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The lightning was striking the Earth angrily.

The deafening thunder was provoking the clouds to

shower. And before we knew it, drops of water were falling upon us. This rain was not just a light pitter-
patter; it was the rain that could lead to a flood. My family and I rushed out of the car, trying to keep dry
as much as possible. Father grabbed a trolley from the stands. We quickly loaded it with our suitcases.
We searched for the sign, 'International Departures,' and once found, we sprinted to the entrance.
“Flight 86054 is boarding!”
Oh no! We swerved through the crowd, knowing there was little time left. The check-ins went smoothly
and now all we had to do was reach gate 5. The gate was already open when we reached it. As we were
with a baby, they let us go in front of the line.
Soon enough, we were seated in the flight. However, there was some mixup with the seat arrangements.
My little sister, father and mother were placed next to each other but I was placed on the window seat a
row away! We tried to adjust with the person sitting in the window seat near my parents. Luckily he
agreed. Now I was with my family. Soon another man came, who I suppose, was meant to sit next to me.
He seemed strange and shifty so I decided to ignore him. I let him go to the window seat.
Some air hostess demonstrated some safety measures. The plane had started slowly. Suddenly, it
started going so fast that I could barely see the wings. For about 5 minutes it kept going in circles and
then with a deafening roar, it left. I was having butterflies in my stomach as the plane rose and, soon we
were soaring above buildings.
The TV screen provided in front of our seats was a great source of entertainment for me throughout the
whole journey. However, the person next to me kept looking around. He was not interested in watching
television. After 5 hours of the ride, He stood up and pushed me to the ground.
Anger rose within me. How dare he! I didn't even know him! My father stood up as well, ready to fight
when the man took out a gun and directed it towards my face. My eyes were transfixed upon the trigger
which would decide how many seconds more I have to live. 3..2..1..
I was in complete blackness. I could not see or hear anything! Was this how dying felt?
Suddenly, I felt my mother’s soft, warm hands pick me up. I knew I was safe.
My senses came to life. Soon I was aware of what was happening.
The man’s eyes were ice as he stared at the passengers. He was demanding money. He threatened to kill
all the passengers. He said he had spared me because I was a child. However, he would not spare any
adults. “I will kill all of you. I don't care! I have no family, no children, no parents, no nothing. You can
not do anything to me. If you do not land now, I will use up all my bullets. I have enough to murder all of
you. Do not worry though,” He said and, a smirk appeared on his face, “I will not kill your children. They
can serve me throughout their life. I will not harm them. I have a bomb which is going to burst off in 3
minutes. Tick tock!” he said, as he pointed towards his watch.
The air hostess took everyone away slowly and made a deal with the hijacker. He had his gun raised. The
air hostess placed life jackets upon our clothes and each family received a parachute as there were not
enough for each member. My parents handed me the parachute and told me to take care of my little
sister as they squeezed her in the parachute as well.
5..4..3..2..1 They launched all the parachutes. As I looked around, I realised there were only children. I
looked at the ground. This hijack ruined my family, life and was going to ruin my future.

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