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1. Tensile, compressive, shearing, torsion stress?

2. Hardness, toughness, durability, brittleness, strength of material?

3. Low alloy & high alloy steel: definition, application?
4. Alloy steel ingredient: carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, sulphur
Carbon the most important element.
Sulphur increases the brittleness.
Manganese produces a clean, tough and uniform metal.
Silicon acts as a hardener.
Phosphorous raises the yield strength and corrosion resistance.
Nickel adds strength and hardness. Nickel is the major ingredient for corrosion
resistant steel.
Chromium increases the strength, wear and corrosion resistance.
Molybdenum increases impact strength and elastic limit.
Vanadium increases the tensile strength and toughness.
Titanium reduces the brittleness of the steel.
5. Titanium
6. Aluminum alloy
Non-hardenable Aluminium Alloys:
One of the features of non-hardenable aluminium alloys, compared to most
hardenables, is their good to very good resistance aginst external damage. Their
chemical resistance aginst weather, sea water, and a number of alkaline solutions
is excellent. These alloys are also very well suitable for polishing/plating.

Hardenable Aluminium Alloys:

The aim of hardening is to increase the strength. By heating (solution annealing)
these alloys to a certain temperature, and subsequent quenching, the strength is
increased within a certain aging time

7. Corrosion: definition, condition of corrosion, rate of corrosion

8. Stress, galvanic, pitting, fretting, microbial corrosion?
9. Naming the element of bolt & nut: pitch, thread, shank …
10. Screw: right hand screw, left hand screw, coarse pitch, fine pitch
11. Name of the screw recess & bolt head

12. Screw & bolt installation method

Bolt: T > 2.4mm: Max 2 thread pitches within the hole, Max 3 washer
T < 2.4mm: No thread pitches within the hole, Max 3 washers
13. Shelf locking nut?
14. Washer

15. Fastener, blind fastener, rivet, bolt?

Differences are made between fastener types according to their application:
Rivets (solid)
Special Fasteners:
− Threaded Pin Fastener (Hi-Lok, Hi-Lite, Bullnose)
− Swaged Pin Fastener (Lockbolt)
− Taper-Lok − Bolts
Blind Fasteners:
− Pull-Through Fastener (blind rivets)
− Huck, Avdel
− Cherrymax, Chobert
− Blind Bolt
16. Aircraft coordinate: x, y, z axis
17. Aircraft plane: BSTA, BBL, BWL?
18. Aircraft zoning
The zones are the major areas of the aircraft like the fuselage, the wings and the
engines. Please note that the Zones are subdivided as follows:
Major zones
Major sub−zones
Unit zones
Major Zones Major zones are identified by hundred as follows:
Major Sub- Zones and Unit Zones Unit zones are identified by a three digit
number. An example of a location identification system is Zone 212:
200: Upper half of body (major zone)
10: Cockpit (major sub−zone)
2: Zone number on the right−hand s
19. Aircraft structure: primary & secondary structure, loads on structure?
20. Safe life, fail safe?
Safe Life The discovery of fatigue cracks, and failures of major structural
elements on aeroplanes in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, forced the
development of the safe life design principle. The safe −life design principle
requires that major structural elements be replaced after a fixed number of flight
cycles. These parts cannot be repaired or refurbished to extend the components
life. The ba sis for safe−life design is fatigue analysis.
Fail Safe The design of a safe aircraft structure is extremely complex, and evolves
over a period of time, supported mainly by full-scale airframe testing, fatigue
analysis and service experience. This method is commonly known as the fail-safe
method. The fail-safe method relies upon a duplication of certain structural
members to ensure that if one member failed, the other would assume the load of
the failed member. Fail −safe design is a good philosophy, and worked well for
many decades. In fact, fail −safe design still provides the basis for most new
aeroplane designs. However, operational experience shows that some of the
assumptions of fail − safety do not hold true.
21. Ventilation & drainage of fuselage structure?

22. Monocoque & semi-monocoque?

23. Painting
After manufacturing/repair, the part or repair area is painted to seal the surface
from moisture. Here is also made a difference between conducting and isolating
Where any painting operations are to be carried out, all surfaces which are to be
glued should be adequately masked.
24. Definition of scratch, gouge, nick, crack, dent, nick, erosion, delamination,
debonding, lightning strike
25. Structural damage assessment process:
a. Step 1?
b. Step 2?
c. Step 3?
d. …
26. Rework?
27. Allowable damage, permanent repair, temporary repair, diaphragm for allowable
28. Replacing a damaged rivet
29. Nominal thickness?
30. Passenger door structure
The door structure consists of the door frame, beams, formers and intercostals.
The door frame surrounds the structure. Note that the upper and lower gates are
not part of the frame. The beams are the main structures inside the frame. The
formers are connecting parts or attach brackets. The intercostals provide
additional rigidity
31. Cockpit window structure: how many layers, layers made of which material, … ?
The 2 inner layers of the windshields are made of a chemically strengthened
glass which is a type of special acrylic glass which is hard and elastic.
All the layers of glass are bonded together by a special plastic called
32. Cabin window structure
The cabin windows have 2 panes, an inner pane and an outer pane. The 2 panes
of glass are made of special acrylic glass and are designed to hold differential
pressure. The inner pane has a small vent hole in the center near the bottom.
This hole makes sure that during normal operation, the pressure between the
panes is the same as the cabin pressure
33. Wing structure
The wing structure usually has 3 main areas.
These are: the left,
the center and
right wing boxes.
They are permanently joined together to form the mainframe of the wing and the
function of this mainframe is to transmit various loads to the fuselage structure.
The main components of the left and right wing boxes are the rear spar and front
spar which are fuel tank walls designed to contain the fuel, ribs, upper and lower
stringers and upper and lower skin panels.
The skin panels form the exterior surface of the wing and they are reinforced by
stringers on the inner surface of the skin. The thickness of the wing skin panel is
tapered and decrease in the outboard direction. The upper skin panel carries
mainly compression loads and is made of aluminum-zinc alloy. The lower skin
panel carries mainly tension loads to the fuselage structure and is made of a
aluminum-copper alloy
34. Pylon & nacelle structure: pylon box, fire wall, fan cowl, reverser cowl, fairing?
The pylon which is also known as the strut is usually constructed with a frame and
skin structure. These are riveted and bonded together to form a nacelle strut
assembly. Furthermore, the strut assembly is divided into a primary and a
secondary structure. The nacelle strut assembly has a torque box, firewall and
fireseal, fairings, strut drains, fan cowl support beam and engine attach fittings.
The fan cowl support beam extends forward of the torque box and is bolted by a
link and attach fittings to the forward end of the torque box. It supports the fan
cowl by hinge fittings and also distributes different loads through the beam to the
torque box. The wing−to−nacelle fairings are attached to the pylon to provide a
low−drag aerodynamic profile between the engine nacelle and the wing.
35. Vertical & horizontal stabilizer structure?

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