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Don Lewis

Doug Rapley

EDU Capstone


My Teaching Philosophy

Teaching can be defined in many ways; it is debated whether it is an art or a science. It is neither

one nor the other but rather, both. Much scientific research is based in and around education regarding the

psychological and physical development of learners and learners with related disorders and disabilities.

Much of the research I have seen talks about the different learning styles for any student whether they

have a disorder or otherwise. This shows that regardless of the struggles of educating some there will be a

way to help them progress their academic ability. The art of teaching would be the technique and

strategies that an educator applies their knowledge to their practice and how the subject knowledge being

taught is broken down to the learners. There are more nuanced ways of doing this like how you relate the

teaching material to current events and the learners' personal experiences. Realize the students are not

always going to agree with you or other students, but this is an opportunity to explore all different

perspectives. As an educator, I will strive to be up-to-date with scientific information and artfully build a

safe and productive learning environment.

There are always going to be different ways to learn, and those methods are affected by what is

being taught. I do not have much experience with teaching in an academic setting, but I know what it

means to teach people how to complete tasks versus showing them. It does not matter what setting you

are in there will always be “learning” opportunities at any given moment. Whether or not these moments

take away from the point you are trying to make you can always make A point at least. Sure, there will be

inappropriate comments made, but if dealt with artfully the lesson can still be taught. The ability to play

the devil's advocate is an essential one, it may teach the class/individual a fact or two but also myself.
Secondly, we are all human, including myself, and the one area we excel in is making mistakes. At the

same time, this is one of our strengths as long as people learn from their errs. Being or getting angry/upset

is nothing but a detriment to my and the learner's progress and should be avoided and/or dealt with

accordingly. The bottom line is, that all learning styles should be included in how a curriculum is taught.

By the end of my teaching career, I hope my pupils and colleagues will agree that I exhibit a few

important attributes. The main attribute I would like to take credit for is that I am able to connect with

pupils and colleagues alike and maintain healthy and appropriate relationships with all. Secondly, I hope,

to be considered knowledgeable and competent in my subject area, to the point I am able to adjust my

lessons to incorporate everyone. Lastly, I want to be known as a cooperative and contributive colleague

and role model who is a productive part of the educational apparatus.

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