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Vazquez 1

Alexa Vazquez

Professor Oscar Martinez

ENGL 1301-108

3 December 2023

Reflection Essay 2

I’ve learned in this unit that visual text analysis and the rhetorical situation can be

very important because they provide an understanding of another way of communication to their

audience. These concepts of visual analysis and rhetorical situations can help me in my other

courses, business classes, and writing situations by having an understanding on how to craft

persuasive business ads, reports, and communication plans. Having a full understanding on how

to pursue an audience in a different form of communication can be very smart, different and can

be very good for business in the future.

When building up what to look at when writing the visual analysis, I looked at every

detail the movie poster “THIS IS THE END” had as visuals. I then collected the top three

elements in the movie poster to write about and only focused and analyzed the visuals that can

make an audience look at a movie poster and want to watch the movie. The concept of

brainstorming can be helpful in my business courses because I would already have an idea how

to brainstorm some business ideas for proposals or marketing ads. The concept pre-writing helps

put together business reports, drafting any other ideas that can be used for later, and revision by

making sure everything sounds professional and well written.

Connecting with the professor was really helpful for getting feedback since I

sometimes don’t know when to start my introduction and conclusion. Gaining feedback made my
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visual text analysis essay have a thesis statement and improve my topic sentences in my three

body paragraphs. When fixing my introduction and adding a thesis statement, I just needed to

describe the three elements I was going to write about. I improved my topic sentences by just

describing what I’m going to talk about in the paragraph.

Meeting with my peers and the peer reviews helped me out by adding more details

to make any audience reading my paper understand what I’m talking about. For example, my

conclusion was very rough since I didn’t have a thesis statement in my introduction and didn’t

have a brief explanation of what I just wrote about in the other paragraphs. So, after adding a

thesis statement my introduction sounded better and my conclusion was easier to do since I’m

just rewriting everything in a brief explanation.

When proofreading my essay’s I have to say it out loud to see if it makes sense. It

made me realize some of the words I use either shouldn’t be there or it sounds off in the

sentence. I caught in my essay that I say the word “like” a lot so, I went read through the whole

essay out loud to catch myself saying the word and I did so I would just move the sentences

around or word it differently so it doesn’t seem like I’m repeating.

The most challenging part in this essay was to dig deeper into what a visual text can

actually mean to an audience since there can be many expressions in one. The resources I used to

try to dig deeper into my visuals was to look at every detail that shows off in the movie poster.

Recognizing this challenge can help me prepare for future writing assignments by already having

an idea of what I have to look for when identifying something deep and understanding the

meaning behind it. For example, in the movie poster the six men are crowded into a rock and

there’s lava surrounding them since the road is falling apart. Their facial expressions you can tell
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are sarcastic when looking up at the camera, so it was difficult trying to see why they have such a

sarcastic face when being close to death.

The least challenging part in this essay was describing what elements there are since

you’re just listing what you see in the movie poster. The three elements I chose were their facial

expressions, the background of the movie poster, and the color contrast in the whole poster.

These elements were very easy to choose out since they're the top three lament everyone sees

when looking at the movie poster.

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