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-You are free


-Good afeternoon dear judge, I am Doctor Cooper not Mr Cooper

-Is the same thing, when you shouldn´t have drived drunk.

-You don´t have any sense of humanity

-So, if I can I want to justificate what a did last night.

-Its ok, but please be fast cause I have a party with my friends in 30 minutes.

-So I'll start, I was with some friends from the university, when suddenly a police officer offered us
alcohol and to avoid being rude we accepted it with my friend back there. How did you want me to
return home after this social work? I must listen to the authorities of the country to remain a good
citizen, don't you think, judge?

-I'm tired of doing the best for my country and never getting the honor I deserve.


-thanks you

Indeed you are guilty

Wait what? Judge, This law is absurd, it's too old and should not be considered in this case

Dr. Cooper, you are wrong. In this court we considered...

I Know what you will say, and I am not interested in the opinion of this pathetic court. I Know my

Dr. Cooper, as I was saying, you are wrong

So have not considered the new law reforms that could go in your favor

So recommend that you apologize to this pathetic court of law

I´m o scientist, I refuse to apologie and I accept that I was wrong.

It is all your foul Timmy...

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