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A: Hi, I'm Isabel, I'm studying accounting at UTP.

B: Hi, I'm Idalia and I'm studying …….

what are your planes for this weekend?
A: I'm going on a trip. And what will you do this
B: Great, I'm going on a trip too. Where are you
going to travel?
A: I'm going to Cuzco with my parents and
B: Why are you going to that place?
A: Because I'm looking forward to visiting Machu
Picchu and relaxing a bit. And where are you
traveling to?
B: I'm going to the beautiful beaches of Mancora
to sunbathe and enjoy
A: excellent. With whom are you going on a trip?
B: with my friends. And what would you like to
eat in Cuzco?
A: I would like to eat a chactado guinea pig and
drink a glass of chicha de jora, and you?
B: I would like to eat seafood and fish
accompanied by its delicious frozen chicha
A: great. Where are you going to stay all
B: I am not going to stay in a hotel, a relative who
has lived there for many years will lodge us. You?
A: I'm going to stay in a five-star hotel, which has
thermal baths.
B: really? That is fantastic. Now I have to go to
compare some things that I lack for my trip. Take
care bye.
A: yes. Ok it was nice talking to you. See you

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