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Miss Paino’s Class News

From The teacher:

With the school year coming to a
conclusion, we have a lot of
exciting events coming up! First
our class field trip to the
aquarium will take place on may
10th. Your children will be sent
home this week with a permission This week at a glance:
slip due may 5th. We also have This week students will be making
our end of the year school party up/finishing any late work that
to look forward too which is on they owe due to absences since
the school year is almost done.
may 21st. Student’s will also be
We will also be working on our
sent home with a parent
letters to our future self.
volunteer slip (Due anytime
These letters will be written by
before the party). More Info is on
your kids and sent to them when
the slip. Please Sign up!
they graduate 6th grade. I
always love doing this with my
classes. We will also be playing
Upcoming events: some fun games to celebrate my
students having an amazing year.
Hope to see you at the end of
May 5 Trip permission slips due the year party!

May 10 Aquarium Trip

May 21 End of school party

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