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2 Methods of motivation: Activity

Activity type Objective
● Jigsaw reading To recommend and justify appropriate methods
of motivation in given circumstances (2.1.2)
● Methods to motivate workers
Skills practised
AO1: Knowledge and understanding 
AO2: Application 
25 minutes
AO3: Analysis 
Key terms AO4: Evaluation 
Bonus; commission; empowerment; financial
rewards; fringe benefits; incentive schemes; job Preparation
design; job enlargement; job enrichment; job
rotation; job satisfaction; labour retention; Photocopy and cut up the activity cards from
motivation; multiskilling; non-financial rewards; Activity sheet 2.1.2A and make one copy of
overtime; performance-related pay; piece rate; Activity sheet 2.1.2B for each student in
productivity; profit share; salary; share the class.
ownership; teamwork; time rate; wages

1. Tell students that they are going to complete a jigsaw reading task in which they will have to discuss
the best way to motivate an employee.
2. Divide the class in three equal groups: A, B and C. From Activity sheet 2.1.2A, hand out Case
study 1 to each member of group A, Case study 2 to each member of group B and Case study 3 to
each member of group C. Also hand out a copy of Activity sheet 2.1.2B to each student in the class.
3. Explain that each group is going to read a different case study about an employee who is unhappy in
their job. Together they should decide on the three best ways to improve the employee’s motivation
and job satisfaction. They should also make notes in the relevant section of Activity sheet 2.1.2.
4. Tell students that they will have about 10 minutes to do this, after which time they will be regrouped
with students who have read different case studies.
5. Allow students enough time to discuss their allocated case studies in sufficient depth and to
make notes.
6. Following this, regroup students so that there is one student from group A, one from group B and one
from group C in each group. Give students about 10 minutes to each share the details of their case
study with the others in the group and explain the methods they would use to improve motivation and
job satisfaction. Students should listen to each other and make brief notes in the relevant sections of
Activity sheet 2.1.2. They should also contribute additional points or ask questions to clarify their
7. Round off the activity by nominating a few students to share their recommended methods of
motivation with the class.
Extension: Students choose one case study and write a response to the following exam question:
Identify and explain three methods that could be used to improve the employee’s motivation. (6 marks)

Cambridge International Examinations Business Studies Teacher Pack © HarperCollins Publishers Ltd 2013

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