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Spell Weaver
Medium Monstrosity, Neutral

Armour Class - 15 (Natural Armour)

Hit Points - 39 (11D8 - 10)
Speed - 30 ft.

STR - 9 -1
DEX - 16 +3
CON - 9 -1
INT - 20 +5
WIS - 18 +4
CHA - 16 +3

Damage Resistances - Acid, Fire, Cold, Poison, Lightning, Thunder, Force

Damage Immunities - Psychic damage, Mind affecting attacks and abilities.
Condition Immunities - Stunned
Senses - Darkvision 60 ft
Languages - Common, Primordial, Telepathy (1000 Miles among their own race)
Challenge - 11 (7,200 XP)
Treasure - Double items (magical items only)
Passive Perception - 14
Proficiencies - Perception, Insight, Knowledge Arcana, INT Saves

Chromatic Disk - A Spell Weaver is never without it’s chromatic disk. This 6 inch diameter
indestructible disk glows with colours that slowly shift through the spectrum. This object
stores 10 additional spell levels of energy that the creature can tap and use as it wishes. The
Spell Weaver could, for example, cast two extra 5th level spells, one 5th level, one 1st level
and two 2nd level spells, or any combination of spells so long as the spells are level 5 or
lower and the sum of their levels is 10 or less.
To tap into this spell energy the Spell Weaver must hold the disk in one of it’s hands. The
disk automatically recharges itself to full power every night at midnight. The DC for a spell
cast using a chromatic disk is increased by +2, if the spell requires a save.
Only a spell weaver can utilize a chromatic disk. Should any other creature pick up and try to
tap it’s energy, it explodes, dealing 4d10 points of damage to everything in a 30 foot radius.

Shielded Mind - Attempts by creatures of other races to communicate telepathically with a

spell weaver, or to read it’s mind, always fail. A creature making such an attempt must
succeed on a Wisdom Save DC 18 or be affected as if by a confusion spell (caster level is
equal to the spell weaver’s effective sorcerer level) for 1 d6 days.

Spell Weaving - These monsters are infamous for their spell weaving ability. Casting a spell
occupies a number of the Spell Weaver’s arms equal to the spell’s level (maximum 6th). A
Spell Weaver can cast more than one spell simultaneously, as long as the sum of the spell
levels is six or less. It could, for example, cast one 6th level spell, one fourth level spell and
one 2nd level spell, one third level spell, and three 1st level spells, six 1st level spells, or any
combination of spells whose level adds up to six or less. (A single level 0 spell occupies 1

See Invisibility - Spell Weavers can see invisible creatures and objects as though affected
by the spell True Seeing at all times.

Detect Magic - Spell Weavers have the innate ability to cast Detect Magic an unlimited
number of times per day as a bonus action.
Innate Magic - Invisibility 1/day, Plane Shift

Ancient Casters - Given their incredibly long history of magical skill, and their uncanny
ability to pass on their memories and skills, the Spell Weavers add +2 to the DC of all spells
they cast, and can choose from one of the following effects whenever they cast a spell
Enlarge - The range of the spell is increased by 100%.
Extend - The duration of the spell is increased by 100%
Penetrate - The spell can deal damage as normal to a creature who would normally be
resistant to the damage type.


Multiattack. The Spell Weaver can make two attacks.

Slam Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 1 (2d4 - 1) bludgeoning damage.

Dimensional Blocking The Spell Weaver creates a disruption field in a 200 ft. radius that
prevents planer travel, and scrying. This effect lasts 10 minutes. The spell weaver can use
this action 1/day.

Spell Casting - The Spell Weaver can cast spells as though it were a Sorcerer 2 levels
higher than it’s total HD (13th level Sorcerer for standard Spell Weaver of 11HD).
Though the spells known may vary, the list below represents what may be some common
spells for a standard Spell Weaver with 11 HD to know. The Spell Weaver has 13 Sorcery

Level 0 (cantrips) - Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Minor Illusion, Shocking grasp, Acid Splash,

Level 1 - Magic Missile

Level 2 - Blur, Acid Arrow

Level 3 - Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste,

Level 4 - Dimension Door, Banishment, Phantasmal Killer

Level 5 - Modify Memory, Cone of Cold

Level 6 - Disintegrate
Level 7 - Teleport


Construct, Neutral

WIS 10
INT 17
CHA 17

Languages - Telepathy (All Languages)

Senses - Blindsense 120 ft.

Proficiencies - Deception, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge History,

Upon reading the tome (INT Check DC 23) The following spells become legible.

Level Wizard 4
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
range personal
Target you
Duration 1hour/level or until dispelled
By casting this spell you tap into the musings of some alien collective memory. For the
duration of the spell you can perform any Knowledge check with a +8 bonus.
This bonus can only be applied once as a free action during the duration of the spell. Once
the bonus is used, the spell ends.
For as long as the spell is in effect, the user can perceive echoing hums, clicks, and complex
rhythms, just at the edge of your senses. It feels as if some outside intelligence were trying
to communicate with you. For as long as this spell remains active, you take a -4 penalty on
will saves. This penalty does not apply to spell weavers. you can not have more than one
Anamensis active at one time.

Level Wizard 4
Components V,S
Casting Time 1 Standard Action
range Touch
Target Creature Touched
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw - Wisdom Save Negates
Whenever you cast this spell, and then use any transportation effect such as plane shift or
teleport, you decrease the distance you are off target by 75%.

Level Wizard 3
Components V,S
Casting Time 1 Round
range Touch
Target 1 wand touched
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
By casting modulate on a wand, followed by a different spell, you temporarily alter the wand
to cast a different spell. The second spell you cast after modulate infuses the wand with that
spell, and allows the wand to cast the new spell instead. The spell cast after modulate must
be 1 or more levels lower than the spell the wand normally casts, and each use of the
modulated wand takes up 2 charges instead of 1.

Level Wizard 3
Components V,S
Casting Time 1 Standard Action
range Touch
Target Wand or Staff Touched
Duration Permanent
You drain the charges from a magic item, replacing spells you have already cast with new
arcane energy. By touching a staff or wand with at least 5 charges left, you expend 5 of
those charges and regain a cast spell or used spell slot. The recovered spell or spell slot
must be of a level equal to or less than the highest level spell the wand or staff can cast.

Spell Star
Level Wizard 8
Components v,s,m
Casting Time 1 round + 6 rounds to add spells
range Personal
Target You
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
This spell creates a glowing white , six pointed star that hovers in front of the caster and
sheds light equal to a candle. For the 6 rounds following the casting of spell star, the caster
may cast one spell each round into the star. Only spells of 6th level or lower may be cast into
the star. S+Once the star is full, it disappears to everyone but the caster, but can be seen
with use of true seeing or a similar effect.
For the duration of the spell, whenever a spell can into the spell star is cast on the caster of
spell star, it is countered completely and automatically without any action required on the
part of the spell star’s caster. Once a spell is countered this way, the spell is used up from
within the spell star and can not be countered again, unless more than one instance of the
same spell was cast into the spell star. You can have multiple spell stars active at the same
time. The spell star becomes momentarily visible when it counters a spell, and can be seen
with a DC 20 Perception check, and a DC 25 Knowledge Arcana check to know what the
spell is.

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