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Sileidis Esteffanys Lopez Navarro

English B1
Group number: 900003A_1144

Jose Clemente Cardenas Teran




1.3 Once you have done Exercise 11: UNDERSTANDING INFORMATION ABOUT
...a person’s experience abroad”, Module 5 (Present Perfect), create a script of a
short conversation in which you ask Hiromi about his life experience in Canada. To
do this, you can use some of the verbs in Exercise 3 and the information in Exercise
11, in the same Module.
Hi Hiromi, how's going on Canada?
Hiromi: I've been better. It's far away new for me.
Feel U. When did you arrive there?
Hiromi: I arrived to Canada a few months ago.
I understand. I imagine that you have experienced totally different things from your
old country.
Hiromi: Of course, I've been living new different things in this country.
Could you talk to me about food in Canada?
Hiromi: I didn't have to cook when I lived in Vietnam. But now I have to, because
the food is quite different from Vietnam and I don't like it.
I think that has been the worst part of this whole transition. How has your classes
Hiromi: Yeah! Fortunately I developed the skill of memorization for my classes in
Congratulations. Do you know students from Vietnam in the University?
Hiromi: Yes, actually I have met few Vietnamese students in the university.
1.4 According to the information about Norway in Exercise 9, module 6, write 3
comparative and 3 superlative sentences to compare Norway to the unknown place
you described in Task 2 & Task 3.
• Norway's architecture is more impresive than Cartgena's architecture.
• Norway's Akershus Castle looks more modern than Cartagena's castle.
• Cartagena is hotter than Norway.
• Norway’s the coldest place I’ve ever been to.
• I consider Norway as the best place to enjoy really good food.
• Cartagena is the most fun place I have visited in my entire life.


Choose at least 5 questions and answer them here:

1. What was the most incredible activity you did on your trip? What did you do?

• This was a good family trip where we all did some fun things including
swimming in the Caribbean Sea and walking around divine beaches,
enjoying a speed boat ride, taking a family photo at the bottom of the
underwater reefs taken from film. Also, many other beautiful photos in
different interesting points of the city. We also don't forget to buy some
beautiful boutiques to take home as souvenirs.

2. What are the worst things that have happened to you on a trip? Mention two.
• One of the worst things that happened on the trip was that one of the
nights we went out to enjoy the lights and night attractions, such as food
and discos. My brother got drunk in no time and made a mess at the disco,
shouting drunk while he danced. He also vomited up the food. All night we
were waiting to take care of him and we did not enjoy the exit enough.
• The second one happened while the family was enjoying the fast boat ride,
since a person who wasn’t from the family fell into the sea, we were all
very scared because we thought that he would drown while we went back
for him, but in the end he was without any damage. It was a suspenseful
moment for everyone on board.
3. Have you ever met a new friend on a trip? How did it happen?
• Actually yes. This was on a tourist visit we did to an island. While we were
on the boat we started talking and when we got to the island we shared
much more, the family welcomed the two sisters in a very good way. There
was good communication and connection. We are still in contact after the
4. Did you spend much money on your last trip? Was it a fair amount?
• We went to the city through a promotional tour, in which we spent 420,999
Colombian pesos per person. To this we add the souvenirs that we return
home among other additional expenses in which each person incurred for
5. Did you go sightseeing on your last trip? What was the most interesting place
you visited?
• Of course we visited beautiful places in the city, the one that impressed
everyone the most was the castle of San Felipe de Barajas. Throughout its
history, the military fortification has not undergone several renovations in
order to prevent its deterioration and preserve an important monument.

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