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Title: Application of Environmental Psychology Theories in Healing Architecture

This research paper aims to establish a theoretical and conceptual framework for a research-
based architectural thesis focusing on the integration of environmental psychology theories into
the design of healthcare facilities. The proposed thesis seeks to investigate how specific
environmental factors, particularly spatial design, can influence the well-being and behavior of
individuals in healthcare settings. This paper discusses the importance of a robust theoretical
framework, differentiating between theories and concepts, and outlines the selected theories that
will underpin the forthcoming architectural research.

1. Introduction
The built environment plays a crucial role in influencing human behavior and well-being. In the
realm of architecture and design, understanding the theoretical foundations that guide the
relationships between space and human psychology is paramount. This research paper lays the
foundation for an architectural thesis that will explore the application of environmental
psychology theories in the creation of healing architectural spaces.

2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Definition of Theory in Architecture
In the context of architectural research, a theory is a conceptual scheme consisting of a set of
propositions that delineate relationships between architectural properties or variables. It provides
a contextual framework for verification. The core theories explored in this research aim to
establish relationships between architectural design, spatial organization, and human behavior.
These theories have proponents who have proposed and tested them, making them suitable as a
foundation for empirical research.

2.2. Selected Environmental Psychology Theories

2.2.1. Biophilia Hypothesis (Wilson, 1984)
The Biophilia Hypothesis, formulated by E.O. Wilson, suggests that humans possess an innate
connection to nature. This theory posits that incorporating natural elements and patterns into
architectural design can positively affect the psychological well-being of occupants. This theory
will be a cornerstone in the thesis, particularly in designing healing environments that reconnect
patients with nature.

2.2.2. Attention Restoration Theory (Kaplan, 1995)

The Attention Restoration Theory, developed by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, asserts that
exposure to restorative environments, such as those with natural elements, aids in restoring
cognitive resources and reducing mental fatigue. It will be explored in the context of healthcare
settings to understand how spatial design can enhance patient recovery.

3. Conceptual Framework
In contrast to theories, concepts in this research represent specific architectural ideas or
expressions that are not derived from other researchers or proponents. The conceptual framework
is focused on the exploration of architectural design concepts tailored to healthcare facilities,
including the concept of "healing spaces" characterized by elements that promote well-being and
the concept of "evidence-based design" to ensure architectural decisions are rooted in research.

4. Conclusion
This research paper establishes a strong theoretical and conceptual framework for the
forthcoming architectural thesis. By delving into environmental psychology theories and
architectural concepts, the research aims to contribute to the field of architecture by creating
healing spaces that positively impact the well-being and behavior of their occupants.
Understanding the distinction between theories and concepts, the research will test the validity of
these theories in real-world architectural applications.

Keywords: Environmental Psychology, Healing Architecture, Architectural Theories, Conceptual

Framework, Evidence-Based Design
This research paper sets the stage for the architectural thesis, highlighting the significance of a
robust theoretical and conceptual framework for conducting empirical research in architecture. It
outlines the selected theories and concepts that will guide the thesis, emphasizing their relevance
to the field of healing architecture.

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