Cns 780 Assignment 6

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CNS 780 Assignment 6.

1: Law and Advocacy

Samantha Zaitz

The legal issue that I chose is the Counseling Compact, which is one of AMHCA

(American Mental Health Counselors Association) Calls to Action (AMHCA, 2023). Although

the Counseling Compact would provide professional counselors and clients with so many

benefits and increased opportunity, there is an ethical concern with this issue when it comes to

counselors following each state’s laws and regulations. Given that each state has their own laws

around scope of practice and requirements for licensure, it would make it difficult for counselors

practicing in a participating state to know the required laws and regulations of a state outside of

the one they hold their license in. Furthermore, it would also make it harder for a state to enforce

their laws and regulations for counselors practicing outside of their home state. When it comes to

the ethical principles, upholding nonmaleficence and beneficence could be challenging given that

certain laws could considered beneficial for the client in one state and harmful to the client in

another (Forester-Miller & Davis, 2016). The reason I chose the Counseling Compact is because

of how meaningful it would be for me to have mobility with my practice as a counselor

(AMHCA, 2023). As someone that has family on opposite sides of the country, being able to

visit them (for extended periods of time) while still being able to work through distance

counseling would be incredible. Not only would this be beneficial for me with regard to income,

but it would also help provide continuity for my clients (AMHCA, 2023). My process to create

change with regard to the Counseling Compact in California included looking at the AMHCA’s

Calls to Action and then picking an issue that spoke to me and could have a meaningful impact

for me as a counselor. I then modified one of AMHCA’s letters of support to represent who I am
and what I want to say to my representative. Lastly, to mail the letter, I looked up the office

address of Governor Gavin Newsom. One of my take-aways from this assignment is that even

something as beneficial as the Counseling Compact could still pose ethical dilemmas. Another

take-away is that California specifically will require a lot of advocacy in order to join the

Counseling Compact given how rigorous and demanding their laws and counseling requirements

are. Lastly, it made me realize that it’s a lot easier than I initially thought to be able to have a

voice and advocate for the counseling profession.


Forester-Miller, H., & Davis, T. E. (2016). Practitioner’s guide to ethical decision

making. American Counseling Association. -source/ethics/practioner-39-s-guide-to-ethical-


The Counseling Compact, Exciting Momentum for Our Profession. American Mental Health

Counselors Association. (2023). Retrieved April 16, 2023, from

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