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1. Provide an Accurate Calorie Calculator and Suggestive Mobile Application

Our application's primary goal was to deliver an accurate calorie calculator and suggester. Based on the
observations and interviews with our users, this objective has been successfully met. Users reported
high satisfaction with the application's precision in calculating daily calorie needs, factoring in their BMI
and weight goals. This accuracy was particularly appreciated by users who had experienced challenges
with miscalculations in other applications. Our respondents highlighted the ease of use and the detailed
breakdown of their caloric intake, which aided them in understanding their dietary needs better.

2. Suggest Reliable Foods for Healthy and Balanced Meals

The application aimed to suggest reliable foods that align with users' caloric goals, ensuring healthy and
balanced meals. While the application's functionality in this regard was well-received for its variety and
customization, feedback from our respondents indicated a gap in commitment to utilizing these
suggestions. Most users appreciated the personalized meal recommendations but admitted to not
consistently following the suggested diet plans. This highlights an area for potential improvement, not in
the application's capability but in enhancing user engagement and motivation to follow through with the
dietary suggestions.

3. Ensure Compatibility and Maximize Performance on Various Platforms

Ensuring the application's compatibility across different platforms like iOS and Android was a significant
objective. User feedback confirmed that this goal was effectively achieved. Respondents consistently
noted the smooth performance and consistent user experience across various devices. This cross-
platform compatibility was crucial for users who switched devices or used multiple platforms, as it
allowed them a seamless transition without loss of functionality or data. The application's performance,
in terms of speed and reliability, was also highlighted as a strong point by the majority of our

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