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Student 1 / NIM: Nadia.

/ E1D021028

Student 2 / NIM: Muhajir Ansyori / E1D021219

Grade: 10 SMA. Semester: 1


Title : Which One is Your Best Getaway?

Main Aim: Mengidentifikasi makna, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks
deskriptif. mampu menulis dan berbicara tentang tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah yang
sesuai,struktur teks, dan elemen kebahasaan teks sesuai konteks

Subsidiary aims:

• Grammar: When describing, the teacher uses many examples of nouns to try to make the reader
get an idea of what is being described. As you know, nouns are objects, places, or people,
animals, while adjectives are words that describe an object. Adjectives that describe a noun are
called modifiers.
• Vocabulary: practice choosing the right words: the teacher provides a text with several missing
words and provides several word choices to fill in the gaps and rearranging words to become
good and correct words based on instructions
• Pronunciation: The teacher pronounces sentences word by word to his students and is asked to
repeat them periodically until the pronunciation is correct and passive both in terms of
pronunciation and speaking speed.
• Skill(s):
- Reading: Students need to learn to understand the context of the text, including the
background and purpose of the holiday destination we are going to
- Listening: Guided Tour Choose to take a guided or audio guided tour of this historic place.
Students can focus on listening to explanations and historical stories given and discussing
frequently with friends and teachers and note down anything important during the activity.
- Speaking: actively ask the teacher and people around you who think they understand and
then take notes, and often practice the knowledge gained during a holiday trip to a place,
for example a historical place, a library, etc.
- Writing: write down all the important material that was learned during the lesson to be
studied again after the holiday is over and if there is anything you don't understand you
have to ask the teacher

Part A: Lead in (let students be prepared for the topic)

Students are directed to get to know tourist attractions such as outside neighborhoods and monuments
Give students the opportunity to tell and explain what are the interesting things
in the story
Read the text about Tanjung Putting National Park. After you read It, scan the text quickly to find the
English equivalents for the Indonesian words below. You are given the dashes and some letters Of the
English words as the clues. Each dash represents a letter. After you find the words, compare your
answer to your friends.


Listen to your teacher reading aloud the following words.

Repeat after him/her.

Epitome : / ɪˈpɪtəmi /

Mausoleum : / ˌmɔːsəˈliːəm/

Inlaid : / ˌɪnˈleɪd◂ /

Intricate : /ˈɪntrɪkɪt /

Slender : / ˈslendər /

Octagonal : / ɒkˈtæɡən ə l /

Be adorned : / əˈdɔːrn /)

House (verb) : / haʊs /

False : / fɒːls /)

Tomb : / tuːm /

Majestically : / məˈdʒestɪk kli /

Tinge : / tɪndʒ /

Breathtaking : / ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ /

Remains : / rɪˈmeɪnz /
Nouns and Adjectives

When describing, writers use many noun phrases in trying to make readers get the mental picture of
what is being described. As you know, noun is a thing, a place, or a person, an animal, while adjective is
a word that describes a noun. An adjective that describes a noun is called a modifier. A noun that goes
with a modifier is called a noun phrase. Observe where the position of the modifier is.

For example:

Describing - role play

Have you ever visited a waterfall, natural park, or other natural tourism objects, or interesting buildings,
monuments, museum, temples, etc.? Describe what make the place interesting.

Pretend as if you were a guide describing the special peculiarities of the tourism object. You can also
pretend to be a tourist guide for Tanjung Puting National Park or Taj Mahal. In that case, make a word
web about Tanjung Puting National Park, or Taj Mahal, or your own favorite place. Based on the word
web, take turns with your classmate describing the placescribing - role play Have you ever visited a
waterfall, natural park, or other natural tourism objects, or interesting buildings, monuments, museum,
temples, etc.? Describe what make the place interesting.Pretend as if you were a guide describing the
special eculiarities of the tourism object. You can also pretend to be a tourist guide for Tanjung Puting
National Park or Taj Mahal. In that case, make a word web about Tanjung Puting National Park, or Taj
Mahal, or your own favorite place. Based on the word web, take turns with your classmate describing
the place.

Part F: activities to lead to the aim(s) / Objective (s) of the lesson / material.
Discussion Circles Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a part of the story to discuss.
Encourage them to share what they find interesting and explain why. And Ask students to take a few
minutes to reflect on the story individually. Then, pair them up to discuss their thoughts before sharing
with the rest of the class.

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