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ICS 3U Pseudocode Assignment

Marks: 20
Due: TBA

For each of the following problems create the appropriate

pseudocode solution. Use Microsoft Word to complete the

1. Create the pseudocode for an algorithm that will input four

marks and calculate the average. Use a variable to store each
mark entered. Output “Congratulations!” if the mark is over
80%. [10]

Save as: pseudoMarkAve.docx

2. Using pseudocode create a program that will take temperature

in either Fahrenheit (F) or Centigrade (C) and convert it to
the other unit of measurement. The formulas are as follows:

C = (F - 32) / 1.8
F = C × 1.8 + 32

The user will input either an “F” to indicate that the input
temperature is Fahrenheit or a “C” to indicate that the input
temperature is Centigrade. If the temperature is “F” convert
it to “C”, if “C” Convert it to “F”.

Output the results with a message that states: “ _?_ degrees

Celsius is equal to _?_ degrees Fahrenheit”. [10]

Save as: pseudoTempConv.docx

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(50 - 59%) (60 - 69%) (70 - 79%) (80 - 100%)
components - uses
-uses - uses - uses
of industry
industry industry industry
a program standard
standard standard standard
using programming
programming programming programming
industry- tools with a
tools with tools with tools with
standard high degree
limited some considerable
programming of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
tools (e.g., effectiveness
chart, flow

Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not

met the expectations for this assignment or activity.

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