Handout WK5 Psychology of Creativity Aesthetics II Color, Visual and CIS Design

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Psychology of creativity & aesthetics II:

Color, Visual and CIS Design

2023 Spring

Visual dimension of communication

○ People identify and try to make sense of the objects, events and situations around them
firstly by seeing them.
○ The most effective form of expression has included the pictures, shapes and symbols that
are drawn.
□ transmiting the thing people want to express in the shortest and clearest way possibl

○ Visual communication is the oldest and most natural form of human communication.
□ The first examples of the shortest and clearest form of expression, namely visual
communication, were encountered with pictures and shapes in cave drawings
(Chauvet Cave paintings).

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information 2 https://archeologie.culture.gouv.fr/chauvet/en
Science Reference.


Visual dimension of communication

○ Visual communication takes place at the end of the process that progresses in the form of
the eye’s function of seeing and interpretation of sensationally obtained information in the

○ Information that is collected from the environment and the visual contents that carry this
information are stored in a person’s memory. In the process that follows, the mind tries to
interpret and recall information by using visual messages in different forms

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.

Visual dimension of communication

○ As a general definition, visual communication is the transmission of information, ideas and

feelings by using various images, symbols and visuals.

□ It is one of the three main forms of communication in addition to verbal and non
verbal communication.

□ Visual images enter long-term memory storage faster and easier in comparison to
written and verbal texts.
□ A study conducted by educational psychologist Jerome Bruner at the University of
New York also stated that: people remember 10% of what they hear, 30% of what they
read and about 80% of what they see

○ Visual communication includes numerous examples such as various signs, typographies,

photographs, graphical designs, animations and movies.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



○ One of the most important goals of a brand is to have a place in
the mind of the target audience through effective communication,

○ Products of visual communication have been used for brand

communications from the past to the present intensively.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.

Visual dimension of communication

○ Visual communica3on relates to ○ Strong visual communication supports

informa3on reten3on. Informa3on in a reading comprehension and memory at
visual format will create a long term the time the material is being
memory associated with it. consumed.
○ Target audiences can easily return to the ○ Visuals highlight the main points brands
recollec3on of the material they saw are trying to communicate in an efficient
from the brand, recognize its value, and and interesting way, helpingelps the TA
be inclined to seek out more of it. connect those main points with contexts
that are relevant in their own lives,
thereby strengthening their memory’s
connection to the information.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Identity and its visual form

○ Firms and thus brands in a competitive environment that have to make large investments
in the process of communication also utilize opportunities for visual communication.

○ Existing literature has proved that the most useful method for firms and brands to
differentiate from and rise among their competitors is presenting their difference by
presenting their target audience with visual integrity.

The most fundamental way for a firm/brand to be able to present

visual integrity is a well-managed corporate visual identity design

Corporate visual identity should be shaped in

the context of the identity of the organization

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.

A practice of corporate visual identity that is

independent of corporate identity will fail in
presenting an integrated point of view and will
collapse like a building without a foundation.

Image source Flaticon.com

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate identity

Visual elements
Corporate Corporate
identity visual


○ Identity refers to individuality which is a means by which others can differentiate one
person from another. Corporate identity can thus be defined as the picture of the
organization in terms of how this is presented to various audiences (Cornelissen, 2004).

○ Corporate identity is the self-presentation of an organization, rooted in the behavior of

individual organizational members, expressing the organization’s ‘sameness over time’ or
continuity, ‘distinctiveness’ and ‘centrality’ (van Riel, 1997).

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.

Ç╙ś ◘ʼn╜┼╜■Ă▄ľ◘ʼn♫◘ʼnĂĊś ╜ŕś ■ĕ ĊŦ

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!a ś ▄śŎĂʼnĂ■ŕ YĂʼnĂ◘ℓ▓Ă■◘║▄ĵ ‫ﻲ ﮭ ﮭﻮ‬5

Corporate identity consists of:

○ Corporate communication
○ Corporate design
○ Organizational culture
○ Behavior
○ Corporate structure
○ Sectoral identity
○ Organizational strategy

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019)



Corporate communication
○ Corporate communication focuses on the organization as a whole and how an
organization is presented to all of its key stakeholders, both internal and

○ “As a management” that offers a framework and vocabulary for the effective
coordination of all means of communication with the overall purpose of
establishing and maintaining favorable reputations with stakeholder groups
upon which the organization is dependent (Cornelissen, 2004).

□ Corporate communication that is discussed in the framework of the 4Ps

of marketing that may be considered in the context of the science of
public relations and covers various strategies.

○ This is why corporate communication covers the concepts of strategic thought,

strategic planning, and thus, operational and action plans.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate communication
○ Corporate communication also has uncontrollable, pontaneously developing
and indirect aspects:

□ Increasingly frequent usage of social media:

Firms that constantly have to follow social media are recently spending more
and more effort to be able to control social media communication and take
action in this field.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Corporate structure: Brand structure

and organizational structure

○ Organizational structure may also be divided into two foundations:

centralized or decentralized

Centralized The organization accepts a certain location

Structural elements
structure as a center and forms its entire identity
based on this center. Organizational

Decentalize Corporate identity is constructed differently at identity
d structure different centers.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate structure: Brand structure

and organizational structure

○ Organizational structure also affects the visual structure

Centralized An organization is expressed over a

structure single corporate identity in all markets
where it operates.
Structural elements

Decentalized Decentralized structure develops a Organizational

structure unique corporate visual identity system structure
for each different market it operates in.
Differentiation from market to market in identity
the corporate structure becomes a

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Corporate culture

○ A system of values, beliefs and habits that are shared within an organization and interactively
influence the formal structure with the aim of achieving behavioral norms (Okay, 2005).

○ A collection of norms that show how individuals behave and activities that determine
interpersonal relationships are carried out with the attitudes, beliefs, assumptions and
expectations who work at the same organization even though it is not expressed in written
form (Erengül, 1997).

○ Most researchers viewed corporate culture as an effective instrument used to support and
reinforce corporate identity to achieve such goals as labor flexibility (Vella & Melewar, 2008).

Corporate culture may be explained as an organizations main adopted values,

philosophy, mutual views, collective mind, rules, beliefs and assumptions, habits,
attitudes, expectations, projections, emotions and history.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate behavior

○ Corporate behavior is formed out of the collection of the behavioral styles of the individuals
who work at the organization: personnel behavior and managerial behavior styles
□ Corporate behavior= personnel behavior + managerial behavior styles
□ Managerial behavior styles à personnel behavior

○ Considering that organizations cannot be thought of independently of the culture they live
in and that behavior is a concept that is completely intertwined with culture, it is clear that
cultural factors influence the organization via its employees.

○ The cultural factors that are related to corporate behavior may be categorized by the
cultural dimensions theory of Hofstede.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Corporate behavior
○ Cultural dimensions in the theory of Hofstede and each community may be categorized
based on these six dimensions (Hofstede, 2011):

1. Power Distance • The different solutions to the basic problem of human inequality

2. Uncertainty
Avoidance • The level of stress in a society in the face of an unknown future

3. Individualism vs.
Collectivism • The integra:on of individuals into primary groups

4. Masculinity vs.
Femininity • The division of emo:onal roles between women and men

5. Long-Term vs.
Short-Term • The choice of focus for people’s efforts: the future or the present
Orientation and past

6. Indulgence vs. • The gratification versus control of basic human desires related to
Restraint enjoying life 17


Corporate structure: Brand structure

and organizational structure

○ Branded structure is among the main factors that both affect and shape the
corporate structure.

Components of brand structure (Aktuğlu, 2004)

Brand’s essence Brand personality Brand value Utilities offered by

the brand and brand
(advisability, being a
(psychological and (Who is the brand? (what it makes the
physical elements of the What is its identity?) consumer feel) product that provides
precise solutions for
problems, etc.)

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Corporate structure: Brand structure

and organizational structure

○ Brand identity and corporate identity

○ Corporate identity is a blanked concept that defines the entire organization
and all elements that are related to the organization

○ Brand identity consists of the controllable elements of a firm, product or

service such as an essence, placement, brand name, label, logo, message and
□ Considering these as controllable elements is that they may be changed
at any point, while this requires more control in comparison to creating,
sustaining and changing corporate identity

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate strategy, corporate culture, and corporate behavior create corporate communication
(marketing, management, organizational communication), which, to gether with corporate
design, creates corporate identity.

Corporate strategy

Corporate culture
Corporate communication
(marketing, management,
Corporate behavior organizational communication)

structure Corporate design


From corporate strategy follows corporate structure for brand structure and organizational
structure, which directly affects corporate design (slogan, architecture, office layout, location,



Corporate design

○ Corporate design refers to the way of physiological perception of all

elements about the identity of an organizations by its target audiences.
○ The scope of corporate design may involve a discussion on several
factors including :

The logo of the organization or the brand

Architectural structure of its buildings

Decoration and product packaging

○ The main objective of visual identity is conversion of the philosophy of

the organization into a visual language, while visual communication has
a substantial meaning and role in this, and this is achieved by corporate Product

○ Corporate design is explained based on three main factors:

Communication Environment

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate design
○ Factors in corporate design

Rising among competitors in the context of product design is seen as an important factor
in terms of gaining strategic advantage

First stage: Differentiation of the product in terms of its areas of usage is directly
proportional to the effort spent by the organization on R&D activities.

Second step: the package of the product will not only help in rising among competing
products and achieving visual advantage, but it will also get the product to the consumer
in an intact and safe way, which will contribute positively to the image of the organization.

Design elements of communication defines all visual elements that allow the
organization to connect to its target audience.
A very broad spectrum from the logo and corporate usage of color, and all these
elements are shaped within the framework of a corporate visual identity system.

The factor of environment includes several physical design constructs such as the style
Environment of decoration, colors, architectural structure and usage of lighting at the working areas
and stores of the organization.



Corporate visual identity system

○ The concepts of ‘visual, ‘visuality’ and ‘visual culture’

have great significance in our period.

○ The importance attached to visuality and aesthetics is

the growth in the plastic surgery and cosmetics sectors.

○ The most important reason for such large investments

that an image is formed in the first second of meeting
among individuals and at first sight.

Visual image shapes personal image not

completely but to a great extent.

A similar situation is also applicable to firms.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Corporate visual identity system

○ Corporate visual identity comprises all the symbols and graphical elements that
express the essence of an organization.

○ Key elements of a CVI :

the corporate name, logo, color palette, font type and a corporate slogan, tagline
and/or descriptor, and these may be applied on, for instance, stationery, printed
matter (such as brochures and leaflets), advertisements, websites, vehicles,
buildings, interiors, and corporate clothing, while sometimes architecturecan also be
an important element in an organization’s visual identity

(examples: McDonalds and Ikea)

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Corporate visual identity system

○ According to this definition by Floch (2000), visual identity is one of the keys of the
organization in differentiation among its competitors. Visual identity has four main :

1. Giving the brand life by providing its positioning and name with a

2. A personality, spreading the acceptance and remembrance of the brand,

helping the brand differentiate within competition

3. Connecting different brand elements to each other under the same

appearance and emotion

4. Visual identity has a highly significant role in terms of protection and

sustenance of the organization’s image

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Applications of Corporate Visual

Identity Systems

○ The concept of corporate visual identity systems (CVIS) defines how

and in what way various visual elements related to the organization
will be used. In this context, there are various elements such as:

□ Organization / brand name, slogan, logotype/symbol, color,

typography, pattern (Picture 1), layout, letterhead/ template,
business card and additional graphic elements
□ The key elements of a CVI

○ These are the most fundamental elements that are indispensable in a

corporate identity handbook and also play a key role in shaping other
elements. These elements in question are logos, colors, typography
and printed materials.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ Logo, logotype and symbol are indicators that imaginarily define several
messages related to the structure and character of an organization or brand by
using visual and symbolic narratives. There are various definitions of a logo in
the design literature:

□ Ç╙ś ľ◘ʼn♫◘ʼnĂĊś ▄◘┼◘ ╜ℓ Ċ╙ś ◘←ľ╜Ă▄┼ʼnĂ♫╙╜ľĂ▄ŕ ś ℓ╜┼■ ź◘ʼnĂľ◘▓♫Ă■ŦĂ■ŕ Ċ╙ś

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▓◘ŕ ╜αś ŕ ◘ʼnś ■ĕ ʼnś ▄Ŧʼnś ŕ ʼnĂŎ■
Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ Logo / logotype and symbol are the most

fundamental and more frequently used visual
identity components of an organization.

○ In a professional way or not, all entrepreneurs

who aim to create a brand think about a logo
design right after the brand name.

○ A logo contributes to the recognition of the

brand and helps in creating its image in a very
short time. In other words, logo is like the
signature of the brand.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ There are certain issues that require attention in designing an effective and appropriate

○ The first and most important of these is the simplicity of the logo. Simplicity, which is also
one of the mainprinciples of design, is a factor that increases the effectiveness and
message-providing strength of the logo.

○ Another important point is designing the logo in a way that would not diminish the
character ofthe logo on all surfaces it would be applied to. If there are typographical
characters in the logo, these characters must be used in a way with high readability and
○ This way, the logo, which is one of the most important elements of the visual identity of an
organization or brand, will contribute to the image of the organization or brand positively.


Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ There are certain issues that require attention in designing an effective and
appropriate logo.

□ The simplicity of the logo. Simplicity, which is also one of the

mainprinciples of design, is a factor that increases the effectiveness and
message-providing strength of the logo.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, 1928: LESS IS MORE

□ Designing the logo in a way that would not diminish the character ofthe
logo on all surfaces it would be applied to.
○ If there are typographical characters in the logo, these characters
must be used in a way with high readability and noticeability.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ The forms should be consistent with the content of expression.

□ Simplicity- using few structural features to construct rich pictures à”Logo and
□ Consistency between form and content

○ Simplicity of "forms”: Leveling and sharpening

□ Symmetry, unity, and repetition of graphics. (Leveling)
□ Graphics emphasize the differences and increase the features. (Sharpening)

\ \ \

\ \


Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ Another element whose characteristics are clearly defined in the visual
identity handbook is color.
○ A corporate color is an element of visual identity that is used effectively in
the image of the organization or brand whose codes are clearly predetermined.
□ As the color that is chosen is used in all visual materials of the organization. In this
context, it should be chosen carefully.

○ Selection of a color that contradicts the personality of the organization or the brand will lead to
building an incorrect image in the eyes of the target audience.

○ It is a sensitive issue that needs to be planned beforehand what the colors to be used while
forming the corporate identity may be associated with and which psychiological effects they may
have on individuals.
□ The cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions shown to color vary based on the
categories of color.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Logo / Logotype / Symbol

Colors may be categorized as follows (Schmitt & Simonson, 2000):

○ Saturated Colors:
□ If a color’s rate of saturation is high, it provides a strong impression that it is moving.
If the color is shinier, it also looks closer than it actually is.
□ While red, orange and yellow are perceived as warm colors, blue, green and purple are
considered to be cool colors.
□ Different impressions of distance. The colors blue and green are perceived to be
farther away than red, orange or brown.

○ Prestige Colors (Black and White; Gold and Silver):

□ Black and white reflect the highest levels of saturation and brightness.
□ Metallic colors such as gold and silver have a bright image and carry the visual
qualities of these metals.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ Reactions Shown to Color Combinations:
□ Usage of some color combinations together may attract some associations.
□ For example, using red, brown, and other shades of earth colors may be associated
with a desert.

○ Corporate visual identity handbooks identify the colors of the organization by using certain
standard color codes.
□ color systems use standardized color codes (e.g. the coding system of Pantone) or
color codes for four-color process inks (CMYK)

The necessity in explaining all standards and combinations of color

usage in detail in the corporate visual identity handbook.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.



Logo / Logotype / Symbol


○ Typography is a broad concept that defines and determines the shape, syntax,
thickness, size, spaces for letters and similar characteristics and covers the
readability and noticeability of texts.

○ Typographical rules are used to determine and restrict how and by using which
typographic characters the brand name and internal correspondence text will be

○ A unified and coherent company image is not possible without typography that
has a unique personality and an inherent legibility, and typography must also
support the positioning strategy and information hierarchy.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


Logo / Logotype / Symbol

○ While choosing a font in the scope of corporate visual identity
□ The first criterion is the readability of the font
□ Considering each font is a separate design element, messages are transmitted to
viewers in a visual sense

○ Based on their form, fonts may provide their viewers with masculine or feminine, stationary
or dynamic, entertaining or serious, modern or historical meanings.

○ Hence, for the characteristics of the organization such as its general identity and brand
personality, the typographical characters that contain the message to be emphasized should
be selected as elements of corporate visual identity.

Which typographical character will be used in which visual material of the organization
(correspondence, website, printed materials, etc.) and how it can be used need to be
explained in the corporate visual identity handbook in detail.



Printed materials

○ After defining the main elements such as the logo, color and typography to be
used for all visual materialsvof the organization in corporate identity handbooks,
limitations about the printed materials onvwhich these elements will be used
are also identified.

○ Accordingly, corporate visual identity handbooksvinclude templates about

designs of the organization’s letterheads, envelops (A4, diplomat, A3), identity
card, business card, files, CDs, flags, bags, etc.

Kir, S. (Ed.). (2019). New Media and Visual Communication in Social Networks. Information Science Reference.


CIS design
Mind Identity ( M I )

○Establishing the unique business philosophy of the enterprise is an identification system

for the design, research and development, production, marketing, service, management
and other business concepts in the production and operation process of the enterprise.

○Mainly includes: corporate cultural, corporate values and beliefs, business mission and
goals, management philosophy, market positioning, industrial structure, organizational
system, social responsibility and development planning, etc.



CIS design
Behavioral Identity ( B I )

○It is the basic starting point for the enterprise to practice its business philosophy and create corporate
culture. Internally, it is to establish a sound organizational system, management norms, staff education,
behavior norms and welfare system

○Externally, it is a form of developing market research, conducting product development, and conveying
the corporate philosophy through social public welfare cultural activities, public relations, marketing
activities, etc., in order to obtain the public's identification and recognition of the enterprise.


Visual identity ( V I )

○ With the corporate logo, standard fonts, and standard colors as

the core, the complete and systematic visual communication
system developed subsequently transforms abstract meanings
such as corporate philosophy, cultural characteristics, service
content, and corporate norms into specific concepts of symbols, creating a
unique corporate image.

○ The visual recognition system:

□ It’s divided into two aspects: the basic system and the
application system.



Three stages of building a successful brand

Attract the target audience's attention to the brand first

Establish the emotional connection of the target customer
group to the brand
Create a brand's unique personality


Three elements in building a successful brand

Attractiveness (interaction and
Unique Build brand uniqueness resonance with consumers)

Focus In line with brand positioning Subjective (simple and unique)

and nature
Unification Define a unified visual language Objective (correctly convey information
to every consumer)



Order/ Gradation Symmetry Harmony Balance

Aesthetic 反
Repetition 漸 對 調 均
形式 覆 層 稱 和 衡


Design Contrast ProporJon Rhythm Unify Simplicity

對 比 律 統 單
比 例 動 調 純


Psychology of form
Font Shape Visual psychology Metaphorical psychology

Authoritative, dignified, rational, Heroism, independence,

Square Justice, syable, massness untold secrets
(Pandora's box)
Vigor, sharpness, tenacity, Feminist, maternal, gritty and
Energetic, firm and flexible. indestructible
(Diamond magic scepter)
Competition, speed, persistence, Hegemonic, confrontational,
standard, seriousness, cohesion ignorant loyalists
Round/ Warmth, harmony, altruism, Familism, group-oriented,
maru-shaped innocence, inclusiveness. tenderness, symbiosis and co-
prosperity (global village)




(single literal/theme) (Subject; Pronoun)
(aesthetic forms/emotion) semantic)
(font design)

Objective Attractive
(Adjective) (Verb)
(aesthetics form) (Design Method





Breathtaking Pictogram Performance at Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony



Message Icon Index Symbol


Decoded Recognized Find Activate


representation Similar Example Symbolic Arbitrary


Similar icon Decoding



Example image Recognize


Symbolic image Finding



m ust be
Arbitrary icon


Icon Index Symbol

Similar Example Symbolic Arbitrary



Simplification in logo design

Trademark and

The simplification
in forms

Hsu, C. C., & Wang, W. Y. (2018). Categorization and features of simplification methods in visual design. Art and Design Review, 6(1), 12-28.


Iconology - Erwin Panofsky

I. The theme seen
Pre- in the work and
iconographic Motif or pure form the meaning
description directly conveyed
by the image
II. Images in a narrow Apply knowledge to explore
IconographicaI sense, including images traditional or conventional visual
analysis (concepts) stories, symbols, concepts and values
fables expressed in iconography

Basic principles
III. Image content or Background meaning is the or symbolic value
Iconological iconology with deep integrated interpretation of form, of art
interpretation meaning, including the connotation and background of
artist's personality, the times
nation, culture, time,
religion, society and
other factors



Online Tool





Ideation process for icon design

Simplicity Dual element Multiple component




Homework: My Icon

○ Use your preferred themes, forms (geometry forms are

recommended) colors and size to design a logo that prepresent
your personal image.

○ Works should take into account: "easy to recognize" + "clear

image" +
” representativeness " + "complete design".

○ Please upload PPT to Moodle, your slides sould also specify

your ideation process or design concepts.

○ Dealine: 11-Apr, Moodle submission




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