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1. What is the polarization of a discone antenna?

 A. Vertical
 B. Horizontal
 C. Circular
 D. Spiral

2. If the antenna increases 3.3 times how much does the radiated power increase?

 A. 3.3 times
 B. 10.89 times
 C. 9.9 times
 D. 6.6 times

3. When speaking of antennas. ______ is a section which would be a complete antenna by itself.

 A. image
 B. top loading
 C. bay
 D. quarterwave

4. In what range of frequencies are most omnidirectional horizontally polarized antennas used?

 B. VLF, LF
 C. SH, EHF
 D. MF, HF

5. If the current ratios of the two or more elements must be held 5% and the phase angle to 3° the
antenna is called a

 A. end fire array

 B. critical phased array
 C. broadband array
 D. wideband array
6. A device that converts high frequency current into electromagnetic wave.

 A. Antenna
 B. Loudspeaker
 C. Microphone
 D. Transducer

7. Which is a non-resonant antenna?

 A. Rhombic antenna
 B. Folded dipole
 C. End-fire array
 D. Yagi-Uda antenna

8. Gain of a half-wave dipole antenna over isotropic.

 A. 2.15 dB
 B. 1.76 dB
 C. 1 dB
 D. 0dB

9. Very low signal strength in antenna.

 A. Minor lobes
 B. Null
 C. Antenna patterns
 D. Major lobes

10. What is the gain of the Hertzian dipole over isotropic antenna?

 A. 1.64 dB
 B. 2.15 dB
 C. 1.76 dB
 D. 1.55 dB

11. ______ is the measurement of a unilateral antenna properties of directivity

 A. Phase angle
 B. Antenna gain
 C. Beamwidth
 D. Bandwidth

12. In testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations, which type of antenna must be

 A. Void antenna
 B. Dummy antenna
 C. Hertzian antenna
 D. Isotropic antenna

13. The best solution to fading is _____.

 A. space diversity
 B. frequency diversity
 C. polarization diversity
 D. wavelength diversity

14. _____ is the amount of uncertainty in a system of symbols

 A. Bandwidth
 B. Enthalpy
 C. Entropy
 D. Quantum

15. If an antenna has a gain of 3 dB, it increases the output of the transmitter by

 A. 10,000 times
 B. 1000 times
 C. 100 times
 D. 1 million times

16. Top loading is used in an antenna in order to increase its ______.

 A. practical height
 B. beamwidth
 C. effective height
 D. input capacitance

17. A horizontal antenna is _____.

 A. vertically polarized
 B. horizontally polarized
 C. centrally polarized
 D. circularly polarized

18. All elements in a beam _____ antennas are in line

 A. collinear
 B. yagi
 C. broadside array
 D. log-periodic

19. Which does not use vertical polarization antenna?

 A. AM Broadcasting
 B. FM Broadcasting
 C. Mobile Communications
 D. Satellite Communications

20. Lightning rods must be mounted a top structure not less than ___ above the highest point.

 A. 10 cm
 B. 20 cm
 C. 30 cm
 D. 40 cm

21. _____ is an antenna with a number of half-wave antenna on it.

 A. Antenna array
 B. Tower
 C. Omni-directional
 D. Rhombic

22. Which antenna radiates an omnidirectional pattern in the horizontal plane with vertical

 A. Marconi antenna
 B. Discone antenna
 C. Horn antenna
 D. Helical antenna

23. An antenna with very high gain and very narrow beamwidth.

 A. Helical antenna
 B. Discone antenna
 C. Horn antenna
 D. Parabolic dish antenna

24. What determines antenna polarization?

 A. The frequency of the radiated wave

 B. The direction of the radiated wave
 C. The direction of the magnetic field vector
 D. The direction of the electric field vector

25. _____ is the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna

 A. Azimuth
 B. Angle of elevation
 C. Right angle
 D. Beamwidth

26. A dipole antenna requires to be fed with 20 kW of power to produce a given signal strength
to a particular distant point. If the addition of a reflector makes the same field strength available
with an input power of 11kW. What is the gain in dB, obtained by the use if the reflector. (Gain
referred to this particular dipole).

 A. 4.75
 B. 2.6
 C. 1.81
 D. 4.24

27. What is the estimated medium wind loading in the Philippines for antenna tower design?

 A. 300 kph
 B. 100 kph
 C. 200 kph
 D. 250 kph

28. Discone radiation pattern is ______.

 A. omnidirectional/vertical polarized
 B. unidirectional
 C. bidirectional
 D. figure of eight

29. _____ is an open-ended slot antenna

 A. Helical antenna
 B. Rhombic antenna
 C. Notch antenna
 D. Cassegrain antenna

30. Which antenna is a properly terminated?

 A. Marconi
 B. Rhombic
 C. Dipole
 D. Yagi-Uda

31. What is the radiation characteristic of a dipole antenna?

 A. Omnidirectional
 B. Bidirectional
 C. Unidirectional
 D. Hemispherical

32. What is the theoretical gain of a Hertzian dipole?

 A. 1.76 dB
 B. 2.15 dB
 C. 3 dB
 D. 0 dB

33. An antenna with unity gain

 A. Rhombic
 B. Half-wave dipole
 C. Isotropic
 D. Whip

34. How will you increase the gain of an antenna?

 A. By adding several antennas in parallel

 B. By focusing the radiated energy in one desired direction
 C. By making antenna rods thicker
 D. By making the antenna size larger

35. An antenna which is one-tenth wavelength long

 A. Hertzian dipole
 B. Loop antenna
 C. Marconi antenna
 D. Elementary doublet

36. What is the minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have?

 A. 3
 B. 5
 C. 4
 D. 6

37. What is the gain of isotropic antenna?

 A. 10
 B. 1
 C. 10
 D. 100

38. Which of the following improves antenna directivity?

 A. Driven element
 B. Reflector element
 C. Director element
 D. Parasitic element

39. The antenna radiates _____ polarized waves when the transmitter antenna is horizontally

 A. Vertically
 B. negatively
 C. horizontally
 D. circularly

40. The length of a Marconi antenna to operate with 985 kHz is ______.

 A. 200 ft
 B. 500 ft
 C. 250 ft
 D. 999 ft

41. What is the front-to-back ratio of an antenna which radiates 500 watts in a northernly
direction and 50 watts in a southernly direction?

 A. 25000 dB
 B. 10 dB
 C. 100 dB
 D. 20 dB

42. If 4 kW in antenna produces 50 μV/m in a receiving antenna, a 15 kW will produce _____.

 A. 200 μV/m
 B. 10 μV/m
 C. 100 μV/m
 D. 20 μV/m

43. If the radiated power increase 10.89 times, the antenna current increases by ______.

 A. 3.3 times
 B. 6.6 times
 C. 1.82 times
 D. 10.89 times

44. The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to a length of 3.4 m.

 A. 88 MHz
 B. 44 MHz
 C. 22 MHz
 D. 11 MHz

45. Comparing the signal strength arriving at the driven element from the desired direction to the
signal strength reaching the driver from the opposite direction.

 A. Directivity
 B. Sensitivity
 C. Beamwidth
 D. Front-to-back ratio

46. What is the capture area of a dipole operated at 75 MHz?

 A. 4 mm
 B. 2 m2
 C. 2.088 m2
 D. 4.088 m2
47. _____ of an antenna is a measure of how the antenna concentrates its radiated power in a
given direction.

 A. Efficiency
 B. Power
 C. Gain
 D. Polarization

48. Shortening effect of an antenna that makes it appear as if it were 5% longer.

 A. End effect
 B. Flywheel effect
 C. Skin effect
 D. Capture effect

49. Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna.

 A. Low-pass filter
 B. High-pass filter
 C. M-derived filter
 D. Constant-K

50. A simple half-wavelength antenna radiates the strongest signal

 A. at 45 degrees to its axis

 B. parallel to its axis
 C. at right angles to its axis
 D. at 60 degrees to its axis

51. The current maximum in a Marconi antenna is found at

 A. the base of the antenna

 B. the center of the antenna
 C. some point between the base and the center of the antenna
 D. the top of the antenna
52. If an antenna is too short for the wavelength being used, the effective length can be increased
by adding:

 A. capacitance in series
 B. inductance in series
 C. resistance in parallel
 D. resistance in series

53. Which of the following antennas is used for testing and adjusting a transmitter for proper
modulation, amplifier operation and frequency accuracy?

 A. Elementary
 B. Real
 C. Isotropic
 D. Dummy

54. The power fed to a two-bay turnstile antenna is 100 watts. If the antenna has a 2 dB power
gain, what is the effective radiated power?

 A. 317 watts
 B. 158 watts
 C. 200 watts
 D. 400 watts

55. What is the gain, in dB of a helical antenna with diameter of λ/3, 10 turns at pitch of λ/4,
used at 100 MHz?

 A. 16
 B. 41.1
 C. 31.4
 D. 1.25

56. How is it possible to lower the resonant frequency of Hertz dipole antenna?

 A. By reducing the frequency at the transmitter

 B. By connecting a capacitor in series with the antenna
 C. By the connecting a resistor in series with the antenna
 D. By connecting an inductor in series with the antenna

57. Which of the following antennas receive signals in the horizontal plane equality well from all

 A. Horizontal Hertz antenna

 B. Vertical loop antenna
 C. Vertical Yagi antenna
 D. A vertical antenna which is a quarter-wavelength long

58. If the length of a Hertz dipole is decreased

 A. its resonant frequency will be lowered its distributed inductance will be increased
 B. its distributed inductance will be decreased
 C. its resonant frequency will be increased
 D. its distributed capacitance between the antenna and ground will be increased.

59. A final amplifier of a radio transmitter draws 250 mA of plate current when the plate supply
voltage is 1400 volts. If the plate circuit efficiency is 80% and the transmitter is connected to an
antenna having a feed impedance of 70 ohms, what is the antenna current at the feed-point?

 A. 4.0 A
 B. 2.2 A
 C. 1.25 A
 D. 2.0 A

60. A one-quarter wavelength shunt-fed vertical Marconi antenna

 A. has maximum radiation in a vertical direction

 B. must have a horizontal receiving antenna for the best reception
 C. must use a receiving antenna for the best reception
 D. must have a vertical receiving antenna for the best reception

61. A shunt-fed quarter-wavelength Marconi antenna

 A. has maximum RF impedance to ground at its feedpoint

 B. has a current null at its feedpoint
 C. has a zero DC resistance to ground
 D. has zero RF resistance to ground

62. The parasitic element of an antenna system will

 A. decrease its directivity

 B. increase its directivity
 C. give the antenna unidirectional properties
 D. both B and C

63. If the length of an antenna is changed from 2.5 meters to 2.8 meters, its resonant frequency

 A. increase
 B. depend on the velocity factor so the resonant frequency can either be increased or
 C. will be unchanged
 D. decrease

64. What is the effect of adding a capacitor in series with an antenna?

 A. The antenna’s resonant frequency will increase

 B. The antenna’s resonant frequency will decrease
 C. The antenna will be physically 5% longer than its electrical length
 D. A capacitor is never added in series with an antenna

65. How does the electric field strength of a standard broadcast station vary with the distance
from the antenna?

 A. The field strength of a standard broadcast station vary with the distance from the
 B. The field strength is directly proportional to the distance from the antenna
 C. The field strength remains constant regardless of the distance from the antenna
 D. The field strength varies inversely as the distance from the antenna

66. Stacking elements in a transmitting antenna system

 A. increases the field strength at the receiving antenna

 B. increases the directivity of the transmitter antenna
 C. decrease the size of the lobe in the radiation pattern
 D. both A and B

67. A vertical loop antenna has a

 A. unidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

 B. unidirectional radiation pattern in the vertical plane
 C. omnidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane
 D. a bidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

68. In order to get maximum radiation to all surrounding points in the horizontal plane, the
antenna used is a

 A. vertical loop
 B. vertical quarter-wavelength rod
 C. array which includes parasitic elements
 D. a horizontal Hertz dipole

69. What is the electrical wavelength of a 500 MHz signal?

 A. 60 centimeters
 B. 6 meters
 C. 0.06 meter
 D. 60 meters

70. If the antenna current is doubled, the field strength at a particular position is

 A. doubled
 B. halved
 C. multiplied by a factor of four
 D. divided by a factor of four

71. The rhombic antenna is primarily used for

 A. ground wave propagation

 B. space wave propagation
 C. ionosphere scatter propagation
 D. sky wave propagation

72. What antenna radiates equally in all directions?

 A. Vertical antenna
 B. isotropic antenna
 C. Horizontal antenna
 D. Dipole antenna

73. Actual height of antenna should be at least

 A. one wavelength
 B. half wavelength
 C. quarter wavelength
 D. three-fourth wavelength

74. Which antenna is not properly terminated?

 A. Resonant
 B. Non-resonant
 C. Isotropic
 D. Whip

75. ______ is an antenna array which is highly directional at right angles to the plane of the

 A. Broadside array
 B. End-fire array
 C. Turnstile array
 D. Log-periodic array

76. The directivity pattern of an isotropic radiator is

 A. a figure-8
 B. a sphere
 C. a unidirectional cardioid
 D. a parabola

77. An isotropic radiator is

 A. in the northern hemisphere

 B. an antenna high enough in the air
 C. an antenna whose directive pattern is substantially incredible
 D. a hypothetical, omnidirectional antenna

78. The purpose of stacking elements on an antenna.

 A. Sharper directional pattern

 B. increased gain
 C. Improved bandpass
 D. All of these

79. The advantage of using top loading in a shortened HF vertical antenna is

 A. lower quality factor

 B. greater structural strength
 C. higher losses
 D. improved radiation efficiency

80. Where are the voltage nodes in a half-wave antenna?

 A. At the ends
 B. Three-quarters of the way from the feed point toward the end
 C. One-half of the way from the feed point toward the end
 D. At the feed point

81. A theoretical reference antenna that provides a comparison for antenna measurements.

 A. Marconi antenna
 B. Isotropic radiator
 C. Yagi-Uda array
 D. Whip antenna
82. A Hertz antenna is operating on a frequency of 2182 kHz and consists of a horizontal wire
that is hanged between two towers. What is the frequency of its third harmonic?

 A. 727 kHz
 B. 6546 kHz
 C. 436 kHz
 D. 6.546 kHz

83. In horizontal-dipole antenna, the polarization is

 A. in the vertical direction

 B. in the horizontal direction
 C. circular
 D. measured at the center of the antenna

84. Increasing the electrical length of an antenna means

 A. add an inductor in parallel

 B. add a capacitor in series
 C. add an inductor series
 D. add a resistor is series

85. Stacking antennas at various angles results in

 A. a more omnidirectional reception

 B. a more unidirectional reception
 C. a more omnidirectional reception
 D. an overall reception signal increase

86. What is driven element?

 A. Always the rearmost element

 B. Always the forward most element
 C. The element fed by the transmission line
 D. The element connected to the rotator

87. What is antenna bandwidth?

 A. Antenna length divided by the number of elements
 B. The angle between the half-power radiation points
 C. The angle formed between two imaginary lines drawn through
 D. The frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to operate satisfactorily

88. To lengthen an antenna electrically, add a

 A. resistor
 B. battery
 C. condult
 D. coil

89. What is the gain of an antenna over a half-wavelength dipole when it has 6 dB gain over an
isotropic radiator?

 A. 6.0 dB
 B. 8.1 dB
 C. 3.9 dB
 D. 10.0 dB

90. What is the usual electrical length of a driven element in an HF beam antenna?

 A. ¼ wavelength
 B. ¾ wavelength
 C. ½ wavelength
 D. 1 wavelength

91. What happens to the bandwidth of an antenna as it is shortened through the use of loading

 A. It is increased
 B. It is decreased
 C. No change occurs
 D. It becomes flat

92. To electrically decrease the length of an antenna.

 A. add an inductor in series
 B. add an inductor in parallel
 C. add a resistor in series
 D. add a capacitor in series

93. Strong interference from one particular station can be eliminated by the use of

 A. noise limiters
 B. squelch circuits
 C. negative feedback
 D. wave traps in the antenna circuitry

94. It is useful to refer to an isotropic radiator.

 A. when comparing the gains of directional antennas

 B. when testing a transmission line for standing wave ratio
 C. when (in the northern hemisphere) directing the transmission
 D. when using a dummy load to tune a transmitter

95. A disadvantage of using a trap antenna.

 A. It will radiate harmonics

 B. It can only be used for single-bad operation
 C. It is too sharply directional at lower frequencies
 D. It must be neutralized

96. The input terminal impedance at the center of a folded dipole antenna is

 A. 72 Ω
 B. 300 Ω
 C. 50 Ω
 D. 73 Ω

97. When a capacitor is connected in series with a Marconi antenna?

 A. Antenna open circuit stops transmission

 B. An inductor of equal value must be added
 C. No change occurs to antenna
 D. Antenna resonant frequency increases

98. Where are the current nodes in a half-wave antenna?

 A. At the ends
 B. At the center
 C. Three-quarters of the way from the feed point toward the end
 D. One-half of the way from the feed point toward the end

99. For a shortened vertical antenna, where should a loading coil be placed to minimize losses
and produce the most effective performance?

 A. As low as possible on the vertical radiator

 B. Near the center of the vertical radiator
 C. As close to the transmitter as possible
 D. At a voltage node

100. The effect of adding parasitic elements of a Hertz dipole is to

 A. make the antenna more omnidirectional

 B. reduce its resonant frequency
 C. increase the antenna’s power gain
 D. All of these

101. Stacking antenna elements

 A. increases sensitivity to weak signals

 B. will suppress odd harmonics
 C. decrease signal to noise ratio
 D. increases selectivity

102. In the case if Marconi antenna, the actual length if the radiating element is

 A. one-half wavelength
 B. one-quarter wavelength
 C. one wavelength
 D. one-eight wavelength

103. The antenna efficiency of an HF grounded vertical antenna can be made comparable to that
of a half-wave antenna

 A. By installing a good ground radial system

 B. By isolating the coax shield from ground
 C. By shortening the vertical
 D. By lengthening the vertical

104. An antenna “efficiency” is computed by using one of the following equations.

 A. Efficiency = (radiation resistance / transmission resistance)

 B. Efficiency = (total resistance / radiation resistance) x 100%
 C. Efficiency = (effective radiated power / transmitter output) x 100%
 D. Efficiency = (radiation resistance / total resistance) x 100%

105. Increasing the resonant frequency of an end-fed Marconi antenna can be done by

 A. adding a capacitor in series and reducing the physical length

 B. adding an inductor in series
 C. adding an inductor in series
 D. All of these

106. Factors that determine the radiation resistance of an antenna

 A. Transmission line length and height of antenna

 B. The location of the antenna with respect to nearby objects
 C. It is a constant for all antennas since it is physical
 D. Sunspot activity and the time of day

107. _____ is the angle between the half-power radiation points

 A. Critical angle
 B. Beamwidth
 C. Angle of elevation
 D. Azimuth

108. What is the ratio of the maximum radiation intensity to the average radiation intensity?

 A. Aperture gain
 B. Directivity gain
 C. Transmission gain
 D. Power gain

109. Good grounding is important for

 A. horizontal antennas
 B. broadside array antennas
 C. vertical antennas
 D. Yagi-Uda antennas

110. An ungrounded antenna near the ground

 A. acts as a single antenna of twice the height

 B. is unlikely to need an earth mat
 C. acts as antenna array
 D. must be horizontally polarized

111. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna.

 A. Parabolic antenna
 B. Elementary doublet
 C. Log-periodic
 D. Square loop

112. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

 A. Biconical
 B. Horn
 C. Helical
 D. Discone
113. Indicate which of the following reasons for using metal counterpoise with antennas is false.

 A. Impossibly of a good ground connection

 B. Protection of personnel working underneath
 C. Provision of an earth for the antenna
 D. Rockiness of the ground itself

114. Not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler.

 A. To make the antenna look resistive

 B. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance
 C. To discriminate against harmonics
 D. To prevent re-radiation of the local oscillator

115. Which antenna is not a wideband?

 A. Discone
 B. Folded dipole
 C. Helical
 D. Marconi

116. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an earth mat

 A. impossibility of a good ground connection

 B. provision of an earth for the antenna
 C. protection of personnel working underneath
 D. improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna

117. One of the following makes an antenna physically long but electrically short

 A. Adding L in series
 B. Adding C in series
 C. Top loading
 D. Both A and C

118. When antennas are closed to the ground, _______ polarization is ideal
 A. horizontally polarized
 B. vertically polarized
 C. circularly polarized
 D. both A and B

119. _____ is an antenna made up of a number of full wavelengths

 A. Elementary doublet
 B. Log-periodic
 C. Long wire
 D. Whip

120. Any energy which radiates in the form of radio waves, infrared waves, light waves, x-rays,

 A. Radiant energy
 B. Electromagnetic
 C. Heat
 D. Ultraviolet

121. Which one is an antenna coupling unit?

 A. Coupler
 B. Diplexer
 C. Lecher wire
 D. Duplexer

122. _____ polarization is employed in AM broadcasting

 A. Horizontal
 B. Vertical
 C. Circular
 D. Omnidirectional

123. ______ polarization is employed in FM broadcasting

 A. Horizontal
 B. Vertical
 C. Circular
 D. Bidirectional

124. Which antenna is not grounded at one end?

 A. Hertz
 B. Marconi
 C. Dipole
 D. Whip

125. Which antenna does not use the ground?

 A. Marconi
 B. Yagi
 C. Hertz
 D. Rhombic

126. Class of citizens band station operating at 462.55 to 466.45 MHz.

 a. Class A
 b. Class B
 c. Class C
 d. Class D

127. Ground system recommended by the FCC for broadcast stations consists of a minimum of

 a. 120 radials
 b. 150 radials
 c. 130 radials
 d. 140 radials

128. To achieve maximum possible energy transfer between transmitting and receiving stations
at practical distances, _______ are used.

 a. High gain
 b. Parabolic reflector
 c. Director
 d. secret

129. ________ is the transmission of data metered at a distance from the observer.

 a. Data communications
 b. Altimetery
 c. Telemetry
 d. cemetery

130. Impedance transformation between a balanced and unbalanced impedances.

 a. Gamma match
 b. Eslun transformer
 c. Decca match
 d. Match box

131. Calculate the physical length required of a 146 MHz 4:1 balun mode of polyethylene foam
coaxial cable. Use velocity factor of 0.80.

 a. 12.6 ft
 b. 2.5 m
 c. 32.4 inches
 d. 6.2 inches

132. _______ is an instrument that measures the radiated field from an antenna.

 a. Field strength meter

 b. Field meter
 c. Strength meter
 d. Intensity meter

133. Calculate the number of turns required to make a 5 uH inductor on a t-50-6 core. Use core
factor AL of 40.

 a. 25
 b. 35
 c. 45
 d. 50

134. This resistance is a hypothetical concept that accounts for the fact that rF power is radiated
by the antenna.

 a. Ohmic resistance
 b. Resistance
 c. Radiation resistance
 d. None of these

135. If 1000 watts of RF power is applied to the feedpoint, and a current of 3.7 amperes was
measured, what is the radiation resistance?

 a. 50 ohms
 b. 300 ohms
 c. 600 ohms
 d. 73 ohms

136. Antenna theory recognizes a point of reference called the _________.

 a. Half-wave dipole
 b. Full wave dipole
 c. Isotropic radiator
 d. Image antenna

137. Quarter wavelength vertical antenna is basically a dipole placed vertically, with the other
half of the dipole being the ____________.

 a. Gain
 b. Radials
 c. Ground
 d. Reflector

138. Most common form of multi-band wire antenna is the __________.

 a. Log periodic antenna
 b. Yagi Uda
 c. Long wire antenna
 d. Trap dipole

139. The change in velocity resulting from a stray capacitance is called _________.

 a. End effect
 b. Skin effect
 c. Proximity effect
 d. No effect

151. A discone antenna is a radiator whose impedance can be directly matched to what type of
coaxial transmission line?

 a. 70 ohm line
 b. 30 ohm line
 c. 300 ohm line
 d. 50 ohm line

152. In order to increase the gain of Yagi-Uda arrays, what element are added?

 a. Using many director

 b. Using many dipole
 c. Using many reflector
 d. All of these

153. It is a measure of how much the antenna concentrates its transmitted microwave power in a
given direction

 a. Beamwidth
 b. Polarization
 c. Bandwidth
 d. Gain

154. The angle where the transmitted power has dropped by from the maximum power in the
direction at which the antenna is pointing.
 a. Bandwidth
 b. Polarization
 c. Beamwidth
 d. None of these

155. Orientation of the electric field signal propagated from the antenna.

 a. Directivity
 b. Polarization
 c. Sidelobes
 d. Gain

156. Is not included in the group.

 a. Slot
 b. Horn
 c. Helix
 d. Marconi

157. Radiation from an antenna at other angles than the desired direction.

 a. Antenna direction
 b. Field strength
 c. Sidelobe
 d. Directivity

158. If the antenna is not in the exact dimension/measurement, the impedance of the antenna
turns to be:

 a. Capacitive
 b. Resistive
 c. Inductive
 d. a or c

159. Impedance for free space is _______.

 a. 120(pi)
 b. 30(pi)
 c. 180(pi)
 d. None of these

160. An antenna is formed of four array antenna, each of which has a gain of _____ if the total
gain of these antenna arrays is 30 dB.

 a. 12 dB
 b. 13 dB
 c. 14 dB
 d. 15 dB

161. ______ of the antenna is the ratio of the radiation resistance to the total resistance of the

 a. Gain
 b. Directivity
 c. Efficiency
 d. None of these

162. The major lobes of the directive pattern are those in which the radiation is _______.

 a. Minimum
 b. Maximum
 c. Same
 d. None of these

163. Is one supplied power from the transmitter, usually through a transmission line.

 a. Parasitic element
 b. Driven element
 c. Director element
 d. Reflector element

164. Is one which the principal direction of the radiation is perpendicular to the axis of array.

 a. Broadside array
 b. End-fire array
 c. Phased array
 d. Array antenna

165. Front-to-back ratio is the ratio of the forward power and the ________.

 a. Maximum power
 b. Optimum power
 c. Minimum power
 d. Backward power

166. ________ is elective means to generate circular polarization.

 a. Folded antenna
 b. Marconi antenna
 c. Helix antenna
 d. Any antenna

167. Ranges of frequencies the antenna will radiate effectively.

 a. Beamwidth
 b. Bandwidth
 c. Gain
 d. Directivity

168. Is used to increase the current at the base of the antenna, and also to make the current
distribution more uniform.

 a. Amplifier
 b. Top loading
 c. Booster
 d. None of these

169. _________ is a network composed of reactances and transformers, which provide

impedance matching.

 a. Circulator
 b. Antenna coupler
 c. Matching section
 d. None of these

170. Consisting of grouped radiations or elements.

 a. Turnstile antenna
 b. Antenna array
 c. Phase array
 d. Half-wave dipole

171. The design ratio of the log-periodic antenna must be _____.

 a. Equal to zero
 b. Greater than 1
 c. Less than 1
 d. Unity

172. For low and medium frequency antennas which are mounted vertically from the earth’s
surface, the effective length is referred to as __________.

 a. Actual length
 b. Effective height
 c. Actual height
 d. None of these

173. The main difference between half-wave and folded dipole is the __________.

 a. Length
 b. Radiation resistance
 c. Transmission line
 d. None of these

174. A wire several wavelengths in length that is suspended at some height above the earth.

 a. Wire antennas
 b. Long wire antennas
 c. Short wire antennas
 d. Rhombic antennas
175. Consist of two half-wave dipoles placed at right angles to each other and fed 90 o out of
phase with each other.
 a. Long wire antennas
 b. Turnstile antennas
 c. Vertical antennas
 d. Rhombic antennas

176. Directivity higher than that obtained with uniform phase.

 a. Super gain
 b. High gain
 c. Medium gain
 d. Low gain

177. A parabolic dish antenna has a diameter of 3m and operates at 46 Hz. Calculate the

 a. 3.5 square meters

 b. 4.59 square meters
 c. 2.7 square meters
 d. 1.2 square meters

178. If the radiation resistance is 36 ohms, what must be the antenna length?

 a. Half-wavelength long
 b. One wavelength long
 c. Quarter-wavelength long
 d. Any of these

179. If the antenna is receiving of 10^-12 v/m of electric field, magnetic field of 3.2 x 10^-3 A/m
at a 5 sq. m absorbing area, what is the power received?

 a. 0.2561 pW
 b. 0.72 pW
 c. 0.016 pW
 d. 0.0012 pW

180. The case where the electric field lies in a plane parallel to the earth surface.

 a. Vertical polarization
 b. Horizontal polarization
 c. Circular polarization
 d. None o f these

181. It is known as a single directive antenna.

 a. Corner director
 b. Corner dipole
 c. Corner reflector
 d. Yagi antenna

182. The presence of dielectric other than air ________ the velocity of light.

 a. Increase
 b. Decrease
 c. Same
 d. Secret

183. The fact that the second wire of the folded dipole is folded makes the current on the two
conductors of the antenna flow in the _______ direction.

 a. Same
 b. Opposite
 c. No
 d. None of these

184. A closed circuit antenna is also called __________.

 a. Helix antenna
 b. Discone antenna
 c. Loop antenna
 d. None of these
185. The omega match is slightly modified from the ___________.

 a. T match
 b. Gamma match
 c. Delta match
 d. None of these

186. A dish antenna has a diameter of 2m and operates at 46 Hz, find the antenna gain at 65%

 a. 3422.6
 b. 3.26 dB
 c. 12.3 dB
 d. 4266.67

187. What is the approximate effective length of an antenna at 10 MHz

 a. 2.65 m
 b. 9.55 m
 c. 4.62 m
 d. 8.6 m

188. Calculate effective absorbing area operating at 106 Hz for a standard half-wave dipole.

 a. 0.265 mm2
 b. 0.1175 mm2
 c. 1.26 mm2
 d. 2.3 mm2

189. The variation of the slot antenna is _________.

 a. Isotropic antenna
 b. Notch antenna
 c. Lenz antenna
 d. Horn antenna

190. A point where the power field strength is zero.

 a. Minimum
 b. Maximum
 c. Lobe
 d. Null

191. An area of radiation which exist between adjacent nulls.

 a. Minimum
 b. Maximum
 c. Lobe
 d. Nulls

192. The property of an antenna that causes it to receive signal better from one direction than
from another.

 a. Gain
 b. Directivity
 c. Dipole
 d. Reflector

193. The 70.7% point on the polar graph is known as the _________ point and represent the
point of maximum width of the lobe

 a. Full power
 b. Half-power
 c. Quarter point
 d. Maximum point

194. A transmitting antenna has a gain of 10 and a power input of 60 watts. What is the effective
radiated power?

 a. 6 kW
 b. 60 kW
 c. 0.6 kW
 d. 600 kW
195. Marconi antenna is used in many types of mobile communications unit because it allows
transmission and receptions in _________.

 a. One direction
 b. Two direction
 c. More direction
 d. All direction

196. Used only to a small degree in the VHF band because of its large size requirements

 a. Vee antenna
 b. Long antenna
 c. Rhombic antenna
 d. Marconi antenna

197. A resistance which accounts for the energy dissipated in the form of heat

 a. Ohmic resistance
 b. Surge resistance
 c. Radiation resistance
 d. None of these

198. Antenna array having one active dipole element and two or more parasitic element is known
as _______.

 a. Marconi
 b. Horizontal antenna
 c. Ground antenna
 d. Yagi-Uda antenna

199. This antenna is a monopole in that it uses a half-wavelength radiator, but is fed at a voltage
node rather than current node.

 a. Voltage antenna
 b. Zepp antenna
 c. Quartz antenna
 d. Xylene antenna
200. Vertical antenna like those used in the AM broadcast and lower frequency armature band
rely heavily upon a good __________ for maximum coverage.

 a. Insulation
 b. Ground system
 c. Gain
 d. Directivity

201. An ungrounded antenna near the ground

 a. Acts as a single antenna of twice the height

 b. Is unlikely to need an earth mat
 c. Acts as an antenna array
 d. Must be horizontally polarized

202. One of the following consists of non-resonant antennas

 a. Rhombic antenna
 b. Folded dipole
 c. End-fire array
 d. Broadside array

203. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. This is the:

 a. Conical horn
 b. Folded dipole
 c. Log-periodic
 d. Square loop

204. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

 a. Biconical
 b. Horn
 c. Helical discone
 d. None of the above

205. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is false:
 a. Impossibility of a good ground connection
 b. Protection of personnel working underneath
 c. Provision of an earth for the antenna
 d. Rockiness of the ground itself

206. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler

 a. To make the antenna look resistive

 b. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance
 c. To discriminate against harmonics
 d. To prevent re-radiation of the local oscillator

207. Indicate the antenna that is not wideband:

 a. Discone
 b. Folded dipole
 c. Helical
 d. Marconi

208. Indicates which of the following reasons for the use of an earth mat with antennas is false.

 a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

 b. Provision of an earth for the antenna
 c. Protection of personnel working underneath
 d. Improvement f the radiation pattern of the antenna

209. Which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array?

 a. Good bandwidth
 b. Parasitic elements
 c. Folded dipole
 d. High gain

210. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the

 a. Helical
 b. Small circular loop
 c. Parabolic reflector
 d. Yagi-Uda

211. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the

 a. Infinitesimal dipole
 b. Isotropic antenna
 c. Elementary doublet
 d. Half-wave dipole

212. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its

 a. Effective height
 b. Bandwidth
 c. Beamwidth
 d. Input capacitance

213. Cassegrain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to

 a. Increase the gain of the system

 b. Increase the beamwidth of the system
 c. Reduce the size of the main reflector
 d. Allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point

214. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to

 a. Reduce the bulk of the lens

 b. Increase the bandwidth of the lens
 c. Permit pin-point focusing
 d. Correct the curvature if the wavefront from a horn that is too short

215. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

 a. Circular polarization
 b. Manoeuvrability
 c. Broad bandwidth
 d. Good front-to-back ratio

216. The discone antenna is

 a. A useful direction-finding antenna

 b. Used as a radar receiving antenna
 c. Circularly polarized like other circular antennas
 d. Useful as a HF receiving antenna

217. One of the following is not an omnidirectional antenna:

 a. Half-wave dipole
 b. Log-periodic
 c. Discone
 d. Marconi

218. How is it possible to lower the resonant frequency of a Hertz dipole antenna?

 a. Reduce the frequency at the transmitter

 b. Connect a capacitor in series with the antenna
 c. Connect an inductor in series with the antenna
 d. Reduce the length of the antenna

219. Which of the following antennas receives signals in the horizontal plane equally well from
all directions?

 a. Horizontal Hertz antenna

 b. Vertical loop antenna
 c. Vertical Yagi antenna
 d. A vertical antenna which is a quarter-wavelength long

220. A one-quarter-wavelength shut-fed vertical Marconi antenna:

 a. Has maximum radiation in a vertical direction

 b. Must have a horizontal receiving antenna for the best reception
 c. Must use a receiving antenna which has an electric field in a horizontal direction
 d. Must have a vertical receiving antenna for the best reception

221. A shunt-fed quarter-wavelength Marconi antenna:

 a. Has maximum RF impedance to ground at its feedpoint

 b. Has a current null at its feedpoint
 c. Has zero dc resistance to ground
 d. Uses balanced twin line as its feeder cable

222. The parasitic element of an antenna system will:

 a. Decrease its directivity

 b. Increase its directivity
 c. Give the antenna unidirectional properties
 d. Both B and C

223. If the length of the antenna is changed from 2.5 meters to 2.8 meters, its resonant frequency

 a. Increase
 b. Decrease
 c. Depend on the velocity factor so the resonant frequency can either be increased or
 d. Will be unchanged

224. What is the effect of adding a capacitor in series with an antenna?

 a. The antenna’s resonant frequency will increase

 b. The antenna’s resonant frequency will decrease
 c. A capacitor is never added in series with an antenna
 d. The purpose is to block dc from being applied to the antenna

225. How does the electric field strength of a broadcast station vary with the distance from the

 a. The field strength varies inversely proportional to the distance from the antenna
 b. The field strength is directly proportional to the square of the distance from the antenna
 c. The field strength varies directly proportional to the square of the distance from the
 d. The field strength varies inversely as the distance from the antenna

226. Stacking elements in a transmitting antenna system

 a. Increases the field strength at the receiving antenna

 b. Increases the directivity of the transmitter antenna
 c. Decreases the size of the major lobe in the radiation pattern
 d. Both a and b

227. The rhombic antenna is primarily used for

 a. Ground wave propagation

 b. Skywave propagation
 c. Space wave propagation
 d. Tropospheric propagation

228. If the antenna current is doubled, the field strength at a particular position is

 a. Doubled
 b. Halved
 c. Multiplied by a factor of four
 d. Multiplied by a factor of 1.414

229. A vertical loop antenna has a

 a. Unidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

 b. Unidirectional radiation pattern in the vertical plane
 c. Bidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane
 d. Omnidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

230. In order to get maximum radiation to all surrounding points in the horizontal plane, the
antenna used is a(an)

 a. Vertical loop
 b. Vertical quarter-wavelength rod
 c. Array which includes parasitic elements
 d. Horizontal Hertz dipole

231. The physical length of a Hertz dipole resonant at a 100 MHz is

 a. 9.84 ft
 b. 4.92 ft
 c. 4.68 ft
 d. 2.46 ft

232. What is meant by the term antenna gain?

 a. The numerical ration relating the radiated signal strength of an antenna to that of
another antenna
 b. The ratio if the signal in the forward direction to the signal in the back direction
 c. The ratio of the amount of power produced by the antenna compared to the output
power of the transmitter
 d. The final amplifier gain minus the transmission losses

233. What is meant by the term antenna bandwidth?

 a. Antenna length divided by the number of elements

 b. The frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to perform well
 c. The angle between the half-power radiation points
 d. The angle formed between two imaginary-lines drawn through the ends of the elements

234. What is the wavelength of a shorted stub used to absorb even harmonics?

 a. ½ λ
 b. 1/3 λ
 c. ¼ λ
 d. 1/8 λ

235. What is a trap antenna?

 a. An antenna for rejecting interfering signals

 b. A highly sensitive antenna with maximum gain in all directions
 c. An antenna capable of being used on more than one band because of the presence of
parallel LC networks
 d. An antenna with a large capture area

236. What is the disadvantage of using a trap antenna?

 a. It has a high directivity in the high-frequency bands

 b. It has a high gain
 c. It minimizes harmonic radiation pattern
 d. It may be used for multi-band operation

237. What is the disadvantage of using a trap antenna?

 a. It will radiate harmonics

 b. It can only be used for single band operation
 c. It is too sharply directional at lower frequencies
 d. It must be neutralized

238. What is the principle of a trap antenna?

 a. Beamwidth may be controlled by nonlinear impedance

 b. The traps form a high impedance to isolate parts of the antenna
 c. The effective radiated power can be increased if the space around the antenna sees a
high impedance
 d. The traps increase the antenna gain

239. What is a parasitic element of an antenna?

 a. An element polarized 90 degrees opposite the driven element

 b. An element dependent on the antenna structure for support
 c. An element that receives its excitation from mutual coupling rather than from a
transmission line
 d. A transmission line that radiates radio-frequency energy

240. How does a parasitic element generate an electromagnetic field?

 a. By the RF current received from a connected transmission line

 b. By interacting with the earth’s magnetic field
 c. By altering the phase of the current on the driven element
 d. By currents induced into the element from a surrounding electric field

241. How much power will an antenna having a radiation resistance of 50 Ω radiate when fed
with a 20 A current?

 a. 20, 000 W
 b. 1000 W
 c. 2 kW
 d. 10 kW

242. Determine the Q of an antenna if it has a bandwidth of 0.06 MHz and is cut to a frequency
of 30 MHz.

 a. 50
 b. 100
 c. 150
 d. 250

243. How does the length of the reflector element of a parasitic element beam antenna compare
with that of the driven element?

 a. It is about 5% longer
 b. It is about 5% shorter
 c. It is twice as long
 d. It is one-half as long

244. How does the length of the director element of a parasitic element beam antenna compare
with that of the driven element?

 a. It is about 5% longer
 b. It is about 5% shorter
 c. It is twice as long
 d. It is one-half as long

245. What is meant by the radiation resistance for an antenna?

 a. Losses in the antenna elements and feedline
 b. The specific impedance of the antenna
 c. An equivalent resistance that would dissipate the same amount of power as that
radiated from an antenna
 d. The resistance in the trap coils to received signals

246. What are the factors that determine the radiation resistance of an antenna?

 a. Transmission line length and height of antenna

 b. The locations of the antenna with respect to nearby objects and the length/diameter
ratio of the conductors
 c. It is a constant for all antennas since it is a physical constant
 d. Sunspot activity and the time of day

247. In a half-wave dipole, where are the current nodes?

 a. At the ends
 b. At the feedpoint
 c. Three-quarters of the way from the feedpoint towards the end
 d. One-half of the way from the feedpoint toward the end

248. What is the advantage of using top loading in a shortened HF vertical antenna?

 a. Lower Q
 b. Greater structural strength
 c. Higher losses
 d. Improved radiation efficiency

249. What is the beamwidth of a symmetrical pattern antenna with a gain of 30 dB as compared
to an isotropic radiator?

 a. 3.2 degrees
 b. 6.4 degrees
 c. 37 degrees
 d. 60.4 degrees
250. A microwave communications uses plane reflectors as passive repeaters. The diameter of
the parabolic antenna is 18 ft while the effective area is 310 sq ft. Determine the reflector
coupling factor.

 a. 0.76
 b. 0.906
 c. 0.92
 d. 0.706

251. It is a metallic conductor system capable of radiating and capturing electromagnetic energy

 a. transmission lines
 b. antenna
 c. waveguides
 d. load

252. A directional antenna with two or more elements is known as

 a. folded dipole
 b. ground plane
 c. loop
 d. array

253. The ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the mouth of the parabola is called _____.

 a. aperture
 b. focal point
 c. foci
 d. major axis

254. The impedance of a dipole is about

 a. 50-ohm
 b. 73-ohm
 c. 93-ohm
 d. 300-ohm
255. A special type of transmission line that consist of conducting metallic tube through which
high frequency electromagnetic energy is propagated

 a. medium
 b. microstrip
 c. stripline
 d. waveguide

256. Calculate the angle of declination for an antenna using a polar mount at a latitude of 45

 a. 3.2 degrees
 b. 1.3 degrees
 c. 4.2 degrees
 d. 6.81 degrees

257. The cone angle of the flare angle of a conical horn antenna is approximately

 a. 55 degrees
 b. 45 degrees
 c. 40 degrees
 d. 50 degrees

258. Electrical energy that has escaped into free space in the form of transverse electromagnetic

 a. Radio waves
 b. Frequency
 c. Signal
 d. Wavelength

259. The length of the ground plane vertical at 146 MHz is

 a. 1.6 ft
 b. 1.68 ft
 c. 2.05 ft
 d. 3.37 ft
260. Using a small reflector to beam waves to the larger parabolic reflector is known as

 a. Focal feed
 b. Horn feed
 c. Cassegrain feed
 d. Coax feed

261. The plane parallel to the mutually perpendicular line in the electric and magnetic fields is
called _______.

 a. wavefront
 b. point source
 c. isotropic source
 d. rays

262. What is the beamwidth of a parabolic antenna with a diameter of 5 meters and an operating
frequency of 10 GHz?

 a. 0.5 degrees
 b. 0.675 degrees
 c. 0.348 degrees
 d. 3.48 degrees

263. The horizontal radiation pattern of a dipole is a

 a. circle
 b. figure of eight
 c. clover leaf
 d. narrow beam

264. The size of antenna is inversely proportional to _______.

 a. frequency
 b. power
 c. radiation resistance
 d. wavelength
265. A popular half – wave antenna is the

 a. Ground plane
 b. End-fire
 c. Collinear
 d. Dipole

266. Calculate the gain of a parabolic antenna using a 2.5-m radius dish operating at 10 GHz.

 a. 166.673 dB
 b. 83.7 dB
 c. 52.2 dB
 d. 45.6 dB

267. It is the ratio of the radiated to the reflected energy

 a. Radiation resistance
 b. Radiation efficiency
 c. Radiation constant
 d. Radiation antenna

268. The feed mechanism in a parabolic antenna that radiates the electromagnetic energy.

 a. Primary antenna
 b. Reflectors
 c. Secondary antenna
 d. Focal point

269. It is a polar diagram or graph representing field strengths or power densities at various
angular positions relative to an antenna

 a. Side lobe
 b. Front lobe
 c. Radiation pattern
 d. Radiation constant
270. For a transmit antenna with a radiation resistance of 72 ohms, an effective antenna
resistance of 8 ohms, a directive gain of 20 and an input power of 100W, determine the antenna

 a. 12.55 dB
 b. 10.43 dB
 c. 11.21 dB
 d. 9.78 dB

271. The radiation pattern plotted in terms of electric field strength or power density

 a. absolute radiation pattern

 b. relative radiation pattern
 c. absolute front lobe pattern
 d. absolute side lobe pattern

272. Calculate the characteristic impedance of a quarter – wavelength section used to connect a
300-ohm antenna to a 75-ohm line

 a. 150 ohms
 b. 120 ohms
 c. 130 ohms
 d. 110 ohms

273. Plots of field strength or power density with respect to the value at a reference point

 a. absolute front lobe pattern

 b. relative front lobe pattern
 c. relative front lobe pattern
 d. relative radiation pattern

274. What must be the height of a vertical radiator one half wavelength high if the operating
frequency is 1100 kHz?

 a. 120 m
 b. 136 m
 c. 115 m
 d. 124 m

275. Lobes adjacent to the front lobe

 a. Diagonal lobes
 b. Side lobes
 c. Front lobes
 d. Back lobes

276. Lobes in a direction exactly opposite of the front lobe

 a. Side lobes
 b. Adjacent lobes
 c. Front lobes
 d. Back lobes

277. Calculate the efficiency of an antenna that has a radiation resistance of 73 ohms and an
effective dissipation resistance of 5 ohms

 a. 98.3%
 b. 93.6%
 c. 90.7%
 d. 95.5%

278. The line bisecting the major lobe, or pointing from the center of the antenna in the direction
of maximum radiation is called _______.

 a. line of shoot
 b. diagonal shoot
 c. bisecting shoot
 d. antenna shoot

279. The ammeter connected at the base of a Marconi antenna has a certain reading. If this
reading is increased 2.77 times, what is the increase in output power?

 a. 3.45
 b. 1.89
 c. 2.35
 d. 7.67

280. Refers to a field pattern that is close to the antenna.

 a. Induction field
 b. Far field
 c. Radiation field
 d. Capture field

281. A half-wave dipole is driven with a 5-W signal at 225 MHz. A receiving dipole 100 km.
Calculate the received power into a 73-ohm receiver.

 a. 23.5 pW
 b. 7.57 pW
 c. 5.64 pW
 d. 1.26 pW

282. It is the resistance that, if it replaced the antenna, would dissipate exactly the same amount
of power that the antenna radiates.

 a. Directive gain
 b. Antenna efficiency
 c. Radiation resistance
 d. Antenna resistance

283. What is the effective radiated power of a television broadcast station if the output of the
transmitter is 1000W, antenna transmission line loss is 50W, and the antenna power gain is 3?

 a. 1250 W
 b. 2370 W
 c. 2130 W
 d. 2850 W

284. It is the ratio of the power radiated by an antenna to the sum of the power radiated and the
power dissipated.

 a. radiation resistance
 b. coupling coefficient
 c. antenna efficiency
 d. antenna beamwidth

285. It is the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the total input power.

 a. antenna efficiency
 b. reflection coefficient
 c. standing wave ratio
 d. radiation resistance

286. If a 500 kHz transmitter of a constant power produces field strength of 100 uV/m at a
distance of 100 mi from the transmitter, what would be the theoretical field strength at a distance
of 200 mi from the transmitter?

 a. 45 uV/m
 b. 100 uV/m
 c. 50 uV/m
 d. 35 uV/m

287. An antenna that transmits or receives equally well in all directions is said to be _____.

 a. omnidirectional
 b. bidirectional
 c. unidirectional
 d. quasidirectional

288. It is the ratio of the power density radiated in a particular direction to the power density
radiated to the same point by a reference antenna, assuming both antennas are radiating the same
amount of power

 a. power gain
 b. directive gain
 c. total gain
 d. system gain

289. If the field intensity of 25 mV/m develops 2.7 V in a certain antenna, what is its effective
 a. 110 m
 b. 100 m
 c. 98 m
 d. 108 m

290. The magnetic field of an antenna is perpendicular to the earth. The antenna’s polarization

 a. is vertical
 b. is horizontal
 c. is circular
 d. cannot be determined from the information given

291. If the power of a 500 kHz transmitter is increased from 150 W to 300 W, what would be the
percentage change in field intensity at a given distance from the transmitter?

 a. 141%
 b. 150%
 c. 100%
 d. 133%

292. It is the same with directive gain except that the total power fed to the antenna is used and
the antenna efficiency is taken into account.

 a. system gain
 b. power gain
 c. directive gain
 d. total gain

293. A hip-radio telephone transmitter operates on 2738 kHz. At a certain point distant from the
transmitter, the 2738 kHz signal is measured field of 147 mV/m. The second harmonic field at
the same point is measured as 405 uV/m. To the nearest whole unit in decibels, how much has
the harmonic emission been attenuated below the 2738 kHz fundamental?

 a. 43.2 dB
 b. 51.2 dB
 c. 35.1 dB
 d. 25.1 dB
294. It is the equivalent power that an isotropic antenna would have to radiate to achieve the
same power density in the chosen direction at a given point as another antenna.

 a. EIRP
 b. ERP
 c. IRL
 d. RSL

295. When the energy is applied to the antenna at a point of high – circulating current.

 a. voltage-fed antenna
 b. power-fed antenna
 c. current-fed antenna
 d. impedance-fed antenna

296. For a transmit antenna with a power gain of 10 and an input power of 100 W, determine the
EIRP in watts.

 a. 30 dBW
 b. 40 dBW
 c. 50 dBW
 d. 20 dBW

297. If energy is applied at the geometrical center of antenna, the antenna is said to be _____.

 a. center-fed
 b. end-fed
 c. quarterwave-fed
 d. halfwave-fed

298. For a transmit antenna with a power gain of 10 and an input power of 100 W, determine the
power density at a point 10 km from the transmit antenna

 a. 0.574 uW/m^2
 b. 0.796 uW/m^2
 c. 1.24 uW/m^2
 d. 0.981 uW/m^2
299. For a transmit antenna with a radiation resistance of 72 ohms, an effective antenna
resistance of 8 ohms, a directive gain of 20 and an input power of 100 W, determine the antenna

 a. 90%
 b. 96%
 c. 98%
 d. 96%

300. The fields surrounding the antenna do not collapse their energy back into the antenna but
rather radiate it out in space.

 a. induction field
 b. near field
 c. radiation field
 d. magnetic field
301. For receive power density of 10 uW/m2 and a receive antenna with a capture area of 0.2 m2,
determine the captured power.
 a. 0.5 uW
 b. 2 uW
 c. 1 uW
 d. 1.5 uW

302. The property of interchangeability for the transmitting and receiving operations is known as

 a. efficiency
 b. accuracy
 c. reciprocity
 d. polarization

303. The length of a doublet at 27 MHz is _____.

 a. 8.67 ft
 b. 17.3 ft
 c. 18.2 ft
 d. 34.67 ft
304. Refers to the orientation of the electric field radiated from an antenna.

 a. efficiency
 b. beamwidth
 c. polarization
 d. accuracy

305. At frequencies below 2 MHz, what type of antenna is usually used?

 a. Marconi antenna
 b. Hertzian antenna
 c. Hertz antenna
 d. Elementary doublet

306. The angular separation between two half-power points in the major lobe of the antenna’s
plane radiation pattern.

 a. bandwidth
 b. polarization
 c. efficiency
 d. beamwidth

307. Hertz antenna are predominantly used with frequencies above

 a. 3 MHz
 b. 4 MHz
 c. 5 MHz
 d. 2 MHz

308. Defined as the frequency range over which antenna operation is satisfactory

 a. beamwidth
 b. channel
 c. bandwidth
 d. baseband

309. One of the following is not an omnidirectional antenna.

 a. Half-wave dipole
 b. Log-periodic
 c. Discone
 d. Marconi

310. The point on the antenna where the transmission line is connected is called _______.

 a. center feed
 b. end feed
 c. feedpoint
 d. voltage feed

311. A popular vertical antenna is the _____>

 a. collinear
 b. dipole
 c. ground plane
 d. broadside

312. The discone antenna is

 a. a useful direction-finding antenna

 b. used as a radar receiving antenna
 c. circularly polarized with other circular antennas
 d. useful as a UHF receiving antenna

313. The feedpoint presents and ac load to the transmission line called

 a. antenna output impedance

 b. antenna input impedance
 c. feedpoint impedance
 d. center feed impedance

314. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

 a. circular polarization
 b. maneuverability
 c. broad bandwidth
 d. good front to back ratio

315. The simplest type of antenna.

 a. Elementary doublet
 b. Half-wave dipole
 c. Quarterwave dipole
 d. 5/8 wavelength dipole

316. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to

 a. reduce the bulk of the lens

 b. increase the bandwidth of the lens
 c. permit pin-point focusing
 d. correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short

317. It is an electrically short dipole

 a. short dipole
 b. quarterwave dipole
 c. half-wave dipole
 d. yagi antenna

318. Cassegrain feed is used with parabolic reflector to

 a. increase the gain of the system

 b. increase the bandwidth of the system
 c. reduce the size of the main reflector
 d. allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point

319. The half-wave dipole is generally referred to as ______.

 a. Yagi antenna
 b. Hertzian antenna
 c. Marconi antenna
 d. Hertz antenna

320. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its

 a. effective height
 b. bandwidth
 c. beamwidth
 d. input capacitance

321. What is the directivity of a Hertz antenna?

 a. 1.64
 b. 2.18
 c. 2.15
 d. 1.75

322. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the _______.

 a. infinitesimal dipole
 b. isotropic antenna
 c. elementary doublet
 d. half-wave dipole

323. An antenna which is one-quarter wavelength long, mounted vertically with the lower end
either connected directly to ground or grounded through the antenna coupling network.

 a. loop antenna
 b. hertzian dipole
 c. monopole antenna
 d. turnstile antenna

324. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the

 a. helical
 b. small circular loop
 c. parabolic reflector
 d. Yagi – Uda

325. It is a wire structure placed below the antenna and erected above the ground.

 a. ground plane
 b. counterpoise
 c. ground lines
 d. top hat

326. Which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array?

 a. good bandwidth
 b. parasitic elements
 c. folded dipole
 d. high gain

327. It effectively cancels out the capacitance component of the antenna input impedance.

 a. ground plane
 b. top hat
 c. loading coil
 d. shunt capacitance

328. Indicate which of the following reasons for the use of an earth mat with antenna is false:

 a. impossibility of a good ground conduction

 b. provision of an earth for an antenna
 c. protection of personnel working underneath
 d. improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna

329. A metallic array that resembles a spoke wheel placed at the top of an antenna, it increases
the shunt capacitance to ground reducing the overall antenna capacitance.

 a. loading coil
 b. top loading
 c. series capacitance
 d. series inductors
330. Indicate the antenna that is not wideband:

 a. discone
 b. folded dipole
 c. helical
 d. marconi

331. It is formed when two or more antenna elements are combined to form a single antenna.

 a. antenna elements
 b. antenna array
 c. driven elements
 d. parasitic elements

332. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler:

 a. to make the antenna look resistive

 b. to provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance
 c. to discriminate against harmonics
 d. to prevent re-radiation of local oscillators

333. It is an individual radiator, such as a half or quarter-wave dipole.

 a. antenna element
 b. antenna array
 c. reflector
 d. director

334. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is false:

 a. impossibility of a good ground connection

 b. protection of personnel working underneath
 c. provision of an earth for the antenna
 d. rockiness of the ground itself

335. Type of antenna element that is directly connected to the transmission lines and receives
from or is driven by the source.
 a. driven array
 b. parasitic array
 c. driven element
 d. parasitic element

336. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

 a. biconical
 b. horn
 c. helical
 d. discone

337. Type of antenna element that is not connected to the transmission lines.

 a. parasitic array
 b. driven array
 c. parasitic array
 d. parasitic element

338. One of the following is very useful as a multi-band HF receiving antenna. This is the:

 a. conical horn
 b. folded dipole
 c. log-periodic
 d. square loop

339. A parasitic element that is longer than the driven element from which it receives energy.

 a. driven element
 b. director
 c. parasitic elements
 d. reflector

340. One of the following consists of non-resonant antennas.

 a. rhombic antenna
 b. folded-dipole antenna
 c. end-fire antenna
 d. broadside antenna

341. A parasitic element that is shorter than its associated driven element.

 a. redirector
 b. director
 c. reflector
 d. parasitic element

342. An ungrounded antenna near the ground.

 a. acts as a single antenna near the ground

 b. is unlikely to need an earth mat
 c. acts as an antenna array
 d. must be horizontally polarized

343. It is a non-resonant antenna capable of operating satisfactorily over a relatively wide

bandwidth, making it ideally suited for HF transmission.

 a. turnstile antenna
 b. loop antenna
 c. rhombic antenna
 d. discone antenna

344. A wide – bandwidth multi-element driven array is the ______.

 a. end-fire
 b. log-periodic
 c. yagi
 d. collinear

345. It is a linear array antenna consisting of a dipole and two or more parasitic elements: one
reflector and one director.

 a. broadside antenna
 b. end-fire antenna
 c. yagi-uda antenna
 d. phased array antenna

346. An antenna which is consists of a cone that is truncated in a piece of circular waveguide.

 a. pyramidal horn antenna

 b. circular horn antenna
 c. rectangular horn antenna
 d. circular horn antenna

347. Which antenna has a unidirectional radiation pattern and gain?

 a. dipole
 b. ground plane
 c. yagi
 d. collinear

348. An antenna formed by placing two dipoles at right angles to each other, 90 degrees out of

 a. discone antenna
 b. turnstile antenna
 c. bicone antenna
 d. 5/8 wavelength antenna

349. The radiation pattern of collinear and a broadside antenna is ________.

 a. omnidirectional
 b. bidirectional
 c. unidirectional
 d. clover-leaf shaped

350. What is the bandwidth ratio of log-periodic antenna?

 a. 10:1
 b. 5:1
 c. 20:1
 d. 1:10

351. Which beam width represents the best antenna directivity?

 a. 7 degrees
 b. 12 degrees
 c. 19 degrees
 d. 28 degrees

352. It is the ratio of the highest to the lowest frequency over which an antenna will satisfactorily

 a. channel ratio
 b. bandwidth ratio
 c. reflection ratio
 d. dynamic range

353. An antenna has a power gain off 15. The power applied to the antenna is 32 W. The
effective radiated power is ________.

 a. 15 W
 b. 32 W
 c. 120 W
 d. 480 W

354. It is simply a single-turn coil of wire that is significantly shorter than one wavelength and
carries RF current.

 a. turnstile antenna
 b. loop antenna
 c. rhombic antenna
 d. long-wire antenna

355. A coax has an attenuation of 2.4 dB per 100 ft. The attenuation of 275 ft

 a. 2.4 dB
 b. 3.3 dB
 c. 4.8 dB
 d. 6.6 dB

356. It is group of antenna arrays that when connected together, function as a simple antenna
whose beamwidth and direction can be changed electronically without having to physically move
any of the individual antennas or antenna elements within the array.

 a. end-fire array
 b. broadside antenna
 c. phased array antenna
 d. log-periodic antenna

357. Conductors in multi-element antennas that do not receive energy directly from the
transmission line are known as ______.

 a. parasitic element
 b. driven element
 c. the boom
 d. receptor

358. It is a broadband VHF or UHF antenna that is suited for applications for which radiating
circular rather than horizontal or vertical polarized electromagnetic waves are required.

 a. discone antenna
 b. bicone antenna
 c. log-periodic antenna
 d. helical antenna

359. Mode of propagation of helical antenna where electromagnetic radiation is in the direction
at right angles to the axis of the helix.

 a. normal mode
 b. axial mode
 c. helix mode
 d. helical mode
360. Mode of propagation of helical antenna where the radiation of the antenna in the axial
direction and produces a broadband relatively directional pattern.

 a. helical mode
 b. normal mode
 c. axial mode
 d. helix mode

361. In a Yagi antenna, maximum direction of radiation is toward the

 a. director
 b. driven element
 c. reflector
 d. sky

362. It is defined as the ratio of the antennas maximum gain in the forward direction to its
maximum gain in its backward direction

 a. side-to-back ratio
 b. front-to-side ratio
 c. back-to-side ratio
 d. front-to-back ratio

363. The horizontal radiation pattern of a vertical dipole is a ____________.

 a. figure of eight
 b. circle
 c. narrow beam
 d. clover leaf

364. An antenna that provides extremely high gain and directivity and very popular for
microwave radio and satellite communications link.

 a. helical antenna
 b. parabolic antenna
 c. hyperbolic antenna
 d. log-periodic antenna
365. Part of a parabolic antenna that houses the primary antenna which radiates electromagnetic
waves toward the reflector.

 a. feed mechanism
 b. focal point
 c. center feed
 d. feed antenna

366. It is a passive device that simply reflects the energy radiated by the feed mechanism into a
concentrated, highly directional emission in which the individual waves are all in phase with
each other.

 a. director
 b. parabolic segment
 c. reflector
 d. feed mechanism

367. The energy near the edge of the parabolic dish that does not reflect but rather is diffracted
around the edge of the dish.

 a. spillover
 b. corona
 c. dissipated power
 d. copper loss

368. Determines the angular aperture of the reflector, which indirectly determines how much the
primary radiation is reflected by the parabolic dish.

 a. numerical aperture
 b. V number
 c. aperture number
 d. aperture angle

369. For a 2-m diameter parabolic reflector with 10W of power radiated by the feed mechanism
operating at 6 GHz with a transmit antenna efficiency of 55% and an aperture efficiency of 55%,
determine the beamwidth.

 a. 1.25 degrees
 b. 2.25 degrees
 c. 1.5 degrees
 d. 1.75 degrees

370. Type of feed mechanism where the primary radiating source is located just behind a small
opening at the vertex of the paraboloid rather than at the focus.

 a. cassegrain feed
 b. center feed
 c. horn feed
 d. antenna feed

371. Discone radiation pattern is

 a. omnidirectional
 b. unidirectional
 c. figure-of-eight
 d. bidirectional

372. Which is properly terminated antenna?

 a. dipole
 b. marconi
 c. hertz
 d. rhombic

373. An example of a marconi antenna is _______.

 a. quarter wave vertical tower

 b. collinear
 c. yagi
 d. rhombic

374. At the ends of a half-wave antenna, what values of current and voltage exist compared to
the remainder of the antenna?

 a. minimum voltage and maximum current

 b. minimum voltage and minimum current
 c. equal voltage and current
 d. maximum voltage and minimum current

375. Radiation resistance is the ratio of ______.

 a. radiated power to the antenna center current

 b. radiated power to the square of the antenna center current
 c. voltage to any point of the antenna
 d. square of voltage to the square of current at any point in the antenna

376. Consists of basic antenna connected to a transmission line plus one or more additional

 a. parasitic array
 b. directors
 c. driven array
 d. reflectors

377. Which of the following is not a driven array?

 a. yagi
 b. broadside
 c. collinear
 d. end fire

378. What is used to determine phase difference between two broadcast antennas?

 a. a phase monitor
 b. a frequency monitor
 c. an amplitude monitor
 d. a power monitor

379. In antennas, which gives more forward gain?

 a. reflector
 b. driven element
 c. parasitic element
 d. director

380. Which of the following is longer?

 a. director
 b. reflector
 c. driven element
 d. parasitic element

381. Which is closer to the driven element?

 a. parasitic element
 b. driven element
 c. director
 d. reflector

382. How much do they differ in length from a half-wavelength?

 a. 5%
 b. 10%
 c. 15%
 d. 20%

383. How much more feed-point impedance does a folded dipole have than a normal dipole?

 a. two times as much

 b. three times as much
 c. four times as much
 d. five times as much

384. How is it possible to produce 70-ohm twin lead?

 a. by folding more parasitic element

 b. by manufacturing
 c. by increasing the radiation resistance
 d. by increasing the length of the antenna

385. With similar size parabolic, plane reflector, and corner-reflector beams, which has greater

 a. plane reflector
 b. parabolic
 c. corner-reflector beam
 d. V-beam

386. With similar size, which has the narrowest lobes?

 a. parabolic
 b. V-beam
 c. corner-reflector beam
 d. plane reflector

387. Why would the wires of V-beam be closer together when used on higher frequencies?

 a. main lobe lays farther to wire

 b. main lobe lays closer to wire
 c. secondary lobes closer to wire
 d. secondary lobes farther to wire

388. How the V-beam is made unidirectional?

 a. impedance terminated
 b. capacitive terminated
 c. inductive terminated
 d. resistor terminated

389. Why might a rhombic be better than a V-beam?

 a. it is resistor terminated
 b. more acreage needed
 c. less acreage needed
 d. it is unidirectional
390. Why is the usual rhombic not frequency – sensitive?

 a. unidirectional
 b. with its characteristic impedance
 c. less acreage required
 d. main lobe is greater than back lobe

391. In what direction is the null of small diameter loop in relation to the plane of the loop?

 a. 45 degrees angle
 b. 180 degrees angle
 c. 360 degrees angle
 d. 90 degrees angle

392. When is a loop unidirectional?

 a. when horizontal
 b. when vertical
 c. when circular
 d. when unidirectional

393. Why are verticals sometimes top-loaded?

 a. to resonate on high frequency

 b. to decrease the electrical length
 c. to resonate on low frequency
 d. to look better

394. Why is pi-network superior to direct coupling to an antenna?

 a. reduce harmonic radiation

 b. better frequency response
 c. better radiation of energy
 d. reduce power dissipation

395. Why might L networks be used between an antenna and transmission line?
 a. step impedance up
 b. step impedance down
 c. better radiation of energy
 d. reduce power radiation

396. Why are antenna ammeters often shorted out or disconnected from the antenna except when
readings are desired?

 a. to replace it with dummy

 b. not to interface with transmission
 c. for proper reception of signals
 d. to protect from lightning

397. Device to split transmission line current to two or more antenna towers

 a. splitter
 b. coupler
 c. isolator
 d. phasor circuit

398. What method can be used to determine the feed-point impedance of a vertical antenna?

 a. resistance substitution
 b. impedance matching
 c. dissipated resistance measurement
 d. grounding the antenna

399. In what unit is field intensity measured?

 a. volts
 b. amperes
 c. watts/m
 d. mV/m

400. How fast does low-frequency field strength attenuate?

 a. directly proportional to distance

 b. inversely proportional to distance
 c. directly proportional to time
 d. inversely proportional to time

401. An ungrounded antenna near the ground

 a. Acts as a single antenna of twice the height

 b. Is unlikely to need an earth mat
 c. Acts as an antenna array
 d. Must be horizontally polarized

402. One of the following consists of nonresonant antennas:

 a. The rhombic antenna

 b. The folded dipole
 c. The end-fire array
 d. The broadside array

403. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. This is the:

 a. Conical horn
 b. Folded dipole
 c. Log-periodic
 d. Square loop

404. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

 a. Biconical
 b. Horn
 c. Helical
 d. Discone

405. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is false:

 a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

 b. Protection of personnel working underneath
 c. Provision of an earth for the antenna
 d. Rockiness of the ground itself

406. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler:

 a. To make the antenna look resistive

 b. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance
 c. To discriminate against harmonics
 d. To prevent reradiation of the local oscillator

407. Indicate the antenna that is not wideband

 a. Discone
 b. Folded dipole
 c. Helical
 d. Marconi

408. Indicate which one of the following reasons for the use of an earth mat with antennas is

 a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

 b. Provision of an earth for the antenna
 c. Protection of personnel working underneath
 d. Improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna

409. Show which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array

 a. Good bandwidth
 b. Parasitic elements
 c. Folded dipole
 d. High gain

410. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the

 a. Helical
 b. Small circular loop
 c. Parabolic reflector
 d. Yagi-Uda

411. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the

 a. Infinitesimal dipole
 b. Isotropic antenna
 c. Elementary doublet
 d. Half-wave dipole

412. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its

 a. Effective height
 b. Bandwidth
 c. Beamwidth
 d. Input capacitance

413. Cassegrain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to

 a. Increase the gain of the system

 b. Increase the beamwidth of the system
 c. Reduce the size of the main reflector
 d. Allow the feed to be places at a convenient point

414. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to

 a. Reduce the bulk of the lens

 b. Increase the bandwidth of the lens
 c. Permit pin-point focusing
 d. Correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short

415. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

 a. Circular polarization
 b. Maneuverability
 c. Broad bandwidth
 d. Good front-to-back ratio
416. The discone antenna is

 a. A useful direction-finding antenna

 b. Used as a radar receiving antenna
 c. Circularly polarized like other circular antennas
 d. Useful as a UHF receiving antenna

417. One of the following is not omnidirectional antenna

 a. Half-wave dipole
 b. Log-periodic
 c. Discone
 d. Marconi

418. The polarization of a discone antenna is ______________.

 a. Horizontal
 b. Vertical
 c. Omni
 d. Directional

419. _____________ is the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna.

 a. Right angle
 b. Angle of elevation
 c. Bandwidth
 d. Azimuth

420. Which is a properly terminated antenna?

 a. Rhombic
 b. Hertz
 c. Marconi
 d. Dipole

421. ____________ is a device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized signals
 a. Crystal
 b. Orthomode transducer
 c. Light transducer
 d. Optoisolator

422. How much does the radiated power of an antenna increases if its current increased by 3.3

 a. 6.6 times
 b. 3.3 times
 c. 10.89 times
 d. 9.9 times

423. What do you call the energy that was not radiated into space or completely transmitted?

 a. Incident waves
 b. Captured waves
 c. Standing waves
 d. Modulated waves

424. What is the estimated medium wind loading in the Philippines for antenna tower design?

 a. 200 kph
 b. 250 kph
 c. 300 kph
 d. 100 kph

425. The minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have

 a. 4
 b. 5
 c. 3
 d. 6

426. When testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations, which type of antenna
must be used?
 a. Dummy antenna
 b. Herztian antenna
 c. None
 d. Void antenna

427. A device that radiates electromagnetic energy and/or intercepts electromagnetic radiation

 a. Antenna
 b. Transmitter
 c. Transmission line
 d. Transceiver

428. Determine the gain of a 6 ft parabolic dish operating at 1800 MHz

 a. 15.5 dB
 b. 30 dB
 c. 11.2 dB
 d. 28.17 dB

429. Radiation characteristic of a dipole

 a. figure of eight
 b. omnidirectional
 c. bi-directional
 d. unidirectional

430. An antenna which is not resonant at particular frequencies and so can be used over a wide
band of frequencies is called

 a. Aperiodic
 b. Cassegrain
 c. Top-loaded
 d. Boresight

431. Two wires that are bent 90 degrees apart.

 a. Rhombic
 b. Hertz
 c. Dipole
 d. Log-periodic

432. Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna

 a. Tank circuit
 b. M-derived filter
 c. Low-pass filter
 d. High-pass filter

433. Theoretical gain of a Herztian dipole

 a. 0 dB
 b. 1.76 dB
 c. 2.15 dB
 d. 3 dB

434. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of

 a. Maneuverability
 b. Good front-to-back
 c. Circular polarization
 d. Broad bandwidth

435. A convenient method of determining antenna impedance

 a. Reactance circle
 b. Stub matching
 c. Smith chart
 d. Trial and error

436. Unity gain antenna.

 a. Half-wave dipole
 b. Rhombic
 c. Dummy
 d. Isotropic

437. EIRP stands for ______________________.

 a. Effective isotropic reflected power

 b. Effective isotropic refracted power
 c. Efficient and ideal radiated power
 d. Effective isotropic radiated power

438. Which of the following refers to the smallest beam of satellite antenna’s radiation pattern?

 a. Global beam
 b. Zoom beam
 c. Spot beam
 d. Hemispheric beam

439. A region in front of a parabolic antenna

 a. Transmission zone
 b. Fraunhofer
 c. Fresnel
 d. All of these

440. An antenna that can only receive a television signal.

 a. Isotropic antenna
 b. Reference antenna
 c. TVRO
 d. Yagi antenna

441. Radiation pattern of a discone

 a. Figure of eight
 b. Bi-directional
 c. Omnidirectional
 d. Unidirectional

442. Radio wave concentration in the direction of the signal emitted by a directional antenna.

 a. Back lobe radiation

 b. Transmitted signal
 c. Side lobe radiation
 d. Major lobe radiation

443. The reflector and director of an antenna array are considered as:

 a. Transcendental elements
 b. Feed-points
 c. Driven elements
 d. Parasitic elements

444. An electronic equipment used to measure standing wave ratio:

 a. Altimeter
 b. Multimeter
 c. Reflectometer
 d. Wavemeter

445. The product of the power supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole
in a given direction.

 a. Rated power
 b. ERP
 c. Peak envelope power
 d. Carrier power

446. What makes an antenna physically long electronically short?

 a. Adding C in series
 b. Top loading
 c. Adding L in series
 d. All of these
447. The capture area of an antenna is directly proportional to the

 a. Distance between transmitter and receiver

 b. Power density of the signal
 c. Gain of the antenna
 d. Frequency of the received signal

448. A type of an undergrounded antenna is a/an ________________.

 a. Hertz
 b. Isotropic
 c. Parabolic
 d. Marconi

449. What is meant by antenna gain?

 a. The ratio of the signal in the forward direction to the signal in the backward direction
 b. The ratio of the amount of power produced by the antenna compared to the output
power of the transmitter
 c. The final amplifier gain minus the transmission line losses (including any phasing lines
 d. The numeric ratio relating the radiated signal strength of an antenna to that of another

450. It consists of a number of dipoles of equal size, equally spaces along a straight line with all
dipoles fed in the same phase from the same source.

 a. End-fire array
 b. Yagi antenna
 c. Log-periodic antenna
 d. Broadside array

451. A type of array antenna which consists of one half-wave driven dipole, one reflector and
one director.

 a. Log periodic dipole array

 b. Yagi-uda
 c. Herztian dipole
 d. Broadside collinear

452. It is measure of the microwave power radiated from an antenna as a function of angular
direction from the antenna axis.

 a. Polarization
 b. Sidelobes
 c. Beamwidth
 d. Antenna pattern

453. What is the gain of four identically polarized antennas stacked one above the other fed in

 a. 4 dB over the gain of one antenna

 b. 10 dB over the gain of one antenna
 c. 3 dB over the gain of one antenna
 d. 6 dB over the gain of one antenna

454. Gain of an isotropic antenna.

 a. 1 dB
 b. -1 dB
 c. 0 dB
 d. 2 dB

455. A dipole antenna requires to be fed with 20 kW of power to produce a given signal strength
to a particular distant point. If the addition of a reflector makes the same field strength available
with an input power of 11 kW, what is the gain in dB obtained by the use of the reflector? (Gain
referred to this particular dipole)

 a. 4. 75
 b. 1.81
 c. 4.24
 d. 2.6

456. Top loading is used in an antenna in order to increase its __________________.

 a. Bandwidth
 b. Beamwidth
 c. Input capacitance
 d. Effective height

457. A horizontal antenna is

 a. Perpendicularly polarized
 b. Centrally polarized
 c. Horizontally polarized
 d. Vertically polarized

458. The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to length of 3.4 m.

 a. 42.9 MHz
 b. 53.3 MHZ
 c. 38.5 MHz
 d. 61.3 MHz

459. Two or more antennas separated by 9 wavelengths are used.

 a. Frequency diversity
 b. Space diversity
 c. Hybrid diversity
 d. Polarized diversity

460. A convenient method of determining antenna impedance.

 a. Trial and error

 b. Stub matching
 c. Smith chart
 d. Reactance circle

461. Width measured in degrees of a major lobe between end of the lobe at which the relative
power is one half (-3 dB) its value from the peak of the lobe.

 a. Radiation
 b. Wavelength
 c. Bandwidth
 d. Beamwidth

462. An increase in the effective power radiated by an antenna in a certain desired direction at
the expense of power radiated in other directions.

 a. Antenna gain
 b. Antenna efficiency
 c. Antenna total ratio
 d. Antenna back lobe ratio

463. Where does the maximum current and minimum voltage value on a resonant Hertz dipole

 a. Center of the antenna

 b. Ends of the antenna
 c. Near the center of the antenna
 d. Near the end of the antenna

464. How can the antenna efficiency of a HF grounded vertical antenna be made comparable to
that of a half-wave antenna?

 a. By isolating the coax shield from ground

 b. By installing a good ground radial system
 c. By shortening the vertical
 d. By isolating the coax shield from ground

465. Known as the technique for adding a series inductor at or near the center of an antenna
element in order to cancel the capacitive reactance of an antenna.

 a. Reflector
 b. Center loading
 c. Dipole
 d. Loading coil

466. What is meant by the term antenna bandwidth?

 a. The angle between the half-power radiation points

 b. The angle formed between two imaginary lines drawn through the ends of the elements
 c. The frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to perform well
 d. Antenna length divided by the number of elements

467. Where does the voltage node of a half-wave antenna exist?

 a. At feed point
 b. Near the feed point
 c. Near the center
 d. At center

468. This is a flexible vertical rod antenna commonly used on mobiles.

 a. Hertz
 b. Ground plane
 c. Whip
 d. Marconi

469. What is a dummy antenna?

 a. A non-directional transmitting antenna

 b. An antenna used for hand-held ratio
 c. One which is used as a reference for gain measurements
 d. A non-radiating load for a transmitter used for testing

470. Best description of a collinear and broadside antenna radiation pattern.

 a. Bidirectional
 b. Omnidirectional
 c. Unidirectional
 d. Perfect circle

471. What is a driven element of an antenna?

 a. Always the forward most element

 b. Always the rearmost element
 c. The element fed by the transmission line
 d. The element connected to the rotator

472. Antenna which is not properly terminated

 a. Whip
 b. Non-resonant
 c. Isotropic
 d. Resonant

473. At the ends of a half-wave antenna, what values of current and voltage exist compared to
the remainder of the antenna?

 a. Minimum voltage and maximum current

 b. Maximum voltage and minimum current
 c. Minimum voltage and minimum current
 d. Equal voltage and current

474. Refers to a type of beam antenna which uses two or more straight elements arranged in line
with each other.

 a. Whip antenna
 b. Yagi antenna
 c. Rhombic antenna
 d. Dipole antenna

475. What is meant by the term radiation resistance for an antenna?

 a. Losses in the antenna elements and feed line

 b. An equivalent resistance that would dissipate the same amount of power as that
radiated from an antenna
 c. The resistance in the trap coils to received signal
 d. The specific impedance of the antenna

476. Which of the following parts of the radio receiver represents the component that extracts the
desired RF signal from the electromagnetic wave?

 a. Detector
 b. Antenna
 c. Crystal
 d. AF amplifier

477. Determine the dB of a receiving antenna which delivers a microvolt signal to a transmission
line over that of an antenna that delivers a 20 microvolt signal under identical circumstances.

 a. -26 dB
 b. 26 dB
 c. 3 dB
 d. 10 dB

478. What is the term for the ratio of the radiation resistance of an antenna to the total resistance
of the system?

 a. Antenna efficiency
 b. Radiation conversion loss
 c. Beamwidth
 d. Effective radiated power

479. One of the following prevents a transmitter from emitting a signal that interferes with other
station on frequency during the test.

 a. Use of shielded antenna radiator

 b. Use of low height antenna
 c. Use of dummy antenna
 d. Use of grounded antenna

480. In high frequency radio transmission, the lower the radio frequency the _______________
of the antenna.

 a. Longer the length

 b. Bigger the diameter
 c. Shorter length
 d. Smaller the diameter

481. Which of the following antenna where its beamwidth is determined by the dimensions of its
lens or reflector?
 a. Whip antenna
 b. Aperiodic antenna
 c. Aperture antenna
 d. Long wire antenna

482. What measure will you adopt on the antenna system of a VHF or UHF mobile transceivers
that has very low height antenna?

 a. Increase transmitter to antenna cable

 b. Use directional antenna
 c. Check grounding system
 d. Provide loading coil

483. In order to have an effective radio antenna, the design of its radiator must have a minimum
length equivalent to ________________.

 a. λ/10
 b. λ/4
 c. λ/14
 d. λ/6

484. What is a parasitic element of an antenna?

 a. An element dependent on the antenna structure for support.

 b. A transmission line that radiates radio-frequency energy.
 c. An element that receives its excitation from mutual coupling rather than from a
transmission line.
 d. An element-polarized 90 degrees opposite the driven element.

485. At what position does a maritime ship main antenna have when it is open circuited and that
any auxiliary is/are connected to the main receiver?

 a. AA
 b. Emergency transmitter
 c. Direction finder
 d. Ground
486. Due to the presence of parallel LC networks in the trap antenna, one of the following is a
disadvantage of using this kind of antenna.

 a. Radiate harmonics
 b. Reduce power
 c. Reduce beamwidth
 d. Allow entry of interference

487. How do you compare the length of the reflector element of a parasitic beam antenna with
that of its driven element?

 a. Same length
 b. Reflector element is 5% longer
 c. Reflector element is half shorter
 d. Reflector element is 5% shorter

488. Which of the following statements refers to a reason why intelligence signal cannot be
transmitted directly on their frequency?

 a. Their frequencies are high and are susceptible to noise

 b. Their frequencies are high and need very large antennas
 c. Their frequencies are low and need very large antennas
 d. Their frequencies are low and need very small antennas

489. What is the purpose of a certain antenna component composed of a parallel LC networks
inserted in the antenna called traps?

 a. Cancel the capacitive reactance of an antenna

 b. Enhance directivity
 c. Produce resonant system at specific frequency
 d. Provide a multiband operation

490. Refers to the numerical ratio relating to the radiated signal strength of an antenna to that of
another antenna.

 a. Antenna loss
 b. Antenna gain
 c. Antenna bandwidth
 d. Antenna efficiency

491. How much longer or shorter does the length of the director element of parasitic beam
antenna compared with that of the driven element?

 a. About 5% shorter
 b. Around 10% longer
 c. One half longer
 d. Around 5% longer

492. Refers to the ratio of radiated to reflected energy.

 a. Front-to-back ratio
 b. Antenna efficiency
 c. Radiation efficiency
 d. Signal-to-noise ratio

493. A half-wave dipole antenna

 a. Hertz
 b. Marconi
 c. Parabolic
 d. Vertical monopole

494. When conductors are spread out in a straight line to a total length of one-quarter
wavelength, the antenna is called what?

 a. Marconi
 b. Vertical monopole
 c. Quarter-wave dipole
 d. All of these

495. What do you call of a polar diagram or graph representing field strengths or power densities
at various angular positions relative to an antenna?

 a. Venn diagram
 b. Figure-8 pattern
 c. Lissajous figure
 d. Radiation pattern

496. ________________ is the ratio of the front lobe power to the back lobe power.

 a. Front-to-side ratio
 b. Front-to-back ratio
 c. Back-to-front ratio
 d. Minor-to-major ratio
497. It is defined as the area within a distance D2/λ from the antenna, where λ is the wavelength
and D is the antenna diameter in the same units.
 a. Far field
 b. Near field
 c. Green field
 d. Radiation field

498. What is the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the total input power?

 a. Power gain
 b. Directive gain
 c. Antenna efficiency
 d. Radiation efficiency

499. _________________ of an antenna refers to the orientation of the electric field radiated
from it.

 a. Radiation
 b. Bandwidth
 c. Beamwidth
 d. Polarization

500. Pertains to a wire structure placed below the antenna and erected above the ground. It is a
form of capacitive ground system.

 a. Image
 b. Counterpoise
 c. Antenna orientation
 d. Antenna polarization

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