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College for Research & Technology of

Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100
Tel. 463-2735 463-2697 600-2200 e-mail:

Compilation of Learning Assessments

and Learning Outputs in EDU10
(Curriculum, Development and Evaluation)

Prepared and Submitted by:

Complete Name : Villanueva, Princess Edlene Paraguison

Course and Section : BTVTE 3A

Date of Submission:


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College for Research & Technology of
Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100
Tel. 463-2735 463-2697 600-2200 e-mail:


General Directions: As agreed by the majority, all these learning assessments to be taken will
be take-home activities where you will be asked to answer each question in your utmost
comprehension. All questions which will require justification should be limited to three sentences.
Kindly maximize the space provided for each item. Each question is equivalent to 5 points. Failure
to comply to the required number of sentences will receive a deduction. Responses which will
come from online sources will automatically receive a zero point. Write legibly. This will be
submitted on:
BTVTEd-3A - November 10, 2023

Learning Assessment 1 (Linear Model of Curriculum Development)

Direction: Give your answer on the following questions:

1. Why curriculum development models are based on a clear and consistent understanding
of various scholars of the nature of curriculum?

_____Curriculum development models are based on a clear and consistent

understanding of various scholars of the nature of curriculum because its a discipline
and as a field of study. Different models are described based on the different views and
processes of curriculum development they offer.
2. According to Ralph Tyler’s Model of Communication, the last process that should be taken
is evaluation of the learning experiences. In your own perspective, why Tyler chose to
evaluate the learning experience and not the content of the curriculum?
___Because curriculum development should follow a sequential and logical process, and
she suggested for more information input in all phases of curriculum development. She
also claimed that all curricula are composed of fundamental element.

3. Hilda Taba’s Grassroots Rational Model suggests that a diagnosis of needs of the learners
should be considered upon developing a curriculum. In your own perspective, why Taba
addressed the need to diagnose the needs of the learners first before developing a

-Hilda Taba’s addressed the need to diagnose the needs of the learners first before
developing a curriculum because she believes that Teachers are aware of the students
needs hence they should be the one to develop the curriculum. It’s the main idea of this
model is that the students are at the forefront the curriculum.

4. Allan Glatthorn’s Standard-based Curriculum Development Model recognizes teachers’

inputs in the development of “standards”, which are often neglected in curriculum projects
in the Philippines because of the top-down approach to curriculum development and
implementation. In your own perspective, why do we need to consider to input of the
teachers upon developing a curriculum?

Because this model help to recognize the importance of using multiple sources in .
. developing Curriculum standard to improve and validate the curriculum standards is an equally
. good practice in curriculum development.

5. Why Understanding by Design Model (UBD) is often called as backward design?

- Backward Design” is an approach to creating curriculum, subjects, and even single

class sessions that treats the goal of teaching as not merely “covering” a certain
amount of content, but also facilitating student learning. Backward design prioritizes
the intended learning outcomes instead of topics to be coverd. It is thus “backward”

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College for Research & Technology of
Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100
Tel. 463-2735 463-2697 600-2200 e-mail:

from traditional design because instead of starting with the content to be covered, the
textbook to be used, or even the test to be passed, you begin with the goals.

6. Robert Diamond’s Systematic Design Model added practical experience, research and
theory among sources and influences in crafting a curriculum. If you are to choose among
the three, which do you think has the greatest weight as a source or influence?
__For me The Systematic Design Model is prescriptive and rational. It presents
systematic and linear view of curriculum development. The use of diagrams is an
excellent way of helping curriculum workers to visualize the entire curriculum
development process. As shown in its first phase, some curriculum influences and
sources are also acknowledged in the process of curriculum development. These
curriculum sources and influences are used to determine the objectives of the
curriculum. The model relies heavily on data; therefore, it is important to gather
necessary information before proceeding to each of the process. This curriculum
practice allows research to influence curriculum processes and encourages a team
approach to curriculum development.

7. Murray Print’s Model for Curriculum Development discusses the important role of
curriculum workers. In your own perspective, why curriculum workers’ conception and
foundations be considered in developing a curriculum?

_Curriculum Development itt is prescriptive and rational it starts with identifying the
aims, goals, and objectives of the curriculum. It also embraces the principles of cyclical
and dynamic models in it its procedures. Curriculum the important role and influence of
various curriculum workers involved in different curriculum activities.

Learning Assessment 2 (Cyclical Models of Curriculum Development)

Question to ponder:
Why cyclical models usually start with situational analysis?

-The cyclical models prescribe a cyclical or continuous process of curriculum

development. Cyclical models usually start with situational analysis that sereves as the
basis for all the succeeding process. Prescribe a method of curriculum creation that is
cyclical or constant. Usually, cyclical models begin with situational analysis that serves
as a framework for the entire following process.

Learning Assessment 3 (Dynamic Models of Curriculum Development)

1. Decker Walker developed a model for curriculum development which contended that
curriculum developers do not follow the prescriptive approach of the rationale-linear
sequence of curriculum elements when they develop curricula. Will you consider this as
advantageous since curriculum workers can start at any phase or disadvantageous if
curriculum workers are confused or have not enough knowledge on the process of
curriculum development?

-_Decker Walker developed a model for curriculum development and first published it in
1971. Walker contended that curriculum developers do not follow the prescriptive
approach of the rationale-linear sequence of curriculum elements when they develop
curricula. In his model, Walker was particularly interested on how curriculum workers
actually do their task in curriculum development.

2. Skilbeck’s Curriculum Development Model includes a situational analysis that involves

gathering data from the school, society and the learners. Why is it so?

-_When using his model, curriculum workers may start from any phase. However,
each phase is interrelated and follows a systematic sequence. His model includes a
situational analysis that involves gathering data from the school, society and the learners.

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College for Research & Technology of
Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100
Tel. 463-2735 463-2697 600-2200 e-mail:

The result of the situational analysis provides strong bases for making curricular decisions
for all the succeeding phases of curriculum development.

3. Elliot W. Eisner suggests the use of “arts” in developing curriculum. In what way you think
arts can be used in developing such curriculum?

-He believed that there is a need to develop a new theory that recognizes the artistry of
teaching that is useful in helping teachers develop those arts.

4. Pawilen’s Model of Curriculum Development includes external and internal influences in

curriculum development. Which do you think is more influential between the two? Justify
your choice.

_-_Society is also considered as a source of curriculum. Knowledge about the society

provides better understanding of the context in which the curriculum will be
implemented. Cultural values, beliefs, attitudes, political and economic systems and the
physical environment directly or indirectly affect curriculum development because the
learners are an integral part of the society. Understanding the nature of discipline is also
essential in curriculum development. It can provide data for making decisions as to what
contents should be included in the curricula and how to organize the contents of the

Learning Assessment 4 (Curriculum Implementation)

1. Explain: Curriculum implementation is highly influenced by different curriculum workers’
people influence the process.

- Curriculum workers are many people who work on curriculum such as teachers,
Principal, Parents Curriculum leader or coordinator they also have a responsibility to
concentrate to the students behavior in devising objective for a unit to emphasize
appropriate Learning Experience.
2. What happens when a school acquire or hire “curriculum workers” who have limited or no
background at all in education?

- Curriculum is a body of subjects if they hired a no experience and no background in

education how they handle to teach their students base in their knowledge they
never know how to teacher their students appropriate because they have no
background education.

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College for Research & Technology of
Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100
Tel. 463-2735 463-2697 600-2200 e-mail:

Output 1 (Curriculum Development)

Special Instruction: Write a reflection paper about the important part of the lesson that struck
you in this topic. Reflection paper should be composed of three paragraphs and a minimum of
five sentences each paragraph.

The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a
specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses
offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools.

Depending on how broadly educators define or employ the term, curriculum typically
refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which includes the
learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet; the units and
lessons that teachers teach; the assignments and projects given to students; the books,
materials, videos, presentations, and readings used in a course; and the tests,
assessments, and other methods used to evaluate student learning.

An individual teacher’s curriculum, for example, would be the specific learning

standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize and teach a particular

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College for Research & Technology of
Burgos Avenue, Cabanatuan City 3100
Tel. 463-2735 463-2697 600-2200 e-mail:

Output 2 (Curriculum Implementation)

Special Instruction: Write a reflection paper about the important part of the lesson that struck
you in this topic. Reflection paper should be composed of three paragraphs and a minimum of
five sentences each paragraph.

Course of study that will enable the learner to acquire specific knowledge and skills A
curriculum consists of the “roadmap” or “guideline” of any given discipline. Both the
philosophy of teaching of the instructors as well as of the educational institution serve as
two of the principles upon which a curriculum is based.

A curriculum is the combination of instructional practices, learning experiences, and

students’ performance assessment that are designed to bring out and evaluate the
target learning outcomes of a particular course. A detailed plan for instruction set by
policy-makers. A selection of information, segregated into disciplines and courses,
typically designed to achieve a specific educational objective.

As applied to education, curriculum is the series of things that students must do and
experience by way of developing abilities to do the things well that adults do in life; and
to be in all ways the people that they should be as adults.

Curriculum encompasses a variety of technical and non technical courses that are
required to complete a specific degree. Curriculum includes everything that takes place,
and everything that does not take place, within the purview of the school.

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