tbh [Aet & pn D oy, ar 2 ah : an > Fe. Me yh . D- denetio hyper = denaig moropele Pe ECeesyin/ : SAREOD Tt ( coo zheel Rt & v. 740 | tes ee jseily lea)” “an M8 Rutt Ry B= Qo(P) = amyfes\*pe/ Sn tked Owe Fe 4 workd _ si, zkd (zkl)* Cae? Oaldig tas Te Ty for Senge R= mf kS) TZ 4 Serzled +90 thd . (iS) [2 +S (ea)* =~ Sinrkd ena 8-16 (cmt: 3-17 (tort) i which 4 b tly Ber He 4° 5 2-17 (cork) 3- S718 (ot) = Gt FeAw se [aus -)+ foe ens 2! _ Vinng Bam 2-127, Pe tcuty = al fot tos) Ur she Ue wh Fae Vay cierernt* aes pk oogsie dole anel E gu. 1-04, exc -2) + feat wens ‘det aT Feats ® 2 [Tentee-mt’ | Conging att pan Ob e 6 * | tat tina oven wt Lay [aye nae foto? oe. ret iit iets) 71°F casts AN i os) _ i feikt je'(e dow) td | (n es Wale) = Bye x4 p(t] eof = (K'aog y's. $ nh +. eft ot + — jG =e) je Crewe) ) ° ag rf sy k(g 2!) efttorey., +2! woe, +, ylzo ) . iehi “ke owe) wiht led U2 Wie 55 fete et ee Fe ale dy! 2¥ 2 bn safle ( A . “4a OY, eitt : eit +f “gitenteosoef Ala Et ~pe eee ae = ey oY pe jx’ 0d Snes -e* } ur Je! Su jietirens) Fore “hy TH 3-18 (emt) ajler i e Paar r Re Va soe kid se [eterctireett it ] Re wa oe, (beab) wre (Beem) , 20 (Hot) 140 (4) k Ste Ho js EsoR | 40 =U eS (ke ogee "re (kp enpnine) ssclipen) tt she Su nj ke eis et 4(6,4) = He, 470 ae = Hy, geo 4(e)4) = Sia ( He cood st) (tte) nll 2si( He oe detn8) B18 Con,) Jey rkiwey 2 [eevee I coe , (Samed jee - ~The | =e arr Ket eee du ‘5p oo) moar seine, a apke ze? Sinn ($8 osine) set Fa gsne (qr piorio's, Hype JeesnorR = wei" boi ( KScoad ent) oy4(! ne 1h a HS Te home, me a i = t= wt 2Ax Et > 2h xe a phy isn R = -2b,ef*4 fen Vireo a me earls re youd dFyz -1 Ge TRi er Babs jk aot a” He e eds R ts) _ = dey = Up dFy : , = ale ith jkyt(Sb 45-4) = jee Te ounr +H (7, +4) AS r 2 -jkEsg iy Gnteeh) Ur # as R 52 ety) 3-21 (covet) Bg = 7c (Keood, 4) . fe (Keood, ty sh E> jee lag je(asied,) Mat 27H toed, be x “ ~ 4 -f [stone heed) by Ne ewe | giktesd) coe 4, dady ar ee eats: : og faze! (sd 424) Ae gh . ~jkebett ka (su d+sn4) Ned) Se gac) ja (sind +5 4.) cae jk(snd rd) s s Ea = 72 = ~OKFy Ot O= TE Ls fan full, Ey -Ey nes peRp ahh bom Eqn 3-97, nike = hEpabe | wad, [Ka(sadsscd)|| apt carping ant Lapel for jen wS(sad ang) | Fave tees . ag Bf = jkHeabe! at dz 4, 7 eC omatoon baohoeaTer a ore Otto ike 0) SACS (Hd 5h)] ood, cfs Mabel se tiarcdfog | Ta) ere kasd, at d= bs for paar, backseaTln : Se ey us jeabe S: (easndJoot Siz A) ke Ab shard fuod) |. ~ Kasey ee asd, | | S°> bol 2 _. Le ge that fins fee Be ome g) 7 are ka Sad Ret ben (2x8) eae ei a = 40 stents tnerdl dha song, whic, ts the Sime arg protlin 3-20+ : - ye = mn[stnhen (4) Nea Endy EL use upeit Gerd tyeig, Wy = 2A x Et Baus 36 ge 3-23 Ceont,) 1 . mB bet. yak ax! . om vty s vty 1 7 When pet 2 CRY 2-18) 6 eyed ancl the shat corout I ] TO) = Tsea(e(E tal] | ooent of pnt + cbecne sent veg 2ry i E. Tar =f) EF se [Pear =ffetar | ste , l OF o> fie tade! (Sires some 2 vy = Pe ts a cba fomnclon) i Fon pit! Ja Heitgesin, dupe ayer zac FJuy ae ee SwnbetTuhing into (1), a. wie Bot ar; tk2'c006 Bs rove wee ee le) egy ee IL ad o . ~ ine “Faroe wot) -too (' » eT In =a Duy oer “biel, i Egu, 2-125 . 7 . a — Ves V RG) whens By id agphiel air) a a Eqn3-34, we = Vv at?) whan Ty be aypla atc) dab =VveT® (bb auBigy viz, every fon aneperety ) drvcekl, py =v 5 TA ot cet ot b tol sener Ts ake 0 is opptad, Whe, Egy t-2 BO ayGdeus) = Wf evF) Ta 3 ped, vit.= vir gab? = eve I n= Me Zz dabe, + = 20 4 (abI5) lea we z= aa = We Tsong & Ess -Rz ized) sz. o e Tt (-e) sam (et e=0) a4 = ff feet done - a -vxg ona) ar ga ikea lene WTrchenging And B, OPIS x 40 xd) ds = ff fcoxE toed Bond ont Sted, C2) front), Viti Tigred becomes; Ufo (20-6) +8 Jar ~[[PeCocoe,) +e, ote Riche maior Alea by ty J e(Ax ox - Exod) As intone LEO. =f[f@-oxgork -A-oxd ove )ae | Me er(e*e) = E+ (eer) So the webs bral foitlon (tA AzES gre, Pee pociusse To: - {Je Cowes) ar = Ife (ere)ar- fffecer =-ffeveds -art-e _w J/g e*xox8*-e4ox 6%) 4s afffce.2x gones-eSoxgy ve") ] Pfr nu-coxu®) As = Wife + bx0x B® -E*0x0% B°) ol” unbieh from nso oY, preter, 3-27 prolucee Co Equi, 3-25, SS’ by degen th; meen Prmclininy ts spa onze al senfoce Cegral phous uxt obtain 3-29 Cent.) | fenab aston 0: HATE = [[CExong—Gx0KE +E9-6) AS 3-31 Cem.) 2 2 Egy 75: ane 0'RE = [Ex pe) cc WX = 7s WG 0b). jkr - = [fox i apa Sto a (ou) .z ath ier rik eects eiied) 8 SWI a gen ele) Re Jorn) 4 gag) lee Finale the ween pratal A, she lyeet| et satay gi Ae ai Maile y tele ~Ij-ae! av | = WJ = dnd nq nash © . ate gle which ig thy sony eligral 00 for e =. _ . = ~e ATE A peotiln 3-19 ond if te ar amet for fill sypucsiny or curl to Feet = G void (FWEEHO) une qet he wien ape Sone Anoney oo i, prottin 3-19, sz - jk lear e gti e-el pe Inet ci Ir-etl ate teri 40 3-82 Cent) 333 Got) I By te: oe Fa, Ee Fy snot, : — inp 7 Uys “24 Te ! jet — jMk oe ; eo 4 = 22 ete fe ay tt, J Eq. 2-65 become: Far ES dusctel, J R= pot ee y= BY 2 (i pe + * 578 I 2 ggg 7 {pt pm 4 oe ' Se aye by Swe Len wll | I ‘te deoke dy Ege. 2-00 Paes Pyy? Mae . een “bt ox re wet : Wels, BM Te joe +5 0(eF) RY oo -2t iy es om ! . \ Ay= Dee : arr( reel amite'l - . Tr ite Eee w= I He ox = Dn ~ PA Me pe Fat 7 Me wana) ceoby I ™ fend | BE HH) 3a 34ers) f= eM eaeag (CECA A) ue aS RS (52.4 +52 4) The pelo asta is fool at dona 09 oy probber 2-20 wturh qnte the Stowe nssvelt, 3235 pettnnhea Singh) To AxAé melki ne ake Wey , <2 uff Cie, jkylsnd aur $4 Hg x ~jkAguod A, = jkteave™ we (Sb et) The zebo ante formal in he Staene urea as protben 3-2 at dz dy 0 aftr wnduh the Some Ae 4 . 3236 : ee ted Aa the Hye -pke €,5 Haze Et y-Zeitt Hero This Guile io Tw be dtia Uaferen plane wane travatlnr, br the 4 deischien anal io Bansarty prtanipeh, Bt be aeo TEm ty wo deislier, 3 propagation , eit 3-3 dye! “safe Cantendlly 3-37 : : 4 yeet™ FeQy Eso Hy =o aik e = pee" * Hy =e jkx 4 Egzo Hae -Fe The Fukel to TEm To the K- dlisclion, Ske a eniforny plane ot: ty the +X . zea, 4": a te jei* ue ex (et) ke" a ajke wxax(TH') tke, Ez eit, asa ax (ee = jeel® “x, jee oxox (ep) = jee a, ~jke we -jke eltty a 4ie" ay see ai ee >i =-G4e &= $e Hee -94 jee jee lel 3-39 Cent.) Sapavtny components me GL; Ey = —juphe ~jkFyp Spe png tp ke 3-34 athe aashalion yor, Ego 2-4 become: Ee -oxF +L (0x0 x%) He od +2 (exexF) nF = i, 2f2Cre] aa +208] -% CHE Yaya + RM ape he = GW) Fe- GGM Fe Sctedy vx0xF = Tbh GEM So “E = Uy) Fo +dy lik) Fo city os + ep ton eM | fety ay rhe = ox = ff flee) eee alls) ky “y wh (by2) nal Now hi" (kyx) Hee h(t) =o fem syeuition B wnables. This is alee tras fur te Ahn Tere toners arg the Hob nbd, equation fo fo satigfedl, A Sinlex = Sa, (A-jA)X T Sin px Coa) x = 00 x5 (GR) = Sintec ax ~j 400 px Soh ax Stnljx) 2 sobre toa( jx) = coh ® Ste, toa lex = too (Bx -7e%*) = CaO BR coal 4S pK SC a as 2 ity ¥ Ciky) "eyatin) kat “ky ta Ye Kay = (et +eyZy He) x = key % ~ ky Fz jt any 3h = -OxE = (eg ely Hae - bye ty = kya t = ke) ee Sh Fe TM, monde E,= ¢ Sim mitre sh my = -jee : Bt HER SE St ove woe Es - wr oe wT = SE toe EH Sa wry « >) olf Wy 4-4 Const.) 4-4 Cond) hs whe 6 eek - & weary, for, 2 oe ak CE) #(F) 0 ome ee 3 a Panay fess om wrnblo Kee 2% mth ened Poman free on or “* Zs Perms flew » = ffs)" ab meme nea? aie Pe ff Ex anly Fen TE ay, wneeliey ‘ Hat C coo my coo ry ab a 6 2 ut-cut) de Hye GBC msc. , Hes eur) 4 x AEC SS mary co ty = Chpue Hye 18 @2T co mm Sw A= SE (ta a ny 4 oe a rad Eye 1A C wir tog mere Sinn Tg HY CBWE fates be coat * coe c SSG) arm | * = UM CAT si tty foo TY f= pet gb So ES ap eet ye 2 we whe >= (az) est Re Rf Lory tig) *] ee Get eat = = [age (22) Sate | ware] en sm ame Sty ut t + ffeseet weCnn'scnt 4] “He nx) Sm one = Rete 4 4 [be yy = cab (ty +(=) 2P me ab a~ gubcrebntftars IS] A= a6 [Jotanbags hezartpec™ pws ab ry sat Mark = 2B Gate rtatatjwt (ES a | da 2K Herne wt btantat)ab (mt Lrenta® ab wue{ fLetentan + ly Tt Aes lent) au (Ea) Sp] 4, “4b ee): +b+e az)" | = eet{tast) entre tsteente | nt ae xe Pe ze = EREADL . Rept vee) wa pa w abeab abril tur bente 22 6 Reba Ate Ge = 4-4 cont.) 4S re = ae axe Le) yt 4 ab a ze +e Fer TE, wreleg, E,= Eo Stn ny et Hy = BES ci. any oo 7* bb ae we Hae Ee fe we nye 7* ivf 4a Bl = RP tHe yee 42 L = Rf Ee /te) eo? HTB ob LE) 6 = REa He)" ae +! Alyce = fi (iy elie g af Se So 4 ay Ee eles] = bby (eed) Pee dfng = Be ts Tee ER fy 428 4.) y) ang % 4-6 (cont) tee Ce Oodisans Cho wren travel ote, he +2 cocking andl fom, The prootust soliter, FY 24, %, ! i b= ten 1 de = FO Yor Thos Hot we (Ateoky #852, 4,4) Ke = UOI KO Se [er] aGs77) }-/.29)* as. OX For syle parole operaLiorn over a tin Gupeneg pangt, bla =? te (oly =P AZ Som, feet {eye Mee a et Mt The F fer Tt ancl 7E costa Ane obra by mattiheny the fuslely at te benrcleris , Fos the Tem = G4 KO” -F nape me 4 3 . a west, e? ae % be Sem, ae HS em, cathe 2. duiekrs, Be tan kes Gon ont, = SRO" 2 at 2 tao CTs phe KH =o tebit ts wang abou Calf so Te Dee te Wo Benger rant Single mromle Nig? ae teas #=ce? propagelion Seamer TEo merle 7 z THEh sebacteon is 2 Ay otk? 2 Debiine nd wanshen ' Fam Egy 4-33 nel 4-34 a Ye datacEiay , i ' he, 2 so a ' : a t ! A . i | The squalinn Tek , Yee sakiagutal & « DY 4 tt yr pro a ae Bet ft Py anptgead Phakitee [els grr sia Fe ts a ee ftom ste kion = OD TE Auakyy +B yg 4-8 (cortt,) ene g(-ek ATi lt )p SoA 4G Bute AB ASE” {thxd, = Apple wy _ + S(egertek’}t 4 o jt leat, eh) = (ey Geen ity tt +8 (1 ea hace ley My 7 = thy hy + ta) t Woz gue tAkyg jee Abd 3 bay = 7hg = (kee) 8 fh . 4 =” nly ky Ste Ba ke Rested BH peli Stabe fon: = a(ez® +e) "Sale ghd cee By byte ' ka lex AN apt ay ke Ser Ae tiy WEE 2 A(R Ae) $ soe F ply = {Pigxk she a> Hie urs cule + pie” 48 (cont) peaxe at (-b8 Kt adgY Gxk at lky @-k@) =o rae. eg i eg by * ata, +8ha) + 4D ¥ Ch yt) oz “ee - [dey -jkee Se £4 Dex ajhy = S E (aby OCs 3% z + ky ce ee ede * eye ee Duarte’, Salawet foren We elute DAL) fan cle id ky et bat hy a” = So mare Sy lm Be ban fra 2 tangles til, Fe the Tieuben asoorretin thas One ro Bord in ty @ dusclen £0 Fane = Sn DE The psprnant foageentise out . o> cea \Ce) te webb ane the UTaff frageranacrs *e $A) Ante Cent) 7 & ty aitlangular quale punt, by «(aya +(ca)'t | u Eqn. 4-24. These ath ow *, al 4 beprortin mew fool by, fers Ent (artes) me(ers] ' a we easel lof ew EPA (=) @) { Wee f Pied eta) Jontacts t 410° oo 8 2 malts) a GU : 2 Wri, = abet favate wel] i gatb™ Qe wx mngy ud ww Omanage poms Ort Onb, the greek mano cage wit be computed, Age LS = Sa DEES my oe qm = wabemttatente’) 2at7n c uy 4 3 te E,: 10P. “ALTO Sy ena eer (eI UES par” Fac eee . tiavy Cl = abe keyg ky Eye Rec LN Sh netne gy 5 a I Fige” Fee TA | ae Gale vacbee)ien | Es 1/2" +t) y e a(t } Not wre ak, r] : EE = coofnTTd two 9TH SO 2 ECE) Sa a were mee Di vo SSE @ tt tye £2 zt : on Hype IF = WI Si, MEK coo MTG 400 LP * $e PER woe : ay e © + oy "Sin oe Hyg = BP = Mit coo Int Sang boo CP ae ye oe geen |e ttegeeepe pag OB ae . fal, v2, a) ta et dla aes (Beet to be 2 4(e: Ogi) eonme weno ee easy ae © alte Any pret. aaltes) ss + (exe .

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