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Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Social Work

SOPY 3005
Diversity and Social Structure of Modern States

Lecture 2
Population and Demographic Structure

14 Sep 2018

Dr. CHAN Bing-Kwan

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 1
1. Population & demography
1.1 What is population?
Population is a group of people staying in a society.

1.2 Demography: the study of human population

Composition of population (demographic structure)
• Distribution of age, gender, races, etc
Change in population size
• Increase (population growth) or decrease (population shrinkage)
• Fertility: the number of children that the average woman bears.
• Mortality: annual number of death per 1000 population.
• Migration: the number of people moving into or out of a country.

Causes of population change

• Culture, education, class, income, fiscal conditions.
Effects of population change
• Food, housing, education and labour market and economy
Control of population
• How the growth and composition of population may be controlled

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 2
Henslin 2009:394-406
2. Change in population size
2.1 Fertility
2.1.1 Definition
Fertility is the incidence of childbearing in a society’s population.

2.1.2 Measurement
Fertility is usually measured by crude birth rate that is the number
of live births in a given year for every 1000 people in a population.
No. of live births in a year
Crude birth rate = X 1000
The society’s total population

• The word “crude” is used here because this is just a rough

measurement which is based on the total population, not just the
women in their childbearing years. It also ignores the difference
among various groups in the society.
• Though it is a rough measurement, it is easy to calculate and allow
rough comparison of fertility across various countries.

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Macionis 2008: 574
2.1.3 Factors affecting fertility

• Although a woman is able to bear more than 20 children in her life, the
actual childbearing is limited by various factors such as cultural,
norms, finances and personal choice.
• Fertility is also influenced by the age of first marriage and
opportunities available to women. Thus, different categories of people
in the same society may have different fertility.
憂經濟 中產唔敢生
Social structure matters ! 適齡人士因經濟條件影響生育決定。80
Sky Post 25 Feb 2014

Crude birth rate : number of live births per 1000 population

Year 2000 2001 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
14.0 13.4 12.9 12.4 12.3 12.4 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 -
Hong Kong 8.1 7.2 7.1 7.0 7.3 8.4 9.6 10.2 11.3 11.8 12.6
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 4
Source: Website of Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Macionis 2008: 574
2.2 Mortality
2.2.1 Definition
Mortality is the incidence of death in a society’s population.

2.2.2 Crude death rate

Mortality is usually measured by crude death rate that is the number of
deaths in a given year for every 1000 people in a population.

Crude death rate = No. of deaths in a year

X 1000
The society’s total population

2.2.3 Infant mortality rate

Infant mortality rate: the number of deaths of children under one year of
age for each 1000 live births in a given year.

Infant mortality rate

No. of deaths of children under one year of age in a year X 1000

No. of live births in the same year

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 5
Macionis 2008: 574-5
2.2.3 Factors affecting mortality
• Crude death rate & infant mortality rate can be influenced by culture,
finances, personal behaviors and other factors.
• Thus, this two values may vary across categories in the same society.

Social structure matters !

世衛組織:本世紀將有十億煙民死於吸煙 柴玲斥華一孩政策殺女嬰
…如果不採取措施加以對煙草消費進行控 前學運領袖柴玲…促請各界關注中國強制墮
制,預計在十年內,每年因吸煙而引起疾 胎現象,及一孩政策下女嬰被虐殺的情況。
病的死亡人數將增加到十億人… The Sun 8 Feb 2012 23 July 2007

2.2.4 Mortality and life expectancy

• If the mortality and infant mortality rate remain low in the society, the life
expectancy will raise.

Life expectancy:
The average life span of a society’s (or a country’s) population.

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 6
Macionis 2008: 574-5
Crude death rate - number of deaths per 1000 population
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Mainland China 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.1
Hong Kong 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.5 5.4 5.7 5.5 5.7 6.0 5.9 6.0
Japan 7.7 7.7 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.6 8.6 8.8 9.1 9.1 9.5

Infant mortality rate - deaths per 1000 live births

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Mainland China 32.2 30.0 29.2 25.5 21.5 19.0 17.2 15.3 14.9 13.8
Hong Kong 3.0 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7
Japan 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.4

Life expectancy at birth (male) - years

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Mainland China 69.8 70.3 70.6 70.8 71.0 71.1 71.3 71.5 71.6
Hong Kong 78.0 78.4 78.5 78.5 79.0 78.8 79.4 79.4 79.4 79.8 80.1
Japan 77.7 78.1 78.3 78.4 78.6 78.6 79.0 79.2 79.3 79.6

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 7
Source: Website of Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR
男平均81.7歲女87.66歲 壓倒日本瑞士 港男女最長壽3連霸

Wenwaipo 2018, July 22

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 8
What is the impact?

Source: The Economist 11 Jan 2015, Retrieved from:
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 9
2.3 Migration
2.3.1 Definition
Migration is the movement of people into and out of a specific territory.

2.3.2 Immigration
Immigration (the movement into a specific territory) is measured by
immigration rate that is the number of people entering a specific area (or a
society or a country) for every 1000 people in the population in a given year.

Immigration rate = No. of people entering a society in a year X 1000

The society’s total population
2.3.3 Emigration
Emigration (the movement out of a territory) is measured by out-migration rate
that is the number of people leaving a specific area (or a society or a country)
for every 1000 people in the population in a given year.

Out-migration rate = No. of people leaving a society in a year X 1000

The society’s total population

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 10
Macionis 2008: 574-5
2.3.4 Net migration
Both immigration and emigration occurs at the same time. Thus, the
difference between them is the net immigration rate.

Net immigration rate = immigration rate – out-migration rate

2.3.5 Internal migration

Internal migration is the movement within a national border from one
region to another.

Internal migration result from various factors such as urbanization,

working opportunities, etc.

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 11
Macionis 2008: 574-5
Net migration rate (migrants/1,000 population)

What make people move into or out a society?

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 12
2.4 Population Growth
2.4.1 Definition
Population growth is the increase in the total number of people in a population.

Population growth of a society can be determined by crude birth rate,

crude death rate and the net migration rate.
Natural Growth Rate = the crude birth rate – crude death rate

Population growth rate = natural growth rate + net migration rate

2.4.2 Population growth across countries and regions

• Usually, rich countries (or developed countries) grow as much from
immigration as from natural increase.
• Poor countries (or developing countries) grow mainly from natural

Why ?
In the same country, the fertility and mortality may vary across
regions in the same country, and there may be internal migration.
Thus, the population growth may vary across regions.
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 13
Macionis 2008: 576
What make Chinese move out of China?
Middle-class flight
Yearning to breathe free
More of the middle classes are leaving, in search of a cleaner, slower life
…In the past decade 1m Chinese have obtained permanent-resident status in Canada or
America, placing Chinese migrants first in Canada and second in America behind Mexicans.
And the pace has quickened (see chart). About 80,000 Chinese every year are gaining
permanent residency in America, almost five times the rate of the 1980s. Chinese also
made up the largest group of immigrants in Australia with 80,000 arriving in the three years
to 2012, just ahead of Britons and Indians (though Indians have surged ahead of late).
Most of the new emigrants leave China on either a
skilled-worker visa (as Mr Lin will), an employer-
sponsored visa or a family-related visa (joining a family
member who is already abroad). Chinese make up
almost two-thirds of the holders of an elite type of
business-skills visa for Australia. The number of
Chinese long-term residents in Italy almost doubled in
two years, to nearly 120,000 by the end of 2012.
Chinese migrants also ranked first in new residencies in
New Zealand last year, at about 6,000. Another 2m
Chinese live abroad as students or labourers—both
potential paths to citizenship. In 2013 a total of 9.3m
people born in China lived abroad, an increase of
almost 4m since 2000…
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 14
(The Economist 26 Apr 2014)
What make Hongkongers move out of Hong Kong?

Number of Hongkongers migrating to Canada hits 20-year high, stretching back to

handover in 1997
But top diplomat in city declines to say whether political turmoil is reason

A record number of Hongkongers migrated to Canada last year in the biggest influx to the country since the
1997 handover, while more mainlanders made a similar trek despite the scrapping of a popular migrants
scheme, the Post has learned.

Figures from the Canadian consulate in Hong Kong showed that 1,210 Hong Kong people became permanent
residents there last year, double the 630 figure for 2015 and 585 for 2014, the year of the Occupy protests.

Applications also spiked from 977 in 2013 to 1,481 in 2014, before

dipping to 1,096 in 2015 and moderating at 1,194 in 2016.

“Hong Kong has changed a lot over the years,” said 34-year-old Ann
Sze Ka-yan, who moved to Toronto last year. “Pressure at work was
immense and children were also facing so much pressure at schools.
Many parents did not want to be monster parents but they ended up
that way. We felt that there was no point living a life like that.”

“Occupy also prompted me to make up my mind,” she added,

referring to the 79-day protest for universal suffrage that paralysed the
city. “No matter who takes up the position as the city’s leader, I don’t
see how they can make Hong Kong a better place.”
(SCMP, 11 Sep 2017)
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 15
3. Demographic structure (composition of population)
In the study of the makeup of a population at a given point of time,
two variables are particularly important.
3.1 Sex ratio
Sex ratio is the number of males for every 100 females in a nation’s (or a
society’s) population.
• Sex ratio is usually below 100 as, on average, women outlive men.
• In some countries, the sex ratio is higher than 100. It is because
parents values sons more than daughters and may abort a female
fetus or give more care to male children, lowering the female child’s
chances of survival.
The sex ratio in Hong Kong at the end of 2008 is 89.6
or 89.6 males for every 100 females
In China on 1st Nov 2005, the sex ratio is 106.3
or 106.3 males for every 100 females

•What problems are led by the low or high sex ratio ?

•What are the possible solutions of these problems?
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 16
Macionis 2008: 576
3.2 Age distribution
Age distribution is the proportionate numbers (or percentage) of persons in
successive age groups in a given population.
Why age distribution matter?
•Age distribution influence the fertility rate
•Number /proportion of working population determines the productivity
which in turn influence the government’s tax income and expenditure.
•What social services are needed and how much services are needed?

Age Distribution in Hong Kong 2013

Age Number %
0-14 797100 11.1
15-24 861400 12.0
25-34 1092700 15.2
35-44 1139000 15.8
45-54 1263500 17.6
55-64 1012300 14.1
65 & above 1021500 14.2
Total 7187500 100.0

Wilson, D. & 3005-Lecture 3 R. (2003) “Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050”, Goldman Sachs Global
Purushothaman, 17
Economics Paper No 99: 134, published on 1 October 2003
3.2 Age-Sex pyramid

In most cases, demographers incorporate age and sex into a single graph.

Age-sex pyramid or population pyramid is a graphic representation of the

age and sex of a population.
This graph is important as it can help forecast and compare the growth
and age structure of populations.
For example:
• If the pyramid is wide at bottom, there is a large proportion of children.
In the case, the growth rate of this population may increase in the
coming 20 or 30 years.
• If the pyramid is narrow at bottom, there is a little proportion of
children. Fertility of this population will decline in the coming 20 or 30
years. Meanwhile, the proportion of the elderly will increase and the
population will shrink.

However, the growth rate of a population is also determined by

average of children per woman and the sex ratio.

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 18
Henslin 2009:401-2
Hong Kong 2016 China India


SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 19
4. Relations between population change and social structure
4.1 How social structure influences population growth in developing countries:

Fertility and mortality can be influenced by change in finances and personal

behavior in the same countries. However, the population growth in
developing countries, on average, is higher than that of developed countries.

Status of parenthood: (cultural factor)

• Motherhood is the most prized status a woman can achieve. Bearing more
children help mothers achieve their natural purpose.
• For man, having more children, especially sons also help his name lives on.

Economic incentives:
• For the poor people, children are economic asset as they usually
contribute to the family income at a young age.
• Due the poor social security system in these countries, children can take
care of their parents when they are too old to work, or unable to get a job.

Medical service:
• The improving medical service has led to the fall of mortality while the
fertility rate remains high in these countries. As a result, the population
growth rate remains high.

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 How about developed countries? 20

Henslin 2009:401-2
4.2 Impacts of demographic structure on society

Sex-age structure influence:

• Opportunity available to men and women, marriage and population
• Available workforce and the possible economic development.

Age structure influences the demand of resources, including food, social

security, housing, education and medical services, etc.

Cultural or ethnic structure of a population may lead to possible conflicts

among different groups.

More ….
In this case, the government needs to fulfil the needs of
various categories in this demographic structure, and
optimize the demographic size and structure in the
大翻新工程,必須採用新標準。(HKEJ 2 Dec 2015)

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 21
2066年人口推算 港女壽命增至93.1歲 社會老化長者佔四成 財政負擔勢加劇


參與率更跌至49.6%。(Apple Daily, 9 Sep 2017)
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 22
What should the government do?

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 23
Apple Daily, 9 Sep 2017
12 September 2018

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 24
星吸移民質素贏港一條街 港金融新職停滯 星十年倍翻

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 25
Ming Pao 25 Sep 2012
• Should the developed states
receive the refugees from
• What are the pros and cons?

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 26
How should HK treat the
torture claimants?
「合法滯留」。(Oriental Daily 31 Mar 2016)
SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 27
從行政制度改善機制。(Oriental Dauly & July 2015)
Questions (Cont.)
五年後有工無人做 勞動人口達樽頸 倡吸納雙非嬰
他們,主動處理問題。 (Sky post 5 July 2013)

(Singtao Daily 14 Aug 2013)
• Can the doubly non-permanent resident children (the children born in
Hong Kong whose parents from the Mainland are both non-Hong Kong
residents) prevent population shrinkage of Hong Kong in the future?

SOPY 3005-Lecture 3 28
Questions (Cont.)

What is the impact on the social structure?

What is the impact on social service?
How can the government resolve the problems?

香港男女失衡情況擴大 港人越來越遲婚
歲,女為25.3歲。這些數據都顯示,港人越來越遲婚… 21 Feb 2012

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