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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering


A genetic algorithm based solution to optimum tolerance synthesis of mechanical assemblies with
alternate manufacturing processes−−benchmarking with the exhaustive search method using the
Lagrange multiplier
P K Singh, S C Jain and P K Jain
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2004 218: 765
DOI: 10.1177/095440540421800709

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A genetic algorithm based solution to optimum

tolerance synthesis of mechanical assemblies with
alternate manufacturing processes—benchmarking
with the exhaustive search method using the
Lagrange multiplier

P K Singh1 *, S C Jain2 and P K Jain2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, SHSL Central Institute of Engineering and Technology Longowal,
Longowal, India
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Abstract: Product development process involves tolerance specification on the individual component
dimensions. The impact of tolerance specification on manufacturing cost has drawn the attention of
product designers towards the economical tolerance synthesis using various optimization
techniques. Simultaneous selection of manufacturing processes (machines) from among the
alternatives for producing a toleranced feature has also been considered. The solution surface for
such a problem becomes a combinatorial and multimodal function involving several local minima.
In this paper a genetic algorithm based solution to this advanced tolerancing problem has been
reported. The proposed algorithm is quite simple and straightforward and automatically takes care
of the process selection constraints. The application of the new approach has been demonstrated
with the help of a few case studies involving both linear and non-linear assemblies. Results obtained
using this approach are almost similar to those obtained in closed form using the exhaustive search
method based on the Lagrange multiplier. The study establishes the fact that the genetic algorithm
is a promising optimization tool, which can be applied to complex tolerance synthesis problems,
such as those involving interrelated dimension chains, complex cost functions and complex stack-up
conditions, where traditional optimization techniques are not applicable.

Keywords: tolerance synthesis, alternative manufacturing processes, genetic algorithm, exhaustive

search based on the Lagrange multiplier, set-up reduction constraints

NOTATION l length of chromosome

ltij length of substring corresponding to
a, b, c matrices of constant parameters representing tolerance tij
cost functions mi number of available alternative processes for
Casm assembly manufacturing cost producing dimension Xi
Cij ðtij Þ cost of producing dimension Xi by process j, ^i
m revised number of manufacturing processes
maintaining tolerance tij (to fulfil the requirement of the algorithm) for
DVðstij Þ decoded value of substring corresponding to producing dimension Xi
tolerance tij n number of component dimensions
DVðsxi Þ decoded value of substring corresponding to Neval minimum number of objective function
the process selection variable associated with evaluations to reach the near-global solution
dimension Xi Nmin minimum number of generations to reach the
near-global solution
The MS was received on 23 July 2003 and was accepted after revision for pc probability of crossover
publication on 2 March 2004. pm probability of mutation
*Corresponding author: Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, P population size
India. E-mail: Sp pth chromosome in the population structure
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tij tolerance on dimension Xi produced by care of by proper representation of the process selec-
manufacturing process j tion variables.
tixi tolerance obtained on dimension Xi using the 2. The algorithm can handle objective function involving
selected manufacturing process any type of cost function irrespective of its complexity.
T tolerance specified on assembly dimension 3. The algorithm can be applied to all types of con-
xij binary process selection coefficient straints resulting from tolerance stack-up conditions,
x vector of discrete process selection variables regardless of their complexity. Even those resulting
X vector of individual dimensions from a non-linear assembly response function can
be considered directly without linearization.
 Lagrange multiplier 4. Assemblies involving interrelated dimension chains
i precision of representation of tolerance tij as a can be handled without any trouble.
binary substring in chromosome 5. Process precision limits (valid process tolerance
ranges) can be considered.
1 INTRODUCTION The distinguishing features of this research are:
(a) consideration of alternative machines for manufac-
Tolerance synthesis is closely tied to the overall product
ture of part features,
and process development because of the increasing
(b) a set of case studies involving both linear and non-
demand for quality products and the growing require-
linear assemblies,
ments for automation in manufacturing. It is an important
(c) introduction of set-up reduction constraints to
link between the design and manufacturing phases. Speci-
ensure manufacture of identical features using the
fication of tolerances on the dimensions of manufactured
same process, machine or set-up and
parts has significant impact on production cost. Unneces-
(d) solution using the GA and benchmarking with the
sarily tight tolerances result in excessive manufacturing
exact global solution obtained using an exhaustive
cost while loose tolerances may lead to malfunctioning
search based on the Lagrange multiplier (ESLM)
of the product assembly.
A systematic approach to tolerance synthesis involves
consideration of the manufacturing cost as a function of The results of the study indiate that the GA is robust
tolerance. Control of tolerances and reduction in manu- enough to handle the complexities of the tolerance
facturing cost are the two conflicting issues, and hence synthesis problem. By virtue of the inherent flexibility,
obtaining an optimal solution is a matter of rigorous the proposed solution methodology can be successfully
research. Work has been carried out for systematic extended to more complex tolerance synthesis problems
tolerance synthesis considering various aspects over the for which traditional approaches are not applicable.
decades. Availability of the alternative manufacturing This paper has been organized as follows. The next
processes for manufacture of the individual part features section presents a brief literature review on the topic.
makes the problem more complicated for the search of Formulation of tolerance synthesis problem has been
an optimal solution, because of the multi-modal and presented in section 3. Optimization methodology has
combinatorial nature of the search space. Here it is briefly been given in section 4. Section 5 deals with the
important to mention that the manufacturing cost– application of proposed methodology with the help of
tolerance characteristics are used to formulate the a few case studies. The results of the study have been
assembly manufacturing cost; the characteristics are analysed in section 6. The entire work has been summar-
machine specific, and therefore the terms manufacturing ized and future scope has been identified in the last
processes and machines have been used interchangeably section.
in this paper. Traditional optimization techniques
normally fail to yield the global solution to the aforemen-
tioned advanced tolerance synthesis problem. The 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
problem has been the centre of attention of a large
number of researchers in the last decade. The focus of
The history of tolerance synthesis dates back to the
this research is on the application of genetic algorithms
inception of mass production, when for the first time
(GAs), a powerful non-traditional approach, for obtain-
the standards for limits, fits and tolerances were estab-
ing the global optimal solution to the advanced tolerance
lished to ensure interchangeability of parts. Traditional
synthesis problem. A GA is capable of handling such com-
approaches to tolerance synthesis are based on past
plex search spaces as those encountered in this problem, to
designs, standards, handbooks, and the skill and experi-
yield a near-global optimal solution and seems to be an
ence of the designers. Rules of thumb based on the
excellent approach for the following reasons:
principles of equal tolerances, proportional scaling,
1. Solution of the tolerance synthesis problem becomes constant precision factor, complexity factors, etc., have
easier, as the process selection constraints are taken also been quite popular. These methods do not consider
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the impact of manufacturing cost and hence do not 1. The closed-form solution is limited to only simple
necessarily lead to an optimum design. problems, i.e. those involving simple cost functions,
The importance of tolerance synthesis led to detailed such as the ‘reciprocal power function’ (reciprocal,
research on the topic. Mathematical theory for systematic and reciprocal square functions are special cases of
tolerance synthesis considering its impact on manufac- this function) and the ‘exponential function’, subjected
turing cost has been developed. The quest for a mini- to only traditional tolerance stack-up constraints
mum-cost set of tolerances led to the application of (based on the worst-case and root sum square criteria).
different optimization techniques. A large number of 2. It is not applicable to discontinuous and/or non-
workers attempted to solve the problem with this differentiable cost functions, as it requires a continu-
approach considering various aspects. Application of ous first derivative.
the Lagrange multiplier and other non-linear program- 3. The cost functions with preferred process precision
ming approaches has been quite popular for the purpose. limits cannot be handled using this method.
Research reviews presented by several workers [1–5] have 4. Assemblies involving interrelated dimension chains
indicated the state of the art of the topic. (more than one assembly function with some
A number of researchers attempted to solve the toler- common dimensions) are difficult to handle.
ance synthesis problem by incorporating an important
feature of simultaneous process selection, in the case Zhang and Wang [12] attempted to solve this class of
when more than one process is available for the manu- tolerance synthesis problems. They proposed application
facture of part features. Here the search space becomes of simulated annealing (SA), a non-traditional optimiza-
complicated, involving several local minima. Most tion technique based on the principle of heat treatment
workers considered discrete functions for modelling the of metals. This technique is useful for obtaining the near-
manufacturing cost–tolerance relationship. Precise global optimal solution in a combinatorial and/or multi-
approximation of cost functions in this manner requires modal search space. Comparison of the results obtained
several closely spaced points, resulting in a large and using this approach and those with SQP indicates, firstly,
computationally expensive problem. Moy [6] attempted that SA presents a better performance for robust beha-
to solve a simple problem using dynamic programming. viour in most of the test cases but is more computationally
For the first time, Ostwald and Huang [7] seem to have expensive and, secondly, that SQP is incapable of dealing
presented a mathematical formulation as a zero-one with the wide and the non-overlapping process limits for
integer-programming problem and made use of the global solutions. Moiz et al. [13] proposed a new method-
Balas algorithm for solution of the problem. Kim and ology, called a slope-based method for solution of this
Knott [8] made an attempt to reduce the number of vari- class of problems, and concluded that the method yields
ables and constraints by reformulating the problem and better results than those obtained using the univariate
solved it using a pseudo-Boolean approach. Lee and and the simulated annealing approaches.
Woo [9] presented an alternative integer programming The state of the art on the optimal tolerance synthesis
formulation based on the concept of reliability index with alternative manufacturing processes indicates that,
and applied a branch and bound algorithm for optimal in spite of the in-depth study carried out in the past,
solution. Feng and Kusiak [10] considered the quality more research is required to obtain the much-needed
loss in addition to manufacturing cost and solved the global solution.
problem with the help of stochastic integer programming. GAs have also been used in tolerance design research.
Chase et al. [11] considered continuous functions for Lee and Johnson [14] seem to have explored the approach
modelling manufacturing cost–tolerance relationships. for the first time in their research to take care of the trun-
These workers researched the problem in detail using cation error resulting from the limited sample size, while
exhaustive search, univariate search, zero-one integer pro- estimating tolerance accumulation using Monte Carlo
gramming and sequential quadratic programming (SQP) simulation. Carpinetti and Chetwynd [15] focused on the
techniques as optimization tools. In this study, the exhaus- assessment of tolerance specifications of geometric fea-
tive search and the univariate search methods make use of tures in the context of computer aided inspection. Innuzzi
the Lagrange multiplier approach to determine the opti- and Sandgren [16] combined the accumulated tolerance
mum tolerances, combined with discrete search techniques estimation using Monte Carlo simulation, and the optimal
to find the optimum processes from a set of alternatives. solution based on maximization of the tolerance zone
SQP is a non-linear programming approach that makes associated with the individual feature. Kanai et al. [17]
use of continuous process selection coefficients varying addressed the assignment of geometric tolerances, as a
between zero and one. The zero-one discrete search combinatorial optimization problem. Al-ansari and
method is applicable to the cost functions represented Deiab [18] attempted the simultaneous optimal selection
using discrete data points. Among the aforementioned of design and machining tolerances considering the
four methods, the ESLM is the most reliable approach worst-case design tolerance stack-up criteria. Ji et al. [19]
for finding the global minimum in closed form. However, solved the tolerance allocation problem by estimating
this approach suffers from the following drawbacks: machinability factors using fuzzy set theory. Li et al.
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[20] focused on simultaneous optimal selection of machin- The objective function is given by
ing datum set and machining tolerances in computer aided n X
X mi
process planning for machining of rotational parts. min Casm ¼ min xij Cij ðtij Þ
Singh et al. [21] addressed the problem of simultaneous i¼1 j¼1
optimal selection of design and manufacturing tolerances
considering both the traditional (worst-case and root sum The constraints corresponding to the stack-up condi-
square) and non-traditional (the Spotts modified and the tions using the worst-case criteria are represented by
Greenwood–Chase estimated mean shift) design tolerance Xn X mi  @Y 
xij  t 4 T
stack-up conditions.
i¼1 j¼1
@Xi  ij
Optimal tolerance synthesis with alternative manufac-
turing processes results in a combinatorial and multi- The process precision limits are
modal search space. The problem becomes a good
candidate for obtaining a global solution using a GA. tmin max
ij 4 tij 4 tij 8i ¼ 1, . . . , n, j ¼ 1, . . . , mi
The work reported in this paper can be a useful
The process selection constraints to ensure selection of
contribution to the subject.
only one of the mi processes are jointly given by

The tolerance synthesis problem with alternative manu- and

facturing processes has been symbolically represented 
in Fig. 1. 1 if process j is selected for dimension i
xij ¼
Formulation of the optimal tolerance synthesis 0 otherwise
problem involves framing of the objective function and
the constraints. Minimization of the assembly manufac-
turing cost (summation of manufacturing costs involved 4 GENETIC ALGORITHMS—A BRIEF
in the manufacture of all the toleranced dimensions) OVERVIEW
constitutes the objective function. Functional require-
ments of the assembly function (stack-up conditions), GAs are very simple, straightforward, yet a powerful
process precision limits and process selection form the approach for global search and optimization of complex
constraints of the problem. Decision variables to be multi-modal and combinatorial functions. The approach
obtained are the tolerances tij and the binary process combines the characteristics of direct search methods
selection coefficient xij . The number of variables in the and probabilistic selection and is based on the mechanics
formulation depends on the number of component of natural genetics and natural selection. It makes use of
dimensions. the inherent characteristics of biological systems, such
A general problem for optimal tolerance synthesis as the robustness, efficiency and flexibility in artificial
involving alternative manufacturing processes is systems. The working principle of GAs is very different
formulated as follows: from that of most classical optimization techniques.

Fig. 1 Tolerance synthesis problem with alternative manufacturing processes

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Fig. 2 Scheme of optimization using GAs

The distinguishing characteristics of the GAs are as dimension, revised number of processes for manufacture
follows: of each dimension as applicable to the algorithm, param-
eters of cost functions, stack-up conditions, etc.) have
1. GAs work with a coding of the parameter set, instead
been given in Appendix 2. Example assembly B, which
of the parameters themselves.
is simply assembly A doubled, has been considered to
2. GAs search from a population of points.
study the effect of the problem size. Assemblies C, D
3. GAs use pay-off (objective function) information,
and E have also been represented through figures.
and not derivative or other auxiliary knowledge.
Assemblies A, B, C and D are linear assemblies, while
4. GAs use probabilistic transition rules.
assembly E is a non-linear assembly. Processes marked
A general scheme for implementing simple GAs for with an asterisk are fictitious processes, added to fulfil
optimization problem is presented in Fig. 2. The scheme the requirements of the algorithm.
can appropriately be modified depending on the type Assemblies C and D involve a few dimensions that can
and complexity of the problem and the knowledge and be produced on the same machine and hence it is desirable
experience of the user. The relevant details are further to have the same value of associated tolerances for
given in Appendix 1 for the benefit of beginners in the reducing the number of set-ups. Formulation of the set-
subject area. up reduction constraints based on this condition reduces
the effective number of decision variables in chromosome
representation while implementing the GA. However, the
5 EXAMPLE PROBLEMS impact of all the toleranced dimensions must be consid-
ered in the formulation of the assembly manufacturing
A few example case studies involving both linear and cost and the stack-up condition. Assemblies D and E
non-linear assemblies have been presented to explain involve a few vendor supplied components, the tolerances
the proposed methodology. The same problems have of which are considered fixed and do not count as decision
further been solved using the ESLM method. The variables.
assemblies involving only a simple dimension chain
have been considered to make a comparison of the
results obtained by the two methods possible. 5.2 Formulation of the optimization problem

5.2.1 Objective function

5.1 Problem description
An objective function based on minimization of the
Details of example assemblies (number of dimensions, assembly manufacturing cost is formulated. The assembly
number of processes available for manufacture of each manufacturing cost is obtained by adding the cost of all
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the processes involved in the manufacture of different Table 1 Parameters of the GAs
features. Each manufactured feature involving a set of
Example assembly P pc pm
manufacturing processes is associated with a discrete
process selection variable that assumes only the integer Assembly A 50 0.65 0.01
values 1 to m^ i . The process selection scheme using the Assembly B 50 0.65 0.01
Assembly C (gearbox assembly) 40 0.65 0.02
GA has been explained in Appendix 1. The manufacturing Assembly D (shaft and housing assembly) 40 0.65 0.02
cost of an individual process is represented as a mono- Assembly E (one-way clutch assembly) 40 0.65 0.02
tonically decreasing relationship between tolerance and
the associated manufacturing cost [22]. Although non-
The scheme of simple GAs explained in the previous
traditional cost functions model the characteristics of
section is used as the optimization strategy. Binary repre-
the manufacturing processes more accurately and also
sentation with the appropriate number of bits for each
the proposed algorithm is capable of handling any type
variable, process selection (based on the total number
of cost function irrespective of its complexity, yet, for a
of alternative processes) and tolerances (based on the
balance between modelling accuracy and computational
accuracy required) is made. Reproduction using roulette
efficiency, the exponential cost function is considered the
wheel selection together with linear fitness scaling, single-
most appropriate. The objective function of the tolerance
point crossover and bitwise mutation as per the control
synthesis problem with the exponential cost function can
parameters given in Table 1 was adopted. These param-
be represented as follows:
eters were selected by tuning the algorithm based on the
n guidelines given in the literature [23]. The constraints
Casm ¼ ðaixi þ bixi ecixi tixi Þ ð1Þ were handled using the penalty function approach [21,
i¼1 24, 25]. The simulation for each case was carried out
5.2.2 Constraints for a sufficiently large number of generations on a P-IV
personal computer using MATLAB.
The constraints are formulated on the basis of:
(a) the tolerance stack-up conditions, 5.4 ESLM-based optimization
(b) process precision limits and
(c) process selection constraints. With this approach all the possible combinations of
dimensions and manufacturing processes are explored.
The proposed algorithm is able to handle all these
No fictitious processes are considered here. Optimal
constraints. The constraints arising from the tolerance
solution for each combination is obtained in the closed
stack-up conditions are considered in their original
form using the Lagrange multiplier, and the minimum
form; the process precision limits are applied simply by
of all these solutions is taken as the overall optimum
representing the tolerance variable in the given range;
solution. A closed-form optimal solution for each of
the process selection is taken care of by the discrete
these combinations for the tolerance synthesis problem
process selection variable. Thus the tolerance stack-up
formulated in the manner explained above can be
conditions are the only constraints; the others are auto-
obtained using the following equation, which is based
matically taken care of by the algorithm. Considering
on reference [26]:
the worst-case criteria, a tolerance stack-up condition
in linearized form for a non-linear assembly is repre- 1 
sented by tij ¼  ln ð4Þ
cij bij cij

 @Y tix 4 T ð2Þ where  ¼ eA such that
 @X  i P
i¼1 i
½lnðbij cij Þ=cij   T
A¼ P
which further reduces to 1=cij

n 8i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n, j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , mi
tixi 4 T ð3Þ
for a linear assembly.
The results of optimization (process combination, set of
5.3 GA-based optimization tolerances, tolerance accumulated on assembly dimension
and least possible manufacturing cost) obtained using
Finally the total manufacturing cost of the assembly as the proposed methodology and those obtained in closed
represented by equation (1) is optimized subject to the form using the ESLM have been listed in Tables 2 to 6.
constraints [equation (2) or (3), as the case may be]. The CPU time for the GA-based solution is exclusive
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Table 2 Comparison of results for assembly A

GA approach ESLM approach

Process Tolerance Process Tolerance

X1 1 0.0014 1 0.0014
X2 1 0.0018 1 0.0018
X3 1 0.0018 1 0.0018
Accumulated tolerance 0.005 0.005
Minimum manufacturing cost 43.40 43.33
CPU time 47.34 s 0.16 s

Table 3 Comparison of results for assembly B

GA approach ESLM approach

Process Tolerance Process Tolerance

X1 1 0.0014 1 0.0014
X2 1 0.0018 1 0.0018
X3 1 0.0017 1 0.0018
X4 1 0.0014 1 0.0014
X5 1 0.0018 1 0.0018
X6 1 0.0017 1 0.0018
Accumulated tolerance 0.0098 0.0100
Minimum manufacturing cost 86.80 86.67
CPU time 748.47 s 13.62 s

Table 4 Comparison of results for assembly C (gearbox assembly)

GA approach ESLM approach

Process Tolerance Process Tolerance

X 1 , X2 4 0.0319 4 0.0319
X3 3 0.0678 3 0.0666
X 4 , X5 3 0.0641 3 0.0648
Accumulated tolerance 0.2598 0.2600
Minimum manufacturing cost 131.45 131.45
CPU time 159.07 s 2.86 s

Table 5 Comparison of results for assembly D (shaft and housing assembly)

GA approach ESLM approach

Process Tolerance Process Tolerance

X1 — 0.0381 — 0.0381
X2 2 0.0336 2 0.0346
X 3 , X7 — 0.0635 — 0.0635
X 4 , X6 2 0.0551 2 0.0547
X5 2 0.0742 2 0.0739
Accumulated tolerance 0.3831 0.3831
Minimum manufacturing cost 381.00 381.00
CPU time 143.08 s 0.11 s

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Table 6 Comparison of results for assembly E (one-way clutch assembly)

GA approach ESLM approach

Process Tolerance Process Tolerance

X1 4 0.0477 4 0.0472
X2 — 0.0102 — 0.0102
X3 1 0.1005 1 0.1010
Accumulated tolerance 0.0174 0.0174
Minimum manufacturing cost 137.45 137.45
CPU time 32.79 s 0.06 s

Table 7 Summary of GA-based optimization

Assembly Nmin Neval ¼ Nmin P Remarks

A 389 19 450 —
B 3806 190 300 —
C 845 33 800 Two set-up reduction constraints
D 1408 56 320 One set-up reduction constraint
E 376 15 040 —

of the time required to set the control parameters. 1. There is complete agreement in the economical set of
Further, a brief summary of GA-based optimization manufacturing processes selected. This seems to be
representing the minimum number of generations and because the relative position of the cost functions
the minimum number of objective function evaluations does not make abrupt appreciable changes; i.e. the
required to yield the optimal solution has been presented cost functions remain more or less stable in a suffi-
in Table 7. Variation in the stored minimum manu- ciently large portion of the tolerance range encom-
facturing cost associated with the feasible population, passing the optimal solution.
with progress in the GA for different assemblies has 2. Sets of optimal tolerances obtained by the two
also been plotted (Fig. 3). The following points are methods are also almost similar. Individual toler-
observed: ances in a set may slightly differ, particularly in

Fig. 3 Variation in the stored least manufacturing cost associated with the feasible population with progress
of the algorithm

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larger problems, but the resulting optimal manufac- manufacturing cost and the accumulated tolerance,
turing cost is quite agreeable. This is because GAs which are the basis of optimization. This is the
converge to a near-global solution and normally do reason why the algorithm converges to the optimal
not yield the exact solution. The manufacturing solution for assembly E in a small number of genera-
cost seems to be less sensitive to tolerances in the tions, while it takes much longer for assemblies B and
optimal region, which makes the GA-based mini- D. The effect of the search space on the convergence
mum manufacturing cost quite similar even with of the algorithm can be observed in Table 7.
slightly differing sets of tolerances obtained with 10. Figure 3 shows the variation in the stored minimum
the two methods. manufacturing cost associated with the feasible
3. The resulting accumulated tolerances obtained by population, with progress of the algorithm. The
the two methods are also almost similar. The curves become almost flat near the optimal solution.
accumulated tolerance obtained using the GA is The flat portion of curves is important for the
equal to or slightly less than that obtained using optimal tolerance synthesis point of view. Except
the ESLM approach. for the curve corresponding to assembly B, all
4. The minimum manufacturing costs obtained by the assume an almost stable value of the minimum
two methods are also in almost agreement. The mini- manufacturing cost beyond 150 generations, while
mum manufacturing cost obtained using the GA is assembly B still presents a significant reduction.
equal to or slightly greater than that obtained This also indicates the effect of the search space on
using the ESLM approach. the rate of convergence of the algorithm.
5. In general, GAs do not converge to the exact global
The ESLM is the best approach to yield the exact global
solution; they yield only a near-global solution.
solution in a closed form. It is highly computationally effi-
However, for all practical purposes the results are
cient because it is non-iterative in nature. However, the
almost identical with the global solution, and the
approach is applicable to only the simple tolerancing
minute difference can be ignored.
problems. On the other hand, the GA is comparatively
6. The CPU time taken to reach the optimal solution is
a much more computationally expensive approach and
much greater for the application of the GA than that
yields only a near-global solution. Therefore application
for the ESLM. This indicates that the GA is highly
of the GA is normally not recommended for the solution
computationally expensive compared with the
of problems that can be solved effectively by other meth-
ESLM because, firstly, the GA follows the iterative
ods. In general, the real-world tolerance synthesis prob-
approach, secondly, the GA is based on a random
lems involve several complexities, such as complex cost
search, which makes a great many function evalua-
functions, complex stack-up conditions, interrelated
tions non-useful, and, thirdly, the presence of
dimension chains and process precision limits. Traditional
fictitious manufacturing processes further widen
iterative optimization techniques have been in use for the
the search space.
solution of these problems. These techniques suffer from
7. Application of the set-up reduction constraints results
several drawbacks and hence have limited application
in the same value of tolerances associated with the
[25]. Under these conditions, the GA, although computa-
similar features (i.e. those which are produced using
tionally expensive, can yield sufficiently accurate results
the same process, machine or set-up).
and therefore can be considered a promising alternative
8. The algorithm is applicable to non-linear assemblies
to the ESLM approach.
equally well. It is possible to consider a non-linear con-
straint directly without linearization, for the worst-
case tolerance stack-up, using the proposed methodol-
ogy. However, this study makes use of linearized 7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE
stack-up constraints for comparison of the results
with those obtained using the ESLM approach. Application of GAs to optimal tolerance synthesis for
9. The minimum number of generations required for the minimum manufacturing cost with alternative manufac-
near-global solution seem to depend on the search turing processes (machines) has been explored. The
space, which in turn depends on theQnumber of proposed approach seems to be an ideal methodology
process combinations, represented by ni¼ 1 m ^ i , the for solution of the problem because of its distinguishing
tolerance range and the accuracy level required. The feature of automatic handling of process selection con-
larger the search space, the more generations are straints. A set of examples involving both linear and
required to scan the search space properly. Although non-linear assemblies has been studied. Set-up reduction
the set-up reduction constraints reduce the number of constraints have also been introduced to ascertain the
decision variables in coding the set of variables as a manufacture of identical features using the same process,
chromosome while implementing the GA, all the machine or set-up. The results obtained have been found
decision variables seem to affect the performance of to be almost in agreement with those obtained in a closed
the algorithm perhaps because they all govern the form using the ESLM approach, which is the benchmark
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blies with automated process selection. Mfg Rev., 1990,
The proposed method is simple and straighforward for
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12 Zhang, C. and Wang, H.-P. The discrete tolerance optimi-
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to extend this research to incorporate additional features 13 Moiz, Y. N., Pulat, P. S. and Raman, S. A slope-based
frequently encountered in the real-world assembly toler- method for least cost tolerance allocation. Concurrent
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16 Innuzzi, M. P. and Sandgren, E. Tolerance optimization
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS using genetic algorithms: benchmarking with manual
analysis. In Proceedings of the 4th CIRP Design Seminar
on Computer Aided Tolerancing (Ed. F. Kimura), 1995,
The authors are very grateful to Professor Kalyanmoy pp. 219–234.
Deb (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian 17 Kanai, S., Onozuka, M. and Takahashi, H. Optimal toler-
Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India) for explaining ance synthesis by genetic algorithm under the machining
the scheme of application of GAs applicable to the and assembling constraints. In Proceedings of the 4th
aforementioned advanced tolerance synthesis problem. CIRP Design Seminar on Computer Aided Tolerancing
Sincere gratitude is also due to Professor K. W. Chase (Ed. F. Kimura), 1995, pp. 234–250.
and Professor R. J. Gerth in the international research 18 Al-ansari, M. D. and Deiab, I. M. Concurrent optimization
of design and machining tolerances using the genetic algo-
community for extending their cooperation by providing
rithms method. Int. J. Mach. Tool Mf., 1997, 37, 1721–1731.
useful literature.
19 Ji, S., Li, X., Ma, Y. and Cai, H. Optimal tolerance alloca-
tion based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and genetic
algorithm. Int. J. Advd Mfg Technol., 2000, 16, 461–468.
REFERENCES 20 Li, W., Bai, G., Zhang, C. and Wang, B. Optimization of
machining datum selection and machining tolerance alloca-
1 Chase, K. W. and Parkinson, A. R. A survey of research in tion with genetic algorithms. Int. J. Prod. Res., 2000, 38(6),
the application of tolerance analysis to the design of 1407–1424.
mechanical assemblies. Res. Engng Des., 1991, 3, 23–37. 21 Singh, P. K., Jain, P. K. and Jain, S. C. Simultaneous
2 Zhang, H. C. and Huq, M. E. Tolerancing techniques: state- optimal selection of design and manufacturing tolerances
of-the-art. Int. J. Prod. Res., 1992, 30(9), 2111–2135. with different stack-up conditions using genetic algorithms.
3 Gerth, R. J. Engineering tolerancing: a review of tolerance Int. J. Prod. Res., 2003, 41(11), 2411–2429.
analysis and allocation. Engng Des. Automn, 1996, 2(1), 3–22. 22 Singh, P. K., Jain, P. K. and Jain, S. C. Manufacturing cost
4 Singh, P. K., Jain, S. C., Jain, P. K. and Vaz, A. J. Tolerance models in tolerance design of mechanical assemblies. In
synthesis of mechanical assemblies: a survey. In Proceedings Proceedings of the International Conference on CAD,
of the 10th National Conference on Machines and CAM, Robotics and Autonomous Factories (INCARF
Mechanism (NaComm-01), Indian Institute of Technology, 2003), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 11–13
Kharagpur, India, December 2001, pp. 333–341. August 2003.
5 Hong, Y. S. and Chang, T.-C. A comprehensive review of 23 Goldberg, D. E. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization
tolerancing research. Int. J. Prod. Res., 2002, 40(11), and Machine Learning, 1989 (Addison-Wesley, Reading,
2425–2459. Massachusetts).

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24 Deb, K. Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms processes may be added, giving rise to the revised
and Examples, 1995 (PHI, New Delhi). number of alternative manufacturing processes, m ^i.
25 Deb, K. An introduction to genetic algorithms. Sadhana, The process selection variable can assume only the
1999, 24(4–5), 293–315. integer values from 1 to m ^ i . Careful manipulation is
26 Wu, Z., ElMaraghy, W. H. and ElMaraghy, H. A. Evalua-
carried out with the manufacturing cost information
tion of cost–tolerance algorithms for design tolerance
for the fictitious processes so that they are rejected
analysis and synthesis. Mfg Rev., 1988, 1(3), 168–179.
27 Singh, P. K., Jain, S. C. and Jain, P. K. Tolerance alloca- outright by the algorithm. The length of substring corre-
tion with alternative manufacturing processes—suitability sponding to the process selection variables is obtained by
of genetic algorithms. Int. J. Simulation Modelling, 2003, direct binary conversion of the revised number of manu-
2(1–2), 22–34. facturing processes including the fictitious processes for
28 Bjorke, O. Computer Aided Tolerancing, 1989 (American the respective manufactured features.
Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York). A chromosome in the population structure consists
29 Chase, K. W. and Greenwood, W. H. Design issues of a concatenated binary representation (substrings)
in mechanical tolerance analysis. Mfg Rev., 1988, 1(1), for both the tolerances and the process selection vari-
50–59. ables corresponding to all the manufactured features.
30 Fortini, E. Dimensioning for Interchangeable Manufacture,
The population structure for this problem can be
1967 (Industrial Press, New York).
represented as shown in Fig. 4 [27]. The variables can
be evaluated from the binary substring for further
APPENDIX 1 processing using
xi ¼ DVðsxi Þ ð5Þ
Implementation of the genetic algorithm
(a) Representation of variables (coding of the
chromosome) tmax
ij  tmin
tij ¼ tmin
ij þ l
DVðstij Þ ð6Þ
2 tij  1
The tolerance synthesis problem with alternative manu-
facturing processes involves both the continuous (toler- (b) Fitness function
ances) and the discrete (process/machine selection)
decision variables. Both the variables are coded in GAs do not consider the objective function as such, as
some string structure, where each string represents a considered by the traditional optimization methods.
discrete point in the continuous space domain. Binary There are two reasons for this:
coded strings are mostly used. For representation of
1. GAs handle only the maximization problems, as the
tolerances, the length of the substrings is determined
strings identified as ‘most fit’ have more chances to
according to the desired solution accuracy. The range
reproduce children than the strings which are ‘less
and the precision of the tolerance tij are controlled by
fit’, during the reproduction operation.
mapping of the decoded unsigned integer, linearly from
2. A function, which is partially positive and partially
½0, 2ltij  to a specified interval ½tmin max
ij , tij . The precision negative, is not suitable for application of GAs as
of variable tij through this mapping is represented by
l tij such.
i ¼ ðtmax ij  tmin
ij Þ=ð2  1Þ.
Each manufactured dimension is associated with a Therefore, to handle minimization problems, as in the
discrete process selection variable xi . For the algorithm case of optimal tolerance allocation, the objective func-
to work, the number of the alternative processes for tion is suitably transformed to another function, called
manufacturing each feature must be equal to 2r (r is a the fitness function. For such an objective function
non-negative integer). If it is not so, a few fictitious hðtÞ, the fitness function h^ðtÞ can be of the form

Fig. 4 Symbolic representation of population structure

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h^ðtÞ ¼ u  hðtÞ or h^ðtÞ ¼ u=½hðtÞ þ v, where u and v are

the appropriately selected constants.

(c) Genetic operators

Several genetic operators have been proposed to simulate

the phenomena of natural genetics, and hence to yield
better results in successive generations. Reproductions,
crossover and mutation are the most commonly used
genetic operators. An algorithm involving these opera-
Fig. 5 Crossover and mutation operation
tors is called a simple GA.
Reproduction is normally the first operation applied
on the population. Reproduction selects a good string bitwise, changing 1 to 0, and vice versa, with specified
in the population and forms a mating pool for subse- mutation probability pm . As in case of crossover, the
quent operation. Several schemes of reproduction have new strings obtained after mutation may also be superior
been proposed over the decades. The most commonly or inferior to the original strings, but the inferior strings
used reproduction scheme is the roulette wheel selection will not survive too long and will be eliminated in the
scheme, where a string is selected for the mating pool subsequent generations during reproduction. Function-
with a probability proportional to its fitness. Thus the ing of the crossover and mutation operators is repre-
pth string in the population is selected with a probability sented in Fig. 5.
given by
probjp ¼ PP ð7Þ
p ¼ 1 fitnessp
Example assemblies
In reproduction, good strings in the population The parameters for the example assemblies A, B, C, D
are probabilistically assigned a larger number of copies and E are listed in Tables 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively;
for the mating pool. Although the scheme is very the asterisks indicate fictitious processes.
simple and straightforward, yet it suffers from two
drawbacks, namely premature convergence at early
generations, and significant diversity within the popula- Table 8 Assembly A
tion at later generations with progress of the algorithm.
Parameters of cost function
To reduce this problem, the original fitness is modified
using the linear fitness scaling explained by Goldberg Dimensions Process a b c
X1 1 5.0 34.2245 765
Crossover is carried out on a pair of randomly selected 2 4.7 39.9819 782
strings from the mating pool. The operation is responsible 3 4.36 45.0974 790
for the search for new strings in the search space. The new 4* 500 41.5370 777
strings are obtained by exchanging information between X2 1 6.05 53.1921 975
the strings of the pair. Many crossover schemes have 2 5.62 60.0065 995
3 5.29 149.5845 986
been proposed in the literature. Single-point crossover is 4* 500 63.6541 981
the most common, where a crossing site is selected X3 1 5.38 72.6260 1386
randomly along the strings for each pair to perform a 2 5.31 96.5270 1412
crossover operation; all the bits on the right-hand side 3 5.22 82.8130 1400
4* 500 87.4149 1408
of the crossing site are exchanged between the strings of
the pair. The two strings resulting from the crossover Assembly function: Y ¼ X1 þ X2 þ X3 .
may be superior or inferior to the participating strings, Stack-up condition: t1 þ t2 þ t3 4 0:005.
but the inferior strings will not survive too long and will
die out in the subsequent generations during reproduc- Table 9 Assembly B
tion. Not all the strings undergo crossover; the strings
for the operation are selected with specified crossover Parameters of cost function
probability pc .
Dimensions Process a b c
Next is the mutation operator, which is used for the
purpose of searching for new points in the search space X1 , X2 , X3 Same as for assembly A
sparingly. It is to create a point in the neighbourhood X4 , X5 , X6 Same as for X1 , X2 , X3 respectively
of the current point, thereby applying a local search Assembly function: Y ¼ X1 þ X2 þ X3 þ X4 þ X5 þ X6 .
around the current solution. The mutation is performed Stack-up condition: t1 þ t2 þ t3 þ t4 þ t5 þ t6 4 0:01.

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Table 10 Assembly C: gear box assembly (Fig. 6)

Parameters of cost function

Dimensions Process a b c

X1 , X2 1 18.50 71.25 214.56

2 20.82 68.44 208.68
3 19.05 69.32 211.05
4 18.32 73.56 220.73
X3 1 42.50 30.254 82.566
2 39.20 33.443 86.688
3 38.05 34.322 79.005
4* 539.32 37.061 78.732
X4 , X5 1 32.50 28.25 82.45
2 29.20 30.43 86.70
3 28.05 31.42 80.05
4 29.32 34.16 78.82 Fig. 6 Gearbox assembly [28]
Assembly function: Y ¼ X1 þ X2  X3  X4  X5 .
Stack-up condition: t1 þ t2 þ t3 þ t4 þ t5 4 0:26.
Set-up reduction condition(s): t1 ¼ t2 and t4 ¼ t5 .

Table 11 Assembly D: shaft and housing assembly (Fig. 7)

Parameters of cost function

Dimensions Process a b c

X1 Vendor supplied (fixed tolerance t1 ¼ 0:0381; C1 ¼ 5:00)

X2 1 5.34 66.43 2.738
2 5.12 62.22 2.340
X3 , X7 Vendor supplied (fixed tolerance t3 ¼ 0:0635; C3 ¼ 50:00)
X 4 , X6 1 15.34 69.43 2.728
2 15.12 65.22 2.340
3 14.85 66.87 2.112
4* 500 70.62 2.985
X5 1 11.34 72.43 2.738
2 11.12 68.22 2.340
3 10.85 69.87 2.112
4* 500 73.62 2.985

Assembly function: Y ¼ X1 þ X2  X3 þ X4  X5 þ X6  X7 .

Stack-up condition: t1 þ t2 þ t3 þ t4 þ t5 þ t6 þ t7 4 0:3831.
Set-up reduction condition: t4 ¼ t6 .

Fig. 7 Shaft and housing assembly [29]

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Table 12 Assembly E: one-way clutch assembly (Fig. 8)

Parameters of cost function

Dimensions Process a b c

X1 (hub) ¼ 55.291 1 15.05 71.24 4.348

2 15.12 70.10 4.015
3 16.54 68.32 4.478
4 18.92 66.98 5.552
X2 (roll) ¼ 22.86 Vendor supplied (fixed tolerance t2 ¼ 0:0635; C2 ¼ 30:00)
X3 (cage) ¼ 101.6 1 21.55 98.87 18.39
2 21.02 98.12 17.81
3 23.14 99.78 18.94
4* 500 101.10 19.24

Assembly function: Y ¼ a cos½ðX1 þ X2 Þ=ðX3  X2 Þ.

Stack-up condition: j@Y=@X1 jt1 þ j@Y=@X2 jt2 þ j@Y=@X3 jt3 4 ðYmax  Ymin Þ=2, where Ymax ¼
0:139 84 and Ymin ¼ 0:104 94.

Fig. 8 One-way clutch assembly [30]

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