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Types & Characteristics of Utility Poles and High-Voltage Poles

Electric power is an indispensable part of modern life and its transmission to remote places, once it is
generated, is just as important. In the early years of electrical energy, there was no need for very
high levels of power because the places generating and consuming energy were close to each
other, but nowadays, with the increase in demand, it has become necessary to transmit electrical
energy to cities and industrial areas that are further away from the places where the energy sources
are located. Meanwhile, losses in transmission highlighted the need for solid utility poles along with
the conductor diameters and quality. You will find a lot of interesting information in our blog,
including the characteristics and types of utility poles used in transmission of power, and whether
birds landing on power lines get electrocuted.

Why Do We Need Utility Poles?

Why Are They So Important? Utility poles serve to transmit electrical power. Poles are usually used to
carry high voltage cables and these cables need to be supported, being tall and robust structures
capable of carrying high-voltage cables. Playing an important role in the distribution of electrical
energy, utility poles are also needed to install transformers that supply electricity to certain parts of
the power grid and other equipment. Utility poles can also be used for street lighting, traffic lights,
communication lines and other infrastructure systems. They play an important role in people's daily
lives. Without them, many modern devices cannot function, which would mean a significant
compromise on the comforts of modern life. Utility poles are also important in disaster situations.
Earthquakes, storms, floods and other natural disasters can damage these poles, and until they are
repaired, there is sadly no alternative method for distributing electrical power.
Characteristics of the Parts of a Utility Pole

A utility pole consists of complex parts that work in harmony with each other. To encapsulate these
parts and their characteristics in a nutshell:

o Arcing-Horn: It ensures safer distribution of the electricity arc (when a high electric voltage is
applied, the electric gap between two conductors is overcome by electric discharge in air,
gas or liquid form).
o Arc Circle: Used in conjunction with the arcing-horn, it ensures that the arc is kept under
o Steel-Aluminum Conductor: A conductive material that enables transfer of energy inside the
utility pole.
o Galvanized Angle Iron: A durable material used to shape the body of the pole.
o Cantilever: An attachment to which the conductor in the utility pole is attached to.
o Chain Insulator: An insulating part that prevents the electric current from flowing from the pole
to the ground.
o Camper: Material used to connect the power lines to the utility pole.
o Damper: Material that prevents the conductor on the utility pole from swinging due to wind
o Upper Body: Located at the top of the utility pole to support the conductors on the pole.
o Flag: Prevents the conductor on the utility pole from rotating.
o Lower Body: Located at the bottom of the utility pole to make sure that the pole is firmly
anchored in the ground.
o Climbing Bolts: Small attachments for climbing the utility pole.
o Handrail: Tiny materials used to ensure the safety of people working on the utility pole.
o Pole Number: Specific numbers assigned to utility poles.
o Concrete Base: The foundation on which the utility pole is grounded.
o Grounding Plate: Used to dissipate the electromagnetic currents on the utility pole to the
o Life Hazard Sign: A warning sign that indicates that it is dangerous to work on a utility pole.
Types of Poles by Voltage Level
Electricity distribution networks have systems operating at different voltage levels. Therefore, different
voltage levels require different types of poles.

What Are Low-Voltage Poles?

In general, these are poles designed for voltages of 1,000 volts or less. These poles are used in
electricity distribution systems for households and small businesses. Low-voltage poles are designed to
place carriers on the pole and attach conductors to the pole.

What Are Medium-Voltage Poles?

Medium-voltage poles are usually designed for voltages of 1,000 to 69,000 volts. Medium-voltage
poles are used in industrial facilities and distribution lines in large cities. These poles are larger and
more durable because they operate at higher voltages.

What Are High-Voltage Poles? What Are High-Voltage Poles?

High-voltage poles are designed to withstand voltages ranging from 69,000 to 500,000 volts. These are
used to distribute electricity over large areas, mainly used for inter-city power lines. High-voltage
poles are larger and have greater strength.

o Type T Poles

These feature a pair of cross arms attached vertically to the beams. They are suitable for Y or
delta configurations. The load that T poles can carry depends on the length of the cross arm
and the thickness of the material.

o Type N Poles

These are one of the most commonly used high-voltage poles. Their distinctive feature is that
they have an N-shaped beam. Such design provides a strong structure and high resistance.
They are also made of high-quality steel or composite materials.

o Type D Poles

These are an improved version of the steel T-pole. They are often used in the construction of
high-voltage power lines, with a D-shaped beam connected by two pairs of cross arms. This
design provides high strength and durability.

o Type Z Poles

These are used in the construction of high-voltage power lines and have two Z-shaped beams.
This design provides high strength and durability and better resistance towards wind loads.

Types of Poles by Material

Utility poles can be divided into several types, based on what material goes into constructing them.
The most commonly used construction materials are the following:

o Iron Poles: Representing old-school utility poles, they are designed for low-voltage power lines.
Low strength materials are usually used for the construction of such poles with a limited body
height. Concrete
o Poles: Ubiquitously used in power transmission, concrete poles are made of durable and long-
lasting materials. They are designed for high voltage power lines and stronger than poles made
from other construction materials. The advantage of concrete poles is that they are durable
and long lasting.
o Steel Poles: Steel poles are a preferred construction material for high-voltage lines. Thanks to
their high durability, they can support heavy loads and have a long service life. Steel poles are
also impact resistant and easy to install.
o Composite Poles: Composite poles, made of a combination of materials such as fiberglass,
carbon fiber and epoxy resin, have a lightweight and strong structure. Their advantage is their
robust structure and corrosion resistance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Poles

Poles come in different types and construction materials. Each type comes with its
advantages and disadvantages. To give an example:

o Concrete poles can carry heavy loads due to their high strength, are corrosion-resistant
and long lasting, but are difficult to transport and install because of their heavy weight,
and their strength is lower than that of other materials.
o Steel poles can carry heavy loads due to their high strength, are impact resistant and
easy to install, but they are prone to corrosion and do not last long.
o Composite poles are known to be light and strong. They are also corrosion resistant, but
can be expensive and are more difficult to manufacture.
o T-type poles are easy to assemble and disassemble, lightweight and economical, but
they are not suitable for high-voltage lines and are vulnerable to wind and storms.
o N-type poles can carry heavy loads thanks to their high strength. These poles are
resistant to wind and storms, but difficult to install and relatively expensive.
o Type D and Z poles are easy to install, strong and durable, but difficult to transport and
install due to their heavy weight. On the other hand, these poles are vulnerable to wind
and storms.
What Are Different Types of Electrical Wires?

Electric wires are conductors used to transmit electric current. There are different types of
electrical wires built for different purposes. Some common electrical wires are:

o Copper wires are widely used because of their high conductivity and durability. In
addition, copper has the advantage of being corrosion resistant, able to withstand high
o Aluminum wires are cheaper and lighter than copper wires, but have lower
conductivity than copper and can break more easily.
o Steel wires are often used in power lines because of their high strength. In addition, steel
wires have the advantage of being corrosion resistant.
o Copper-clad aluminum (CCA) wires are less expensive than copper wires. Also, they
have higher conductivity than aluminum wires and are more corrosion resistant.
o Insulated wires are used for electrical connections, especially in households and offices.
They consist of copper wires coated with PVC or other plastics.
o Fiber optic cables are used for high-speed internet and telecommunications services.
They transmit information using light signals and can offer very high bandwidths.

How and How Often Should High-Voltage Poles Be Maintained

Maintenance of high-voltage poles is important to ensure a safe and healthy electricity transmission
network. Maintenance extends the life of the poles, reduces the number of failures and ensures a safe
working environment. Maintenance of high-voltage poles usually includes the following steps:

Annual visual inspection and detection of breakdowns. During such inspections, deformations, cracks,
corrosion and other damage to the poles are checked.

High-voltage poles can become soiled by dust, dirt, leaves, and other external factors. Therefore, poles
should be cleaned and cleared of moss and other plant material.

The insulators of high-voltage poles are among the most important parts of poles. Therefore, care
should be taken to ensure that the insulators are tight and have no cracks or other damage.

Harpoons and clamps are used to attach high-voltage lines. These parts should be checked for
looseness or damage and replaced if necessary.

The grounding systems of high-voltage poles ensure safety in the event of a failure. Therefore, the
grounding system should be inspected and repaired as needed.

Organizations Responsible for Power Transmission Lines

In Turkey, the operation of power transmission lines is usually the responsibility of TEİAŞ (Turkish Electricity
Transmission Corporation) with construction works awarded to companies via tenders opened for
transmission lines. These undertake the construction of poles by fulfilling the required conditions within
the specified deadlines. During these stages, the supply of materials and poles is carried out in
accordance with TEİAŞ specifications. The expropriation of the land is carried out by the contractor
company, which hands it over to TEİAŞ once construction is complete or the commitments only covers
the construction works.
Interesting Information About Utility Poles

Many people find utility poles intriguing, often leading to queries such as the hissing of the poles, the
balls on the installations and what happens to the birds that land on the wires. Let's have a look at
some of the most intriguing aspects of poles.

Why Does It Sizzle on the Utility Poles?

Sizzles are usually caused by electrical discharges. The discharge occurs when air passes through a
high-voltage electric field. The hissing noise often heard on utility poles is caused by the friction that
occurs when molecules decompose and recombine as the air passes through a high-voltage electric
field. As a result of this friction, small explosions occur in the air and a hissing sound is produced. In
addition, the effect of wind on the power lines, the friction of the cables against each other or the
looseness of the connections can also cause a hissing noise. For this reason, hissing noises are more
pronounced in power lines that are not maintained regularly or are poorly maintained.

What Is the Significance of Balls in Electrical Lines?

Balls in electrical lines are usually suspended on high-voltage lines and at certain distances along the
line. These balls are used to prevent flying foreign objects from hitting the lines. In addition, the use of
balls can reduce the likelihood of deposits on the lines, such as ice or snow accumulation that can
occur due to weather conditions. In some countries, balls are also used to indicate the height of lines.
In the United Kingdom, for example, the distance between the balls is in a certain ratio to the height
of the lines, and this ratio is used to determine the height of the lines in places that are difficult to access
for high-voltage lines, such as in forests or on farms.

Don’t Birds Landing on Power Lines Get Electrocuted?

Birds landing on high-voltage power lines are usually not electrocuted. This is because of the low
voltage and current strength of the electrical energy in the wires. The voltage in power lines is usually
only a few hundred volts, not thousands of volts. This voltage allows the birds' feathers to neutralize the
electrical charge. On the other hand, the distance between the legs of birds sitting on electrical wires
is often as large as the insulating capacity of the wires. As a result, the electric current cannot flow
across the birds' legs. With high-voltage power lines, the electrical energy in the wires can be very high,
which can electrocute birds. Therefore, with high-voltage wires, some precautions are taken to prevent
birds from landing on the wires. For example, obstacles such as an insulator or bird wire can be placed
on the lines.

What Happens When Electrical Wires Come in Contact With One Another?

When electrical wires get too close, a short circuit can occur, which can be dangerous. A short circuit
is when the resistance of a circuit is too low and the electric current that should normally flow in a fluid
circuit flows much more than normal. For example, when two different wires touch on a utility pole,
current flows directly between the two wires and the resistance of the circuit suddenly drops. The
electric current cannot be regulated and there is a danger of overheating, fire or explosion. Also, safety
measures such as circuit breakers or fuses may be triggered in the event of a short circuit.
Why Do Electrical Wires Sag in Summer and Tighten in Winter?

Electrical wires respond to temperature changes and can become shorter or longer. In summer, air
temperatures rise, causing wires to lengthen. Therefore, the wires can appear slacker in summer.

In winter, on the other hand, the air gets colder and the wires stretch more. In cold weather, wires are
less flexible and appear tighter. Therefore, wires may appear more stretched in the winter months. Wet
weather can also affect the tension of the wires. Rain or snow can increase the weight of the wires,
causing them to sag more. Therefore, changes in electrical wire tension can vary depending on
weather conditions, wire material and other factors.

Why Are Electrical Wires Buried Underground?

Electric wires can have many drawbacks when suspended in the air. Therefore, in some cases it may
be necessary to ground the lines. Some reasons for burying electrical wires include the following: High-
voltage power lines can be dangerous and pose a hazard to people and animals, especially when
they are out in the open. Buried lines increase safety and prevent accidents. In some residential areas,
overhead lines can be a visual nuisance. Underground cables can help the area have a more
aesthetically pleasing appearance. Storms, high winds, and other natural disasters can damage
electrical lines and cause power outages. Underground cables mitigate the impact of natural disasters
and shorten the duration of power outages. Buried lines lose less energy than overhead lines. This
increases energy efficiency and means less energy loss.

What is Electricity? How is Electricity Transferred to Households?

Electric energy, which constitutes a large part of the energy used today; provides lighting,
communication and covers heating needs.
Therefore, it is an indispensable energy source. It provides high efficiency in industrial areas
as well as ensuring the operation of all devices in homes.
If you are curious about how electricity reaches our homes, this article provides insights into
the journey of electricity from its generation to its arrival in our homes. Enjoy your reading!
Some Electrical Terms Used in This Article
The most commonly used electrical terms include the following:

Direct Current
The flow of electric charges from low to high is called direct current. In direct current,
abbreviated DC, the polarity does not change over time.

Ampere is the unit of electric current. It is denoted by the letter A. It can be measured using
devices called ammeters. It was discovered in the 18th century by French scientist André-
Marie Ampère.

Electricity grids are used to deliver the generated electricity to users through networks.
Different grids are used for the transmission and distribution of electricity. With distribution
grids, electricity is transmitted to end users.
Voltage is the potential difference or voltage unit between two ends of a conductor in
electricity. It is denoted by the letter V. Volt means 1 A of electricity passing through a
conducting object with a resistance of 1 Ohm.

What is Electricity?
Matter consists of atoms, the nucleus at the center of the atom, uncharged neutrons and
positively charged protons in the nucleus, and negatively charged electrons orbiting the
nucleus. In a neutral atom, the number and charge of electrons are equal to the number
and charge of protons.
When any external force is applied to matter, the balance between protons and electrons is
disturbed. This causes the atom to gain or lose electric charge and negatively charged
electrons are released. By moving freely, electrons create electric current in matter.
According to this explanation, electricity is a physical phenomenon caused by moving or
statically charged particles.

The invention of electricity is connected with the discovery of magnetism. Until the 18th
century, many different methods of generating electricity were used, from magnetite
element, also called magnetic stone, to amber, from compass to electric machine. Then
research accelerated with the invention of the Leyden bottle, which allowed electricity to
be stored. Benjamin Franklin began working with Leyden bottles in the 18th century, using
them as a simple capacitor. He discovered that the sparks produced by electricity stored in
these bottles and then discharged resembled lightning and thunder. In 1752, he succeeded
in storing electricity in a Leyden bottle by flying a kite on a stormy day. The lightning rod,
used today to protect against damage from lightning strikes, is Franklin's invention. Franklin
was also the first to use the concepts of plus and minus electricity. He observed that two
objects with different electrical charges attract or repel each other. He defined plus
electricity and minus electricity and said that the flow of electricity would be from plus to

What is an Electric Current? Unit of Electric Current

Electric current is the continuous and regular movement of electrons in the atoms of an
object from a point where they are more to a point where they are less. For there to be
current, there must be voltage between these points. It is not possible to talk about
electricity without electric current. The electrons that make up the current are transformed
into a different type of energy after passing through the circuit. For current to occur, an
electrical circuit must be completed. A circuit is complete when it starts from the voltage or
power source and comes back to the power source. The unit of electric current is the
ampere. The term is named after André-Marie Ampère, a French mathematician and
physicist who was one of the discoverers of electromagnetism.

How is Electricity Transferred to Households?

The production, distribution and transmission stages of electricity are as follows:

How is Electricity Generated?

Electric energy, which is used as the primary energy source in homes and workplaces, is
produced by generators that convert mechanical or chemical energy into electrical energy
by converting into electrical energy the flow energy of water in dams, the motion energy of
steam in natural gas cycle power plants, the motion energy in wind turbines, and the
radiation from the sun in solar systems.

How is Electricity Distributed? How is Electricity Distribution Done?

Electricity generated in power plants is distributed through electricity distribution grids.

Electricity generated in power plants is transported by high voltage grids between 35-154 kV
in order to prevent energy loss. Very high voltage grids above 154 kV are used for
transportation between cities and power plants. After reaching the cities, the high voltage,
which cannot be used in households, is reduced to 220 V or 380 V in transformers and
delivered to subscribers. Transmission lines are laid along streets and passages to transmit
electricity to residential areas. Depending on the type of distribution, the most commonly
used grids are divided into branched grids, ring grids, interconnected grids and mesh grids.

Branched grids are networks that generally have a tree-like line chain and whose distribution
starts from a single source. While thick lines are used in the sections near the transformer, thin
lines are used in the sections away from the transformer. In addition to urban centers,
distribution in villages and towns is also handled by these grids. Although it is an economical
and easy-to-maintain system, safety is low and the voltage in the lines is not uniform. In other
words, the voltage decreases the further you get from the transformer.

Ring grids have more than one transformer used for power distribution. These transformers are
connected in parallel and form a closed system. Thanks to these systems, created by using
multiple transformers, a large number of subscribers are prevented from being left without
power in the event of possible power outages. However, installation costs in these ring grids
are high.

With mesh grids, which are used in cities and industrial centers, power is supplied by more
than one transformer. However, the lines to the end user form a branched structure in the
form of a mesh. When the number of subscribers increases, the entire system must be
changed to expand the system, which is costly. Since it is a mesh, only the power of the
affected area is cut off if there is a breakdown, and other parts can continue to use power.
It has the advantage of providing uninterrupted power and stable voltage.
Interconnected grids have the capacity to meet the entire electricity demand of a large
region. Especially when the distance between consumption and production centers is too
long, these grids are used. This system is available in all countries; all power plant systems can
be integrated into interconnected grids. All grids within this system are connected in parallel.
In the event of a fault in the system, the energy of the region concerned is switched off and
other regions continue to be supplied with energy. In this way, it is easier to ensure energy
continuity in the system. However, the disadvantages of interconnected grids are the high
current flowing during the short circuit and the low system stability, i.e., the difficulty in
reducing transmission losses.

How is Electricity Transmission Done?

Electric power transmission is delivered to consumers through power transmission grids. Turbines
and power plants that generate electric energy, as well as production centers, are usually
located far from settlements and business centers where electricity is consumed, for reasons
such as access to raw materials, safety, and pollution prevention. However, in this case, it may
be difficult to transmit the generated electricity without loss and to save electricity.

Since electricity cannot be stored, transmission must occur immediately after generation. In
this case, the power transmission systems are used. The transmission is carried out through
numerous auxiliary elements such as poles and transformers, capacitors, transmission lines,
breakers and disconnectors.

The electricity, whose voltage is reduced, is delivered to the houses (meters) through poles or
underground transmission lines. The electricity delivered to the households is consumed in the
houses after it passes through the meters.

Today, electricity is usually transmitted using alternating voltage. However, chemical batteries,
dynamos and solar cells use direct current. DC voltage: it has advantages such as regular
voltage adjustment, a high insulation area and no stability problems. Some losses may occur
during the transmission of electrical energy.

However, it is especially important to transmit electricity from renewable energy sources with
minimal losses. This is due to the costly use of renewable resources and intermittent production.
Types Of Electric Poles, PCC, a. Wooden poles are used only in rural
RCC, Wooden, Rail, Steel areas because of the low cost.
Tower b. The maintenance law of the wooden
pole is very high.
c. Sal wood is used to make a wooden
Different Types of Electric Poles pole.
d. The wooden poles are not strong
Electric poles play a very compared to other poles.
important role nowadays, they are
e. The weight of the wooden pole is
used to give support to the overhead
lines. Different types of poles are used normally 10 meters.
in different places. example: steel f. This type of pole is suitable for a shorter
towers are used only at transmission span.
lines. Different poles are used in g. This type of pole has an insulating
different applications. While selecting property.
the pole, that pole should have some h. The life span of the wooden electric
properties like a longer life span, cost
pole is 18 to 24 years.
should be low, good mechanical
strength, etc. The selection of poles i. The wooden electric poles are used up
will also depend upon the voltage, to 11 kV.
weather conditions, the span of the
The different types of poles are:
01. Wooden Pole a. The full form of the PCC pole is plain
cement concrete.
b. The height of the plain cement
concrete pole is 7 or 8 meters.
c. This type of pole is made only from
cement concrete.
d. The tensile strength of the pole is low
compared to the RCC pole.
e. The plain cement concrete poles are
used up to 33 kV.
f. The cost of the PCC pole is less
compared to the RCC pole.
g. The life span of the PCC pole is more.
h. This type of pole can be used for a
longer span (span means the distance
between two poles).
i. These types of poles are erected on
every street in cities.
(RCC Pole)

a. In India, this type of pole is used for

erecting overhead lines above the
railway tracks for the third rail system.
b. The rail pole has high mechanical
c. The life span of the rail pole is more.
a. The full form of the RCC pole is
d. The weight of the rail pole is more.
reinforced cement concrete.
e. The rail poles are painted to avoid
b. In this type of pole, rods are used for
corrosion and to increase the life span.
making a pole. Rods are used to
f. This type of pole can be used up to 33
increase the strength of the pole.
c. The tensile strength of the pole is high.
g. The cost of the rail pole is very high
d. It cannot be broken easily.
and the installation cost is also more.
e. The height of the pole is 8 or 7 meters.
f. This type of pole is used up to 33 kV.
g. These types of poles are mostly used
at diversions, endpoints, and start points.
h. The cost of the RCC pole is more
compared to the PCC pole.
05. Steel Pole 06. Steel Tower

a. This type of structure is used for

transmission lines.
b. This type of tower is used above 33 kV.
c. More skilled laborers are required to
install the structure.

a. The steel poles are again classified as- d. The installation cost is more.

rolled steel poles and tubular steel poles. e. Steel towers are used for a longer

b. These types of poles can be used up span.

to 33 kV, above 33 kV steel towers are f. This type of pole requires regular

used. maintenance.

c. Steel pole has good mechanical g. These types of structures are erected

strength and the life span of the pole is out of the cities because of high voltage.

d. These types are poles are used in
e. Installation and the cost of the pole
are very high.
Types of Utility Poles- A single utility pole may be used for multiple
purposes. Depending on requirements and the

The Ultimate Guide available resources utility poles vary in both size and
the material used to make them. An average pole
is around 12 metres (40ft) in height, and (depending
on the terrain) spaced anywhere between 38 – 91
metres (125-300ft) apart.

Types of Utility Poles used in Overhead Lines

The utility poles used to accommodate overhead
lines can be divided by two main criteria:
a) pole material; and b) transmission type.
Utility Poles (also referred to as transmission poles, a) Pole material
telegraph posts, telephone poles, power poles,
hydro poles, and telecommunications poles) are The most common three materials used to make
posts used by utility companies to support cables utility poles are wood, concrete, and steel. In
and other equipment required for the operation of selecting the best material, a range of factors need
public services. to be considered, including the location, voltage
load, and installation and maintenance costs.
Table of Contents
• 1 What is a Utility Pole? 1.Wooden Utility Poles
• 2 Types of Utility Poles used in Overhead
o 2.1 a) Pole material
o 2.2 b) By application/ transmission
• 3 What is on an Electric Power Pole?
o 3.1 1. Wires & Cables
o 3.2 2. Utility Pole Hardware
o 3.3 3. Safety Features
• 4 How to Install a Utility Pole?
• 5 Final Thoughts
Cheap and widely available, wood has historically
• 6 Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
been a popular choice for line poles, with pine,
cedar, and fir varieties especially favoured due to
What is a Utility Pole?
their height and durability. Wooden poles must be
A utility pole is an upright column used to provide
‘seasoned’ (dried out) before use to enable them to
support to public utility and services apparatus such
tolerate more moisture absorption in wet weather
as power lines, cables, and wires. They are also
sometimes used to accommodate other relevant
Wooden poles also need to be treated with a
equipment such as road appliances (e.g. traffic
preservative to minimise the risk of fungi, rot, and the
lights), as well as decorations for events and public
damage caused by wildlife. In modern times there
has been a shift away from creosote towards the use
Utility poles are an efficient way of keeping
of more environmentally-friendly preservatives, such
awkward or hazardous equipment where it has the
as Pentachlorophenol and Copper Zinc Arsenate.
least chance of being disturbed. The overhead
Poles crafted from wood have a limited voltage
suspension also helps to provide a more reliable
capacity and run a fire risk if exposed to extreme
means of signal transmission for computers, phones,
heat. In addition, they require regular maintenance
and other telecommunication devices.
to ensure that they are not rotting or otherwise 3. Concrete Utility Poles
deteriorating (e.g. due to woodpecker damage).
Seasoned wooden utility poles have an average
lifespan of 25-50 years. Their eventual deterioration
usually results from rot below ground level.

2. Steel Utility Poles

Concrete utility poles possess the highest

load capacity out of the three. Like steel, they are
extremely resistant to rot and wildlife damage,
require minimal maintenance, and weather well in
harsh climatic conditions. The insulating properties of
As a more durable, environmentally-friendly option concrete are also similar to those of wooden poles.
with a higher loading capacity, steel is often used The two main types of concrete poles used to
as an alternative to wood. Because it can be accommodate overhead lines are reinforced
melted down and reformed, steel also offers concrete (useful for weight and stability), and
flexibility with pole length – enabling taller poles prestressed concrete (useful for strength and lateral
suited to higher voltage loads to be made. capacity).
Poles crafted from steel are also relatively reliable The main disadvantages of concrete poles are that
and easy to install – making them the ideal choice if not made on-site, the cost of transporting them is
in densely populated towns and cities. considerable. In addition, concrete poles also
Steel utility poles are of two main types: cannot be easily modified, are heavy and awkward,
• Stepped poles (ISTPs): Poles made with built- and can pose a safety risk if they weaken.
in maintenance steps (useful for road signs); Spun-cast concrete poles have a lifespan of 50 years
and or more. Their heaviness and relative impenetrability
• Swaged poles (ISWPs): Poles specially make them the ideal choice for use in coastal areas,
shaped for extra strength (useful for street where they can weather sea air, harsh winds, and
lighting). boggy ground well.
For the heavier duty projects covering a wider area, b) By application/ transmission
large steel towers are used in place of poles. Steel Utility poles are mainly used for three different kinds
electricity towers can transport anywhere up to of overhead lines: 1. Transmission lines; 2. Distribution
300,000 volts. lines; and 3. Public service lines.
However, steel poles are more expensive to The utility poles used to support these are
manufacture and can be prone to rust. As there is transmission poles, distribution poles, and light poles:
also a risk of electrocution if a live wire comes into
contact with the pole, more robust safety features 1. Transmission Poles transport primary, high
are necessary for their use. voltage power (230KV or more for towers)
Correctly installed and maintained, steel line poles between power stations. Transmission poles
last an average of 60 years. Galvanization helps to and towers are often made of metal, and
maximise their life expectancy. anchored to the ground with concrete;

2. Distribution Poles transmit secondary, lower

voltage power (5-33KV) directly to
businesses and homes. The power carried by
these lines has already been processed and
converted to an appropriate level (known
as a ‘service drop’) for ordinary, everyday • Static Lines: This includes a static wire (used
usage; and to divert lightning surges), and a neutral
line or multi-grounded neutral (MGN) which
3. Light Poles are used to transmit varied levels provides a return path for the electrical
of power to the range of fixtures used in current;
public services, such as traffic equipment, • Transmission Lines: These can be further
CCTV, and street lighting. These kinds of divided into primary lines, which carry the
utility poles are normally self-supporting. highest voltage, and secondary
Distribution poles can be tangent, guyed, or self- lines, carrying power which has already
supporting. Tangent poles are basic purpose poles undergone a service drop;
arranged in a straight line. Guyed distribution poles • Telecommunication Lines: e.g. those for
are those which have an in-built guy wire as an telephone and internet connection;
additional means of support, and self-supporting • Guy Lines: Those which connect the pole to
poles are those which are unable to depend on the foundational level.
any additional support (e.g. those which house an
awkward space). 2. Utility Pole Hardware
Sub-transmission and distribution lines are often Hardware is the term used to describe the various
carried by different sets of utility poles. However, it pieces of equipment which are essential in ensuring
can be cost and space-effective to accommodate the efficient functioning of power poles, such as
both on the same poles. This is achieved via an bolts, hooks, pole clamps, fittings,
‘under build’, whereby distribution lines are nuts, washers, cross arms, and assemblies.
incorporated onto transmission line poles. Pole hardware has many important purposes,
including (but not limited to):
What is on an Electric Power Pole? • Providing structural and safety support to
the pole;
• Assisting with power conversion and
• Facilitating guying and wiring requirements.
Wooden poles can be pre-drilled to accommodate
hardware parts fairly easily. Steel poles can be
manufactured with built-in grooves for the same
purpose; on-site drilling is also an option, as is the
welding of parts.
However, for poles crafted from concrete drilling is
not an option. Hardware can only be cast into the
pole during its manufacture – not an easy process.
Because the drilling, welding, and casting of steel
and concrete poles can be expensive, time-
consuming, and/or hazardous, externally banded
hardware has become a more popular method for
attaching hardware to utility poles.
The main features of an electric power pole can be
divided into 3 categories: a) Wires and cables; b) 3. Safety Features
Hardware; and c) Safety features. Utility poles incorporate numerous safety features
designed to prevent a range of dangerous
1. Wires & Cables occurrences. Some of the most common safety
Utility power poles often accommodate numerous features on power poles include:
cables and wires. The main groups of lines on • Static wire: runs across the very top. It helps
electrical poles are: to shield the pole from lightning damage by
absorbing any excess electrical current keeping us connected across boundaries of time
resulting from a lightning strike; and space.
• Grounding rods: A wire connects the static Utility poles have helped us to create a world of
wire to a grounding rod at the foundation, infinite global possibilities – and will continue to do
which channels any lightning-induced so for many years to come.
voltage safely into the earth;
• Transformers: Convert raw, high voltage Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
electricity into levels that are safe for regular What is a utility pole?
everyday use; A utility pole is an upright column used to provide
• Fuse cut-outs: Accommodate the primary support to public utility and services apparatus such
wire from the transformer, and act as a as power lines, cables, and wires.
visual ‘warning signal’ if the transformer Types of utility poles used in overhead lines
becomes overloaded; The utility poles used to accommodate overhead
• Insulators: Protect live components from lines can be divided by two main criteria: pole
coming into contact with each other (aerial material and transmission type.
bundled conductors also help to prevent • According to Pole materials, there are 3
wildfires using a similar method). types: wooden utility poles, steel utility poles
and concrete utility poles.
How to Install a Utility Pole? • According to applications, there are also 3
Once the utility pole is made and adapted as types: transmission poles, distribution poles
desired, it needs to be installed. This requires the and light poles.
assistance of specialist machinery.
The basic installation steps are: What is on an electric power pole?
• Transportation: If not made at the location The main features of an electric power pole can be
the pole needs to be brought on-site; divided into 3 categories: Wires and cables,
• Digging the hole: A minimum depth of 1/3 of Hardware, and Safety features.
the pole length for maximum stability; • Utility power poles often accommodate
• Grounding: The pole needs to be grounded numerous cables and wires, such as static
with copper to drain excess voltage; lines, transmission Lines, telecommunication
• Positioning: The pole needs to be correctly Lines.
positioned and then lifted; • Hardware is the term used to describe the
• Insertion: Once optimal, the pole can then various pieces of equipment which are
be eased into the hole; essential in ensuring the efficient functioning
• Securing: The hole is filled and leveled, of power poles, such as bolts, hooks,
securing the pole in place. clamps, fittings, nuts, washers, and
A video for utility pole installation: assemblies.
• Utility poles incorporate numerous safety
Final Thoughts features designed to prevent a range of
From the telegraph to the telephone, to our dangerous occurrences, such as grounding
modern internet era: our ability to share information rods, transformers, fuse cut-outs and
has been revolutionised. A process once taking insulators.
days has been streamlined into a second,
reinventing our ability to connect with one other on How to install a utility pole?
both a personal and professional level. The basic installation steps are:
For nearly 180 years, the humble utility poles • Transportation: If not made at the location
speckling our streets and supporting our systems the pole needs to be brought on-site;
have been the force literally underpinning this • Digging the hole: A minimum depth of 1/3 of
progress. With their aid, the developments in the pole length for maximum stability;
telecommunication technology have been able to • Grounding: The pole needs to be grounded
continue to enhance and expand our lives, with copper to drain excess voltage;
• Positioning: The pole needs to be correctly
positioned and then lifted;
• Insertion: Once optimal, the pole can then
be eased into the hole;
• Securing: The hole is filled and leveled,
securing the pole in place.
What is Electric Pole? Types, Electric poles are designed along these
important factors such as the mechanical
Applications, Advantages
strength of the pole must be able to withstand
Electrical, Power System the weight of the conductor even in the
heavy wind flow. Other factors such as low
design cost, lightweight as much possible, low
maintenance hazard, low maintenance, and
handling cost, etc.

Different Types of Electric Poles are,

1. Wooden Electric Pole
2. PCC Electric Pole
3. RCC Electric Pole
4. Rail Electric Pole
5. Steel Pole
6. Lattice Steel Structure or Steel

Remember that the above classification of

electric pole is based on construction
Electrical Pole is the structure or column used material. But the electric poles also be
to support the overhead transmission line, classified based on structure also such as,
electric cables, telecommunication cables, 1. Single Pole Structure
equipment such as a transformer, street light, 2. Double Pole Structure
etc. The electric pole used to support the 3. Four Pole Structure
transmission line is called a transmission pole. 4. Six Pole Structure
Same as there are telephone poles, street
light poles, power poles, telegraph poles, etc
Wooden Electric Pole
available. In this article, we are going to know
Used for Voltage: 230V, 440V
different types of electric pole and their
Application Area: Rural Area
function, applications, etc. Of course, we will
discuss about the poles used for overhead
The wooden electric pole is the most cost-
power transmission system.
effective and old infrastructure. Due to the
low cost and easy installation, wooden
electric poles are mostly used in rural areas.
Electric Pole Types There are a lot of disadvantages of wooden
Electrical poles are divided based on design
electric poles such as it weaker than other
structure, the material used for
pole types, cannot withstand long sag or
manufacturing, application areas, etc.
span, less height, etc. The maintenance cost
of the wooden pole is very high as they need RCC Electric Pole
to replace once damaged. But the wooden Used for Voltage: 230V, 440V, 11KV
poles are very long-lasting. One important Application Area: Villages, Suburban areas,
advantage of the wooden pole is, it provides lands
more electrical isolation. Generally, shawl
wood is commonly used for wooden poles. RCC Full Form is Reinforced Cement
The life of wooden poles is mainly reduced Concrete. The main difference between
by the rain, locusts, moisture weather, etc. PCC Pole and RCC Pole is, PCC pole is
Wooden poles are used for low tension lines made with only cement concrete whereas
only such as 230V or 440V. Wooden pole the RCC pole is manufactured with cement
may create a very dangerous situation in concrete with inside iron rods. This increases
rany days when it is wet by the rain water. the tensile strength and durability of the
Also, electrical sparking may cause to fire on pole. In some RCC poles, a hollow pipe is
the wooden pole. placed for the laying of earthing wire. RCC
poles are used up to 33KV.
PCC Electric Pole
Used for Voltage: 230V, 440V Rail Electric Pole
Application Area: Rural Area, Villages, Lands Used for Voltage: 11KV, 33KV
Application Area: Railway Power
The full form of PCC is Plain Cement Transmission
Concrete. This type of pole is generally
designed with the height of 7 to 8 meters. Rail electric pole is the heaviest electric pole
PCC poles are used for 11KV, 440V, and than others. It is built with a rail line or rail
230V. The PCC poles are stronger than path iron structure. The height of the rail pole
wooden poles. Of course, the cost of the is generally 9 meters to 13 meters. Rail pole is
PCC poles is more than wooden poles. The not used for low tension lines(230V or 400V),
main primary material of the PCC pole is Rail Pole is mainly used for 11KV and 33KV
cement concrete. This type of pole can lines. Rail electric pole is used in railway
withstand more span and sag than a overhead transmission system. Rail electric
wooden pole. PCC poles are heavier than poles are mainly designed for high
wooden poles. This type of pole are mechanical strength, high tension, high
supported by an external conductor with a vibration withstanding capability, etc. This
stray insulator. because it continues getting the pressure
from the rail pantograph. The manufacturing
cost and installation cost of the Rail Pole are
very high.
Steel Pole footings are generally grounded by driving
Used for Voltage: 440V, 11KV, 33KV, 66KV rods into the earth.
Application Area: Cities, Urban Areas, Near
highway roads

Steel Poles are mainly structured as a rolled

structure or tubular structure. Steel poles
have high mechanical strength and are
lightweight. Steel poles are mainly used for
33KV and above 33KV lines. Steel poles are
mainly used in cities, urban areas, near
highways, roads, etc. The installation and
manufacturing costs of the steel poles are
high. Steel poles are capable to withstand
more load, span, and sag than Wooden,
PCC, and RCC Poles. Steel tubular poles also
have two types - Stepped Tubular Pole and
Swaged Tubular Pole.

Lattice Steel Structure or

Steel Tower
Used for Voltage: 33KV, 66KV, 132KV
Application Area: Electrical power
transmission system through overhead line

Steel towers are used for very high-power

transmission for long-distance. Generally,
steel towers are used for overhead electrical
power transmission systems. Steel towers are
manufactured by connecting no of metal
rods, plates, angles, etc. The installation of
steel towers takes a long time and high cost.
Steel tower are having very high mechanical
strength, tensile strength, capable of more
load, sag, and span. 66KV, 132KV all are
transmitted through overhead transmission
lines with steel towers. The steel tower
Main] Difference Between wire and a neutral wire. The three loads
are equally divided into three phases. A
Neutral and Earth Explained three-phase load also connected which
takes three phases from the supply and
Basics, Electrical
does not take the neutral wire.

As you see the neutral wire comes from

The main difference between Neutral the center node of the star connection
and Earth is, the wire coming from the in the transformer and it is used to
node of the three-phase star provide single phase power supply. The
connection having zero potential metallic body or noncurrent carrying
respect to the earth or ground is called parts of each load are connected to
Neutral and when the metallic body of ground or earth which is called Earthing.
any equipment is connected to ground
with a wire it is called Earthing. In this
article, you will find all the Difference Between Neutral
key differences between Earth and and Earth
1. Neutral help to provides single phase
If you see the below figure carefully then power supply from the three-phase
you will understand easily the difference power supply whereas earthing helps to
between Neutral and Earth. give protection to human from electrical
2. In normal condition neutral carries the
load current but in normal condition,
earth wire does not carry any current.
Only during the fault condition, earth
wire carries the fault current.
3. According to Indian Electricity (I.E) rule,
black color must be used for neutral wire
and whereas green color should be
used for earth wire.
4. Neutral is must need to run a single-
phase load. But a single-phase load can
run without earth wire.
5. For three phase load neutral is not
required but earthing is required for
As you see in the above figure, a simple safety purpose.
diagram of an electrical power 6. Earth wire provides the protection the
distribution system is given. The wires from the lightning in three-phase
distribution transformer has a delta overhead transmission line whereas the
connection in primary winding and star neutral is not used in the transmission
connection in the secondary winding. line.
There are three single-phase loads are
connected. Each load takes a phase
[Actual] Purpose and Function of line not connected to any equipment or
supply. In normal condition, the earth wire
Earth Wire does not carry any current. The main
function of Earth wire in the transmission line
is, it protects the other live conductor from
the lightning.
The actual function of Earth Wire in an
electrical transmission and distribution
system is to provide a path to flow current
to during overvoltage fault and removing
surge voltage. The main purpose of Earth
Wire in an electrical transmission and
distribution line to protect the live wires from
the lightning. There are many
important functions and purpose of Earth
Wire which are explained in detail. So read
the full article to know the Earth Wire
Function and Earth Wire Purpose in the
electrical system.

The function of Earth Wire

The earth wire is used in different places for
different purposes. So we are going to know
the function of Earth wire in different places.

The function of Earth Wire in Domestic As it is the topmost wire so when the
Circuit lightning occurs, a large amount of voltage
due to lightning is produced on the topmost
In our domestic circuit, three wires are used,
earth wire. As the earth wire is connected
phase wire, a neutral wire, and earth wire.
with the ground, it discharges the
Generally, the green color is used for earth
overvoltage to the ground. So, the lightning
wire. This earth wire is connected with the
stroke cannot hit the other wires or
metallic body of the electrical appliances.
conductors. Thus, the other wires in the
That earth wire also connected to the
transmission line are safe from lightning.
upper pin of the five pins or three pin
sockets. The earth wire mainly used in the The Function of Earth Wire in Electrical
domestic circuit for protection purpose. It Instruments
protects the human from electrical shock.
The main function of Earth wire in electrical
instruments, devices, equipment is to
The Function of Earth Wire in Transmission
provide protection against electrical shock.
Generally, the earth wire is connected with
the metallic noncurrent-carrying parts of
In Overhead Transmission line, Earth wire or
electrical devices. It helps to provide a path
ground wire is used. The topmost wire in an
to flow the current when the line or phase
overhead transmission line is the earth wire.
conductor touches the noncurrent-carrying
The topmost earth wire in the transmission
parts of the electrical device.
device needs more voltage than our given supply voltage,
Purpose of Earth Wire we can easily increase the voltage level by a step-up
4. Many of us use Stabilizer in their home or office
In short, the main purposes of earth wire are, which helps to maintain the voltage level when low or high
voltage occurs. And the Stabilizer working with the
1. It provides a path for discharging the surge transformer which step-up and step-down the voltage as
voltage. the requirement. I mean to say that if we use AC there is a
facility to overcome high voltage or low voltage problems
2. It helps to provide protection against in our house.
3. It provides a path for discharging the huge
number of electrons due to lightning to the Why we use 220V supply not other voltage
ground. levels?
Suppose a Load needs the 440W power(P) supply to work.
4. It provides protection against electrical If we use the voltage(V) 100V then the value of the flow of
shock. current(I) will be (440/100)=4.4 amp from the equation P =
5. It helps to detect the faults in phase or VI
Now if we use 220V voltage then the value of the flow of
neutral conductor. current will be (440/220V)=2 amp
6. It can be used as a neutral conductor So it is cleared that if we use high voltage then the flow of
when neutral get fault. current will be low which gives the facilities,
1. The thin conductor can be used.
2. Low heating.
3. Low copper loss.
Why we use 220V, 50Hz AC at But there is a problem that if we use high voltage, it is not
safe for us. So keep these reasons in mind we use the
home instead of DC or other standard voltage level 220V

Why we use 50Hz supply not other
If we use the low-frequency supply then the lights
are connected to the supply will be blinking slowly and our
eyes will catch the blinking of the light. But if we use high-
frequency supply then the lights are connected to the
supply will be blinking fastly and our eyes could not catch
the blinking of the light.

But there are some problems, if we use high-frequency

supply then the Eddy Current loss and Hysteresis loss will be
high and the life of lamps also will be decreased.
So, keep these reasons in mind we use the standard
frequency 50Hz.
According to the nature of the current, we have two types
of electric power supply one is AC and other is DC. We
know that AC is used for transmission and distribution
purpose. There are different different voltage level
specified for transmission and distribution of electric
power. But we have use 220V, 50Hz AC in our home. Today
we are going to know Why we use 220V, 50Hz AC supply,
not DC or not any other voltage level or other frequency.

Why we use AC instead of DC at home?

1. As the AC is used for transmission and distribution
purpose or in other words, as the AC supply is given to our
home or office so we use the AC Supply.
2. As we know that the conversion of DC to AC is
more complex than AC to DC, we use AC supply at our
home because in our home or office some devices need
AC and some devices need DC. So, we can easily convert
AC to DC and use it.
3. As we know that we cannot increase or decrease
the voltage level of DC easily so use AC because if any
What is Electric Shock? What is its Which is the cause of electric Shock
cause Current or Voltage? current or voltage?

ELECTRIC SHOCK Some people have confusion that which is

the cause of electric Shock current or
Electric shock is the much-known word to us. voltage, let’s know about it. We know that
Let’s know What is electric shock. when current flow through our body, we
felling shock. From Ohm’s Law, we know that
Electric Shock is the convulsion of muscles the flow of current depends upon the
with dangerous and painful physiological voltage and resistance.
effect caused by the flow of current through I=
the human or animal body. V/R
When human or animal get an electric Our body has some resistance which is fixed,
shock? so the flow of current through our body
depends on the voltage only. So current will
flow through our body if there is sufficient
voltage. So the voltage or potential
difference is the cause of electric shock.

The person did not get shocked

When the human body comes into contact

with the electric energy they will get an
The person gets shocked
electric shock. In other words when an
electric circuit short by the human body, the
In the case of AC, the frequency has an
current will flow through the body then they
important role in electrical shock. It has been
get an electric shock. Lets it explain, when
found by experiment that when the
we are standing on the ground and if our
frequency of alternating current is very low
body comes into contact with phase wire
the current above 200mA causes certain
then the current flow through our body and
death with severe burns.
goes to the ground.
You should be taken following
precaution to avoid electric shock:

1. Avoid water when working with electricity.

Because moisture and water can conduct
2. Always work with insulated tools.
3. Always use insulated rubber gloves and
goggles while working.
4. Never use damaged insulation or broken
5. Always turn off mains while working at your
6. Use circuit breakers or fuse in the electric
Treatment for Electric Shock:

1. At first switch off the supply.

2. Then remove the person from the contact.
3. Treat the burns by using the proper
Why Neutral Wire is not used As you see in the above figure, the
generation transformer has a star-delta
in Transmission Line?
configuration and the distribution
transformer has a delta-star
In this article, we are going to know why configuration. Now, you may
Neutral Wire or Neutral Conductor is not understand there is no need for the
used in Transmission Lines. It will be neutral wire because in the delta
better if we say that neutral wire is not connection, as the neutral point does
used in High Voltage Transmission Lines. not exist.
Generally, the neutral wire is used for
distribution and low-voltage So, the electrical power is transmitted in
transmission purposes. In fact, the use of a delta configuration to reduce the
neutral wire in low-voltage transmission transmission line cost where the neutral
line is also very rare. wire is not required.

Reason 1 Reason 2
The first and most important point is, to Let's find the answer from the point of
reduce cost. In fact, it is the main view of Loads.
reason. Yes, to reduce the cost of the
transmission line neutral wire is not used.
First of all, let's think about why we need
In the whole electrical transmission and neutral wire? The answer is when we
distribution network, the first transformer use a single-phase load. By taking any
is the generation transformer which is one-phase wire from three phases and
installed in the generation plant and the neutral wire we drive the single-
the last transformer is the distribution phase load. The single-phase load can
transformer. be connected only when the low-
voltage distribution supply is available.
So it is clear that the loads are
connected to the end of the
distribution network. In the transmission
line, there is no load that can be
connected so there is no need for the
neutral wire.

Reason 3

In the distribution network, as the

different loads are connected in three
phases, so here the neutral is required Line Capacitance and Earth
and is to be grounded to balance the Capacitance Effect in
total three-phase system. But in the Transmission Line
transmission line, no load is connected
and all the three phases are balanced,
so here the neutral wire is not required.
Even we can generate a neutral point There are some unwanted capacitance
anywhere by changing the effects occurs in the transmission
configuration of the transformed, so line. Line Capacitance and Earth
there is no valuable reason for laying an Capacitance Effect are the most
additional neutral over the whole important effects. Generally, in short
transmission system. distance and low voltage transmission
line, they do not occur but in the large
These are the reasons why the neutral distance and high voltage transmission
wire is not used in the transmission line. line, those capacitance effects occur.
Those unwanted capacitance effects
have some advantages as well as some

What is Line Capacitance?

The capacitance between two phases
or lines is called Line
Capacitance or line to line

In the transmission line, two adjacent

phase or conductors are separated by
the air, so when the potential difference
occurs between those conductors, a
capacitance effect is created. This is
called Line capacitance. Here the Air is
used as a dielectric material and the
two adjacent conductors act as plates.
This effect also called stray
power factor improves, the copper loss
decreases and efficiency increases.

Disadvantages of Capacitance Effect in

Transmission Line
There are many disadvantages of
capacitance effect in the transmission
line which are explained below.

1.The capacitance effect takes the

What is Earth Capacitance?
charging current from the transmission
As the neutral is grounded in substations,
line which is wastage of energy.
so the earth can be considered as a
conductor which have zero potential. 2.It will increase the receiving end
So there is a potential difference voltage than sending end voltage at
between phase or line and earth. For this light load or no-load condition. As the
reason, a capacitance effect is occurs transformers and other devices are
taking the air as a dielectric material designed at rated voltage, so they may
which is called Earth damage if the voltage is increased.
capacitance or Line to Earth Generally, shunt reactors are used in
Capacitance. substations during light load or no-load
condition to maintain the receiving end
Line to Neutral Capacitance?
3.The Ferranti Effect also occurs due to
The capacitance between phase and
the capacitance effect in the
neutral is called phase or line to neutral
transmission line.
capacitance. Generally, in transmission
line, the neutral wire is not used. The
neutral wire used in mainly distribution

Advantages of Capacitance Effect in

Transmission Line
There is an only one advantage of
capacitance effect in a transmission line
that is power factor improvement. The
capacitance effect compensates a
part of inductive reactive power and
improves the power factor. As the
Why DC Supply is used for Control then we cannot check the fault status, status
of the circuit breaker and relay.
Circuit in Substations, not AC?
So during main power failure also, we have to
provide the continuous power supply to the
control circuit. As we can provide continuous
power supply only using battery and battery
can provide only DC supply, so all control
circuit devices are designed for DC Supply.

In a substation or power station, DC supply is

used for Opening and Closing of Circuit
breakers, to operate protective relays, to
operate isolators, indication lamps, alarm
circuits, PLCC(Power Line Carrier
Communication) Panels, Emergency Lights in
Control Rooms, etc.
Hey, we are going to know why DC supply is
used for control circuits in every substation, Using of DC supply instead of AC Supply in
power station. In every substation, power Substation also gives some extra facilities such
stations, battery banks are used to provide as,
DC supply.
1. When protective devices are operating
Actually, this question confuses us that there with DC supply, they take very less reaction
may be a big reason behind the uses of DC time than when they are operating with AC
supply. You may also think that why we Supply. Some devices are operated with AC
cannot use the AC supply. There is no big supply also the is converted from the Battery
reason behind the uses of DC supply. DC supply through an inverter. So, we can get
a continues AC backup power supply.
The main reason for using DC supply in 2. Static Devices or any other devices
substation or power stations is to provide a which need DC supply can be directly
continuous power supply to the control connected with batteries. But when AC
circuit. DC is a reliable source of power supply supply is used, the rectifier circuit is needed
because it can obtain from batteries. Only a 3. Control Circuits are consisted of many
battery can give continuous power supply digital devices also such as Digital Displays,
until it fully discharges. The battery has Sensors, LEDs, etc. These devices always need
electrical energy storing capability that's why DC supply. So, when using DC supply in the
it can be used for backup power supply. control circuit fewer circuits are needed.
4. Most of the controlling devices are
The control circuit for the switchgear system in constructed with electronic components that
a substation consists of many Circuit Breakers, only work with DC supply. For, example we
isolators, Relays which are must be continuous cannot operate an electronic display with AC
ON condition. supply, it will flick, so here must a steady state
DC supply be required.
5. Also, the UPS used in stations, takes
If we use AC supply which cannot be power supply from the battery. When the
obtained from the battery then we cannot main power supply is available, it charges the
provide the power supply to the control battery bank and when the main power
circuit during the power failure. If a power supply is not available it takes power from the
failure occurs, all devices will stop working battery.
Why Overhead Transmission Line protect the conductor from corrosion, losses,
Conductors are not insulated? etc.

Overhead transmission and distribution line

has already Sag and it's sag increasing with
time so if the transmission line has insulation it
will damage when Sag increasing with time.

As the overhead lines are not insulated, the air

surrounding them act as insulation. Air
provides insulation between two adjacent
conductors of an overhead line. Due to air
between two adjacent conductor’s
capacitance effect occurs. Capacitance
effect occurs between conductor and earth
called earth capacitance. The capacitance
effect occurs between two-line conductor is
Hey, today we are going to know why called line capacitance.
overhead transmission and distribution line
conductors are not insulated.

We know that the insulation of an Electrical

system depends upon voltage. We know that
overhead transmission and distribution lines
carrying very high voltage. So, it will be too
costly to insulate overhead transmission and
distribution lines because as the voltage is
more so the thickness of the insulation should
be more and a million kilometers of
transmission line insulation will be very costly.
This the main reason why overhead
transmission and distribution lines not

As the transmission and distribution lines are at

a height so there is no chance of any physical
contact by humans or anything. So, for this
reason also overhead lines are not insulated.

Read Also: How to Know the KV of a

Transmission Line? Easy Way

The conductor used in overhead transmission

and distribution line is called ACSR (Aluminum
Conductor Steel Reinforced) which is the
combination of aluminum and steel. So, this
type of conductor has low corrosion effect,
loss, etc. So, insulation is not required to
How to Know the KV of a Transmission
Line? Easy Way

So, if in a transmission line only one disc

insulator per phase is connected then the
transmission line carrying 11KV. For the 11KV
transmission line, generally Double Pole (DP)
Hey, today we are going to know, how to
structure is used.
know or identify KV of a transmission line.
There is a very easy way to identify KV rating
of a transmission line. So, let's go to know.

We know that all the electric poles used for

the overhead power transmission system has
some insulators. The electric wires are
mounted to the electric poles through that
insulator to maintain an insulation between
current carrying transmission line and the
electric pole. There are various types of
insulators used in power transmission system
according to voltage ranges. Generally, in
the high voltage power transmission system
such as more than 11KV, the disc insulators
In a transmission line, if three pieces of disc
are used. The most important thing which
insulators per phase are connected, then the
must be known to you that is, the disc
KV of the transmission line is 33KV. For the
insulator used in the transmission line rated
33KV transmission line, generally, Four Pole
for 11KV. So, 1 disc insulator = 11KV
structure is used. Sometimes double pole
structure also used.
Read Also: Why Neutral Wire is not used in If in a transmission line, nine or ten pieces of
Transmission Line? disc insulators per phase are connected
then the transmission line carrying 132KV.
Pin insulators also used in 11KV and 33KV Generally, nine pieces of disc insulators per
transmission lines with single-pole structure 'V' phase are used for suspension type and ten
cross arms. For 11KV small size pin insulators pieces of disc insulators per phase are used
are used and for 33KV large size pin insulators for strain type. And you can see a wire at the
are used. top of the tower that does not used any
insulator. It is basically an earthing
For 66KV and 132KV transmission line, Towers conductor. It sometimes helps to protect the
are used. There mainly two types of insulators current carrying conductors from the lighting
are used, one is Suspension type disc current by grounding them.
insulator, and another one is Strain type disc

If in a transmission line, five or six pieces of

disc insulators per phase are connected
then the transmission line carrying 66KV.
Generally, five pieces of disc insulators per
phase are used for suspension type and six
pieces of disc insulators per phase are used
for strain type.
Why 400KV not directly Stepped should be used. For this reason, the size of the transformer will be extremely

Down to 33KV in Transmission Line? high.

Not only the current issue but there will be so many other problems that will occur due

to a very high voltage difference between the primary and secondary winding.

Reason 2

The different transmission voltages are selected according to the distance

of transmission. For very large distance transmission purposes 440 KV is used

and for short transmission purposes, 33KV is used.

So, if we transmit electrical power at a medium distance, we must select a

voltage level between 440 KV and 33KV such as 132 KV, 66K V, etc.

Because if we transmit electrical power at a 33 KV voltage level at a

medium distance the loss will be high and if we select a 440 KV voltage

level for a medium distance the cost will be high compared to the distance

There are many important reasons why 400 which is not economical. Even at every voltage level, the electrical power

KV is not directly Stepped Down to 33 KV. is distributed to the consumer or the substations.

First, the 440 KV stepped down to 132 KV,

Reason 3
then 132 KV to 66 KV, and then 66 KV to 33
KV. The step up and step down of voltage As there is a big difference between the primary and secondary voltage so

is depending upon the Transformer. When the difference between no. of turns in the primary and secondary winding

transformers are designed, many factors will be high. For this reason, the placement of windings, insulation

are kept in mind. So, the answer to this arrangements, connections, and tappings may be impractical. So, the

question mostly depends on the manufacturing of a 440/33 KV transformer may not be possible. Even this

transformer. In this article, we will discuss, type of transformer produces more losses.

what are the problems are to be faced if

Reason 4
400 KV directly stepped down to 33KV or
11KV. If we step down the 440 KV directly to 33 KV and operate them with a very

low load current, then a huge no. of transformers is to be installed in the

distribution substation or receiver end. If we transmit power at 440 KV

Reason 1
voltage level in all places, the size of the towers will be big and the gap
We know that when we step down the voltage using a transformer the
between ground and conductors must be kept very high. So, this high
current will increase. So, in this case, if we step down the 440KV to 33KV, the
voltage transmission consumes very large areas.
current will increase. But as there is a big difference between primary and

secondary voltage, the difference between primary and secondary

These are the common reasons Why 400KV is not directly Stepped Down to 33KV in
current will be high.
Transmission Line.

In this case, the secondary current would be 12 to 13 times higher than the

primary current. As the current increases, the very very thick conductor
List of Overvoltage Protection Device Here, is the list of overvoltage protection
and Their Function
Electrical, electrical protection, OverVoltage
1. Arcing Horns
2. Lightning Rod
3. Spark Gap
4. Lightning Arrester
5. Surge Arrester
6. Transient Voltage Suppression
7. Metal oxide varistor
8. Avalanche Diode
9. Zener Diode

Read Also: List of Undervoltage Protection

Equipment, Device and Their Function

Arcing Horns for Overvoltage Protection

Overvoltage fault is a very common and
frequently happens electrical fault.
Arcing Horns or Arc-Horn are mostly used
Overvoltage fault occurs when the voltage
with insulators in overhead transmission lines
rises above the maximum limit voltage level
and switching arrangements. Basically, an
of a circuit. According to the time duration,
ARC horn has two projecting conductors
overvoltage faults can be divided into
very close to each other but not connected.
different types such as,
Among these two conductors, one is
1. Transient Voltage connected to the live part of the power
2. Surge Voltage system and another is connected to the
3. Spike Voltage earth or ground. So, in normal condition, no
4. Permanent Overvoltage
current flow through the ARC horn. But when
Anyway, in this article, we are going to see a high voltage occurs in the power system
the list of all overvoltage protection devices an ARC is created between two projecting
and their function, applications, and conductors of the ARC horn and it also
features. creates a close path between the live part
and the ground. So, current starts flowing
from the live to the ground through the ARC
horn, and voltage got decreases.
Lightning Rod part of the power system and a low voltage
Lightning Rod is also known as Lightning terminal connected to the ground or earth.
Conductor. Basically, it is a metal rod So, when a surge voltage occurs due to the
mounted or placed at the top of a building. lightning or switching, the lightning arrester
The main function of a lightning rod is to diverts the flow of current from the live part
protect the building from the heavy strike to the ground. So, the surge voltage is
voltage due to lightning. When the lightning minimized quickly.
occurs near the building, it will hit the
lightning rod and all the current will ground
through that rod. The lightning rod system Zener Diode for Overvoltage Protection
contains a metal rod mounted on the top of A Zener diode can be used for overvoltage
the building and a rod placed on the protection in sensitive electronic circuits. A
ground. These two rods are connected by Zener diode is a special type of diode that is
an earth wire. designed to operate in the reverse bias or
reverse breakdown region, which means it
can conduct current when a certain reverse
Spark Gap voltage, known as the Zener voltage (VZ), is
The spark gap is almost similar to an ARC applied across its terminals. To use a Zener
horn. Here, also two conductors are placed diode for overvoltage protection, it is
nearly to each other and this arrangement is typically connected in parallel with the
placed in a closed area filled with any gas or circuit or component that needs to be
air. When the voltage between the two protected. When the voltage across the
conductors exceeds the breakdown voltage Zener diode reaches or exceeds its Zener
of the filled gas, it got ionized fully. Once the voltage, it begins to conduct heavily and
gas is ionized, the resistance will decrease ground the excessive current which
and electric current starts flowing through it. effectively clamping the voltage to the
So, this is also connected between the live Zener voltage.
part of a power system and the ground or

Lightning Arrester
The main function of a Lightning Arrester is to
arrest the lightning and give protection
against overvoltage produced by lightning.
Lightning arresters are mostly used in
electrical power transmission systems through
overhead lines and telecommunication
systems. A lightning arrester has a high
voltage terminal that is connected to the live
Difference Between FUSE and CIRCUIT What is a Fuse?
BREAKER with Advantages
A Fuse is nothing but a simple wire
having a low melting point which gets
damaged when excessive current flow
through it. So basically, A fuse is a piece
of wire, which melts when the current
exceeds its maximum current carrying
capacity. A fuse also melts depends
upon the time of flow of current.


The main difference between Fuse and
Circuit Breaker is, Fuse works on the
principle of thermal properties of a
conducting material whereas the Circuit
What is a Circuit Breaker?
Breaker works on the principle of
electromagnetism switching.
Circuit Breaker is a protective device
which can automatically open a circuit
When we talk about Electrical
when short or overload fault occurs.
Protection then two terms always comes
Circuit Breaker has not any element
in our mind that is, Fuse and Circuit
which melts when excessive current
Breaker. In some cases, Fuse gives
flows through it. Circuit Breaker uses
more advantages over a Circuit Breaker
thermal elements or bi-metallic contacts
and some cases Circuit breaker gives
and the electromagnetic mechanism to
more advantages over a Fuse. But the
protect the electrical circuit from short
circuit breaker has more advantages
circuit and overload faults. Once the
than a Fuse. So today we are going to
fault is resolved, it again can be turned
know what is the important differences
on manually. Even we can control a
between Fuse and Circuit Breaker with
circuit breaker remotely using a special
their Advantages.
circuit and device.
Some circuit breakers are worked with of the Circuit Breaker, we need to be just
relay. Relay senses the fault and send Turn ON the circuit breaker by manually
signal to the circuit breaker so it can after the operation, there is no need to the
break the circuit to cut off the power replacement of circuit breaker.
supply. (6) The Breaking Capacity of Fuse is low as
compared than a Circuit Breaker. Breaking
Fuse VS Circuit Breaker Capacity means the maximum current
capacity of a Circuit Breaker or Fuse when
(1) The main difference between Fuse and it opening in a fault condition.
Circuit Breaker is, Fuse works on the (7) Another important difference between
principle of thermal and electrical Circuit Breaker and Fuse is, Circuit Breaker
properties of a conducting material can be used as automatically or manually
whereas the Circuit Breaker works on the operated ON/OFF Switch but A Fuse cannot
principle of electromagnetism and bi- be used as ON/OFF Switch.
metallic property. (8) The operating time of the Fuse is
(2) Fuse open an electrical circuit by comparatively less, but the operating time
melting itself during the fault condition but of a Circuit Breaker is more than the Fuse.
Circuit Breaker breaks an electrical circuit Although it depends upon the setting and
by opening contacts during the fault nature of the fault.
condition. (9) Circuit Breakers are costlier than Fuse,
(3) One Fuse can be used for one pole only, but Fuses are low-cost devices.
if we want to use Fuse in Three Phase Line Maintenance cost if the circuit breaker also
then we need three Fuses for three lines but more even fuse wire needs to be replaced
one circuit breaker can be used in the after the melting.
three-phase line, there is no need of (10) Fuse can give the protection against
multiple circuit breaker. I mean to say that only Overload faults it cannot be used for
there are only single pole Fuses are the protection of Short-Circuit fault but
available but circuit breakers are available Circuit Breaker can be used for both
with a single pole as well as multiple poles. Overload fault as well as Short Circuit fault.
(4) The operation of a Fuse such as Fault (11) Modern Circuit Breakers with Digital
detection and interruption is completely Screen shows the indication of the value of
automatic but we can manually ON/OFF carrying current, inside temperature, etc.
the circuit breaker. Generally, a circuit but Fuse has not any indication facility.
breaker mostly takes the help of a (12) Let's look at the application of Circuit
secondary device to sense the fault such as Breaker and Fuse, Fuses are used in low
relay, whereas a fuse can detect fault itself. current applications such as in our Home
(5) Another important difference between electrical circuits, electronic devices, and
the Fuse and Circuit Breaker is, Fuse is to be with some low power motors. Circuit Breaker
replaced after every operation but in Case is used in high current applications such as
Electrical Transmission and Distribution Lines, Advantages of Fuse over Circuit
Substations, etc. Breaker
(13) Fuse can detect the fault and interrupt
the circuit during the fault condition but 1. Low Cost
Circuit Breaker cannot detect any fault. A 2. High reliability
relay is used with the circuit breaker which 3. High stability
senses the fault and gives the signal to the 4. No maintenance Hazardous
circuit breaker, ultimately circuit breaker 5. Easy installation
breaks the circuit. It is a very important 6. Easy to replace and all
difference between the Circuit Breaker and

Advantages of Circuit Breaker

over Fuse

1. Reusable
2. Manually operating feature and Remote
3. Protect both Short Circuit and Overload
4. Status Indication features.
5. Can be controlled by programmable devices
like computers.
6. High current applications.
7. Manually fault current limit changing facility.
Get the Lowdown of Different lines. They get their electricity from the
substation. They can be divided into three
Types of Utility Poles types namely; Tangent distribution poles,
guyed distribution poles, and self-
Utility Poles are installed in the ground and supporting distribution poles.
their main purpose is to support utility
equipment which includes telephone wires, • Tangent utility poles are the usual ones
communication cables, electricity they are sequenced in a straight line with
distribution equipment, power line along all other poles. They do not need any
with a lot of other things. The poles should angled support or external support and
are generally made up of wood.
be able to go to a decent height the
• Guyed poles need an angled support
material should be good enough to
cable that is attached to the guyed
withhold whatever equipment it is being poles. The angled support cable is
attached with. Sometimes more than one anchored in the ground. This guy wire
public utility equipment is attached with a cable gives additional support to the
single utility pole. Based on the uses and pole in order to make sure that the pole
material there are various types of Utility is able to withstand the load of the
Poles. equipment on it.
• The self-supporting utility pole is quite
independent of those angled support
Transmission Utility poles cables; such poles are built when the
Substations are the places where the guy-wires are not enough to handle the
additional load on the pole. This type of
high voltage electricity is converted to utility poles is built when overhead lines
low voltage electricity and it is then from additional equipment like a
supplied to the customers from a transformer are placed on the pole. Such
poles are made up of concrete or steel.
source, such as a power plant, to a
substation, where voltage is then
reduced and supplied to customers Safety Features
through lower voltage lines. The The utility poles carry a lot of electricity and
distribution poles carry out the supply of a lot of power surges through them
electricity through lower voltage lines. continuously. In case of a short circuit,
Transmission poles are higher than lightning or any other mishap there should
be a backup plan. The utility poles are
distribution poles because they carry
hence provided with the system of
electricity with higher voltage, their grounding. The static wire that runs above
height can range from 60 feet to 150 every utility pole is connected to the
feet, and in order to make sure that grounding device and this is what prevents
such huge poles remain intact in their damage to the pole and whole of the
places, a concrete base is required. power grid in any casualty or dangerous
event. If the electric pole is overloaded with
These poles can be made up of steel or
electricity, then the static wire directs the
wood. whole power surge to the grounding
conducting wire which is connected to a
Distribution Poles grounding pole at the bottom and that
pole is inserted deep inside the earth hence
The distribution poles make sure that the the entire power surge is sent straight to the
low voltage electricity is distributed in the core of the earth.
Transmission System • Rail poles.
• Tubular poles.
Types of Poles in Transmission • Rolled steel joists.
Line The rail poles are of the shape of track used
The supporting structure for overhead lines for railways. Tubular poles are of round x-
is required to keep the bare conductors at section generally having three diameters
a suitable level above the ground. These for 1/3rd of the length of the pole and rolled
may be various types of poles or towers. steel joists are of ‘I’ cross-section.
They should have following essential These poles possess greater mechanical
properties: strength and thus permit the use of longer
spans (60 to 80metres). These poles have
the longer life (more than 40 years) which
• High mechanical strength can further be increased by regular
in order to withstand the painting. At the bottom (the portion which
weight of conductors and is buried underground), these poles are set
wind loads etc. in concrete muffs in order to protect them
from chemical reactions. Tubular poles
• Light in weight so as to
having a height of 9 to 11 meters are
ease the transportation. generally used for distribution purposes in
• Cheap in cost. the cities to give better look.
• Low maintenance.
• Longer life. The steel rail poles in height of 11 meters to
• Easy accessibility of 13 meters are used for 11 kV and 33 kV lines
conductors for respectively. However, these poles are very
maintenance. costly and require painting.

Types of Poles in
R.C.C. Poles for Transmission
Transmission Line
The following are main types of poles and
towers generally used in the overhead The reinforced cement concrete
system: poles have greater mechanical strength,
longer life and permit longer spans (80 to
• Steel poles.
200 meters) than steel poles. These poles
• R.C.C. poles. also give a good outlook, require little
• Steel towers. maintenance and possess better insulating
The choice of line support for a particular properties. Therefore, these poles have
case depends upon the line span, x- become very popular in recent years.
sectional area, line voltage, cost and local The main drawbacks with these poles are
conditions. that these poles are very heavy which
increases the transportation cost. They also
require extra care in handling and erection.
However, it is preferred to manufacture
these poles at the site to avoid heavy cost
Steel Poles for Transmission Lines of transportation.

These poles for transmission line are of three

invariably employed for transmission lines
operating at 66 kV and above.

The steel towers have greater mechanical

strength, much longer life, can withstand
most severe climatic conditions and permit
the use of longer spans (300 meters or
above). These are much useful for cross
fields, valleys, railway lines, rivers etc.

The tower footings are usually grounded by

driving rods into the earth. This minimizes the
lightning trouble as each rod acts as a
lightning conductor. These towers are
periodically painted to protect against
corrosion. Steel towers for transmission
These poles are two types in shape. One line are of two types:
type is of the square cross-section from • Single Circuit Tower for the
bottom to top but sides of square decreases Transmission Line.
from bottom to top. The other type has the • Double Circuit Tower for
rectangular bottom and square top. These
the Transmission Line.
poles generally have rectangular holes
In the case of double circuit towers for
throughout their length to facilitate the
transmission line when a break down occurs
climbing of poles and reduce the weight of
one circuit is possible to carry out repairs
while maintaining supply by the other
circuit. Thus, the double circuit ensures the
Steel Towers for Transmission Lines continuity of supply.

In practice, the steel tubular poles and

R.C.C poles are usually used for distribution
purposes and steel rail poles as well as
narrow-base lattice steel towers are used
for 11 kV and 33 kV overhead lines. The
broad-base, lattice steel towers are
What Is ACSR Conductor? | Types of ACSR Conductor
•What Is ACSR Conductor?
o Types of ACSR Conductors:
▪ #1. All Aluminum Conductor – AAC:
▪ #2. Aluminum Conductor Aluminum Reinforce – ACAR:
▪ #3. All Aluminum Alloy Conductors – AAAC:
▪ #4. Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced – ACSR:
o Properties of ACSR Conductor:
▪ #1. Skin effect:
▪ #2. Proximity effect:
▪ #3. Hysteresis loss:
o Advantages of ACSR Conductor:
What Is ACSR Conductor?

ACSR (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) is a stronger strand conductor. It is mostly used for
overhead transmission lines. The design of the ACSR looks something like this the outside of the
conductor can be made of pure aluminum material while the inside of the conductor is made of steel
So that it provides additional power to the conductor to support the weight of the conductor. Steel has
more strength compared to aluminum. So that it can be applied to a mechanical force carrier. To
increase the life of this conductor it can be coated with galvanizing or other material. So that its
corrosion can be prevented.
Depending on the type of ACSR conductor, the diameters of steel and aluminum can be changed.
ACSR conductors are available in a variety of sizes. These are available in a variety of sizes, including
single or multiple center steel wires.
Usually, a large number of aluminum strands. However, there are some types of conductors available
that have a larger number of steel strands than aluminum strands. Part of the ACSR can be identified
by its stranding.
Types of ACSR Conductors:

Copper has been used in the transmission line for many years but has been
replaced by an aluminum conductor. Because it is cheaper than copper.
Similarly, the types of ACSR conductors are as follows:
Sr. No. Types of ACSR Conductors
#1. All Aluminum Conductor – AAC
Aluminum Conductor Aluminum
Reinforce – ACAR
#3. All Aluminum Alloy Conductors – AAAC
Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced –
#1. All Aluminum Conductor – AAC:
This conductor has additional sagging per length than any other type with low strength. This is used in
distribution. Since the conductivity of the conductor is somewhat good at the distribution level, the
cost of AAC and ACSR conductors is similar.
#2. Aluminum Conductor Aluminum Reinforce – ACAR:
This combines several aluminum alloy strands to provide a transmission conductor with one of the
best electrical conductors and mechanical balancing properties. Aluminum strands are connected
by aluminum wire. The core of the conductor contains the number of strands.
The biggest advantage of this conductor is that all the strands of the conductor are the same. Thus, it
allows the formation of conductors with the best electrical and mechanical characteristics.
#3. All Aluminum Alloy Conductors – AAAC:
The bankruptcy of AAAC is exactly the same as that of AAC. The strength of this conductor is equal
to ACSR. However, due to the use of steel, it weighs less. This carrier is expensive due to the design of
the alloy.
AAAC is used for a longer period due to its stronger tensile strength than AAC. That is why it is used in
the transmission line used for the river crossing. This sag is kept low compared to AAC. AAAC
conductors are light in weight.
That is why it is used in transmission lines, sub-transmission lines, and where there is a lightweight
support system, such as in the mountains.
#4. Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced – ACSR:
The ACSR is filled with steel on the inside. So the ACSR conductor is used in the overhead transmission
line, in earthing wire, and in long-distance and river crossing works.
It can be made with different tensile strengths. Due to the high diameter, a very high brightness
range can be achieved.
Properties of ACSR Conductor:
There are 3 main properties of ACSR conductors which are as under:
• Skin effect.
• Proximity effect.
• Hysteresis loss.

#1. Skin effect:

The cross-sectional area of the conductor can be reduced with the help of the skin effect when the
current is passed through the conductor. Most of the no current in AC current can be between the
outside of the skin and deep.
It largely depends on the current and the frequency of the flow of the conductor properties. This
reduced area of the conductor will increase the barrier as there is an opposite relationship between
the cross-section area and the barrier.
The skin effect helps in design as the low resistance in the outer part of the conductor causes the
aluminum to flow in the direction.

#2. Proximity effect:

Once the AC current passes through the conductor the current from each conductor can be
pushed into smaller areas so that this current flow is called the proximity effect. So this current flow is
called the proximity effect. This effect is the result of a different magnetic field that strengthens the
flow of electric current in the conductor due to electromagnetic induction.
Once the A.C. Supplies a separate conductor, then it creates an alternating magnetic field relative
to its field. This magnetic field will induce eddy currents in favorable conductors and will change the
entire current distribution.

#3. Hysteresis loss:

The main cause of hysteresis loss in the ACSR conductor is the atomic dipole inside the steel core. This
loss is not very attractive but it can be reduced with the help of an aluminum layer that is also inside
the conductor. The loss of hysteresis is important, including not being in this conductor. Aluminum
layers. A strange no. For these conductors. Aluminum layers but, the magnetization feature is used for
accurate calculation of AC resistance.
Due to the high loss of hysteresis in steel and its associated core heating, the odd-layer structure will
have a low-capacity rating compared to the same-level structure. All special types of ACSR
conductors are smaller than partridge. Because they have a single layer due to their small diameter
Hysteresis loss cannot be avoided.

Advantages of ACSR Conductor:

The advantages of the ACSR conductor are as follows:
• Its carrying capacity is very high in the transmission line.
• Excellent performance.
• It has a long lifespan.
• They offer great relief.
• These cables are separated by the remaining tensile strength.
What are Conductors and Insulators | Examples of Conductors and Insulators | Applications of
Conductors and Insulators

We all know that the difference between an element around us is different depending on its
physical properties. Has physical properties such as phase, flexibility, color, texture, solubility,
polarization, etc. But the classification of an element is determined on the basis of its electric charge
conductivity such as conductors and insulators.
For example, if we connect any bulb with a string or plastic or wood and pass a current through
it, the bulb does not turn on. But if we do this process with metallic wire instead of wood or plastic, the
bulb will turn on. From this observation, it can be determined that some elements allow the flow to pass
while some do not. So in today’s article, we will see what carriers and insulators are and discuss their
examples and uses in detail.

What are Conductors and Insulators?

Definition of Conductors: A conductor is a monolithic element or substance that allows current to flow
from itself. Its main function is to allow electricity to pass through it. These are able to conduct
electricity as the electrons of current flow through them easily. The main thing about a conductor is
that it allows the conversion of light or heat from one source to another.
When an object or object is given electric power it distributes it over its entire surface. The main
reason for this is the electrons in the object. The best examples of this are metals, animals, earth,
human beings, etc. due to which we can feel the shock of electricity.
Definition of insulator: A substance that prevents electricity from passing through itself. The main
function of this element or substance is to resist the flow of current as well as heat through them.
These are usually solid in nature and are used in various places. The insulator differs from the
conductor due to its resistance-like property The best examples of insulators are wood, cloth, glass,
mica, etc.
It is used as a protective shield as it provides protection against noise, lightning, and heat.

Examples Of Conductors and Insulators:

The following example can be included in conductors and insulators. All metals like gold, silver,
copper, aluminum, iron are good conductors of electrons. Because the flow of electrons will go from
one atom to another.
Copper, for example, is the best conductor. Because it allows electrons to pass through without any
kind of obstruction. Aluminum is also a good conductor but it allows fewer electrons to pass through
than copper. Due to its low weight, it is used extensively in the manufacture of cables.
Let us understand from the example of electrons in a bulb. Turn on a switch so that the current passes
and the bulb is turned on and light is emitted. Silver is also the best carrier because of its high cost it is
not affordable in general use but it is used in special devices of satellites. The best examples of
insulators include rubber, glass, pure water, oil, air, diamonds, dry wood, dry cotton, plastic, asphalt,

Difference Between Conductors and Insulators

Sr No Conductors Insulators
Allows the flow of current through the conductor The insulator does not allow the current to flow
to pass easily. easily

No problem as the charge does not pass into

2 Electric current can be felt at its ends
the insulator
3 The resistance of the conductor is very low. The resistance of the insulator is very high
4 The electron moves freely inside the conductor Electrons do not move freely inside the insulator
Examples of conductors are copper, gold, silver, For example, wood, cloth, rubber, etc. for
iron, etc. insulators
This is used in insulating electrical devices for
6 It is used to make electrical devices
safety purposes
Applications Of Conductors and Insulators:
Some of the applications of the Conductor are as follows.
• Mercury is used in thermometers to measure human body temperature
• Aluminum foil is used to keep food warm for a long time.
• Conductors are used in car radiators to remove heat from car engines.
• Iron plates are made of steel which is used to absorb heat quickly.

The following are some of the applications of insulators.

• In the electrical panel so that the current does not pass through the body.
• As a thermal insulator that blocks heat from one area to another.
• It is used in making thermoplastic bottles, in walls, and in fireproofing ceilings.
• Sound insulators can help control noise levels so use them in conference halls, cinema
halls, large buildings to make them noise-free.
Types of Electric Poles in Overhead Transmission Lines

Hello friends, in today’s article we will talk about how many types of electric poles
there are. We use different types of poles for overhead transmission, also known as
line support.

In general, this pole must have the following properties:

• To withstand the weight of wind and heavy conductors i.e. its

mechanical strength should be strong.
• Its weight should be as low as possible without reducing its mechanical
• The lifespan of the pole should belong.
• The lower the price the lower the maintenance required.
• Easy access to overhead line maintenance.
• Types of Electric Pole:
o #1. Wooden Electric Pole:
▪ Treatment of Wooden Pole:
o #2. Steel Tubular Electric Pole:
o Types of Tubular Poles:
o #3. Concrete Electric Pole:
o #4. Lattice Steel Structure:
o #5. Rail Electric Pole:

Types of Electric Pole:

The following line support is used for the transmission and distribution of electric

Sr. No. Types of Electric Pole

#1. Wooden Electric Pole

#2. Steel Tubular Electric Pole

#3. Concrete Electric Pole

#4. Lattice Steel Structure

#5. Rail Electric Pole

#1. Wooden Electric Pole:

Many years ago an electric pole made of wood was used which was used in 400-
volt and 230-volt low-tension lines. The cost of a pole made of wood is less than
that of other poles. In other poles, the cost of a foundation is more which can be
said to be equal to that of a wood pole. Can serve for a long time.

Due to all these features, it was used extensively. Shawl wood was commonly used
in the manufacture of electric poles, as it was considered the best for this purpose.
The weight of shawl wood is 815 kg per cubic meter. Given the current situation
and the consequences of global warming, the use of wooden poles has been
discontinued for the purpose of saving the forest.

The wooden poles are classified into three sections keeping in view the weight of
the conductor of the overhead line.

• Shaal, Masua wood is used for breakdown force above 850 kg/cm2.
• Tik, Seishun, and Garjan wood is used for breakdown force between
630 kg/cm2 and 850 kg/cm2.
• Chir, Debdaru, and Arjun wood are used for breakdown force
between 450 kg/cm2 and 630 kg/cm2.
The wood used to make the pole should not have any defects. It is possible to use
straight wood for the pole. But it is a little harder in nature so it can be used even if
it is slightly curved. This pole can also be made by combining two short lengths of
wood if possible.
Treatment of Wooden Pole:
First of all, you have to make sure that the wood you select for the pole is properly
dried. Mushrooms and locusts cause a lot of damage to the wood. Also, there is a
significant loss of wood due to moisture and heat.

Damage like mushrooms and termites is found in the base of the pole and at
ground level. Pole wood must be properly chemically treated to prevent this
defect. Tar mixed with crepe oil or copper chrome arsenic is used for proper
maintenance of the pole. This is followed by an escalation treatment.

In the escape treatment, the pole is kept in a cylindrical airtight closed tank. The
ends of the pole in the tank are completely immersed in copper chrome
arsenic chemicals. 100 kg per square meter pressure is kept inside the tank for at
least one hour.
Due to this high pressure, the chemical is easily absorbed into each hole of the
wood so that the pole can withstand moisture and termites for a long time. If the
pole is not treated properly for some inexplicable reason and if the pole has to be
raised, coats of crease oil are applied on its entire surface before applying.

Bituminous Creojet Oil, applied on the ground as well as 50 cm from the ground.
Or used up to 20 inches. If this is not possible, it is imperative to apply at least tar to
such a surface of the pole. If none of the treatments outlined above are possible,
the skin can be burned up to 2 meters below and outside to protect the pollen
from moisture and termites.

The top of the pole is cut into a suitable cone shape so that rain or any other
cause does not fill the top of the pole. The pole is then grooved by making a hole
at the appropriate distance so that the cross arm can be fixed to carry the
conductor on it.

The distance between the two holes for the cross-arm should be at least 200 mm
or 8 inches. And all these holes and groove poles must be treated first. Once the
pole is treated, such holes and grooves should be avoided. But if the inexplicable
reason is to make a hole or groove in it, then it is necessary to apply creosote oil or
bitumen on the grooves.
#2. Steel Tubular Electric Pole:

Steel poles have a higher load-bearing capacity than wood poles and RCC
poles. If properly maintained, the life of these poles is extended. But the demand
for this poll has gone down due to its high cost.

This pole is used for systems below 400/230 volts and medium current. We use
these poles for 11 kV HT. Also, do it in Line. In some cases, we use these poles in a
high voltage like voltage 33 kV system.

Types of Tubular Poles:

Tubular Electric Pole is divided into two sections as follows:

Sr. No. Types of Tubular Poles

#1. Stepped Pole

#2. Swaged Pole

One is called ISTP and the other is called ISWP. The ends of both poles can be
inserted into a tube or inserted into a number of tubes and then welded together
properly. Tubular Electric Pole should be straight clean and corrosion free and

These poles come in different sizes to hold different loads and capacities. The Pole
gauge for the high-tension line is more than the low-tension line. The pole needs to
be coated with bitumen from both inside and outside. The rest of the length of the
pole is colored with red oxide. A 14 mm diameter hole is made 300 mm above the
ground to give the pole proper earthing. To protect the pole from rainwater, it is
given a pole cap at the top.
#3. Concrete Electric Pole:

There are two main types of Concrete Electric poles which are as follows.
• P.C.C. Poles:
• R.C.C. Poles:
#1. P.C.C. Poles:
The full name of PCC is Plain cement concrete and currently, the PCC pole is
widely used. This pole is mostly used in 11 kV and 400/230-volt systems. Apart from
this, this pole is used as high as 33KV. Also done for the tension lines. The strength of
the PCC pole is higher than that of the wood pole and less than that of the steel
Such poles are more expensive than wood and cheaper than steel poles. The life
span of this pole is long. And maintenance costs are equal to no. The
disadvantages of PCC poles are that they weigh more than wood and steel poles
and are breakable.

#2. R.C.C. Poles:

The full name of RCC is Reinforced Cement Concrete. As it is named, it is made of
cement concrete. In order to increase its durability, iron rods are used inside it. For
the purpose of earthing, a 25 mm size 3 mm copper strip is used or a hollow
channel is placed in the pole for laying the earthing wire.
To fix various fittings on the pole as required, we make holes of 20 mm diameter on
the pole when laying gravel. The width of this pole is greater than the bottom of
the top. While the cross-section of the PCC pole is rectangular, not square.

It is divided into 11 categories based on load capacity and pole height.

Classification Excavation of Footing Deftness in Maximum LateralLoad in

Height in Mtr.
of Pole Mtr. Kg.2

1 16.5 – 17 2.4 3000

2 16.5 – 17 2.4 2300

3 16.5 – 17 2.4 1800

4 16.5 – 17 2.4 1400

5 14.5 – 16 2.3 1100

6 11.5 – 12 2 1000

7 11.5 – 12 2 800

8 11.5 – 12 2 700

9 9.5 – 11 1.8 450

10 8 – 9.0 1.5 300

11 6 – 7.5 1.2 200

#4. Lattice Steel Structure:

Normally we use wood steel and RCC poles for an 11KV power supply but when it
comes to transmitting more power than that, we have to use Lattice Steel
Structure. The peculiarity of this structure is that its mechanical strength is higher
than the rest of the pole, it has a long life, is able to withstand any harsh climate,
and is excellent for long spans.

The risk of service interruption due to broken or punctured insulation over a long
period of time is significantly reduced. It is imperative to provide airtight to such a
large pole as it reduces the electrical difficulties in difficult situations as acts like
every tower conductor constructed by it.

As shown in the figure we can see that it uses a single circuit however we can also
convert this to a double-circuit by spending moderately or a little more. The main
advantage of having a double circuit is that even if there is a breakdown in one
circuit, the power supply continues through the other circuit.
#5. Rail Electric Pole:

Rail Electric Pole has more strength but their cost is also equal to their strength.
And this pole also has more weight as it can withstand any tough weather. For the
400/230-volt line, this pole is not used but in the 11 kV and 33 kV systems, we use
this in the railway poles.

The rail poles used in overhead lines are usually of four sizes.

• 30 kg per meter.
• 37 kg per meter.
• 45 kg per meter.
• 52 kg per meter.
Usually, a 45 kg per meter railway pole is used in the 11kv line. Usually, the height of
the railway pole ranges from 9 meters to 13 meters. At least one coat of red oxide
is applied to the pole before the work is done.

If we apply a tar coat on the bottom part up to the height above the ground, the
durability of the pole increases. The vert load-bearing capacity of the railway pole
is also greater than the horizontal load-bearing capacity.
Types of Utility Poles- The Ultimate Guide

Utility Poles (also referred to as transmission poles, telegraph posts, telephone poles, power poles, hydro poles,
and telecommunications poles) are posts used by utility companies to support cables and other equipment
required for the operation of public services.

Table of Contents
• 1 What is a Utility Pole?
• 2 Types of Utility Poles used in Overhead Lines
o 2.1 a) Pole material
o 2.2 b) By application/ transmission
• 3 What is on an Electric Power Pole?
o 3.1 1. Wires & Cables
o 3.2 2. Utility Pole Hardware
o 3.3 3. Safety Features
• 4 How to Install a Utility Pole?
• 5 Final Thoughts
• 6 Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is a Utility Pole?

A utility pole is an upright column used to provide support to public utility and services apparatus such as power
lines, cables, and wires. They are also sometimes used to accommodate other relevant equipment such as
road appliances (e.g. traffic lights), as well as decorations for events and public holidays.
Utility poles are an efficient way of keeping awkward or hazardous equipment where it has the least chance of
being disturbed. The overhead suspension also helps to provide a more reliable means of signal transmission for
computers, phones, and other telecommunication devices.
A single utility pole may be used for multiple purposes. Depending on requirements and the available resources
utility poles vary in both size and the material used to make them. An average pole is around 12 metres (40ft) in
height, and (depending on the terrain) spaced anywhere between 38 – 91 metres (125-300ft) apart.
Types of Utility Poles used in Overhead Lines
The utility poles used to accommodate overhead lines can be divided by two main criteria:
a) pole material; and b) transmission type.

a) Pole material
The most common three materials used to make utility poles are wood, concrete, and steel. In selecting the
best material, a range of factors need to be considered, including the location, voltage load, and installation
and maintenance costs.

1.Wooden Utility Poles

Cheap and widely available, wood has historically been a popular choice for line poles, with pine, cedar, and
fir varieties especially favoured due to their height and durability. Wooden poles must be ‘seasoned’ (dried out)
before use to enable them to tolerate more moisture absorption in wet weather conditions.
Wooden poles also need to be treated with a preservative to minimise the risk of fungi, rot, and the damage
caused by wildlife. In modern times there has been a shift away from creosote towards the use of more
environmentally-friendly preservatives, such as Pentachlorophenol and Copper Zinc Arsenate.
Poles crafted from wood have a limited voltage capacity and run a fire risk if exposed to extreme heat. In
addition, they require regular maintenance to ensure that they are not rotting or otherwise deteriorating (e.g.,
due to woodpecker damage).
Seasoned wooden utility poles have an average lifespan of 25-50 years. Their eventual deterioration usually results
from rot below ground level.
2. Steel Utility Poles

As a more durable, environmentally-friendly option with a higher loading capacity, steel is often used as an
alternative to wood. Because it can be melted down and reformed, steel also offers flexibility with pole length –
enabling taller poles suited to higher voltage loads to be made.
Poles crafted from steel are also relatively reliable and easy to install – making them the ideal choice in densely
populated towns and cities.
Steel utility poles are of two main types:
• Stepped poles (ISTPs): Poles made with built-in maintenance steps (useful for road signs); and
• Swaged poles (ISWPs): Poles specially shaped for extra strength (useful for street lighting).
For the heavier duty projects covering a wider area, large steel towers are used in place of poles. Steel
electricity towers can transport anywhere up to 300,000 volts.
However, steel poles are more expensive to manufacture and can be prone to rust. As there is also a risk of
electrocution if a live wire comes into contact with the pole, more robust safety features are necessary for their
Correctly installed and maintained, steel line poles last an average of 60 years. Galvanization helps to maximize
their life expectancy.
3. Concrete Utility Poles

Concrete utility poles possess the highest load capacity out of the three. Like steel, they are extremely resistant
to rot and wildlife damage, require minimal maintenance, and weather well in harsh climatic conditions. The
insulating properties of concrete are also similar to those of wooden poles.
The two main types of concrete poles used to accommodate overhead lines are reinforced concrete (useful
for weight and stability), and prestressed concrete (useful for strength and lateral capacity).
The main disadvantages of concrete poles are that if not made on-site, the cost of transporting them is
considerable. In addition, concrete poles also cannot be easily modified, are heavy and awkward, and can
pose a safety risk if they weaken.
Spun-cast concrete poles have a lifespan of 50 years or more. Their heaviness and relative impenetrability
make them the ideal choice for use in coastal areas, where they can weather sea air, harsh winds, and boggy
ground well.

b) By application/ transmission
Utility poles are mainly used for three different kinds of overhead lines: 1. Transmission lines; 2. Distribution lines;
and 3. Public service lines.
The utility poles used to support these are transmission poles, distribution poles, and light poles:
1. Transmission Poles transport primary, high voltage power (230KV or more for towers) between power
stations. Transmission poles and towers are often made of metal, and anchored to the ground with
2. Distribution Poles transmit secondary, lower voltage power (5-33KV) directly to businesses and homes.
The power carried by these lines has already been processed and converted to an appropriate level
(known as a ‘service drop’) for ordinary, everyday usage; and
3. Light Poles are used to transmit varied levels of power to the range of fixtures used in public services,
such as traffic equipment, CCTV, and street lighting. These kinds of utility poles are normally self-
Distribution poles can be tangent, guyed, or self-supporting. Tangent poles are basic purpose poles arranged in
a straight line. Guyed distribution poles are those which have an in-built guy wire as an additional means of
support, and self-supporting poles are those which are unable to depend on any additional support (e.g. those
which house an awkward space).
Sub-transmission and distribution lines are often carried by different sets of utility poles. However, it can be cost
and space-effective to accommodate both on the same poles. This is achieved via an ‘under build’, whereby
distribution lines are incorporated onto transmission line poles.
What is on an Electric Power Pole?

The main features of an electric power pole can be divided into 3 categories:
a) Wires and cables; b) Hardware; and c) Safety features.

1. Wires & Cables

Utility power poles often accommodate numerous cables and wires. The main groups of lines on
electrical poles are:
• Static Lines: This includes a static wire (used to divert lightning surges), and a neutral line or multi-
grounded neutral (MGN) which provides a return path for the electrical current;
• Transmission Lines: These can be further divided into primary lines, which carry the highest
voltage, and secondary lines, carrying power which has already undergone a service drop;
• Telecommunication Lines: e.g. those for telephone and internet connection;
• Guy Lines: Those which connect the pole to the foundational level.
2. Utility Pole Hardware
Hardware is the term used to describe the various pieces of equipment which are essential in ensuring
the efficient functioning of power poles, such as bolts, hooks, pole clamps, fittings, nuts, washers, cross
arms, and assemblies.
Pole hardware has many important purposes, including (but not limited to):
• Providing structural and safety support to the pole;
• Assisting with power conversion and transmission;
• Facilitating guying and wiring requirements.
Wooden poles can be pre-drilled to accommodate hardware parts fairly easily. Steel poles can be
manufactured with built-in grooves for the same purpose; on-site drilling is also an option, as is the
welding of parts.
However, for poles crafted from concrete drilling is not an option. Hardware can only be cast into the
pole during its manufacture – not an easy process.
Because the drilling, welding, and casting of steel and concrete poles can be expensive, time-
consuming, and/or hazardous, externally banded hardware has become a more popular method for
attaching hardware to utility poles.
3. Safety Features
Utility poles incorporate numerous safety features designed to prevent a range of dangerous
occurrences. Some of the most common safety features on power poles include:
• Static wire: runs across the very top. It helps to shield the pole from lightning damage by
absorbing any excess electrical current resulting from a lightning strike;
• Grounding rods: A wire connects the static wire to a grounding rod at the foundation, which
channels any lightning-induced voltage safely into the earth;
• Transformers: Convert raw, high voltage electricity into levels that are safe for regular everyday
• Fuse cut-outs: Accommodate the primary wire from the transformer, and act as a visual
‘warning signal’ if the transformer becomes overloaded;
• Insulators: Protect live components from coming into contact with each other (aerial bundled
conductors also help to prevent wildfires using a similar method).

How to Install a Utility Pole?

Once the utility pole is made and adapted as desired, it needs to be installed. This requires the assistance of
specialist machinery.
The basic installation steps are:
• Transportation: If not made at the location the pole needs to be brought on-site;
• Digging the hole: A minimum depth of 1/3 of the pole length for maximum stability;
• Grounding: The pole needs to be grounded with copper to drain excess voltage;
• Positioning: The pole needs to be correctly positioned and then lifted;
• Insertion: Once optimal, the pole can then be eased into the hole;
• Securing: The hole is filled and leveled, securing the pole in place.
A video for utility pole installation:
Final Thoughts
From the telegraph to the telephone, to our modern internet era: our ability to share information has been
revolutionised. A process once taking days has been streamlined into a second, reinventing our ability to
connect with one other on both a personal and professional level.
For nearly 180 years, the humble utility poles speckling our streets and supporting our systems have been the
force literally underpinning this progress. With their aid, the developments in telecommunication technology
have been able to continue to enhance and expand our lives, keeping us connected across boundaries of
time and space.
Utility poles have helped us to create a world of infinite global possibilities – and will continue to do so for many
years to come.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What is a utility pole?
A utility pole is an upright column used to provide support to public utility and services apparatus such as power
lines, cables, and wires.
Types of utility poles used in overhead lines
The utility poles used to accommodate overhead lines can be divided by two main criteria: pole material and
transmission type.
• According to Pole materials, there are 3 types: wooden utility poles, steel utility poles and concrete
utility poles.
• According to applications, there are also 3 types: transmission poles, distribution poles and light poles.
What is on an electric power pole?
The main features of an electric power pole can be divided into 3 categories: Wires and cables, Hardware,
and Safety features.
• Utility power poles often accommodate numerous cables and wires, such as static lines, transmission
Lines, telecommunication Lines.
• Hardware is the term used to describe the various pieces of equipment which are essential in ensuring
the efficient functioning of power poles, such as bolts, hooks, clamps, fittings, nuts, washers, and
• Utility poles incorporate numerous safety features designed to prevent a range of dangerous
occurrences, such as grounding rods, transformers, fuse cut-outs and insulators.
How to install a utility pole?
The basic installation steps are:
• Transportation: If not made at the location the pole needs to be brought on-site;
• Digging the hole: A minimum depth of 1/3 of the pole length for maximum stability;
• Grounding: The pole needs to be grounded with copper to drain excess voltage;
• Positioning: The pole needs to be correctly positioned and then lifted;
• Insertion: Once optimal, the pole can then be eased into the hole;
• Securing: The hole is filled and leveled, securing the pole in place.

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