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BSHS Culminating Experience | Part 7 - Final Outcome






BSHS Culminating Experience | Part 7 - Final Outcome


Due to the need to enhance my healthcare professional development, I pursued a

Certificate in Medical Management (CMM), healthcare CPR/AED, First Aid, and Bloodborne

pathogens certifications that I found fit to complement my BSHS program. Professional

development is of great significance to the healthcare career path of any healthcare provider. It is

because of assisting in boosting employees’ confidence in executing their work and gaining high

level of confidence which increases overall job satisfaction. In addition, professional

development enables one to improve their performance, overall morale, and production level in

the healthcare setting. The ultimate goal in healthcare is to provide patients with safe care based

on best practices and exposure to training. Job satisfaction is influenced by a sense of

achievement and meeting life goals, and job satisfaction raises the possibility of employee

retention. Through several preparations and engaging in bloodborne pathogens, first aid services,

healthcare CPR/AED, and participation in medical management, I learned a lot and acquired

considerable skills and knowledge in the healthcare career path.

Learning Summary

I learned a lot through my endeavors to enroll in various relevant medical courses, such

as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). CPR is a lifesaving approach that assists in several

emergencies, such as heart attacks or drowning. Firstly, I learned how to perform CPR on the

patient, administer CPR, and was taught ways of shock administration from AED. In addition, I

learned that the person has a higher chance of fully recovering when CPR is administered early

enough since it successfully restores and maintains blood flow and supplies oxygen to the brain

and other essential organs. Also, I realized that the chances of survival are doubled if CPR is

administered during the first two minutes of cardiac arrest and other emergency cases. While

seeking to advance my healthcare professional development, I further enrolled in bloodborne

pathogens certifications. In bloodborne pathogens, I got the opportunity to learn a lot in this

specialty of healthcare services. Healthcare professionals working in areas exposed to blood and

other bodily fluids need to enroll in this course. I learned various ways bloodborne viruses

spread, how to prevent exposure, and what to do if I come into contact with infectious material

during healthcare service delivery. Also, I learned the correct way of handling bloodborne

pathogens by applying relevant Universal Prevention (UP) for self-protection. Studying

Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) taught me effective procedures for handling blood and body fluids,

such as a mixture of vomit and blood, to avoid being infected with viruses such as HIV.

Bloodborne pathogen training is time spent wisely to learn about the risks and prevention

methods of handling bloodborne pathogens.

Additionally, enrolling in the Certificate in Medical Management equipped me with

relevant skills and knowledge, such as learning the necessary abilities for managing, training,

and scheduling other workers in the healthcare setting. Also, I got the chance to learn the basic

concepts of improving quality and efficiency in the workplace, budgeting, billing, and how to

ensure that the healthcare institution complies with all applicable rules and regulations governing

the medical field. In addition, through medical management course, I was attached to a company

where I exercised effective staff delegation and sourcing expertise healthcare givers, which

enabled me to learn real-life operations and experience the healthcare settings. Lastly, through

my first aid course, I learned proper care of wounds no matter how big, or tiny the wound may

appear. Moreover, I learned how to treat chest and face wounds and bruises. These wound-care

techniques can be useful in my personal life and healthcare working environment.

Experience Summary

In my journey to advance my healthcare profession, I have experienced various

circumstances, roles, and responsibilities, making me develop various working preferences and

dislikes. I have enjoyed being a team player, but I never enjoy someone else deciding many

things on my behalf. Working as a medical manager during my internship enabled me to

experience power and authority, which suits me badly. I encountered a lot of competence in the

BSHS program, and I had to seek other options of enrolling in medical management to ease my

difficulties in being the leader of the flock in any healthcare setting. I have experienced positive

career development in terms of exposure to various healthcare settings, hence flexible enough to

handle most medical services. I am more of a professional workforce and actively involved in the

healthcare profession and research; my motivation for professional development is a good

decision to take as a healthcare provider. Thus, I could help maintain and advance the profession

in the hospital.


As a healthcare provider who spent quite some time in the operating room, I exposed

myself to the high risk for bloodborne pathogens (BPP) due to regular contact with body fluids

and blood in the surgical sites. Sometimes working in the healthcare setting made me

deprioritized self-protection since some surgery had to take place in my presence due to my

interest in learning new specialties in the healthcare system. For instance, a patient's blood

splashed on my face while my mouth was not closed since I was communicating with my other

colleagues; I felt so uncomfortable and irritated. I had to treat sharp wounds as I hid my scared

feelings temporarily. I had not normalized working with patients with severe wounds of patients

since it usually gave me a bad feeling. Due to seeking job experience and career development, I

was forced to work hard, was burdened at times, and could be overwhelmed. My journey for

professional development was very challenging. I could overwork while working with medical

experts, and I could be exhausted and experience facial discoloration due to the requirement to

conduct postexposure prophylaxis. In addition, I can never forget the day I saved a life by

conducting first aid services to a cardiac arrest patient. I felt good for the great contribution of

saving a person's life and being thanked for saving a life.

During the early days of entering medical management, I served as the assistant manager

and was legally appointed as the health section manager. It is because the previous manager

stepped down, and serving as a senior medical assistant was wonderful. Apart from the increased

workload resulting from a busy schedule, it was satisfying to see my professional development

taking an upward curve, encouraging me to serve diligently. I executed my responsibilities as a

medical manager since I developed confidence due to my father's leadership capabilities which

predisposed my enrollment in medical management.


In conclusion, professional development is of great significance to healthcare

professionals, and I recommend anyone to embrace enrolling in relevant courses to their

profession. The quality of patient treatment is one advantage of healthcare professional

development. No matter our positions, we can all improve patient outcomes by learning more

through constant training. Through continuing education, those who provide vital healthcare

services such as bedside care can learn about best practices and the most recent research to

apply. Pursuing relevant health-related courses is important because having access to quality

knowledge leads to employee empowerment. Thus, healthcare professionals can put what they've

learned into practice and enhance their capacity to care for patients. Most professionals who

provide direct patient care are proud of their achievements when they realize that they impact

lives through their work as healthcare providers.

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