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Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535


Visualization of phase differences between tooth helix deviations

using graph theory
D. Iba1 · H. Noda2 · H. Inoue2 · M. Kim3 · I. Moriwaki4

Received: 31 March 2019 / Accepted: 4 July 2019

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2019

The purpose of this study is to create eye-friendly network images representing manufacturing error of gears which cause
vibration and noise during operation. Especially, this paper proposes a visualization method of phase differences between
tooth helix deviations. Firstly, the tooth helix deviations of a gear were measured. Then, the DC components in the measured
deviation data were eliminated, and a Gaussian filter with a suitable wavelength diminished the roughness components in
the measured deviation data for extracting shape deviation components. Furthermore, correlation coefficients were derived
by calculating the inner product between the deviation data of all teeth for acquisition of the phase differences. Then,
a network image of the phase differences between the tooth helix deviations was generated by regarding each tooth and
correlation coefficient as a vertex and edge based on the graph theory. The helix deviation network image of a ground helical
gear, whose tooth number was 15, was shown in this paper. The created network image showed that the manufactured
gear had three classes related to the phase. Eight consecutive teeth constituted one of the three classes and five consecutive
teeth on the opposite side were belonging to the other class. The two classes had negative correlation, and the third class
existed between the first two classes. This means that the measured gear had a possibility of out-of-plane vibration. The
method we have developed will allow for the simple evaluation of gears.

Visualisierung von Phasendifferenzen zwischen Zahnhelixabweichungen mittels der Graphentheorie

Ziel dieser Studie ist es, augenfreundliche Netzwerkbilder zu erstellen, die Herstellungsfehler von Zahnrädern darstellen, die
während des Betriebs Vibrationen und Geräusche verursachen. Insbesondere wird in dieser Arbeit eine Visualisierungsme-
thode für Phasendifferenzen zwischen Zahnspitzenabweichungen vorgeschlagen. Zunächst wurden die Zahnschraubenab-
weichungen eines Zahnrades gemessen. Dann wurden die Gleichstromkomponenten in den gemessenen Abweichungsdaten
eliminiert und ein Gauß-Filter mit einer geeigneten Wellenlänge verringerte die Rauheitskomponenten in den gemessenen
Abweichungsdaten zum Extrahieren von Formabweichungskomponenten. Darüber hinaus wurden Korrelationskoeffizien-
ten abgeleitet, indem das innere Produkt zwischen den Abweichungsdaten aller Zähne zur Erfassung der Phasendifferenzen
berechnet wurde. Dann wurde ein Netzwerkbild der Phasendifferenzen zwischen den Zahnhelixabweichungen erzeugt, in-
dem jeder Zahn und jeder Korrelationskoeffizient als Eckpunkt und Kante auf der Grundlage der Graphentheorie betrachtet
wurden. Das Helix-Abweichungs-Netzwerkbild eines geschliffenen Schrägzahnrads mit einer Zahnzahl von 15 wurde in
diesem Artikel gezeigt. Das erstellte Netzwerkbild zeigte, dass das hergestellte Zahnrad drei Klassen in Bezug auf die Phase
hatte. Acht aufeinanderfolgende Zähne bildeten eine der drei Klassen und fünf aufeinanderfolgende Zähne auf der gegen-
überliegenden Seite gehörten zur anderen Klasse. Die beiden Klassen hatten eine negative Korrelation und die dritte Klasse
bestand zwischen den ersten beiden Klassen. Dies bedeutet, dass das gemessene Zahnrad möglicherweise Vibrationen
außerhalb der Ebene aufwies. Die von uns entwickelte Methode ermöglicht die einfache Bewertung von Zahnrädern.

 D. Iba 2
Graduate School, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Osaka Seimitsu Kikai, Osaka, Japan
Technology, Goshokaido, Matsugasaki, Sakyo, Kyoto, Japan 4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyoto Institute of
Technology, Goshokaido, Matsugasaki, Sakyo, Kyoto, Japan

530 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535

1 Introduction Table 1 Specifications of measured gear

Parameters Values
High-volume production of EV, HEV, PHV, and the like Module (mm) 3.2
in the developed countries increases the demand for low- Pres. angle (deg) 20
noise and high-efficiency transmission. It is well known that Number of teeth 15
properties of gear tooth flanks generally affect not only the Helix angle (deg) 31.0
strength, but also efficiency and noise of the gears in trans- Face width (mm) 42.5
missions [1, 2]. The high surface texture of tooth flanks can Material SKS
realize the excellent properties of it, therefore, ground or su-
perfinishing processes are selected as the finishing process
of gears and gear inspection is carried out after processing. 2 Gear specifications and helix deviations
However, the use of high accurate gears occasionally
cannot realize quiet transmissions. It means that the current In this paper, the measurement object is a grinding finished
accuracy evaluation items might be not enough for esti- helical gear having 3.2-module, and the number of teeth is
mation of appearance of sound and vibration from trans- 15. Fig. 1 shows a photo image of the gear measurement.
missions. The ordinary gear inspection items include tooth A CNC automatic gear measuring machine (CLP-35 made
profile and helix deviations of each tooth [3, 4], but does by OSAKA SEIMITSU KIKAI CO. LTD) was used for
not include the relative evaluation values among the devia- measurement test in this inspection. The specifications of
tions that could be related to potential problems which have the gear are shown in Table 1.
been overlooked. An example of the tooth helix deviation of the measure-
For a better understanding of the manufactured gear’s ment object is shown in Fig. 2. The red solid line in this
deviations, this research proposes a description method of figure is the original measured helix deviation of 1st tooth.
the relative relations of the deviations of gears using graph The facewidth of the measured gear is 42.5 mm. However,
theory. The graph theory is used for analyzing complex net- the data at the both ends have no meaning after conditioned
work systems. Typical application examples of the graph with a Gaussian filter, therefore, the central part of the mea-
theory are system analysis of electricity transmission net- sured data are only shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen, Fig. 2
works, railway networks and airline networks. shows that the red solid line includes both short and long
The long-term objective of this study is to create eye- wavelength components. The short wavelength components
friendly graph (network) images representing manufactur- are related to the surface roughness [5]. The present paper,
ing error of gears. Especially, this paper shows the networks however, is focusing on the phase shift between the helix
of the helix deviations of ground helical gears. Calculation deviations, then the Gaussian filter is used for reducing the
of inner product between two helix deviation generates cor- effect of roughness on the tooth flanks [6]. In this paper,
relation coefficients for acquisition of the phase difference the helix deviations were conditioned with the filter having
between the deviations in the direction of the helix. Then, 0.8 mm cut-off value [7]. In Fig. 2, the black solid line is the
a network image of the gear is generated by regarding each
tooth and the correlation coefficient as a vertex and edge
based on the graph theory. Finally, the proposed method is
verified through measurement experiments.

Fig. 1 Measurement object installed in gear measuring machine Fig. 2 Example of measured and filtered helix deviation

Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535 531

3 Correlation coefficients among helix


In this section, a calculation method, which provides rela-

tive relation among helix deviations, is explained.

3.1 Elimination of DC component

Firstly, the DC components of the helix deviations condi-

tioned with the Gaussian filter are eliminated, because the
DC components effect on the pitch deviations, but not on
the phase shift of the helix deviations.
If the conditioned tooth helix deviation curve is f b .x/,
and the average value of the curve is defined as fDC , then,
the DC free helix deviation curve f .x/ is defined as follows.

b .x/ − fDC
f .x/ = f (1)

3.2 Correlation coefficient

Vertices and edges are required for constructing networks.

In the case of graphs, information about existence or non-
existence of connections between the vertices is necessary
for the edges. For network, intensity information between
the vertices is also required in addition to the information
about the edge existence. In this paper, correlation coef-
ficients between the helix deviations are defined, and the
teeth of gears and the defined coefficients are regarded as
the vertices and edges of the network image.
Firstly, the inner product between two helix deviations
is defined as follows.
Fig. 3 Tooth helix deviations (black solid lines) and mean helix lines ˝ ˛ 1
fj .x/ ; fk .x/ = fj .x/ fk .x/ dx (2)
(red solid lines) L 0

filtered helix deviation of 1st tooth. This figure clarifies that Where, fj means the helix deviation of j th tooth condi-
the surface roughness on the tooth flank, such as the short tioned with the Gaussian filter. j and k are positive integers
wavelength components, was diminished by the Gaussian changing from 1 to the number of teeth z, but k ¤ j. x is
filter. the parameter in direction of facewidth and L is the integral
Fig. 3 shows the charts of all helix deviations. In this range.
figure, the black solid lines are the helix deviations of all Next, norm of the helix deviation is defined as follows.
tooth flanks and the red solid lines are the mean helix lines s
of the deviations. As can be seen in Fig. 3, the mean helix   ˚ 2
fj .x/ = 1 fj .x/ dx (3)
lines give the tendency of the helix deviations of gear, to L 0
understand the relative relation among the helix deviation is
not easy from these charts. Therefore, this study proposes Using the above equations, the following correlation co-
a description method of the relative relations among the efficient for networks is defined.
helix deviations for a better understanding. ˝ ˛
fj .x/ ; fk .x/
rjk =   (4)
fj .x/ kfk .x/k

532 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535

Table 2 Adjacency matrix of helix deviation of ground gear

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 0.000 0.413 0.128 0.129 0.187 0.101 0.159 0.330 0.554 0.739 0.523 0.478 0.465 0.374 0.483
2 0.413 0.000 0.838 0.784 0.835 0.860 0.858 0.858 0.905 0.672 –0.197 –0.449 –0.373 –0.314 –0.346
3 0.128 0.838 0.000 0.943 0.920 0.950 0.977 0.929 0.821 0.407 –0.393 –0.715 –0.691 –0.565 –0.534
4 0.129 0.784 0.943 0.000 0.970 0.960 0.975 0.963 0.834 0.272 –0.504 –0.729 –0.769 –0.706 –0.586
5 0.187 0.835 0.920 0.970 0.000 0.977 0.966 0.959 0.878 0.293 –0.541 –0.727 –0.741 –0.716 –0.640
6 0.101 0.860 0.950 0.960 0.977 0.000 0.977 0.937 0.852 0.318 –0.554 –0.777 –0.755 –0.698 –0.669
7 0.159 0.858 0.977 0.975 0.966 0.977 0.000 0.966 0.865 0.393 –0.436 –0.720 –0.711 –0.620 –0.571
8 0.330 0.858 0.929 0.963 0.959 0.937 0.966 0.000 0.924 0.451 –0.330 –0.580 –0.611 –0.557 –0.442
9 0.554 0.905 0.821 0.834 0.878 0.852 0.865 0.924 0.000 0.627 –0.154 –0.365 –0.361 –0.354 –0.293
10 0.739 0.672 0.407 0.272 0.293 0.318 0.393 0.451 0.627 0.000 0.502 0.232 0.332 0.407 0.346
11 0.523 –0.197 –0.393 –0.504 –0.541 –0.554 –0.436 –0.330 –0.154 0.502 0.000 0.862 0.850 0.923 0.911
12 0.478 –0.449 –0.715 –0.729 –0.727 –0.777 –0.720 –0.580 –0.365 0.232 0.862 0.000 0.945 0.878 0.915
13 0.465 –0.373 –0.691 –0.769 –0.741 –0.755 –0.711 –0.611 –0.361 0.332 0.850 0.945 0.000 0.936 0.865
14 0.374 –0.314 –0.565 –0.706 –0.716 –0.698 –0.620 –0.557 –0.354 0.407 0.923 0.878 0.936 0.000 0.879
15 0.483 –0.346 –0.534 –0.586 –0.640 –0.669 –0.571 –0.442 –0.293 0.346 0.911 0.915 0.865 0.879 0.000

Here, the value of the correlation coefficient ranges from can be seen in Fig. 4, the best value of the sum is 10th tooth
–1.0 to 1.0 and varies depending on the combination of and the worst value of the sum is 12th tooth.
the helix deviations [8]. If a helix deviation is identical to As described above, calculating of correlation coeffi-
another helix deviation, the correlation coefficient becomes cients of helix deviations enable to obtain new findings.
1.0. If the two helix deviations have the antiphase relation,
the correlation coefficient becomes –1.0. 3.4 Examples of strong positive and negative
correlation among helix deviations
3.3 Adjacency matrix of helix deviation
In this subsection, two pairs of helix deviations, which have
Table 2 shows the derived correlation coefficients among the strongest positive and negative correlation coefficient,
the helix deviations of the ground gear. The first row and are shown as examples. The maximum correlation coeffi-
the first column express the number of gear teeth in this cient is obtained between 6th and 7th teeth. The correlation
table. The matrix from the 2nd row and 2nd column in this coefficient was 0.977. Next, the minimum correlation co-
table is called as “Adjacent matrix” in the graph theory. efficient is obtained between 6th and 12th teeth. The value
Each component from the 2nd row and column is the cor- was –0.777. These correlation means that the helix devia-
relation coefficient among the helix deviations of the gear. tion of 6th tooth is very similar to the helix deviation of
The diagonal elements are zero in the adjacency matrix. The 7th tooth, and the helix deviation of 6th tooth is not sim-
correlation coefficient between 6th and 7th teeth is 0.977 ilar to the helix deviation of 12th tooth. Fig. 5 shows the
and the value is the maximum in this matrix. The correla- helix deviations of 6th and 7th teeth and Fig. 6 shows the
tion coefficient between 6th and 12th teeth is –0.777 and helix deviations of 6th and 12th teeth. As can be seen, the
this value is the minimum in this matrix. phase among the helix deviations of 6th and 7th are nearly
If two helix deviations were identical, the correlation identical and the helix deviations of 6th and 12th has large
coefficient would be unit. When all components except the phase difference, such as antiphase relation.
diagonal become unit, this matrix is ideal. In this ideal As shown here, the phase relationship between the two
situation, the summation of the components in the rows or teeth in the helix direction can be expressed by the correla-
columns is z-1. Where z is the number of teeth. In this study, tion coefficient defined in the previous subsection. However,
the sum of the optimal condition is 14. The summation understanding of the adjacency matrix of the correlation co-
of the actual components in the rows or columns in the efficients is not easy by inspection. Thus, network images
adjacent matrix gives importance (similarity) level of the of the correlation coefficients of all teeth are generated in
tooth in the gear. The highest sum means that the tooth the next section.
resembles other teeth, and the lowest sum means that the
tooth does not resemble. Fig. 4 shows the results of the row
summation of the adjacency matrix of the ground gear. As

Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535 533

Fig. 4 Summation of row of adjacent matrix Fig. 6 Helix deviations of 6th and 12th teeth (minimum correlation
coefficient: –0.777)

Fig. 7 Network image of helix deviations of ground helical gear

set V and the edge set E. Thus, graph G is expressed as

follows [9].

Fig. 5 Helix deviations of 6th and 7th teeth (maximum correlation G = .V; E/ (5)
coefficient: 0.977)
In this study, the vertex set V consists of the teeth of
gears and is expressed by the following equation.
4 Generation of network images
V = fv1 ,v2 ,    vz g (6)
4.1 Definition of network
Where, z is the number of teeth.
A diagram consisting of several points and lines connecting The edge connecting the mth and nth teeth is expressed
the points is called a graph [9]. The points in the graph are as fvm ; vn g. Thus, the edge set V is defined as follows
called vertices, and the lines are also called edges. If the
edges in the graph have weights to add various functions E = ffv1 ,v2 g ,fv1 ,v3 gg ,    fv1 ,vz g , fv2 ,v3 g ,
into the edges, such as time, distance, and so on, the graph    fv2 ,vz g ,    fvz–1 ,vz g
is called “network”. Graph G is determined from the vertex
Adding the correlation coefficients into the edge weights
can generate a network image.

534 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535

Fig. 8 Network images in accordance with strength of correlation coefficients. a –1 ~ 0; b 0 ~ 0.5; c 0.5 ~ 1

Fig. 10 Helix slope deviations on each flank

4.3 Generation of network images and discussion

Fig. 9 Helix slope deviations on each flank
In this subsection, the helix deviation network image of
the measured gear is generated. Fig. 7 shows the generated
4.2 Visualization network of the ground helical gear.
All edges between the vertices are illustrated in this fig-
In this study, the width of the edges varies depending on ure, but showing the strong and weak correlations in the
the weights given to the edges. When the correlation coef- same figure does not allow us to understand the proper-
ficient is –1, the line width is set to 5 pt. As the value of the ties of helix deviations of the gear due to overlap of edges.
correlation coefficient increases, the line width decreases at Therefore, three network images were created in accordance
a constant interval. When the correlation coefficient is 1, with the strength of the correlation coefficients.
the line width is set to be 0 pt. The smaller correlation co- Fig. 8 shows the new created network images. Fig. 8a,
efficients mean large phase difference between the vertices. b and c shows the networks having coefficient ranges from
In other words, these teeth potentially have not similar he- –1 to 0, from 0 to 0.5 and from 0.5 to 1, respectively.
lix deviations and require special attention. This is why the As shown in Fig. 8c, the outer circumference of the net-
edges having smaller correlation coefficients are illustrated work is connected by thin lines except the edges between
as the wider lines in this paper. 1st and 2nd, 1st and 15th. This means that almost of all ad-
jacent tooth helix deviations of this ground gear are similar.
However, Fig. 8a and b shows that 1st and 10th teeth divide

Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:529–535 535

this gear into two groups Fig. 8b. related to decorrelation 6 Conclusions
index tells us that these two vertices are less similar to the
other vertices. As shown in Fig. 8b, it appears that the 1st A purpose of this study was to create eye-friendly network
and 10th teeth constitute the third group and this group be- images representing manufacturing error of gears. Espe-
comes the border of the above-mentioned two groups. In cially, this paper proposed a visualization method of phase
addition, Fig. 8a shows the negative correlation between differences between tooth helix deviations. Firstly, correla-
the divided two groups. tion coefficients between the helix deviations were derived,
As can be seen, network images are one of the eye- then, network images were generated using a graph theory.
friendly expression of the correlation. The method we have The generated phase network images among helix devia-
developed will allow for a further deepening of the under- tions of a ground gear showed that the helix deviations of
standing of the nature of the relative relations of the helix the gear were classified into three groups. Two of the three
deviations between all tooth flanks. had anti-phase relation and the helix deviations in each
group had high correlation. The remaining one existed at
the boundary between the two groups having anti-phase re-
5 Comparison with helix slope deviation lation. It is concluded that the created network image is
eye-friendly and easy to understand one of the properties
In the previous section, the displayed networks among the of gears.
helix deviations were grouped based on the phase attribute. Further studies are needed to express another deviation
The upper group (from 2nd to 9th) and the lower group of gears on the network images for a further deepening of
(from 11th to 15th) had anti-phase relation. The correlation the understanding of nature of not only a single gear, but
coefficients were similar in each group. This attribute can also a meshing gear pair.
also be obtained through the helix slope deviations. In this
section, the helix slope deviations are derived from Fig. 3 References
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