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Lecture 7: PLANT EMBRYOGENESIS Among dicots, the stages include the

1. Two-cell stage - the zygote divides into two
unequal and asymmetrical cells:
Embryogenesis - plant development starts one large basal cell
after fertilization. one small apical cell.
All land plants are called embryophytes These cells will give rise to different structures later
because they form an embryo during this on. The apical cells, containing most of the
process. cytoplasm, will give rise to the hypocotyl, the shoot
There are a number of structures in the plants apical meristem, and the cotyledons. The basal cells
that may resemble an embryo such as the: will give rise to the hypophysis and suspensors.
gemmae of liverworts and some propagules for
vegetative propagation. 2. Four-cell stage - The two cells divide
Thus, it is important to designate the embryo as longitudinally in a plane perpendicular to the first
a zygotic embryo when speaking of division to form a four-celled filament.
3. Eight-cell stage - also called the octant stage,
A plant zygotic embryo has five main the four cells divide transversely to form an octant.
4. Globular or Dermatogen stage - this stage is
hypocotyl, characterized by the formation of the protoderm, the
two apical meristems: (root and first histologically distinct tissue. The three tissue
shoot), systems are now recognizable in this stage based on
a root cap, and their cell division patterns. The cotyledon begins to
cotyledons. form.
In plants undergoing double fertilization such as
the angiosperms, the fertilization of the ovule 5. Heart stage - the formation of two cotyledons
results into both the zygote and the endosperm. give the embryo a heart-shaped form in this stage.
The root apical meristem begins to organize at this
stage. The hypophysis, or the most apical suspensor
Goldberg and co-workers divided the
cell, becomes incorporated into the embryo.
process into three:
Because plant development proceeds variably 6. Torpedo stage - In this stage, the suspensor
among plants: degenerates, and the shoot and root apical
(1) post-fertilization-proembryo stage meristems are fairly established.
(2) globular-heart transition stage
(3) organ expansion and maturation stage The post embryonic development, sometimes
designated as the walking stick stage, will include
the process of maturation. In this process,
The following set of characteristics sets macromolecules such as oils, starches, and proteins
the plants apart from other organisms: are stored. The cells continue to grow. After which,
embryogenesis will be arrested. The embryo goes
Plant embryogenesis happens to serve the into a period of dormancy in the seed. Germination
following purpose: follows when conditions are favorable for the plant.
(a). Specify which cells proceed to become
(b.) Specify the shoot-root body pattern
(c.) Differentiate the primary plant tissue types
(d.) Develop a storage organ for seed germination
and seedling development
(e.) Enable the sporophyte to lie dormant until
conditions are favorable for post embryonic
Embryogenesis in plants involves two body plans: Law of Segregation
shoot-root axis determination - starts at the
two-cell stage, where the apical cell becomes The Law of Segregation suggests that gametes,
the embryo and the basal cell becomes the produced through meiosis in diploid organisms,
suspensor. take a single copy of a gene, resulting in haploid
axial and radial symmetry - determined by sperms or eggs, with the transfer process being
cell division. Plant embryogenesis doesn't random.
involve cell migration, and the shape depends
on cell division patterns. Monocot embryos
have a single modified cotyledon called the
scutellum, which acts as a tissue between the
endosperm and the embryo.
In monocots, the suspensor during the globular
stage is less differentiated. Instead of the heart
stage, a monocot embryo enters the Scutellar
The Coleoptilar stage follows, characterized by
the differentiation of the plumule and the radicle.
The name coleoptilar is derived from the coleoptile
and coleorhiza, two tissues that surround the shoot Law of Independent Assortment
and root tissues to aid in emergence during
germination. Independent Assortment states that the
inheritance of genes for one characteristic doesn't
INHERITANCE OF TRAITS affect the inheritance of another. Mendel's
experiment showed that pod shape inheritance
Heredity - the term used to denote the passing doesn't directly affect seed shape. Today, we
of traits from parent to offspring among know that genes are arranged in chromosomes,
sexually or asexually reproducing exemplifying this third law of inheritance.
organisms.The inheritance of these traits, or
phenotypes, is essentially the meat of genetics. Non-Mendelian Genetics

Mendelian Genetics After Mendel's work was rediscovered, biology

advanced understanding of inheritance.
Geneticists studied patterns of genetic material
Mendelian or classical genetics refers to the
transmission and discovered non-Mendelian
basic laws of inheritance. These were the direct
principles of inheritance, revealing potential
result of Mendel's experiment on the pea (Pisum
differences in organisms' behavior.
sativum) plant.
Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who
worked in his monastery's garden. He was Principle of Incomplete Dominance
credited to be the Father of Modern Genetics.
Crossing two plants to produce white and red
Law of Dominance and Recessiveness flowers, Mendel's rules dictate dominant colors.
However, a snapdragon produces a pink-petalled
flower, a mix of genotypic influence. This is called
Mendel's Law of Dominance and Recessiveness
incomplete or partial dominance, where numerical
roots from the fundamental concept of one
values are at the midline of homozygotes.
allele, or unit factor as he called it, of the
same gene masking the other allele at the
same locus.
Locus refers to the location of the allele in the
To denote this law, capital letters are used to
signify dominant alleles and small caps of the
same letter for the recessive ones. Using Mendel's
experiments on plant height, the allele that codes
for tall is dominant over the short. Thus, we use the
letter T to symbolize tall and the small letter t to
symbolize short.
Law of Segregation Apical meristems give rise to three primary
Dominance refers to the allelic relationship protoderm - develops into the epidermis
between two alleles of the same gene, procambium - develops into the primary
manifesting in the resulting phenotype. This xylem and primary phloem
pattern is common in humans and is seen in the ground meristem - develops into the cortex
ABO blood type and the Camellia genus. and pith
Dominance does not indicate health or fitness, but All of these are responsible for primary growth or
rather the allelic relationship. an increase in length.

Secondary meristems or lateral meristems are

Lecture 8: PLANT HISTOLOGY formed by the primary meristems. These are
responsible for an increase in diameter of the
PLANT TISSUES plant. Two types include:
vascular cambium - gives rise to the
Cell division, differentiation and specialization will
secondary xylem and secondary phloem.
eventually lead to various types of tissues with
cork cambium - gives rise to the periderm
specific functions.
that eventually replaces the epidermis.
Three main types of tissues are present in the plant:
dermal tissues
vascular tissues Permanent Tissues
ground tissues - Tissues composed of fully differentiated cells
These types fall into two main categories. - responsible for many of the plant activities such
Those tissues that can differentiate are as:
meristematic. photosynthesis
Those that cannot are referred to as conduction of water
permanent. provision of support
Meristematic Tissues Permanent tissues may be simple or complex:
Simple tissues - composed of only one type
are composed of small undifferentiated or of cell with similar structure.
incompletely differentiated cells. They have the Eg. sclerenchyma, collenchyma, and
ability to divide and produce new cells for the parenchyma.
plant. The vacuoles are relatively small, and Complex permanent tissues - such as the
protoplasm fill up the cell completely. Precursor xylem and phloem - are composed of more
plastids called proplastids may be found. The than one type of cells.
cell wall is mainly primary and is very thin.
It may be classified according to location:
Apical meristems - those at either end of the - is a set of tissues with common features.
plant-tip of shoot or tip of root. - it include:
Root apical meristems - produce cells in two ground tissue system
axes. dermal tissue system
Stem cells - organized around a region called vascular tissue system
quiescent center - these cells are responsible
for most cells in the roots. A root cap protects Dermal Tissue System
this center.
Shoot apical meristem - the source of all The dermal tissues are the coverings of the
above ground organs. During flowering, the plant, providing protection by preventing
shoot apical meristem is transformed into their unwanted materials from entering the plant
florescence meristem. and preventing losses of water, nutrients, and
Intercalary meristems occur among important compounds.
monocots at the base of nodes and leaf The tissues facilitate the gaseous exchange of
blades. In species of bamboo, intercalary oxygen and carbon dioxide. They usually begin
meristems allow for rapid growth. as parenchymal cells. Eventually, they are
modified to perform their main function of
covering and protection.
Epidermis - the first layer of dermal tissue Sclerenchyma -
among young plants. As the plant ages, the unlike the first two, are dead cells with thick
epidermis is wrapped by the periderm. This is lignified secondary cell walls. Such structure
mostly nonliving cork cells that function as prevents these cells from stretching as the
added protection. Old trees have multiple plant grows.
layers of periderm. Two common types of sclerenchyma:
Certain modifications of the dermal tissues are sclereids.
possible. Trichomes, hair-like structures on leaf Different sclereid types are illustrated in the
surfaces, are an example. Cuticles may also be figurebelow:
secreted to intensify mechanisms against water

Ground Tissue System

- These tissues are the main components of the
young plant because they are integral in the
packing and supportive system of the plant. They
function in the manufacture of food and storage.

The ground tissues are composed of three types of

Parenchyma - Vascular Tissue System
are the proliferative cells of the plant found in Vascular tissues
all plant tissue systems. With thin cell wall, they - are an extensive tissue system working mainly for
are capable of further cell division. the transport of water and nutrients from the roots
The apical and lateral meristems of the plant to the leaves and from the leaves to the different
shoot and root are equipped with parenchyma parts of the plant. The phloem and the xylem are
to provide new cells for growth. Majority of the two main types of this tissue. The contents
fruit and vegetable's weight are parenchymal transported by these tissues are known as sap.
cells acting as storage cells.
Photosynthesis occurs in specialized Xylem
parenchymal cells called mesophyll cells. - is the tissue system that conducts water and
In terms of shape, parenchyma may be angular or nutrients from the roots to the leaves. All xylem of
loose; vascular plants contain stracheids- these are long
Angular parenchyma - found in the outer tapered cells.
region of the root cortex and - Like sclerenchyma, tracheids are dead at
Loose parenchyma - found in the inner maturity, with only the thick cell walls remaining.
portion of the stem cortex. They align at the thinner portion of the cell wall
Based on function, parenchyma called called pits to allow water and nutrients to pass
prosenchyma are thick-walled with tapering from one tracheid to another.
ends and provide mechanical support.
Aerenchyma - air-storing types that provide Tracheid
buoyancy to hydrophytes. - is considered to be the chief water-conducting
Chlorenchyma - chlorophyll-containing element in gymnosperms and seedless vascular
parenchyma found in the mesophyll layer of plants.
Storage parenchyma - store sugar, protein Vessel elements
granules, and oil drops. They are found in seeds - another type of water-conducting cells in most
and fruits. flowering plants, are shorter and have wider
diameter but are also dead at maturity. This
Collenchyma - are similar to parenchyma except structure allows more water to pass through.
for certain modifications in their appearance.
For one, they have thicker cell walls, and they Phloem
are usually found as elongated cells packed in - on the other hand, is the food-conducting tissue
rope-like structures. system among vascular plants. Unlike the xylem,
They can stretch, thus providing mechanical phloem is active and alive during maturity.
support. These are usually found in the sub
epidermal regions of the plant.
Sieve-tube members (aka sieve-tube Mesophytes
elements), are plants that live in normal terrestrial
- are a type of phloem carrying food materials conditions where water availability is just right
from the leaves to the different parts of the plant. and where there is an alternating wet and dry
They form sieve tubes when arranged from end to condition.
end. Most plants we see are mesophytes.
- do not have nucleus at maturity. There are less pronounced modifications in
- they are dependent on a companion cell plants belonging to this group
adjacent to them that forms from the same parent Because conditions are relatively fine most of
parenchymal cell of the sieve tube. the time, mesophytes can grow tall and long,
- In nonflowering vascular plants, sieve cells, a accumulating water, nutrients, and carbon into
more primitive version of the sieve tubes, are their system.
present. The main difference lies in their Some of the oldest plants recorded are
arrangements. Sieve cells are rather overlapping mesophytes.
rather than continuous. In place of the companion Mesophytes are important in the nutrient
cells, an albuminous cell is present, providing cycling in forests and other ecosystems.
support to the non-nucleated sieve cell.
Phloem and xylem arrange themselves in bundles. are plants that live in water most of or all the
The arrangement of the phloem and xylem in a time.
vascular bundle can be simple or compound. Examples include the water lily and the sea
Plant Histology
Because of the osmotic pressure exerted by
water to plant cells, the plant needs to have
regulatory mechanisms to avoid plasmolysis
and bursting.
Mangrove species, for example, have salt
glands that remove salt from the plant tissues
to avoid desiccation.
Same is true to seagrasses. These organisms
that are subjected to salty water are
specifically called halophytic.
Xylem and phloem arrange themselves differently among
terrestrial plants Other classifications of plants include the annuals
and the perennials depending on the length of
THE PLANT AS A WHOLE time they grow, die, and repeat the cycle; tree,
shrubs, herb, palm, and vines depending on the
The plant body can be divided into two main habit; woody and herbaceous depending on the
systems: strength of the stem; and many more.
can be found underneath the soil, except for
plants with epiphytic lifestyle.
The root system serves as the main anchorage
of the plant and absorbs water and nutrients
from the soil.
The roots can be in the form of fibrous roots or
They can also be simple or extensive,
depending on the type of the plant and the
need for nutrients.
the parts above the ground.
is composed of the stem that conducts the
nutrients and water.
It provides support to the plant, including the
leaves where the process of photosynthesis
occurs, the flower which serves as the
reproductive system of the plant, and the

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