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Johnson damian bstm3.


1. Accomplish the following task:

a. Look into the cultural guides of different countries via www.commisceo-
b. Select at least two (2) countries that you prefer to go to or know more about their
c. Discuss briefly their a) Social customs and etiquettes (e.g., dinning, gift-giving, greeting,
meeting, etc.) b) Business or workplace practices (e.g., meetings, titles, what to wear,
- The first country that I chose is South Korea because I’m really a big fan of their
dramas. As I research about South Korea I found out some of their social customs
and etiquettes workplace practices such as:

For gift-giving etiquettes Koreans are generous people and enjoy giving gifts,
accept the gift with both hands but never open the gift immediately, Return
the favor and offer something of a similar value. If you are giving gifts be
sure to wrap and present them in an attractive way. If you are visiting
someone for the first time giving gift is must it can be a flower, basket of
fruit, tissue or toilet tissue(I often see this on Kdrama)

For dining etiquette they usually let elders to it first then after they had
his/her first the rest can also eat, It is polite to pass or accept food or drink
with your right hand while your left hand supports your forearm/wrist,
never pick up any food with your fingers, wherever you see a "No
Tipping" sign, do not tip. Koreans find tipping offensive,

For meeting and greeting etiquettes bowing is the traditional way to greet in
South Korea, the younger person initiates the bow, bending from the waist
to an angle of between 30 and 45 degrees from vertical, Korean women do
not always shake hands and may slightly nod instead of a full bow and lastly
always bow to individuals when departing.

For titles they often they Sunbae(informal) Sunbaenim(formal) for someone

who attended the same school as you (before you did) or worked in the
same company as you (before you did) while Hoobae(informal)
Hoobaenim(formal) is used to address those with less experience who
attended the same school/university/workplace.

For business or workplace practices Koreans live and conduct business

within a Confucian framework, initial meetings are often used in an
introductory fashion and business may be instigated later, only ask open
ended questions that do not require a yes or no answer as Koreans dislike
For what to wear Korean business dress code for formal attire are usually
dark suit, white shirt and dark tie for men and suits, dresses or skirts for
women they should avoid sleeveless, tight-fitting garments, for the color it
should be understated and traditional, it is also consider a customary to take
-The second country I chose is Canada , because I was amazed to this country when I
saw it on Goblin, as I research about Canada I found out some of their their social
customs and etiquettes workplace practices such as:

For dining etiquettes able manners are relatively relaxed and informal in
Canada, Do not eat until the hostess starts, you should not rest your elbows
on the table, for formal situations, the host gives the first toast then an
honored guest should return the toast later in the meal. Women may give
 For gift-giving etiquettes Canadians give gifts for birthdays and Christmas, if
someone invited you to their home for dinner, you must take a box of good
chocolates, flowers or a bottle of wine, do not give cash or money as a
present, gifts are usually opened when received.

For meeting and greeting etiquettes shake hands with everyone at the
meeting upon arrival and departure, Canadians appreciate politeness and
expect others to adhere to the proper protocol for any given situation, men
may offer their hand to a woman without waiting for her to extend hers first
some older men may even kiss a lady’s hand.

For title etiquettes academic titles are important especially in Quebec where
the honorific ‘Monsieur’ or ‘Madame’ is used, they use Mr. or Mrs. until you
are invited to use first names. The use of first names happens fairly quickly.

For business and workplace practices Canadians begin meetings with a

minimal amount of small talk although one should expect to spend a few
minutes exchanging pleasantries, meetings in Canadian companies are used
to review proposals, make plans, brain-storm and communicate decisions.
Attendees will generally represent a variety of levels and experiences; all are
expected to express opinions.

 For what to wear Business dress code consists of a fairly conventional tie
and suit for males and smart dress / suit for females
d. You may also use other references to further expound your content. Cite them on the
last page of your output.

2. Respond to the following processing questions:

a. What are the things you’ve learned or realized from doing this activity?
-I’ve learned that there are big difference between Canada and South Korea social and
business customs South Korean are very traditional, polite especially to elders and their
seniors and reserve while Canadians are tolerant and relatively informal. South Koreans
are dominated by male guidance and a patriarchal society while Canadians promotes
fairness, equality in their society.

b. How are these learnings or realization helpful and applicable in your future work in a
tourism and hospitality establishment?

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