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I noticed when I interviewed my mom about her soda consumption that she averages 10

sodas a week and she had a decrease 5 years ago to about 5 while 10 years she was back
up to 10. When asked why she said that her reason was based on the amount of water she
would drink. The more water she drank the more her soda consumption and vice versa. 5
years ago she was dieting and consuming more water which caused her consumption to
decrease. Over the years, however, soda consumption has been on a slow decline.
(IBISWorld 1) According to an IBISWorld article, there is a slow decline in soda
consumption due to health implications as well as newer carbonation products that are
much healthier. The decline isn’t huge only .3 percent per year with Americans
consuming 42.3 gallons per American in 2023. (IBISWorld,1)

As for the gym, my mom has never really gone to the gym, either having the equipment
to work out at home or just doing a diet she has never had a membership. Something I
found interesting is how COVID-19 impacted gyms. Since the global shutdown gyms
have started to offer virtual workouts, so gym goers can still get a workout in the comfort
of their own home. As of 2020, more than 85% of gym goers are using virtual workout
programs, and this field of the market is only expected to go with billion-dollar profits in
2027(exercise world 1). I found this information from which also has stats
for other information for gym memberships.

“IBISWorld - Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics.” IBISWorld Industry Reports, Accessed 27 Oct.

“Gym Membership Statistics in 2023 (Big List).” Exercise.Com | Software to Grow Your Fitness
Business, 17 Oct. 2023,

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