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Introducing Global Politics ➔ Power and survival are the primary

Andrew Heywood, Global Politics (2011) concerns of states

➔ Forms of state interaction — war and
What is the distinction between global politics peace with diplomacy and possibly
and international politics? military action
Two meanings of the term GLOBAL
1. Politics that is conducted at a global
Implications of Billiard Ball Model
rater than a national or regional level
1. It suggests clear distinction between
2. Comprehensive, referring to all elements
domestic and international politics
within a system not just to the system as
2. Implies that patterns of conflict and
a whole
coorperation within international system
are largely determined by the
What is Global Politics?
distribution of powers among states
- Both what goes on within states and
Billiard Ball Model was pressured by current
what goes on between states impact
trends and developments
on one another to a greater degree
1. Substantial growth in cross-border, or
than ever before, and that an increased
transnational flows and transactions
proportion of politics no longer takes
(Associated with Globalization)
place simply in and through the state
2. The growing interdependence and
interconnectedness — states are drawn
From International Politics to Global Politics
into cooperation and integration by
International relations State-centric forces such as closer trading and other
is described as approach is hard to economic relationship which is
inter-state politics sustain
illustrated by “cobweb model”

States are taken to Other actors:

From International Anarchy to Global
be the key actors on
the world stage — Transnational
Corporation (TNCs) Assumption:
state centric
and INGOs ➔ State operates in the context of
➔ States rely on “self-help”
Originated from the ➔ Conflict is constrained by balance of
Peace of Westphalia power
Anarchical society have become more difficult
to sustain because of the emergence of global
Increased Interdependence and
● United Nations (UN), International
➔ State-centric is often illustrated through
Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade
the so-called “billiard ball model”
Organization (WTO), European Union
➔ States, like billiard balls are impermeable
(EU) and the like has challenged the ● Free market was
state-centric image of the world politics. proposed (the
removal of trade
Explaining Globalization barriers like tariffs,
1. Globality - the condition etc.)
2. Globalism - an ideology ● Creation of WTO
Globalization, regardless of its forms impact, Administration) from
forges connections between previously the General
unconnected people, communities, Agreement of Tarrifs
institutions, and societies. Held & McGrew and Trade (GATT -
defined globalization as the widening, Ramos
intensifying, speeding up, and growing impact administration)
of world-wide connectedness. ● This removed tariffs
on imports and
Notes from Discussion: exports such as
From the billiard ball model agricultural
● States, like the billiard balls, are products;
impermeable and self-contained units, Challenge:
which influence each other through Globalization urges
external pressure competition.
● Collision with each other = power of Imported products
each state; usually this collision is can compete with
through military/security matters local products ->
locals prioritizes
The Billiard Ball model, or the state-centric imported products
model, is being challenged by the emergence ○ “One who
of non-state actors through globalization cannot
● “The World is Flat” or a borderless compete will
society die a natural
● World Governance death”
● Single community ■ Information (Technological
● Weakens the sovereignty of the states Advancement)
○ Factors include:
■ Culture By nature, IR is anarchic
■ Economic activities ● Means that there are no controlling rules
● Inflation dictated or principles; lawless
by the international
● International law cannot be above
Transnational Transnational
sovereign states — the idea is conflicting Interaction is the relations is broader.
with sovereignty movement of This includes
● Hence, many sees int’l law as not a true tangible items across interactions involving
law because there is no one to execute state boundaries government subunits
when at least one and international
and oversee the law.
actor is not an agent organizations
of a government or sub-units, as well as
Conflict can be seen from two different an international non-governmental
perspectives: organization actors

Ex.: Activities of NGOs Ex.: ceremonial visits,

and individuals which by heads of state
include international and other official
trade and representatives,
commerce, diplomatic
international sports negotiations and
and events, world conferences,
news reporting government grants of
capital and
The Birth of Modern State Keohane and Nye technical services,
Separateness of IR is ARTIFICIAL espionage, etc.

IR is the study of something out there

Nature of International Relations
Inter – NATIONAL – Relations ● IR is a general descriptor for a complex,
The relations between nations (nation-states) multi-disciplinary subject area
● To study IR is to become a generalist
Nation-States = Sovereign States and not a specialist (it won’t make one
● Territorially bounded political units like an expert in the field)
the US, France and Philippines ● As a student, we need to find a way to
cope with the complexity and
Non-State Actors of IR include: multidiciplinarity
● IGOs ● It attempts to manage the deeply
● UN complex nature of world politics by
● IMF breaking it down into understandable
● EU chunks and helpful general theories
● ASEAN ● We need to be able to see the “shape”
● NGOs of the subject to enable us to
● MNCs understand the general principles that
inform the technicalities of international
Transnational Relations and Transnational economics, law and politics.
● IR is the background upon which the question, but an issue of
many dramas of world politics are far-reaching political importance
played out. was involved (Wanlass)
● The secular rulers favored the secular
The emergence of development of revolt
international politics in the MODERN PERIOD ○ The church possessed valuable
➔ Modern period is associated with the properties, especially land in all
development of the territorial, sovereign parts of Christendom
state ○ It also levied heavy financial
➔ This vital feature of our political exactions upon its subjects.
landscape is traditionally dated from Hence, the desire to acquire
1648 and the Peace of Westphalia — church possessions and to
the beginning of the modern European escape financial exploitation was
states system — the collective for the unquestionably a powerful
peace treaties that drew an end to the motive in inducing secular rulers,
Thirty Years War and heralded the especially in England and
formal beginning of the European state Germany to favor the Protestant
system. Revolt (Wanlass).
● The Response of the Church:
The Period of Reformation ○ The Catholic church tried to
● A revolt against the Catholic church by suppress Protestantism with
those who considered it corrupt, more military force by encouraging
concerned with maintaining its power monarchs who remained loyal to
and privileges than with guiding the the church to attack those who
spiritual salvation of Christendom had converted to protestant
(Opello, Jr. & Rosow) religion
● Tipping Point: Government and ○ The fighting was ended by the
Reformers Treaty of Augsburg, which
○ The Reformers attacked the recognized Protestantism as one
wealth of the church and its of the religions that could be
interests in secular projects practiced within Europe, the
○ They also opposed the authority other being the Catholicism (Ibid)
of the Pope and the clerical
hierarchy and taught that the The Treaty of Augsburg and the Peace of
individual should interpret the Westphalia
scriptures according to his own ● The Treaty of Augsburg recognized the
conscience right of the Monarch to establish the
○ The governemeent took a little religion of his realm. It enhanced the
interest of this theological powers of the state rulers within the Holy
Roman Empire and directed to those of power in Europe which would
states as discrete territorial units. This was prevent imperialism within
soon violated. This violation resulted to Europe, such as the Napoleonic
the Thirty Years War and ended by empire, and maintain the peace
Peace (Treaty) of Westphalia between the great powers

Influence of the Period of Reformation to The Relevance of this Period of History in IR

Political Thought ● Historical approach is not simply retelling
● The Treaty of Westphalia accepted the of the past. In seeking to explain and
principle of nonintervention in the understand (objective of political
territorial space of other states. After the science and IR), the most important
Treaty was signed, Europe experienced features of the world politics from the
a period of peace and stability that birth of the modern state (Peace of
helped normalize the principle of the Westphalia), historians and political
state sovereignty (Ibid) scientists have made choices about
which aspects of history are the most
The Immediate and Ultimate Effects of notable (specialization in security,
Reformation international law, regional politics, etc.)
The immediate effect was the strengthening of
the authority of the state Political Science and International Relations
1. The birth of the modern state ● Political Science is the systematic study
2. It marked the inauguration of the era of of state and government (modern
absolute monarchies definition)
The ultimate effect was to further the individual ● International Relations – Activities done
liberty and democracy by privates individuals or states
(traditional and contested because it
Important Aspect of the Modern Period used to denote only transactions of
➔ Secularization of world politics political entities called states)
➔ Development of the principles and ● International Relations (historically
instruments of international law speaking) emphasizes the roled of
➔ The generation of international sovereign states in modern world politics
governmental organizations such as the
Congress of Vienna (1815), League of Great Debates of IR
Nations, and the United Nations (1945)
◆ The Congress of Vienna was Established Debates in International Relations
convened in 1815 by the Occasionally writers defines their position by
European powers which had rejecting WHOLESALE either ONE TRADITION in
defeated Napoleon. The first goal a debate or the WHOLE IDEA that produces
was to establish a new balance the GREAT DEBATE
Realism vs. Idealism Traditionalism vs. Behavioralism
Idealism (Utopianism) – It is possible to build an ● A debate over how best to engage in a
international political system that remove realist science of international politics
conflict and competition between states, ● A debate on methodology of IR
banished war as a tool of foreign policy and ● Realists (Mogenthau) vs. Realists (Waltz
established PERPETUAL PEACE & Mearsheimern, also labeled as
Realism – believes that we cannot wish war ● Point of similarity: Power
away (we cannot establish a perpetual peace
Traditionalist Behavioralist
in this world becuase we live in an anarchic
world) and questioned the scientific basis of Hans Morgenthau Applying the natural
found the motor of science in the field of
the establishment of League of Nations. The
power politics in IR in IR, we should only
science of international politics must proceed
human nature. This rely on observable
by placing OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS ahead of will render greater data because
utopianism. Realists attribute the collapse of objectivity in the observable data can
the League of Nations on this grounds. study of IR be verified (heavily
influenced the
Realist Agenda: Realist Theoretical Assumption American IR)

● Practice must create theory rather than “Politics like society in Also labeled as
theory creating practice. general, is governed neo-realists and
● 1930s to 1970s by objective laws positivists
● One of the first things you need as you that have their roots
embark on the study of world politics, in human nature. The *Distinction between
main signpost that British IR and
therefore, is a grasp of the Realist
helps political realism American IR
approach to IR
… is the concept of
interest defined in
John J. Mearshiemer (the great American terms of power”
Realist) (Morgenthau)
On Carr memorial lecture…
Trust in human nature
● Criticize the British IR establishment for
and the rational
being overrun with idealists who pay behavior of people
little attention to POWER (Characteristic
of British IR that dominated Europe)
● Structuralists start out with the
Advocates of Realism
assumption that human behavior
● Edward Hallet “Ted” Carr (E.H. Carr)
cannot be understood merely by
● Hans J. Morgenthau
examining an individual’s motivation
● Kenneth Waltz
and intention, because when these
factors are combined, human behavior
creates structures that individuals may affect the way that states will
not be aware of. act?
● Ex.: When people walk across a field,
they may create a path unintentionally Epistemology and Methodology
and others who follow the path then ● Epistemology – all researchers ask
reproduce it. This process of questions about knowledge — how we
reproduction is neither conscious nor find it, how we recognize it, when we
intentional. Thus, structuralism is based find it, how we use it and how it
on holist methodology, which argues distinguishes truth from the falsehood. In
that social interaction create systems other words, researchers seek ‘to know’
that are defined by enduring the ‘reality’ that they are describing
characteristics (Toma and Gorman, ● Methodology – is the theory of how
1991) researchers gain knowledge in research
contexts and why. The why question is
Neo-Realism vs. Neo-Liberalism critical since it is through
Neo-Realism methodological understanding that
● Offered empirical research into the researchers and readers of the research
nature of power politics that offers are provided with a rationale to explain
predictions about how states will act the reasons for using specific strategies
given the inherently ANARCHICHAL and methods in order to construct,
CONDITION of world affairs collect, and develop particular kinds of
● Neo-realism came to dominate the knowledge about educational
disciplined, the most unchallenged, phenomena
particularly in the USA until the end of ● (Briggs and Coleman, 2007)
the Cold War
From this perspective, methodology is much
Neo-Liberalism more than METHODS or TECHNIQUES or TOOLS
● As institutionalism, institutionalists (Robert for research like, conducting an interview or
Keohane) accepted the scientific keeping a research diary. It is about the
epistemology and the methodology of underlying reasons for conducting an interview
● Nevertheless, they argued that Neo-Liberalism Succeeded…
neo-realists had underestimate the ● 1995-2000, Liberalism surpassed realism
importance of transnational relations (Walker and Morton as cited by Elias
● Question posted by neo-liberalism: and Sutch)
○ How, asked the neo-liberals, does ● Neo-realism and neo-liberalism share
the reality of the global the scientific, methodological and
economy, thought of as a epistemological approach to IR
context in which states interact,
● Hence, an intra-paradigm debate than such as international law, human rights,
inter-paradigm debate (Weaver as economic cooperation or justice. It described
cited by Elias and Sutch) the very rich traditions of thought as ascribe
*Frameworks concerning security and political real value to internationalism and in political
economy international thought. For the canonical
thinkers in this tradition MORALITY has a key
Reflectivists vs Rationalists place in our political thinking as it is
● Claimed that the realist-idealist debate important in international relations”
and even the neorealist and
neoliberalist debate is something of a Theories that fall under this broad tradition
myth have very different reasons for their
LIBERALISM ● Respect the international law
● Reordering of the institutions of world

Liberalism politics on democratic cosmopolitan

● Described in broad terms as relying on lines, respect for human rights, and

claims about the impact of global economic justice

independence, the benefits of free To dismiss all liberal arguments as utopian is to

trade, collective security, and the dismiss a complex range of arguments that

existence of real harmony of interests appear throughout history of ideas in political

between states and international thought

● Political Philosophy – a set of normative

or moral claims about the importance Locke and the Moral Law in the State of Nature

of individual freedom and rights - The very fact that God makes us all
equal means that we can work out the

Intellectural History of Liberalism basic principles of politics such as

“The study of ethics and morality is often natural rights to be free from any

ignored or though of as properly the subject of authority that we have not consented or

a different class such as political theory which to own property. This law is ABSOLUTE

is rarely mandatory for students of IR” Why? and trumps political necessity

➔ Because the dominance of REALISM

which focuses on POWER Locke’s Idea

➔ Power disregards morality and ethics - State of nature has a law of nature to
govern it. Locke’s description of the

From Realism to Liberalism state of nature is still anarchical (the

“Liberalism is a series of arguments about why same as Hobbes/realist) but the

we should study other aspects of world politics injunction not to kill another human

(not only about power that disregards morality) being still holds.
- Why wouldn’t it? This is how we often self-interest to the universal ideal of the
think of moral rules. They still apply even greatest happiness of all nations taken
when there is no one to enforce them together.
- Locke sees the anarchy of the state of ➔ Bentham argues for the establishment of
nature as beset by what he calls in a international court with powers
rather understated manned resembling the Permanent International
inconveniences Court of Justice (League of Nations)
- INCONVENIENCES: Lack of and the International Court of Justice of
lawgiving and lawmaking the United Nations
authorities. But these ➔ Accdg. to Bentham, if you contrast the
inconveniences can be utility of warfare as conflict resolution
overcome by the imposition of with judicial arbitration as conflict
the moral law. resolution, the calculation is not a
- These ideas of Lock are the foundation particularly difficult one to make
of defenders of human rights and global
distribution of wealth Kant on International Federation
➔ Kant argued that we have an absolute
Bentham on International Law duty to treat human beings as
Utilitarianism (Philosophical) autonomous moral agents. Moral
➔ He argues that we should base our imperatives are categorical rather than
political judgement on something that instrumental — we act morally because
we can measure. We could categorize we ought to and not because it brings
things according to whether they us benefits
tended to produce benefit, advantage, ➔ Kant’s works argues for a critical moral
pleasure, good, or happiness … or … to theory and proposes a political solution
prevent the happening of mischief pain, to the anarchical condition of world
evil or unhappiness affairs
➔ We should thus organize our political *Individual rights, the importance of
lives so as to achieve the greatest democratic institutions to peace, and global
happiness of the greatest number or by distributive (economic) justice
maximizing utility
➔ The concept of utility gives consent to Kant’’s Moral Philosophy
categories such as good and bad or ● The heart of Kant’s moral philosophy
right and wrong. Bentham argued that was the presumption of individual
while nations are vitally important (it is freedom (autonomy) was essential to all
within the state that the utility of practical reason and to all morality.
individuals should be promoted) the Failure to respect the autonomy of
project of constructing international law others is the source of conflict.
should sacrifice the ideal of national
● The primary cause of conflict is the state common. If one state regards another
of nature. Kant believes that the conflict as just or good state, then there is no
created by the state of nature can be reason to behave aggressively towards
ocervome because reason will prevail them
(in contrast with Hobbesian realist belief ● Challenge to Realism: If the democratic
that fear prevails over reason) peace thesis can be established as a
● Kant’s program – Perpetual Peace fact, then the realist claim that
international anarchy is the structural
Internationally, we can end the state of nature cause of conflict is false
by entering into a confederation of republican
states under the law of nations. Establishment Neoliberal Institutionalism
of world government. ● Offers a political science of international
interdependence, a description of the
Liberalism Today relations between state and non-state
Two types of Contemporary Liberalism: actors in the anarchical environment of
1. Structural Liberalism world politics
➔ Democratic Peace Thesis/Theory ● The primary reason that this school of
(Michael Doyle) though qualifies fro the title liberal is
➔ Neoliberal Institutionalism because its members argue that
2. Normative or Cosmopolitan Liberalism international politics has more
➔ Just War opportunities for sustained cooperation
➔ Humanitarian Intervention
➔ Distributive Justice Challenges to Neo-Realism
(Neoliberalism has a lot in common with
The Democratic Peace Thesis neo-realism)
● States have an in-built respect for 1. There are multiple channels of political
individual rights and freedom. Therefore, interaction
liberal states only go to war for good ● Neo-realist would ask you to
reasons assess the distribution of power
● Consent of the citizens is required for and the interest of the most
war to be declared and given that it is powerful prevails (Waltz)
the citizens who both fight and foot the ● Neo-liberal would ask you to look
bill for way, they are likely to be at the organizationally
reluctant. These factors explain why dependent capabilities, such as
liberal states are less warlike. voting power, ability to form
● In a society of liberal state, there is no coalitions, and control of elite
good reason for going to war with networks: that is by capabilities
another liberal state because they share that are affected by the norms,
certain moral and political principles in networks and institutions
associated with international
organizations (Keohane & Nye)
● International organization is a
competing account of the
structure of world politics, and
ideal type that can usefully be
contrasted with the model
proposed by Waltz
2. Neorealist is wrong about what
motivates states to act (hierarchy of
issues — economic and social issues
(low) and security issues (high)) as it
inhibits cooperation on social economic
3. Military is not decisive relevance to all
aspects of international relations
● Realism excludes these important
features of world affairs and in
doing so exaggerates unhelpfully
the conflictual nature of IR

The Core Idea of Neo-Liberal Institutionalism

- What marks neo-liberal institutionalists
out from neo-realists, therefore, is the
claim that international
interdependence, fostered by the
existence of international institutions,
means that there is significant room for
cooperation in international affairs.

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